Senior Citizen Project Tenants Move In SEE STORY BELOW Cloudy and Mild FINAL Mild with chance of showers THEDMLY today. Clearing, colder to- night. Sunny and cool tomor- Red Bank, Freehold row, ' "' Long Branch EDITION (Be» Sttalla, Pat* 31 7 Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 196 RED BANK, N J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1969 26 PAGES 10 CENTS Ike 9s Body Arrives Home ABILENE, Kan. (AP) - tle freight station in Abilene. rope barricades guarded by car, the Santa Fe, in which Americans who made him its way into the Midwest from The body of Dwight D. Ei- Here, the man who com- troops as the funeral train Mrs. Eisenhower and other their leader — were expected. the three-day .state funeral in senhower came home today, manded the mighty Allied entered Abilene. members of the family had Tight security measures the nation's capital. to be honored and buried in war machine to victory in The sun beamed over the ridden from Washington. were in force. Manhole cov- There were no railside cer- the heart of the land he loved. Europe and was honored by top of a tall grain elevator, The placid town of Abilene ers and sidewalk elevators in emonies, at the family's re- The long and melancholy his countrymen with its presi- and skies were clear. — once the end of the trail front of' the little stores of journey from the nation's dency in peacetime, would be Nobody talked, All eyes for cowpokes herding their downtown Abilene were quest. Nevertheless, a train capitol across half the conti- entombed beneath the floor of were on the train as military cattle from Texas to the sealed along the route of the that had been scheduled to nent to the town of his youth, a tiny chapel near the Eisen- personnel and Secret Service- Great Plains — resembled an stately, 45-minute military pull into the little freight de- ended at 6:57 a.m. as the hower Library. men descended to a concrete armed camp as the Army procession. pot by midnight was delayed train bearing the general's Several hundred residents of, ramp. prepared for the final salute. Thousands of Americans until dawn. body and his loved ones slid the former president's home The window shades re- Up to 100,000 persons - came out to wave goodbye as to a gentle stop beside the lit- town. stood silently behind remained down on the last dignitaries and the ordinary the 12-unit funeral train made Unexpectedly, the general's 72-year-old widow and com- panion of more than 50 years, Mamie Doud Eisenhow- er, emerged from the train during a maintenance stop in St. Louis to speak briefly to Matawan Bars Apartments several hundred mourners. Standing on the rear plat- "EXPRESSIONS OF LOVE" — Mamie Eisenhower, MATAWAN — Opponents d that as the developer he must banned the type of construc- apartments alone would net but he doesn't like to face the form with her grandson Da- accompanied by grandson David, speaks briefly with furtlier garden apartment secure sewer easements. tion involved, the state Su- taxes of $192,105 per year, he music." vid, Mamie Eisenhower said building in the borough won "This is unlikely to happen, preme Court revoked the per- claimed. simply, "I am most grateful reporters last night as the late President's funeral their point last night when Council approved police pay since Mr, Kaye lacks the pow- mit," he said. After the ^ordinance was raises totaling about $8,000 for all the expressions of train is serviced in St. Louis. The former First Lady Borough Council adopted an er of eminent domain neces- Mr. Henderson presented adopted, Dr. Siss commented love." thanked the nation for "its expressions of love" fol- ordinance prohibiting new sary to take private land for and salary increases for bor- statistics allegedly showing that there had been "a lot of ough employes totaling $500 "I feel the same way," said lowing the death of President Eisenhower. garden apartment construc- public purpose," he added. that 40 residential homes poor planning in the past, but tion. "Only a municipality can do per full time worker. 21-year-old David, taking her (AP Wirephoto) costing $35,000 each on the now is the time to rectify it." Council appointed William hand. The vote was 4 to 2 witn this. No building permit has apartment site would produce Referring to Mayor Hyrne Councilmen Stevenson J. En- been issued and in similar only $12,449 in taxes per year, and his frequent absence J. Clifton of 136 Lower Main terline and Howard A. Hen- cases in other towns where while the apartments plus from council meetings, Dr. St. to the Zoning Board to fill derson casting negative votes. such a permit was granted the Levitt homes would bring Siss remarked that "our the vacancy created by the Councilmen George W. Con- and the governing body then in more than $400,000. The mayor likes to call the tune, death of John L, Tassini. nor, Lawrence J. Bucco, Council commended Re- Mine Toll 151-155 Richard H. Siss, and Stanley gional High and Lloyd Road C. Yacker voted for the School students for collecting BARROTERAN, Mexico "We are changing nothing When methane gas explod- measure. Mayor Edward E. $2,300 for aid to Biafra. (AP) — Rescue workers in our efforts. We are not ed and set off a two-hour fire Hyrne was absent. , Open Bids at Matawan Mr. Yacker announced the braved cave-ins, 100-degree stopping for a minute, even in the underground tunnels The ordinance was intro- annual Easter egg hunt will heat and poison gas as they though there is no life, until Monday afternoon, most of duced at the Feb. 5 meeting be held Saturday in Terhune dug deep today in a soft-coal every man is out." Barroteran's 8,000 population and was adopted then on first Park at 10 a.m. mine in which officials said Five or 10 mules also were converged on the mine en- reading by an identical vote. between 151 and 155 Mexican believed killed in the disas- trances. Troops had to hold Council granted permission them back. Before the vote, Red Bank For Two New Schools to the Matawan Jaycee-ettes miners were buried by an ex- ter, described by Gomez Sa- plosion two days ago. da, secretary of mining, as By yesterday grim resigna- attorney James H. Smith, re- MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - cardi Building and Construc- Iron Works, Jersey City, bid to replace defective equip- presenting developer Robert ment and plant new shrubs in Before dawn 23 bodies had the worst in Mexico's mining tion had set in. In special session last night, tion Co., Inc., Orange, $1,312,- $170,471, $83,766 and $254,237; history, (See MINE, Pg. 2, Col. 7) Kaye, who was granted a site the Regional Board of Educa- 395, $754,718 and $2,049,000; John MaHese Iron Works, Terhune Park. been recovered. Mine of- plan to build the 288- tion received bids for con- Mjehael Riesz & Co., Fords, Inc., bid $183,775, $75,000 and •• Council gave tentative ap- ficials said another 128 to 132 unit Poets Dream Apartments struction of its planned new $1,184,000, $704,000'and $1,- $228,000; Hudson Structural proval to a request by MCAP men were still trapped 450 off Rt. 79 in Freneau, labeled schools, Matawan Avenue 879,000; and Peter J. Saker, Iron Works, Inc., Jersey City, Neighborhood Service Center feet underground. It was gen- the ordinance "an attempt to Middle School and Cambridge Inc., Freehold, $1,312,283, no bid, $88,883 and no bid; of Keyport for $300 to send 30 erally believed all were dead. Vote Due Today spot zone that will be taken Park Elementary. $739,577 and $2,051,860. and Breen Iron Works, Inc., disadvantaged youths to sum- Seven experts of the U.S. to court." Bids were referred to the 47 Alternates Jersey City, no bid, $76,- mer day camp in Holmdel Bureau of Mines in Washing- In rebuttal, Yacker, also an board's architect for deter- Consideration of some 47 al- 330 and no bid. Park. ton are to reach this small attorney, said the site plan mination of the lowest respon- ternates will affect totals de- Here again, selection of al- Council received a letter mining town .later today to On Lottery Issue granted Mr. Kaye stipulated sible bidders. rived from base bids submit- ternates may decide the low from the Rev. Carroll B. Hall advise Mexican authorities on ted. bidder. of Trinity Episcopal Church faster removal of the dead TRENTON (AP) - The The lottery resolution was Eight bids were received state Assembly is scheduled approved last year by the for general construction: Seven bids were received 2 Plumbing Bids suggesting unused church and restoration of the shat- property at 73 Main St. be tered mine. to vote today on whether to Assembly, but it died in the Hope Fades Branciforte Builders, Inc., for structural steel and mis- Only two bids were re- put to New Jersey's voters Senate. It was approved last New Brunswick, bid $1,190,000 cellaneous iron. Vernon Fab- ceived on plumbing. The purchased for use by one of Juan Heitz, managing director of the Altos Hornos in November a proposal to week by the Republican cau- on the Matawan Avenue ricating Co., Inc., Robbins- Arkord Co., Hazlet, bid $232,- the fire, companies. establish a state lottery. For 6 On Mr. Connor announced be- de Mexico S.A.
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