CENSUS OF INDIA, 1961 VOLUME IX MA DRAS J?1\RT X-VIIi DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK MADURAI Vol. II P. K. NAMBIAR OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE SUPBRINTENDENT OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, MADRAS 1965 Price Rs. 12-00 This is the second part of the District Census HandboQ!c on' Madurai containing the following statistical information- 1 Village Directory 2 Official Statiitics 3 Gazetteer of Place Names 4 Calendar of Outstanding Occurrences It also contains eight taluk maps. I wish to acknowledge the able assistance given by the following members of my staff in the preparation and presentation of the statistics contained in this volume : \ Sri D. Ranganathan. Tabulation Officer Sri A. V. Vallinathan, Statistical Assistant Sri C. K. Somasundaran, Upper Division Clerk Sri C. Gangadharan. Lower Division Clerk Sri K. Sambamoorthy, LowerDivision Clerk Sri M. K. Balakrishnakurup. Lower Division Clerk Sri A. Rajamani, Draughtsman Sri N. Chandran, Upper Division Clerk Smt. V. Prabhavathi, Lower Division Clerk I also wish to place on record my appreciation of the good work done by the Alamu Printing Works, Madras in" printing this volume in record time. P. K. NAMBIAR Superintendent of Census Operations CONTENTS PART IV PAGES Preface PANCHAYAT BLOCKS AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY Introduction Industrial Establishments-Standard Industrial Classificatiori-Type of Soil, Terrain etc. 3- 21 Explanation for the abbreviations used in Primary Census Abstract and Notations, for Basic. Amenities 22 Village Directory-(Primary Census Abstract) 1 Dindigul Taluk ..,. , 23- 81 2 Palni Taluk 83-123 3 Kodaikanal Taluk l25-137 4 Periakulam Taluk 139-217 5 Nilakottai Taluk 219-247 6 Melur Taluk 249-281 7 Madurai Taluk 283-401 8 Tirumangalam Taluk 403-453 Appendix (Primary Census Abstract) 455-459 PART V .' OFFICIAL STATISTICS In trod uction 463 Agriculture. Animal Husbandry and Irrigation Table 1 ~ Temperature recorded at Madurai and ••• 464-467 Kodaikanal Table 2 Rainfall statistics recorded at various stations 468-473 Table 3 Land utilisation or Classification of area in 474-475 the district Table .4 Acreage under different crops 476-480 Table 5 Area irrigated and its sources 481-482 Table 6 Area irrigated under different crops 483 Table 7 Sources of water supply 483 Table 8 Details of Irrigation Projects 484 Table 9 Sources of Irrigation and wet acreage 484 Table 10 Details of Cropped area 485 Table 11 Percentage of area under P~ncipal Crops 485 11 PAGES Table 12 Total out-turn of Selected Crops 486 Table 13 Average yield per acre for different commodities 486 Table 14 Monthly average wholesale prices of staple products 487-489 Table 15 A verage retail prices of principal foodgrains in fair- 490-491 price shops Table 16 Livestock Census data 492 Table 17 Utilisation of principal classes of livestock 493 Table 18 Number of Veterinary Institutions. livestock farms etc.... 494 Table 19 Estimated production of milk 494 Industry and Labour Table 20 Statistics relating to the Employment Exchange offices ... 494 Table 21 Growth of factories in various sectors 495 Table 22 Employment in Textile and Non-Textile Establishments 495 Table 23 Factories classified by industry with average daily 496-49!) number of workers Education Table 24 Educational institutions and pupils 500-503 Table 25 Alphabetical list of Colleges 504-505 Table 26 Institutions for Technical Education 506 Table 27 Alphabetical list of High Schools 507-511 Table 28 Details of Libraries and Reading Room facilities 511 Public Health and Medical Table 29 Registered Births··· ... 512 Table 30 Deaths due to specified causes 513-516 Table 31 Details of Anti-adulteration activities 517 Table 32 Maternity and Child Welfare Centres 517 Table 33 Medical facilities available in the district 518-521 (Hospital, Dispensaries etc.) Table 34 Details of Urban and Protected Water Supply 521 Schemes Law and Order Table 35 Number of Judicial Officers in the district '.' 522 Table 36 Number of Civil and Criminal cases tried and 522 disposed of Table 37 Strength of Police Force 522 Table 38 The number of Police Stations 523 Table 39 List of Police Stations and Out-Posts 523-525 Table 40 Details of Criminal Justice - 526-531 iii PAGES Communication Table 41 The number of Motor Vehicles taxed 530 Table 42 Mileage of different categories of roads 530 Table 43 Mileage of extra Municipal and Municipal roads 531 maintained by public authoritjes Table 44 Location of Tourist/Rest Houses run by the Munici- 53] palities Table 45 List of- Public Works Department Bungalows 532 Table 46 Tourist/Inspection Bungalows maintained by Highways. 533 and Rural Works Department Table 47 Railway Stations in the district and distance from ••• 533-534 State and District Headquarters Table 48 Railway Stations and various amenities provided 535 Table 49 Number of Post and Telegraph Offices 536 Table 50 List of Villages and Towns with Post Offices 236-543 Miscellaneous Table 51 Cost of living index numbers 544 Table 52 Excise revenue from various items 544 Table 53 Annual receipts under various Taxes 545 Table 54 Gross sale of Small Savings Scheme Securities 545 Table 55 Life Insurance statistics 545 Table 56 Particulars of registered documents and value of pro- ... 546 perties transferred Table 57 The number ap.d location of Branch Offices of Sche-... 547 duled and Non-Scheduled,'Banks incorporated outside Madras State Table 58 Number and location of Branch offices of Banks in­ 548 corporated inside the District Table 59 Certain Assets and Liabilities of Banks incorporated 549 inside the district Table 60 Details of Entertainment Halls, Spectators, 549 receipts under elltertainm ent Tax act Table 61 Number of Cinema theatres, films exhibited, tickets ..• 549 issued etc. Table 62 Number of Printing Presses at work 550 Table 63 Details of Forest area 550 Table 64 Progress of Co-operative movements 551 Table 65 Statistics relating to Community development pro­ 552-553 gramme \fable 66 Particulars of Ancient Monuments 553-554 Ifable 67 Particulars of Protected Monuments 555-557 IV PAGES PART VI GAZETTEER OF PLACE NAMES AND CALENDAR OF OUTSTANDING OCCURRENCES Gazetteer of place names 561-566 Calendar of important events and outstanding occurrences 567-568 MAPS Facing page 1 Map of Dindigul Taluk 24 2 Palni Taluk 84 " 3 ., Kodaikanal Taluk 126 4 Periakulam Taluk 140 " Nilakottai Taluk 5 " 220 6 •• Melur Taluk 250 7 Madurai Taluk r 284 " 8 .. Tirumangalam Taluk 404 PART IV PANCHAYAT BLOCKS AND VILLAGE DIllECrORY VILLAGE DIRECTORY INTRODUCTION This is an abstract giving a cemplete list of all from the list though taluk~wise information has been villages and towns in each taluk in the district along tabulated and shown elsewhere. The proportion of with the distribution of population by sex and such houseless and institutional population to total va.rious categories of workers. Village-wise statistiws popul~tion is infinitesimal in the case of all. towns embodying the results of Census were first compiled having a population of less than 2-3 lakhs, that and published in 1872 and this has been the regular omission of this data does not in any way minimise feature of every Census except in 1941 when owing the value of this publication. to war conditions no village-wise data was tabulated. The particulars however were restricted to total Apart from these particulars certain additional population by sex and religion. A radical change and special particulars have been incorporated. In was introduced in 1951 when 'population was classified order to assess the extent to which the basic amenities into various livelihood classes in each village. In the are available in every village which go to make it self,; case cf Urban areas, data was presented in respect of contained and self sufficient. village-wise particulars each ward, locality or division. (But in 1961 Census, regarding the availability of educational, medical. \ information has been compiled for each enumerator's irrigational and other facilities, were called for from block in the case of Urban areas) Consequent on the the Tahsildars and Block Development Officers and shift in emphasis from income or economic indepen­ incorporated in the table, The development activities dence, in earlier Censuses, especially in 1951, to in rural areas are reflected in the existence of Primary actual work jrrespective of remuneration, the liveli­ Schools, Middle S;;hooh, Higb Schools, Higher Insti­ hood classes shown in tbe rural statistics of 1951 have tutions including Colleges, Dispensaries, Rural Health undergone a complete change, giving place to ten centres and Hospitals, Maternity and Child Welfare important categories as indicated be(ow :- centres, Post Offices etc. These data liave been I. Working as Cultivator shown immediately next to the names of villages in suitable notations, the explanations for which are II. Working as Agricultural labourer given at the ~nd. III. Working in Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Apart from this information, a few statements Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, have been prepared based on authentic sources as Orchards and allied activities indicated below :-- IV. Working at Household Industry ST ATEMENT I V. Working in Manufacturing other than House­ Prior to enumeration in March 1961, a detailed hold Industry listing of all houses was conducted in October 1960 when essential data relating to industrial establish­ VI. Working in Construction ments were collected, the complete details of which have been presented in a separate volume entitled VII. Working in Trade and Commerce Housing Report and Tables. But the Volume is VIII. Working in Transport, Storage and Com­ restricted to district-wise particulars relating to indu­ munications stries classified by number of persons working, kind of fuel used etc. But it was felt that the types of IX. Working in Other Services industries existing in each village would provide X. Non-workers valuable information and therefore village-wise lists of industries classified according to Indian Standard Apart from the above major difference between Industrial Classification is presented in this statement.
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