Down with Duke! The U. Penn student paper blasts Duke in an column written by a former Dukiewhoeharges THE CHRONICLE Duke lacks sensitivity and a social life. See 3. MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1991 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION SAE bench found with Reves takes a big peach of a friend 'interim' out From staff reports SAE bench out by the peach," of chair title The Sigma Alpha Epsilon said Paul Kaplan, a junior at bench, stolen early Wednesday Emory University. From staff reports morning, was sighted in Gaffney, Kaplan saw the bench Friday The Department of Anesthesi­ S.C, near the town's famous while driving to Duke to visit ology has an almost-new chair. peach-shaped water tower. friends during his school's fall Dr. Joseph Reves, professor of "There sure as hell is a big blue break. The bench is clearly vis­ anesthesiology and director ofthe ible from Interstate 85, Kaplan Heart Center at the Medical Cen­ said. It appears to be intact and in ter, was promoted from interim good condition. chair, a position he has held since "They didn't hide it very well if November of 19.90. you happen to live in Gaffney," The announcement was made Kaplan said. by Dr. Ralph Snyderman, chan­ Kaplan mentioned seeing the cellor for health affairs, and Pro­ bench to friends at Duke after vost Thomas Langford. "Dr. Reves seeing The Chronicle's photo­ has steered the department very graph ofthe scale model left in its effectively through this interim place. period," Snyderman said, accord­ Deputy Pat Gantt of Gaffney ing to Duke News Service. Police confirmed the sighting and Reves came to the University condition of the bench late Sun­ in 1984 as professor of anesthesi­ day afternoon. "It did not appear ology and director of to be damaged," she said. cardiothoracic anesthesia. In Gantt said she notified Detec­ 1987, he was also named director tive Charles Nordan of Duke Pub­ PAUL ORSULAK/THE CHRONICLE ofthe Heart Center. lic Safety that the stolen property Block for charity Among his ideas for expanding was found. the department is the possibility SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE "I'll be dammned. Really? . That's what these guys are doing during the 11th annual 24 of hiring a neuroscience anesthe­ SAE's bench has taken up new Good Deal. Holy Cow!" said Chip hour volleyball marathon benefiting the Ronald McDonald siologist for researching body re- House, sponsored by the Duke ROTC units. residence in Gaffney, S.C. See BENCH on page 4 • See Reves on page 7 • Recall petition drive launched to oust Brown from council By KIM WOODARD versity where he teaches public unofficial leader ofthe group. rates, are driving people into group had about 100 volunteers A group called Citizens for In­ administration, as well as run­ The city council is not doing neighboring counties, he said. at 11 polling sites during last tegrity in Government has ning up hundreds of dollars in enough to reprimand Brown for About 78 percent of the voters Tuesday's elections. launched an effort to recall city private phone calls on his city his actions, Strawbridge said. in last Tuesday's election signed The group draws many of its councilman Clarence Brown. credit card. "Clarence Brown has not seen fit the petition during the election, volunteers from the congregation The organization started a pe­ The city council has asked to resign, and city council has not said Woods Watson, a member of ofthe Grace Baptist Church, but tition drive calling for Brown's Brown to submit his resignation seen fit to do more than slap him the group. is not officially affiliated with the removal from the Durham City before a special meeting tonight. on the wrist." "We're not isolated in our opin­ church, Strawbridge said. Council. The group has collected If Brown does not resign before "Durham is a laughing stock ion. We think that what Brown The group was formed within over 5,700 signatures of 18,000 the meeting, Citizens for Integ­ throughout the state of North has done does not reflect well on the last month and is loosely or­ needed to force a recall election. rity in Government plans to work Carolina because of our city Durham. Durham does not need ganized, Watson said. It is a "pull­ Brown has been accused of up until the November 5 elec­ council," he said. Problems in the someone like him a policy-mak­ ing together of citizens who share double billing expenses to the city tions to remove Brown from of­ city, including government insta­ ing position," Watson said. a common concern... good integ­ and North Carolina Central Uni­ fice, saidNelson Strawbridge, the bility and high tax and crime Strawbridge estimates the rity in government," Watson said. Poetic debate descends on campus Festival highlights international flavor of poetry By ERIC LARSON languages. writer to win a Nobel Prize for "A few months ago my four- Strand, who has published nine Literature and the fifth writer year-old surprised me," said poetry collections, was joined at a whose work was in Russian. former U.S. Poet Laureate Mark readingin Gross Chemistry Build­ The poets gathered Saturday Strand, reading from one of his ing Friday night by three other in the William Griffith Film The­ stories. "He was hunched over, poets: Joseph Brodsky, and win­ ater to debate the nature of po­ polishing my shoes, when he ner of the 1987 Nobel Prize for etry as a common language. Also looked up and said, 'My transla­ Literature, Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill at the panel discussion was tions of Palazzeschi are going and Li-Young Lee. Gerald Barrax, a poet at North poorly.'" The poets in the festival all Carolina State University. "I quickly withdrew my foot. "have experience with more than Brodsky said that as poet lau­ Tour translations? I didn't know one language, all have ties to more reate he is trying to convince pub­ you could translate.'" than one country," said Sally lishers to print more than the The boy poked fun at his fa­ Buckner, a poet and professor at usual 2,000-10,000 copies of a ther. " Tou haven't been paying Peace College in Raleigh. Buckner poetry collection, which limits the much attention to me lately,' he helped coordinate the festival. distribution and availability of said." Brodsky, a native of St. Peters­ poetry. "The whole point is if you Strand's prose-poem, "Trans­ burg who was named Poet Laure­ publish a lot, it forces you to dis­ lation," seemed an appropriate ate by the Library of Congress in tribute." selection for the International May, came to this country in 1972. Brodsky suggested for publish­ Poetry Festival held on campus He had served 18 months in a ers try selling poetry in the check­ this weekend, in which some of Soviet prison for his poetry, which out lines in grocery stores—right LOIS PRICE/THE CHRONICLE the world's biggest name poets Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev next to the National Enquirer. Several well known poets, including Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill, Li- gathered to read and discuss po­ called "social parasitism." At 47, "People buy things in super- Young Lee, and Joseph Brodsky, were on campus this weekend. etry both in English and other Brodsky was the second youngest See POETS on page 6 • PAGE 2 THE CHRONICLE MONDAY. OCTOBER l4,i991 World and National Newsfile Witnesses for both sides testify in hearings Associated Press By JAMES ROWLEY The lie detector test added an element Thomas and Hill aside, the day's drama Ties restored: The Soviet Union Associated Press of controversy. "Ms. Hill is truthful," said demonstrated that sexual harassment is expected to sign an agreement WASHINGTON—Four friends of Anita Paul Minor, administrator ofthe test and knows no favorites. One witness for him this week restoring diplomatic ties Hill solemnly testified Sunday she told head of a private security firm in Virginia, and one for her disclosed that they, too, had with Israel after a 24-year absence, them in the 1980s that Clarence Thomas in comments that sent consternation been victimized. Israel's state radio reported Sunday. had made unwanted sexual advances to­ through the ranks "Being a black ward her. But former associates of the of Thomas' defend­ woman you know Cubans given VOte: Cuban vot­ Supreme Court nominee vouched for him, ers. you have to put up ers were given the right to directly one of them saying, "I know he did no such Sen. , Orrin with a lot," Ellen elect representatives to the National thing." Hatch, R-Utah, Wells told the com­ Assembly, the country's highest leg­ Offstage, a polygraph expert said Hill called the develop­ mittee of 14 white islative body, by members of the had passed a lie detector test, which her ment "highly offen­ male senators. "So fourth Cuban Communist Party con­ supporters said boosted her credibility. sive and highly po­ you grit your teeth gress. And the Senate Judiciary Committee litical, too pat, too and you do it," she made public a statement from Angela slick, exactly what said, adding that she Plan agreed On: The biggest in­ Wright, who worked under Thomas at the a two-bit, slick law- had been "touched in dustrial democracies agreed Sunday Equal Employment Opportunity Commis­ yer" would do. the workplace" more on what they called a historic plan to sion. Wright, who was dismissed by Tho­ Biden, D-Del., who than once. help the Soviet Union build a mar­ mas, said he "constantly pressured" her to chairs the commit­ Hill "said that ket economy, but made no specific go out with him and once asked her about tee, ruled the re­ Clarence Thomas promises of additional financial aid.
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