MANC lirSTFR fo c u s CONNECTICUT WEATHER Two women are tops Graham crusade has House GOP OKs Cloudy sky tonight; in MCC Class of ’85 robm for the deaf open primary bill partly sunny Friday ... page 10 .. page 11 ... page 7 ... page 2 Jianrljratpr MrralJi Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Thursday, May 23,1985 — Single copy: 25* Partisan vote OKs houses Bv Alex GIrelll part of the JAG proposal to build a private developer. need. Herald Reporter the houses was not submitted She said that no Manchester before the deadline set for the town developer had submitted propos­ CASSANO SAID houses built by After a partisan debate that to receive it. (See story on page als at the town's request. Blanchard and Rossetto on Wes­ seemed to signal the start of this 10 .) terly Street sold for $64,900 and year’s town election campaign, the She also reiterated her conten­ DEMOCRATIC DIRECTOR Ste­ $63,900. Earlier Mercier had cited Board of Directors Wendesday tion that a private developer who phen Cassano argued that two the Westerly Street houses as one night selected JIKI Builders of owned the land could build the Manchester developers — JAG - example of how a private devel­ South Windsor to construct 14 houses at least as inexpensively as and Blanchard and Rossetto— had oper can build affordable houses. starter houses on town-owned land JAG will be able to under the plan submitted proposals. Mercier said " I 'know the other party is on Love Lane and authorized approved by the directors Wednes­ JAG is a South Windsor company. desperately interested in winning General Manager Robert Weiss to day night at their meeting in Cassano responded that it has built an election,” said Penny, "but you work out a contract with the firm ., Lincoln Center. houses in Manchester. can't do it by opposing sound As expected, the six Democratic Plans call for the houses to be Cassano also challenged the programs.” directors voted in a favor of a built on about three quarters of an argument advanced by Mercier. Ferguson responded that the formal resolution selecting JAG acre along Love Lane, which runs He asked bow a builder who has to $10,000 per-lot figure, based on a and the three Republican directors north-south between Center and pay for the land is to recoup the $140,000 appraisal, could return a voted against it. Olcott streets. Because of tbe town cost of it without tacking the cost great deal more In 10 or 20 years Before the vote on the resolution, involvement, buyers will not have onto the price of the house. than the town will gain under the Republican Director Thomas H. to pay the $10,000 cost of the "I'm sick and tired of this housing plan. Ferguson moved to have the Love building lots and thus will have a argument,” Cassano said. "It is The money could be used to Lane question put to the voters in a smaller down payment. getting foolish after a year and finance needed capital improve­ referendum at election time. The town will hold a "sleeping" half." ments, Ferguson said. "If we are He said that if the Democrats are second mortgage on tbe land, Cassano then fired a question at going to give up an immediate convinced the project is in the which must be paid when the Ferguson, who like Cassano is a return for a long-term gain, the public interest, they should be houses are transferred unless the real estate salesman. "Tom, do way to do it is to invest the money,” willing to leave the drcision to the town allows a second buyer to you have any houses for sale at he said. voters. assume it. Buyers of the houses, $55,000?” Ferguson said he did not. Cassano accused the Republi­ "W e're prepared to make this a which will cost $55,000 not includ­ Peimy said he sometimes wond­ cans of partisanship and retorte- part of our record," responded ing the lots, will have to be ers if he is in the right party d,“ You did it on Bennet and you Director Stephen Penny, who is Manchester residents. because the Democrats have be­ blew it. You're doing it on this and . leader of the Democratic majority. After Democratic Director Ken­ come so conservative. He said the your are going to blow it." His first Penny said that by the time of the neth Tedford— the chief proponent party proposes to ultimately get reference was to the conversion of election on Nov. S, construction of of the plan — described the tbe full value for the town property the former Bennet school building the bouses will have started. terms of a resolution that had been when the house lot mortgages are to a housing project for senior prepared for the board, Mercier paid and that in the interim the citizens, which the town Republi- THU MORNING, Republican said the same goal of providing town will get tax revenue from direcitor Donna Merciec said she affordable housing could be land that has been lying idle while planned to investigate a report that achieved if the town sold the land to at the same time fullfilling a social Please ium to page 10 Seoul students protest U.S. policy ptioto b|r F M o SEOUL, South K o n a (U P I) - of their demands, but we are kesman said all officials in tbe which some of the students said J)l8Mcl plain As many as 75 students stormed discussing with them to find a building were ordered to evacuate. they would not voluntarily leave and occu j^ the D.lJMKtmrtisa -adhi^n-,” Fitsgerakl, who did not respond to tbe tMdldliig mdess their demands Formertown tax dOnaetor^EmeSt R. MacheH reiishef' Agency office today, llenouncing An embassy spokminan initially phone calls to his office imme­ hod b(Mn met. victory after defeating Sherwood circle resident Karen J, American support for President said there were about 50 students, diately ftdlowing the takeover, News reports said the studenU Flenke in the race for Eighth Utilities District tax collector Chun Doo Hwan in the most but a note the group passed out of said, “ We are here. We are talking hurled rocks at nine police stand­ dramatic of a series of anti- the building said there were 75, with them.” ing guard near the building, Wednesday night. Machell was elected during the government protests. including 25 women. The Joong-ang Ilbo newspaper injuring a policeman before they ~ distilcfs annual meeting at Waddell School. District Several hundred riot and plain­ Earlier, another embassy spo­ printed a telephone interview in ran into the building. , iatiidents also re-elected district President Walter Joyner clothes police surrounded the arid directors Joseph Tripp and Samuel Longest, building as students shook their fists out windows and plastered up approved a 1985-86 budget of $956,080 and set the tax red-and-black-Iettered signs con­ rate at 4 mills. A story appears on page 3. demning Chun's suppression of an Racism charged in incident insurrection in the city of Kwangju in May 1960. Bv Kathy Garmus department. racism. The students were still occupy­ Herald Reporter Officer Gary Wood, the depart­ " I look in one of the plainclothes- Feds seize drug ‘lab’ ing the building five hours after ment's spokesman, said today that men's eyes and I could see a they stormed it, and U.S. Embassy A South Windsor man has an internal investigation will be tremendous amount of hate,” he spokesmen said U.S. officials were charged that Manchester police conducted into the May 16 incident. said in his letter. on North Main Street attempting to negotiate a solution violated his civil rights and were According to Wood, four Man­ Robinson said he was relieved to the siege. No hostages were motivated by racist attitudes when chester police officers riding in a when a state trooper arrived Federal drug agents Wednesday International Airport at about 3 held, they said. they stopped him and his brother car decided to stop Robinson's because he thought "they won't afternoon se ia ^ what they said is a p.m. as he arrived on a flight from ‘"The students occupied and on Interstate 84 in Vernon last Rolls Royce near exit 97 on 1-84 shoot us in front of him.” d ^ laboratory, located in a North Florida. barricaded themselves in the week, police said today. because it bad no visible registra­ Robinson has said he will come Main Stm t storage rental com­ More arrests are expected in the library on the second floor of the Cui^s Robinson, who is black, tion plates. The officers imme­ to police headquarters to give a pany that is capable of producing case, Mattioli said. buildi^,” embassy press attache claimed in a letter to Police Chief diately radioed state police and left statement concerning the incident, hundreds of pounds of illegal Robinson and Ponder had both David Fitzgerald said. Robert D. Lannan received Wed­ tbe scene as soon as a state trooper Wood said. amphetamines. recently been released from pri­ "An embassy representative has nesday that police drew their guns arrived. Wood said. Robinson's complaint is the A Glastonbury man and a son, Mattioli said. Each was been talking with the students in after ordering him and his brother Wood said he did not know latest of several since last year to Florida man were arrested Wed­ arrested on a warrant. They are the building to find out what their out of the Rolls Royce they were whether guns were drawn during charge that police have acted in a nesday on charges of operating the being held without bond and are concerns and demands were.
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