Relating to district courts. To authorize the withdrawal of appeals in criminal cases. To punish the wilful obstruction of fire-engines. To change the times of holding the terms of the superior court in the county of Dukes County. To amend chapter 133 of the General Statutes, concern- ing the exemption of personal property from execution. The report on the petition of Alfred Williams was Alfred wn- taken from the table and placed in the orders of the day llams' for Tuesday. Adjourned. TUESDAY, March 3, 1874. Met according to adjournment. The journal of Saturday was read. Mr. Stickney, from the committee on the Treasury, on Medway. the Resolve to furnish certain books to the town of Med- way; and Mr. Fitz, from the same committee, on the Resolve in ciarissa Adams, favor of Clarissa Adams ; and Mr. Lane, from the same committee, on the Resolve 111 BenjaminF. favor of Benjamin F. Sweetser, severally reported that bv'c'ct3L'r- said Resolves ought to pass ; and they were ordered to a second reading. Mr. Aiken, from the committee on the Judiciary, on cierks of courts, the bill concerning the salaries of the clerks of the courts for the several counties ; and Mr. Norcross, from the same committee, on the bill to Board of regis- establish the board of registrars of voters of the city of Boston, and to regulate the preparation and revision of the voting lists in said city, severally reported the same without amendment; and they were ordered to a second reading. Mr. Aiken, from said committee, on the bill to establish p£™rtof the salary of the clerk of the police court of Fitchburg, reported that the same ought to pass; and it was referred under the rule to the committee on the Treasury. Mr. Dwelley, from the committee on Agriculture, on Tame doves, the bill to prevent the taking of tame doves by snares, traps or otherwise, reported that the same ought not to pass; and it was placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow on the question of rejection, securities of the Mr Lane, from the joint special committee appointed Commonwealth. tQ examine the seCurities in the hands of the Treasurer of the Commonwealth, reported that they had attended to the duty assigned them, and had found said securities, moneys, notes, bonds and stocks to agree with the schedule thereof; and the report was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Cambridge and Mr. Parmenter presented a petition of Benjamin Pierce Boston. and others; and A petition of James D. Green and others, for the annex- ation of Cambridge to Boston. James G-reen- Mr. Merrill presented a remonstrance of H. Collins and ough et als. others, against the petition of James Greenough and others; and Ib. Mr. Hayes presented a petition of George Griggs and others, in aid of said petition. Severally referred to the committee on Towns. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. On motion of Mr. Hayes,— Sales of land hy Ordered, That the committee on Probate and Chancery guardians. consider the expediency of amending section 38 of chapter 102 of the General Statutes, and that it shall not apply in cases where the habitation or residence is without the Commonwealth. juvenile offend- Mr. Verry, from the committee on the Judiciary, reported the'House bill relating to the jurisdiction of trial justices of juvenile offenders in Suffolk County, without amendment; and the same was ordered to a second read- ing. Papers from the House. Bills. Bills, To incorporate the Prince Society (on the petition of John Ward Dean and others) ; To extend the charter of the Barnstable County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and to authorize the same to hold real estate (on the petition of the same), were sever- ally read and ordered to a second reading. A bill concerning the breaking and entering of railroad cars was read and referred to the committee on the Judiciary. The annual report of the liquor Commissioner was Liquor eommis- referred to the committee on the Liquor Law. SIonor" The annual report of the commissioner of the Mystic Mystic River River Corporation was referred to the committee on Co]roratlon- Harbors. Severally in concurrence. The report of the committee on Mercantile Affairs, Henry R. Sibley granting leave to withdraw on the petition of Henry R. et al8' Sibley and others, was read and placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow. The order relative to amendment of the Act of 1855, oj^M-Pond concerning the fisheries in Oyster Pond River in Fal- mouth, mouth, came up non-concurred ; and the same was laid on the table. Thayer A petition of F. A. Thayer and others, for a change of ft'^ name of the town of North Bridgewater, was referred to L the committee on Towns. A petition of S. W. Houghton and others, for amend- ®-XHou8hton ment of the statutes in relation to the taxation of mort- gaged property, was referred to the joint special commit- tee on Just and Equal Taxation. Br0WQ A petition of John Brown and others, for the establish- ;^"s ment of a system of state and municipal insurance, was referred to the committee on Insurance. A remonstrance of Columbus Corey and others, against James R. Fiiie- the petition of James R. Fillebrown and others, was bluwllL'tali" referred to the committee on Roads and Bridges. Severally in concurrence. The bill in relation to indorsers of promissory notes indorse™ of was taken from the table and placed in the orders of the {¡oteT8ory day for to-morrow. The orders of the day were taken up, and the bills, Bills- In addition to an Act incorporating the Boston Gas- Light Company ; To unite the American Education Society and the Soci- ety for the Promotion of Collegiate and Theological Edu- cation ; In addition to an Act to incorporate the Episcopal Church in Dedham ; and The Resolve in favor of Chester C. Conant, were sever- ally read a second time and ordered to a third reading. Alfred wu- The report 011 the petition of Alfred Williams was recommitted to the committee on the Judiciary. Biiu enacted The following engrossed lulls (the first two of which t^Gftovernorr.e originated in the Senate) passed to be enacted and were laid before the Governor for his approval, to wit:— To increase the capital stock of the Nantucket and Cape Cod Steamboat Company. To amend an Act to incorporate the Warren Cotton Mills. To increase the salary of the clerk of the courts for Plymouth County. To provide for the custody and examination of the opinions of the supreme judicial courts before their publi- cation in the reports. Adjourned. WEDNESDAY, March 4, 1874. Met according to adjournment. The journal of yesterday was read. Dnxhury and Mr. White, from the committee on Railways, to whom Cobasset Rail- road Co. was recommitted the bill to extend the time for locating and constructing the Duxbury and Cohasset Railroad, and concerning its annual meeting, reported the same in a new draft; and the same was read three times, under a sus- pension of the rule, and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. William II. Mr. Stickney, from the committee on the Treasury, Hammond. reported the Resolve in favor of William H. Hammond without amendment; and the same was ordered to a second reading. On motion of Mr. Salmon,— Tolls in the Ordered, That the joint special committee on Just and Commonwealth. Equal Taxation be requested to consider and report upon the expediency of determining a ratable value of polls in this Commonwealth, for the purpose of taxation. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Mr. Jacobs offered the following order, which was read and laid on the table :— Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary lie in- District courts, structed to report a bill to establish district courts in the several counties of the Commonwealth, which shall embrace the several towns and cities therein ; and said committee are hereby authorized to report in print. Mr. Bancroft presented a remonstrance of J. "Warren Registry of Bigelow and others, against the establishment of a registry em wor^t»." of deeds in the northern district of Worcester County. Referred to the committee on the Judiciary. Papers from the House. The Senate bill to authorize the Metropolitan Railroad ^¿^¿c™ Company to increase its capital stock and issue bonds, came up concurred, with certain amendments, which were adopted in concurrence. A Resolve in favor of Robert S. Rantoul was read and Roberts.Kan- referred to the committee on the Treasury. Reports, granting leave to withdraw, of the committee Reports, on Mercantile Affairs, on the petitions of Julius Wittig and others ; and William Schroeder and others ; and A report of the committee on Railways, that it is inex- pedient to legislate on the order relative to authorizing railroad companies to pledge their credit to those of other States, were severally read and placed in the orders of the clay for to-morrow. Petitions of Female suffrage. H. M. Walker and others ; Mrs. E. Matthews and others ; George Mixter and others ; Mrs. Chloe Mixter and others ; and Calvin E. Park and others, severally that the right of suffrage may be granted to women, were severally referred the committee on that subject. A remonstrance of John O. Slocum and others, against GEORGE B. RICH- the petition of George B. Richmond and others, was™0" cta"' referred to the committee on the Fisheries. A remonstrance of Jonathan Stone and others, against Harvard the sale of Harvard Chapel in Charlestown, was referred Chape1' to the committee on Parishes and Religious Societies.
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