GAZETTEER OF INDIA HARYANA KARNAL HARYANA DISTRICT GAZETTEERS KARNAL SUDARSHAN KUMAR & i. RAJ BAJAJ Editors HARYANA GAZETTEERS ORGANISATION REVENUE DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH (India) 1976 The Controller, Printing and Stationery, Haryana, Chandigarh (India) Printed by : Controller of Printing and Stationery, Government of Haryana, Chandigarh A District Gazetteer is the many-faceted compendium of information pertaining to a district. It is a multipurpose hand book dealing not merely with geographical data; it is essenti- ally a narration of the socio-economic changes which take place in the district. The book, therefore, concerns itself with the people and their environs viewed in the context of histori- cal change . Since the formation of Haryana, eight years back, pro- gress in this new State has been rapid. The entire socio-econo- mic pattern has been completely transformed and it can be said that within this period the State has achieved a break-through vitally affecting the welfare and prosperity of the people. The present book is an attempt to portray the all round progress made by the district since the last publication. I am thankful to Dr K.C. Khanna who revised the volume before its publication and, in particular, to the Chief Minister and the Revenue Minister for the support given by them to the Gazetteers staff. Chandigarh, S. D. Bhambri March 17, 1976. Chief Secretary and Financial Commissioner, Revenue, Haryana. The Gazetteer of Kamal is the second in the series of District Gazetteers which are being brought out by the Government of Haryana in collaboration with the Central Gazetteers Unit of the Government of India. The Gazetteer of the Kamal district was first published in 1883-84, then in 1892 and the last edition was out in 1918. Since then, momentous changes have occurred following the independence of the country and the resettlement of thousands of people from West Punjab in thi~ area. In particular, development has been phenomenal, after the formation of Haryana, in all spheres of socio-economic activity. The economy of the State has been transformed and spectacular results have been achiev- ed in the matter of rural electrification, road building prog- ramme, agricultural production, etc. The Gazetteer of Karnal gives an eloquent commentary on the political, social and economic reforms introduced after Independence and in particu Jar after the formation of Haryana. As such, this Gazetteer is not only a geographical lexicon but reflects the multiplicity of changes affecting the lives of the people. In January 1973, a separate district of Kurukshetra was carved out but the present volume gives an integrated picture of the erstwhile district of Kamal h:clud ~ ing the part which now forms Kurukshetra district. The Gazetteer lias been modelled on the pattern laid down by the District Gazetteers Unit of the Government of India. The production of this book has been a co-operative endeavour. The material was collected by the State Gazetters Unit with the help of field staff from various departm~nts, (ii ) Th e Cha pter on 'Histor y' was scrutinized by the late Dr Buddha Pra kash of Kurukshe tra Universit y. Dr K. C. Khanna ex- ami ned the ent ire man uscript with a view to editing and impr ov ing it . Dr P. N. Chopra , Ed ito r,Dis trict Gaz etteers Unit , Government of India, gave us seve ra] useful sug gestions to im pr ove the quality of th e public ation. After the tr ansfe r of Shri Sudarshan Kumar ,Editor durin g the middle of proj ect, Shri B. Raj Bajaj, Edi to r, handled th e assi gnment with compete nce. My than ks are due to all these esteem ed coll- abo ra to rs . Ch andi garh , v. P. Dhir, lAS, Mar ch 17 , 1976. State Ed it or Ga zettee rs and Deputy Se cretar y to Govern me nt, Harya na, Re ve nue Deptt. Loc ation , boundaries, are a and popul ati on Hi st ory of the di strict as an administra ti ve uni t Sub-division s, tahsils and than as Topog raph y Nat ur al dra inage Ri ver sys tem Geo logy Econo mic mine rals- 9 10 12 13 17-51 The ancient period 17 The medi eva l peri od 20 The modern period 37 Uprising of 1857,-44 , Growth of politi cal stru ggle -47 53-111 Popul at ion 53 Language 59 Religious lif~ 6Q Sup erstition s Fes ti va ls and fair s So cial lif e So cial grou ps -74, Joi nt family sys tem-77 , Inheritance-78, Marr ia ge cu stom s and mo ral s-80, Other rituals and cu stom s-86 , Position of wo men- 87 ViIlages-89 , Dwe ll ings, Furniture ar nd utensil s-8 9, Dress and orn ament s-9 2, Faod -93 Folk cultu re -95, Games and rec rea ti ons-99, Gener al- 101 Rehabilit atio n Intr oduction-l02 , Rura l rehab ilitation -l04, Agr icult uralla ans-l0 5, Ru ral housin g-l 05, Urba n re habi li tation -l0 6, Ho usin g sche mes-l 06, Small urban an d hou se buildi ng loans- l08, Payment of compensation-ll 0, Soci a-e con omic bl en d-II 0 Land Utilis ation 113 Irrig ation 118 Ca nal irrig ati on -120 , We ll irri gation- 128, Tank Irri ga ti on-131 ,Floo d-em bankments and margin al bun ds-1 32 Agri cultu re Soils-134 , crop s- 135, Fruit cro ps and ga rden s-1 40, Ag ric ult ur al implement s-141, Seed s-l 42 , Manu res and chem ica l fer tilizers - 144, Crop rotat ion -147 , Ag ricu ltura l pes ts and disea ses -14 8, Agri cul tur al co-ope rati ves- 150 Animal Hu sbandr y Cattle and buff \lloes -15 3, Sheep br ee di ng -l 57 Horses and ponies, do nkeys and mul es, po ultry farming and piggery-I58, Animal diseases and vet erinary hospitals -I 59, Dairy farming- I 60 Fisheries 161 Forestry 163 Natural calamities 166 Floods-I66, Famine-I69 Augmentation Canal Project 170(a) Haryana Milk Foods, Pehowa 17 0(c) 171-18 7 Old-time ind ustries 171 Government assistance to industries 173 Source of power 175 New ind ustries and ma nufactures 176 Large and medi um-sca le indu stries -I 76, Small -scale indus tr ies -I??, Cottage and village in dus tries-I8 0, Handicrafts -182, Agro-based industries- 182, Town-w ise distribution of industr ie s- 183 Industrial labour 184 Industrial co-ope rati ve s 186 189-204 Banki ng and finance 189 Indigenous banking-189, Co-operative credit-191, Joint -stock banks- I93, Small savings-194, Currency !l nd coinage-I96 Trade and Commerce Regulated markets-197, Fairs-200, Co-operation in trade-20!, Consumer co-opera tive stores -202, State trading-202, Storag e and wa rehousing-202, Weights and measures-203 205-227 Roads and roa d transpor t 206 Road s-206, Nationa l highways-2 07, State highways -207, District minor roads-209, Canal inspection roads-2IO, Road transport-2 10, Passenger transport.210 , Goods transport by road-2I8 Railways 218 Rail road competition 219 Waterways, ferries and bridges 219 Civil aviation 221 Tourist facilities 223 Posts, telegraphs and telephones 224 Wireless station 227 229-242 Public services 229 Defence services 230 Educational personnel 231 Medical profession 232 Legal profession 232 Engineering services 234 Transporters 235 Personal services 236 Domestic services 238 Self-employed persons 239 CHAPTER IX-ECONOMIC TRENDS 243-267 Growth of agriculture 243 Growth of industry 247 Employment situation 253 Prices and wages 256 Community development 264 269-280 Administrative divisions 269 District authorities 271 Development organisation 273 General arrangement for disposal of business 274 Elections ~. 275 District Committees 275 Other State and Central Government Officers 276 Police 278 Judiciary 278 281-319 History of the revenue administration '' 281 Special assessment on land put to non- agricultural use Collection of land revenue 289 Revenue administration and land records 292 Land revenue and special cesses 295 Land reforms 301 Other sources of revenue, State as well as Central 305 Police 333 Jails and lock-ups 338 Justice 340 Civil courts-340, Criminal courts-342, Revenue courts-344, Bar associations-344 Public Works Department 347 Haryana State Electricity Board 352 Co-operative Department 354 Department of Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes 356 Finance Department 356 Public Relations Department 357 Fire Fighting Department 358 Food and Supplies Department 358 Planning Department 359 National Savings Organisation 359 Language Department 361 Central Soil Salinity Research Institute 362 Food Corporation of India 363 Department of Town and Country Planning, Urban Estates and Colonization 364 Rural Electrification 365 (v i) CHAPTE R XIV-LOCAL GO VERNMENT 367-379 Histo ric al backgro und 367 Mun ic ip al committ ees: Ka rnal-3 68, Panipat- 369 , Kai th al- 37 0, Than es ar- 370, Shahab ad (Shahbad)-3 70,Peh owa -37 1, Ladwa- 371, Rada ur -37 1, Pu ndri-372, Gharau nda-372 , Nilu Kh eri (Ni lo Kheri) Noti fi ed Ar ea Co mmit tee-372 Town pl an ning 372 Panchayati Raj 373 Panch ayats-3 75, Pan chayat Sami tis-3 76, Zila Pari shad -378 381-411 Hi stori ca l backg round 381 Edu ca tion of women 383 Educ ation al set-up 384 Educ ation (gen eral) 385 Pro fess io nal and technic al education 397 Med ical education- 400, Te achers ' trainin g-400, Techn ical educa tion-402 Education of the handic apped 406 Gurukul educ ation 406 Nation al Fitnes s Corps 407 National Cadet Corp s 408 Sports 408 Libraries and museums 409 Vijn an Mandir , Nilu Kheri (Nilo Kheri) 410 CHAPT ERXVI-M EDICAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES Medical and he alth services 414 Dise ases common to the di strict 420 Vi ta l st ati stics 426 Pr eve ntive mea sures to promote public health 428 General 435 (vii) CHAPT ER XV II ..OTHE R SOCI AL SE RV ICES 437 -453 Labo ur we lfa re 437 Labour legis lation-438, Subsidized Industrial Hous ing Scheme-440, Emp loy ees ' Provident
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