172 - 3 172 - THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 11, 2007 Shepherds’ Trust Collection Bilingual Memorial IMPORTANT DATES Collezione per la Shepherds’ November 17 & 18 Service WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 14 Trust And Candlelight 7:30 PM Da parrocchiani, abbiamo WHAT IS A PRIEST? Celebration Delmoro Funeral Home giovato della generosità del Wednesday Memorial Mass servizio sacerdotale. Chiamati Priests are mystery men. They come in November 14th 2007 da Dio per servire la Sua gente, assorted sizes, ages, weights and collars. They At 7:30 PM MONDAY NOVEMBER 19 il loro lavoro condotto nelle are found everywhere – speeding along, The management and 7:30 PM nostre case, chiese, scuole, perspiring over, walking by, kneeling on, staff of Delmoro Social Committee ospedali, prigioni, e nelle nostre praying over, laughing with, preaching to, Funeral Home invite strade è lavoro d’amore. Per This is the month when we pray for those who teaching about, pardoning for, and playing you and your family to WED. NOVEMBER 21 questo meritano la nostra have died. How comforting it is for us to have a baseball with. Little children run to them; our Annual Bilingual 7:30 PM Dopo i farisei e gli scribi appaiono nuovi gratitudine, ed il nostro faith that tells us that our prayers on their behalf are teenagers marvel at them, aged folk turn to Memorial Service and Registration & Parent Evening avversari di Gesù: i sadducei. Essi supporto continuo. helpful to them. How valuable it is that they can them; lay people treasure them; non-Catholics Candlelight Celebration Confirmation continue to help us from their places in Heaven. We negavano la risurrezione come pura can pray for them when we come to Church. Still, stare at them; and Mary watches over them. in memory of our loved chimera umana e hanno adottato contro La collezione per il Shepherds' we want proof! ones. During the mass NOVEMBER 24 and 25 Gesù una diversa strategia di lotta. I Trust terrà luogo in tutte le In all of our readings today, we hear about life A priest is Prudence in a T-shirt; Fortitude we will be inviting you ALL MASSES sadducei temevano che l’affluenza delle parrocchie nella nostra diocesi that lasts forever. The Sadducees in our Gospel with a breviary in his hand; Justice on a top light a memory First Eucharist Parents Commitment folle verso Gesù potesse trasformarsi in il 17 e 18 di novembre. reading don't believe there is such a thing. There baseball diamond; and Temperance at any candle symbolizing the Children’s Crosses agitazione politica che i Romani are many things we know through faith. Saint Paul party. He is Faith, Hope, and Charity with a loss each has endured. Questa è un’opportunità per noi tells us that if we don't believe in the resurrection, avrebbero soffocato brutalmente. Perciò sense of humor; When you are ready INTENTIONS miravano a limitare l’influenza di Gesù tutti di dimostrare il nostro our faith is useless. It's that critical. The resurrection we invite you to join us November 13 – 18 sulla vita pubblica. A questo scopo, apprezzamento per tutto quello adds meaning to every day of our lives. A priest may be anything from a for light refreshments in We have received our faith from our ancestors. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 13 hanno raccontato una storia di loro che hanno fatto per noi durante They lived, had children and raised their children contemplative monk in a monastery to a the parish hall following 7:00 PM invenzione sui sette fratelli e la moglie i momenti piú felici e in quelli within the Church. They made it through magazine editor on Wall Street, from a labor the service. Please +Cristina Iacampo del maggiore fra loro, ripromettendosi piú difficili. Il loro amore indescribably difficult times borne up by their faith. mediator to a TV personality, from a student to R.S.V.P. to our chapel +Defunti Bidali & Bisognio così di mettere in ridicolo Gesù e la inesauribile, la loro amicizia e In the worst of times they took solace in the a professor. Formerly known as the boy- at 416-249-4499 by +Nicola Rulli credenza nella risurrezione. In realtà, la devozione al popolo di Dio non knowledge that their lives were not being lived in th around-the-corner, he's a member of each November 5 2007 to derisione si è rivolta contro gli avversari dovrebbero mai essere vain. A time would come when there was no more family, yet belongs to none. He penetrates confirm how many WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 14 di Gesù. Egli dimostra infatti che il dimenticati. suffering, no more tears, no more sadness. They \ secrets, shares sorrows, and heals wounds. He family members and +Defunti Pegoraro mondo futuro non è il prolungamento di would understand with absolute clarity. They would Il Shepherds' Trust provvede has the trust of a child, the kindness of a best friends will be Tutti Santi see their family members and friends again. They questo, afferma che la morte sarà vinta e non solo un’aiuto al clero friend, the sternness of a tightrope walker, the attending. If you have would see God face to face. che coloro che risusciteranno avranno negl’anni del loro We live this day as God's children. We do our authority of an encyclopedia, the versatility of any questions please THURSDAY NOVEMBER 14 parte alla vita di Dio e non saranno più a commando, and the salesmanship of a car call the number. pensionamento, ma li ringrazia best to set a worthy example for our own children +Pietro, Carmela, Ernesto Campiteeli sottomessi alle leggi biologiche di questo dal fondo dei nostri cuori. La and grandchildren to follow. We struggle with our dealer. mondo. Nel seguito del discorso, vostra generosità del 17 e 18 di own questions about the meaning of life. We too, FRIDAY NOVEMEBR 16 fondandosi sull’ Esodo (Es 3,6), libro che look forward to the day when the Lord comes again. novembre sarà apprezzata A priest is a humble creature – a mystifying Retreat for Married +Giovanni Aimola i sadducei consideravano sacro, Gesù That's what the month of November is about. We worker at all professions. His hours are the profondamente. Couples” presenta un argomento biblico sulla vita approach the end of the Church year and reflect on longest; his salary the smallest; his Boss the SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17 eterna: “Dio non è Dio dei morti”, e lo the end of time as we know it. As we commend our best! He likes good pastors, the smiles of deceased friends and relatives to the loving mercy +Antonio & Michele Campese sarebbe se Abramo, Isacco e Giacobbe children, a good sermon, a home-cooked meal, of God, we prepare for the time when we follow ARCHBISHOP ADAM non vivessero più. Ma essi vivono e Servizio Memoriale Bilingue and the name "Father". them. Not of us know the day or the hour. All we EXNER, OMI, will SUNDAY SEPT. 30 rendono gloria a Dio. Ciò significa anche E Celebrazione a Lume can do is to live each day worthily. preach a weekend 7:45 AM che solo chi vive per Dio, vive davvero. diCandela A priest is all things to all men in the sight of As we hear in our Gospel reading, Jesus said to retreat for MARRIED +Virginia Fiorini Dio invita tutti gli uomini alla sua casa Mercoledí 14 Novembre 2007 them, "The children of this age marry and remarry; God. He may be misquoted, mistaken and COUPLES at Queen of +Gerardo Logrippo paterna, perché desidera che noi tutti 19:30 but those who are deemed worthy to attain to the misunderstood, but he'll always forgive – Apostles Renewal +Ernesto Mattachione beneficiamo con lui della pienezza della L’amministrazione e lo staff del coming age and to the resurrection of the dead because he's a mediator; a peacemaker, a go- Centre in Mississauga +Giuseppina Corbo vita nell’immortalità. Delmoro Funeral Home vi invita neither marry nor are given in marriage. They can between heaven and earth. It's no wonder God al Servizio Memoriale Bilingue no longer die, for they are like angels; and they are on November 30 to +Giuesppe Lombardi loves him. He's a man standing at an altar, nd the children of God because they are the ones who December 2 , 2007. +Pasqualina La Manna e Celebrazione a Lume di clothed in Holy clothes, who while being will rise. That the dead will rise even Moses made The theme of the +Pasquale Carravaggio Candela in memoria dei vostri aware of his own nothingness speaks to God cari. A seguire, saranno known in the passage about the bush, when he retreat will be Pellegrinaggio called out 'Lord,' the God of Abraham, the God of for us and to us for God. “REFLECTING THE 9:00 AM serviti dei rinfreschi nella sala Isaac, and the God of Jacob; and he is not God of FACE OF CHRIST IN +Onorio Carlesimo Le Luce di Fatima parrocchiale. Per riservare il the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive." A priests unfailing love, friendship and MARRIAGE AND +Antonio Piccinini Lewiston New York vostro posto nella nostra This week we can pray for our deceased family devotion to God's people must never be FAMILY.” Please +Franca Iamonaco Domenica il 2 dicembre cappella o per ulteriori members and friends. We peace with those we have forgotten. The Shepherds' Trust does more L’Autobus parte alle 12:30 informazioni, chiamate il 416- harmed and pray for the willingness to forgive those contact the Centre at +Pasquale Battista & defunti Battista than just bridge the gap in our clergy's 905-278-5229 to Ritorneremo 21:00 249-4499 entro il 5 Novembre who have harmed us.
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