Summer 2008 FOr ALumNI, PAreNTS, AND FrIeNDS OF THe eASTmAN SCHOOL OF muSIC FrOm THe DeAN Composing our future A dominant theme today at Eastman is transformation, not only in the work we do (and how we do it) but also of the house in which we live. Nowhere was this more evident than in two recent and quite remarkable announcements: the Eastman Kodak Company’s $10 million commitment toward the Eastman Theatre Renovation and Expansion Project (upon completion, our main perform- ing hall will be called “Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre”), and the Davenport- Hatch Foundation’s $2.9 million commitment to building the new 230-seat Hatch Recital Hall in our new addition. Both gestures will transform the work- place for Eastman students, faculty members, and the visiting artists who use NOTES our “play-space” to empower George Eastman’s vision. Volume 26, Number 2 Fundamental to this transformative work is our com- Summer 2008 munity of the whole—faculty, staff, students, parents, patrons, alumni—bound together by a common impulse. EASTMAN NOTES Communities are built of partnerships, and nowhere ONLINE Starting has our partnership with the Rochester Philharmonic with this issue, Eastman Notes Orchestra been more evident or meaningful. The RPO will be available in is not only a performing and teaching partner (the RPO an online edition, performs in the Eastman Theatre, and many RPO musi- available at www. HJBB:G'%%- ;DG6AJBC>!E6G:CIH6C9;G>:C9HD;I=::6HIB6CH8=DDAD;BJH>8 cians are on our faculty), but our considerable fund-rais- esm.rochester.edu. Alumni will soon have the option to ing for the Eastman Theatre Renovation and Expansion read Notes online only and opt out of Project will continue to manifest itself by the Eastman receiving the printed edition; watch for School of Music and the RPO sharing this opportunity. our Winter 2009 issue for full details. Our strategic plan, Empowering the Eastman Advantage, Douglas Lowry Editor was completed this spring. It charts a burst of motivat- David raymond ing action steps that challenges us to exhibit not only vision but also execution. Contributing writers True to the times, our vision’s success will require the energies and ambitions of Douglas Lowry the entire Eastman community, and, in fact, of the global music village in which Chris Van Hof Eastman has been a leadership player. In one respect, we’re motivated more by Contributing photographers a common energy than a common “thing,” so we’re banking on our community richard baker to join in propelling us to Eastman’s appropriate dimension. Our ambition is Steve boerner worthy of resource and energy commitment on a leading scale. Why? Because kurt brownell gelfand-Piper Photography Eastman is about leadership. For the whole Eastman community, there will be brandon Vick no more thrilling collaboration. Photography coordinator Join us. karen Ver Steeg Design Steve boerner Typography & Design Published twice a year by the Office of Communications, eastman School of music, 26 gibbs Street, rochester, Ny, 14604, (585) 274-1050. [email protected] 10% Total recovered Fiber 100% Post-Consumer Fiber photogrAPH by gelfand-PIPer PhotogrAPHy (JOHN beCk DrumSeT) INSIDe FeATureS 5 A defining moment $10 million in support from Eastman Kodak brings George Eastman’s THIS SPrINg, LeHÁr’S AgeLess Widow LeD A large cast OF stuDeNT PerFOrmerS vision nearer completion 16 (AND large AuDIeNCeS) IN A merry dance THrOugH THe EastmAN THeatre 8 Pomp and circumstance Commencement 2008: new grads, new dean, new ideas 11 “Inviting yourself into the house of good fortune” Eastman’s dean urges graduates to join him in “the mosh pit of the human condition” 13 The return of Jerseyband What do a screaming hardcore metal vocalist and a jazz trumpeter have in common? CeLebrating an Eastman geOrge would DefiniteLy approve: 18 LegeND—AND THree other 5 two SIgnificant financial commITments 2 COmINg eVeNTS class acts WILL eNHANCe HIS SCHOOL AND THeatre 3 LeTTerS Welcome to THe mosh PIT: 16 SCHOOL NeWS 8 Eastman unleasheS 19 CONVerSATION 262 2008 graduateS, with Pride and 22 IN TrIbuTe POmP 22 IN memOrIAm 23 ALumNI NOTeS 27 eASTmAN ALumNI ON CD 28 eASTmAN ALumNI ON DVD 31 FACuLTy NOTeS 3 2 STuDeNT NOTeS ON THE COVER: The view from Swan Street: A dramatic sky highlights this rendering of the proposed ON THE INTERNET: more news about the eastman School of music, eastman School/Theatre addition, designed by Chaintreuil | Jensen | Stark Architects of rochester. including the full text of Notes and expanded alumni information, (rendering courtesy of Chaintreuil | Jensen | Stark Architects, LLP.) can be found online at www.esm.rochester.edu. PhotogrAPHS by gelfand-PIPer PhotogrAPHy (OPerA AND JOHN beCk); brANDON VICk (geOrge EastmAN); kurT browneLL (commeNCemeNT) David Oistrakh Coming Events September 19 – 20, 2008 • Music & Globalization: symposium and concerts October 10 – 12, 2008 • David Oistrakh Festival: Centenary tribute to the great russian violinist October 16 – 20, 2008 • EROI Festival 2008: Inauguration of the Craighead-Saunders Organ at Christ Church (www.esm.rochester.edu/EROI) October 16– 19, 2008 • eastman Weekend/meliora Weekend: Including presentations by Charles Strouse (BM ’47) and Samuel Adler and a concert EASTMAN WEEKEND by eastman Philharmonia and eastman Wind ensemble. Check October –, updates at www.esm.rochester. edu/eastmanweekend. MELIORA WEEKEND November 6 – 9, 2008 • eastman Opera Theatre: britten: The Turn of the Screw ere is something for everyone! I\le`fe^Xk_\i`e^j#XZX[\d`Zjpdgfj`X#]Xd`cp\m\ekj# Detail of the Craighead-Saunders jkl[\ekg\i]fidXeZ\j#Xee`m\ijXipZ\c\YiXk`fej#Xe[jfdlZ_dfi\% Organ at Christ Church. =fiZfdgc\k\n\\b\e[[\kX`cj#m`j`knnn%ifZ_\jk\i%\[l&d\c`fiXn\\b\e[% I\^`jkiXk`feY\^`ej`e\Xicp8l^ljk1cffb]fidXk\i`Xcj`ek_\dX`ck_`jjldd\i% <M<EKJ@E:CL;< 8:fem\ijXk`fen`k_:_Xic\jJkiflj\9DË+. :feZ\ikYp<XjkdXeG_`c_Xidfe`X K_i\\$k`d\Kfep8nXi[n`ee\i]fi_`jjZfi\j Xe[<XjkdXeN`e[<ej\dYc\ ]fi9p\9p\9`i[`\#8ggcXlj\#Xe[8ee`\ <m\ekjn`k_aXqqc\^\e[;Xm\9ilY\Zb# JXdl\c8[c\iKi`Ylk\GXikf]Xp\Xi$cfe^ n_fn`cci\Z\`m\Xe_fefiXip[fZkfiXk\% /'k_Y`ik_[XpZ\c\YiXk`fe]fik_\Zfdgfj\i I`m\i:Xdglj<m\ekj1 Xe[]fid\i<XjkdXe]XZlckpd\dY\i B\pefk\X[[i\jjYp8e[\ijfe:ffg\i# ;\[`ZXk`fef]k_\:iX`^_\X[$JXle[\ijFi^Xe Zfd\[p]ifdJk\g_\e:fcY\ik# GXikf]k_\XeelXc<XjkdXeIfZ_\jk\i XeXgg\XiXeZ\YpAfeXk_Xe=iXeq\e# Fi^Xe@e`k`Xk`m\<IF@ =\jk`mXc Xe[dlZ_dfi\% F==@:<F=8CLDE@I<C8K@FEJ /..$D<C@FI8/..$-*,$+-.) d\c`fiXn\\b\e[7Xclde`%ifZ_\jk\i%\[lnnn%ifZ_\jk\i%\[l&d\c`fiXn\\b\e[ 2008012_ESM_Eastman_Weekend_Ad.indd 1 7/21/08 9:23:51 AM LeTTerS piano. I could be arrested for my horn warm- More Memories: ups. All well otherwise. Cheers! Milan.” His Hanson and Hendl, wife, Pauny, is a wonderful lady, and we try Mariano and Milan to stay in touch with her. Norman Schweikert (BM ’61) While I did not have any classes with Washington Island, WI Howard Hanson during my graduate studies at ESM, there were a number of occasions where I had contact with him, one of those A bassoon boo-boo occasions being extremely important. I was pleased to see the group picture from ... There was one instance where Dr. David Van Hoesen’s tribute weekend last Hanson saved my bacon. My wife and I November. Many of the participants traveled had applied for independent Fulbright great distances to be part of the celebration. Scholarships. We had applied to study with However, I was very disappointed that only L>CI:G'%%- ;DG6AJBC>!E6G:CIH6C9;G>:C9HD;I=::6HIB6CH8=DDAD;BJH>8 Anton Heiller in Vienna, Austria. My family Mr. Van Hoesen and John Hunt were iden- was German, and my grandmother had even tified. The people in the picture represent taught me to read the Fraktur, when I was in all three decades of Mr. Van Hoesen’s illus- elementary school. That made no difference the very demanding program superbly, en- trious career, and we are all alumni of the to the Fulbright Commission. I was supposed tirely from memory. The recollection of him Eastman School. to attend the Goethe Institute to improve my precisely cueing the complex entries of the Jeanne Coonan (BM ’74) German! I appealed directly to Dr. Hanson. extensive fugato in the second movement (pictured in the second row behind He looked up my record and went to bat for of the Hindemith Symphonic Metamorphosis Mr. VanHoesen and next to John Hunt) me. One does not forget these things. remains to this day. Fairport, NY The day before Dr. Hanson was to leave for Thomas D. Dunn (BM ’64, MA ’66) Maine for the summer, he wrote to the State Silver Spring, MD We hoped to print all 30 names with this Department on my behalf, pointing out that Notes piece as well, but we couldn’t have the this was unfair on the face of it and that some I enjoyed reading the tribute to Milan photo as large as we wanted and include the mistake must have been made and should Yancich. There were a few little discrep- long list as well. Our apologies to all the ESM be corrected. I received a call later from the ancies, however. I was his colleague in the bassoonists involved! State Department, saying that a mistake had Rochester Civic and Philharmonic Orchestra been made, that they would make amends, from 1955 to 1966, except for January 1962 and all would be well.
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