2 December 2011 Meeting of the Council Monday, 12 December 2011 at 6.30 pm Council Chamber, Town Hall, Warrington Diana Terris Chief Executive _______________________________________________________________ Agenda prepared by Sharon Parker, Councillor Services Manager – Telephone: (01925) 442161, Fax: (01925) 442014, Email [email protected] _______________________________________________________________ (Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Mayor's Officiator will speak) There will be a minute’s silence in respect of the former Rector of Warrington, Reverend Canon J Colling following his recent death. 1. Apologies 2. The Minutes of the Council To be moved by the Mayor and seconded by the Deputy Mayor: That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 31 October 2011 be agreed as a correct record. 3. Result of the By Election Poulton North- 17 November 2011 Surname First name Description Votes received ASHINGTON James UKIP 79 BRADSHAW Sandra Joan Liberal Democrat 776- ELECTED CHAPMAN Mark Conservative 147 LINES- ROWLANDS Billy Labour 733 Turnout was 19.78% and two papers were rejected. 4. Code of Conduct – Declarations of Interest Members are reminded that they should orally declare personal/prejudicial interests, that they have in any matter or item to be considered at the meeting, including interests relating to the receipt of any relevant gifts or hospitality received within the preceding three years. Please refer to the specific requirements of the Code of Conduct regarding the need to declare interests, the timing of such declarations and exemptions. The Solicitor to the Council or representatives in Democratic and Member Services are available prior to the meeting to advise and/or to receive details of the interest and the item to which it relates. Declarations are a personal matter for each Member to decide. Whilst officers will advise on the Code and its interpretation, the decision to declare, or not, is the responsibility of the Member based on the particular circumstances. 5. The Mayor's Civic Announcements 6. The Leader’s Announcements 7. The Chief Executive's Announcements 8. Questions Received from Members of the Public In accordance with Standing Order 13.11-13.24 questions from the public must be received by the Head of Democratic and Member Services by 12 noon on Monday 5 December 2011. No more than 3 questions shall be addressed and no person or body or organisation may submit more than 1 question at any one meeting. A time limit of five minutes shall apply per question to cover the asking of the question, the response and any supplementary question and response. Responses will be given either orally or in writing. The Mayor will invite the questioner to put the question to the Councillor nominated to answer it. The Mayor may receive 1 supplementary question, which must be related to the original question. Should any questions be received after the date of agenda issue but prior to the closing date for receipt of questions further details will be provided. 9. To Receive Reports from the Executive Board & the Council’s Committees 9.1 Street Trading Report of the Licensing Committee 9.2 Introduction of a Revised Procedure for Development Management Report of the Environment and Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee. 9.3 Cheshire and Merseyside Vascular Services Review Report of Health and Well-Being Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 10. Questions from Members of the Council In accordance with Standing Order 13.1 – 13.10 Questions must be received by the Head of Democratic and Member Services, in writing by 5.00pm on Tuesday 6 December 2011. The time allowed at Council meetings for asking and responding to a question including any supplementary questions should normally be five minutes. Should any questions be received after the date of agenda issue but prior to the closing date for receipt of questions further details will be provided. 11. Motions In accordance with Standing Order 15, motions must be delivered to the Head of Democratic and Member Services by 9.30am on Friday, 2 December 2011. Should any additional motions be received after the date of agenda issue but prior to the closing date for receipt of motions further details will be provided. Motion 1 Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge Proposed by Cllr Bob Barr Seconded by Cllr Sandra Bradshaw This Council • Notes the Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge which aims to safeguard hundreds of outdoor recreational spaces in perpetuity for future generations in celebration of the Diamond Jubilee and as a permanent tribute to Queen Elizabeth II • Regrets that this Council has not put forward any recreational spaces for the Challenge • Requests that Peel Hall Park and other appropriate sites are put forward as candidates for the Challenge as a way of improving our Parks and safeguarding them against development Motion 2 Proposer: Cllr Lottie Ladbury Seconded: Cllr Tony Higgins This Council opposes the Government's 2011 Health and Social Care Bill on the grounds that this will further marginalise and negatively affect the most vulnerable people in our town, with cuts to services and provision upon which Warrington people rely. Motion 3 Proposer: Cllr David Keane Seconder: Cllr Russ Bowden This Council welcomes and supports the UK-wide campaign to end "legal loan sharking". This Council believes that the lack of access to affordable credit is socially and economically damaging. Unaffordable credit extracts wealth from the most deprived communities and has direct links to devastating outcomes such as poorer diets, colder homes, depression, poor health and arrears with rent, Council tax and utility bills. This Council believes that we should protect the public through the promotion of financial literacy and by supporting affordable lending schemes that will strengthen communities and retain wealth in our local economy. We should promote the excellent work of credit unions across Warrington and encourage them to work together to encourage saving and to widen access to viable, ethical and affordable credit. This Council believes that the Government should take responsibility and ensure the provision of affordable credit for all. We call on the Government to introduce caps on the interest rates that can be charged for credit and to provide the necessary powers to tackle credit providers that have a negative economic and social impact on those most at risk in our communities. 12. Appointments to Independent Remuneration Panel Report of Cllr H Patel, Executive Board Member – Personnel and Communications. 13. 2011/12 Treasury Management Strategy Half Year Review. Report of Chief Officer 14. Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places Report of Chief Executive. 15. Appointments to Committees Council is asked to give consideration to the following matters relating to appointments to committees: (1) The following vacancies remain vacant following the resignation of former Councillor S Wilson and the death of former Councillor C Oliver: 1 Vacancy - Economy and Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee 1 Vacancy – Licensing Committee If you would like this information provided in another language or format, including large print, Braille, audio or British Sign Language, please call 01925 443322 or ask at the reception desk in Contact Warrington, Horsemarket Street, Warrington. MEETING OF THE COUNCIL 31 October 2011 Present: The Mayor (Councillor M Biggin) In the Chair Councillors: B Axcell, R Barr, K Bennett, K Bland, S Bland, R Bowden, P Bretherton, B Brinksman, P Campbell, P Carey, J Carter, J Davidson, L Dirir, S Dodd, D Earl, C Fitzsimmons, G Friend, C Froggatt, K Gleave, K Hannon, M F Hannon, A Higgins, L Hoyle, W Johnson, C Jordan, J Joyce, D Keane, P Kennedy, J Kerr-Brown, L Ladbury, B Maher, A McCarthy, M McLaughlin, H J Mundry, P Nelson, T P O’Neill, S Parish, D Price, H Patel, F Rashid, K Reynolds, J Richards, S Roberts, G Settle, K Simcock, E Smith, E Welborn, G Welborn, T Wood, S Woodyatt, P Wright, S Wright. C 43 Apologies Apologies were received from Councillors I Marks, J Walker and P Walker. C 44 Code of Conduct – Declarations of Interest Nil. C 45 The Minutes of the Council Resolved, That the Minutes of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Meetings of the Council held on 5 September and 27 June 2011 be signed by the Mayor as a correct record. C 46 The Mayor’s Announcements Before the Mayor presented his announcements he extended his deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Lois Preston, the former Great Sankey High School pupil who had died so tragically at the weekend. The Mayor had fulfilled just over sixty engagements since the last Council meeting and recognised that each engagement was important and offered a brief summary of them as follows: • the end of season presentation evening at the Halliwell Jones Stadium which had been a glittering event celebrating the achievements of individuals and the team over the past season. • the awards ceremony for the Warrington Disability Partnership and to celebrate the outstanding achievements of the organisation which had now gained international recognition. • Heritage trail as part of Heritage Day in Warrington and hoped that more significance could be attached to this in future years to celebrate Warrington’s rich history. 1 • on 14 September 2011 many people had attended the funeral of the late Colin Oliver and it was a true mark of the esteem in which Colin was held that his funeral was attended by so many significant officers from Cheshire Fire and Police Authorities, Grenadier Guards and the Council and also by so many of the local people who knew and loved Colin. It was a very appropriate tribute. • Guardian Business awards at The Park Royal and thoroughly enjoyed the evening in the company of Christine and Neil Hamilton and also Councillor O’Neill. Warrington Borough Transport picked up another award and the Mayor congratulated them and all who were nominated.
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