THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATUKDAY, JUNE 2, 1917. BOISE LAMER IS 'CI HIT iPPiMP'IP'I'rl --last times Read Thi HOSPITAL SUICIDE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiii iiiniiiiiiiiiiiimii today-- T-- . ( 2 C. H. Lingenfelter, One Time n The greatest Federal District Attorney, screen's treat V, 4 'v: J U Uses Rope to End Life. J. D v MARY f LOSS OF EYESIGHT FEARED I ' - ' u 'WITHIN THE LAW - , . 4 TTlfe's Recent Death Also Supposed PICKFORD v ,"vr - n FILM BIG SUCCESS to Have Contributed to Peter ruination to Die;Body Drops In a delightful stirring story When Rope Breaks. Screen Version of Legitimate Piay , of the days of '49 Given First Public Showing at the Broadway Theater. Cuts H- - Lingenfelter, an attorney of Boise and States Attorney for the district of Idaho, committed omance suicide at 3 o'clock yesterday morning PERSONAL TRIUMPn FOR CAST at the Portland Medical Hsopltal by hanging- himself from the window of his room. He left the following note of the on his dresser, scrawled in an almost -- unintelligible hand: tfy; i 1 Alice Joyce and Harry Morey Sap-- "I do this because my eyesight is i:h u ported by Strong Company, While failing. C. H. L." Redwoods Setting; Is Termed Lavish. Ine note was written In pencil on the J- - - 1 address side of a letter he had Just I received from his daughter in Boise Tj- It's her greatest picture bearing- the date of May 27. A film version of "Within the Law." Mr. Lingenfelter had fastened his the town. Enjoy one of the greatest stage successes of trunk rope securely around the radia- talk of the recent years, was given its first public tor In his room and bad then apparent- it today at Portland's popu- showing last, night at the Broadway ly let himself out to the end of the Theater, and from all Indications would rope, strangling to death. His body v lar seem about to duplicate its former pop was discovered by the night nurse on rr X ularity. The Vltagraph Company has the first floor of the hospital. Miss provided an excellent production In set Edna Emsden. when she was called to ting, direction and cast. For Alice the room immediately below that occu- Morey personal pied by Mr. Lingenfelter. Joyce and Harry It is a ' t. triumph. Nurse DUcoven Body. 'f PEOPLES In risking a screen adaptation of The patient told Miss Emsden that v y1 ALDER AT WEST PARK this subject the producers have evi Bhe had heard a man scraping at the ' ' ' dently realized that they are In a window and thought It was a burglar. ' 10:30 A. M. to 11 P. M. Usual Prices measure bringing to an Issue the much Miss Emsden looked out the window I . disputed question as to whether the and found the body of Mr. Lingenfelter motion picture can pinch hit for the hanging Just above her head. The body, legitimate play, for the most careful she said, was not motionless when thought has apparently been put Into found, but Mr. Lingenfelter had ap- film. parently climbed to his death but a the before. Le Baron Ruaaell Brlgg. dean of the fac- Everything humanly possible has short time ulty of arts and edencaa of Harvard Unl-veral- ty done produce a technically MIbs Emsden called the night super- College; been to and Hol-com- and prealdent of Radcllffe re- intendent and she called Blair b, REED FROLIC STARTS conferring of decrees, college campua. MISSIONARY IS HERE artistically perfect picture. The a student of the University of If the day la fair, the ceremony will be sult is an entertainment which will Oregon medical school and the interne held out of doora. and will ba open to the take an immediate place among the at the hospital. He went to Mr. public. Seats will bs raaerved for gueata best of screen efforts. Restrained act- who hold vir- room and tried to pull the tlckata. ceremony ing and fine detail are the greatest body up,- - was so, In case of rain, the will be held tues of i but unable to do and In the college chapel and will be epea only the film. went for the Janitor, J. C. Peeger, for Students to Take River Trip, to gueata who have tickets. Elder Anderson, of South Af For "Within the Law" there is wait aid. 1 P. M. Alumni luncheon. ing throughout the country an audi- The two men went back and started 2 P. M. Meeting of the Read Collage ence which has already seen the orig- to pull the body up. When they had First Commencement Event. Alumni Aaaoolatlon. college grove. rica at Adventist Meeting. inal production or one of a large num pulled It but a few feet up the rope, 8:30 P. M. Tea on the lawn, given by ber of good road companies, and in sawing against the brick ledge, broke, the faculty to the college alumni, collage consequence the picturization will have and the body of Mr. Lingenfelter fell campua to iace one of tne strongest scrutinies ha-- 16 feet to the pavement below. to which a film 3 ever been sub- jected. The present production is In Mr. Holcomo telepboned to Miller & HARVARD DEAN TO SPEAK OFFICERS ARE ELECTED every way fitted to bear aearchlnir Tracey, undertakers, and they removed MARBLE PRICE REDUCED criticism. the body, but the Coroner was not no- A liberal use of leaders has in great tified of the suicide for several hours. part preserved the best lines of the Although the hospital attendants Work on Vista House to Be Started spoken piece, while scope TTirijPicKtor'd.rtmAT3om.a.tic& ofARz fZ&dwoods" camera the wider of firmly believe that life was extinct &SZ - Again With Cat In Bids. the has permitted a much more when the body of Mr. Lingenfelter was tit opi zs- 77Tz attei Monday Will Be Class Day When President of World Conference of elaborate exposition of the story of found, the Coroner will conduct an ex- Mary Turner. Her undeserved Impris- Games of All Kinds, . Dances Denomination Arrives In Fort-lan- d onment, and the steps which lead her amination to discover If the suicide After a delay of several months the to fight the law with its own weapons, , might have been avoided. The failure ment alone. The greater part of this by Co-e- ds and Other Numbers County Commissioners are now looking Wednesday From Tour merely touched upon on the stage, are of the hospital attendants properly to tremendous pictorial output is sent to early completion of the given in full, together with a hundred notify the Coroner Is due, hospital at- TODAY'S FILM FEATURES newspaper editors In the Udted States Will Be Held on Campus. forward to the In China and Japan. other details excluded bv the limita- tendants say, to a lack of knowledge Columbia Pauline Frederick. and In Europe, but hundreds of photo- marble superstructure of the Vista tions of the theater. The climax of that such was necessary. Their failure "Sleeping Fires." graphs are also sent dally to "admiring House, at Crown Point, on the Colum- the scene in Ullder'a house has been has to much Reed College will retained with all its imprevslvenesa. led criticism. Sunset Douglas Fairbanks, fans." celebrate the bia Highway. At the closing business session of Alice Joyce, the last of the Mary Mr. Lingenfelter was a sufferer from "American Aristocracy." graduation of Its senior class with four This immediate action seems assured the Seventh-da- y Adventist conference, Turners, has done full Hol-com- b, days Justice to her neurasthenia and, according to Mr. Helllg "Intolerance." of commencement affairs, begin in the receipt by the Board yesterday which Is conducted In connection with role, and has the support of a more had frequently asked If the Peoples Mary Plckford, "A Ro- Fairbanks vs. Triangle. ning with River day today and ending of offer from Schanen & campmeetlng now In ses than adequate cast. Harry Morey is "nerves dug out the eyes." When last mance of the Redwoods." with the formal commenoement exei a written their annual seen in the character of Joe 6. Blair that they will furftiBh the sion, the following officers were elect Garson. seen, at 10:30 P. M. Thursday. Mr. Lin- Star Alice Brady, "The Dancer's Douglas' Fairbanks and the Triangle clses Tuesday, June marble at a cost not to exceed (9000. and the lively part of Aggie Lynch is genfelter was in the best of spirits and Peril"; "Mystery of the Dou- Film Corporation seem due to enter a River day is one of the biggest and ed for the ensuing year: entrusted to Adele de Garde. The This firm filed with the board a certi- vlce-pre- setting is lavish asserted that he felt better than he ble Cross." most Joyous affairs of the college year. President. H. W. Cottrell; sl and the. photography had since going to hospital. Essanay more a. steamer Is to fied check for fSOO. beautiful. N. Y. Telegra-ph- the He Majestic June Caprice, "A Small I Charlie Chaplin and than chartered take the some ago dent and secretary. H. G. Thurston entertained a number of friends Thurs- Town Girl." a year ago.'' students, faculty and their friends up The board time called for day some- bids for the marble. The lowest bid treasurer, C. E. Olcott; executive com afternoon and took a walk around Globe Theda Bara. "The Dar- the Columbia to a landing point $18,000 time W.
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