BEVERLY HILLS COP IV Written by Bill Watkins Based on characters created By Danilo Bach and Daniel Petrie, Jr. 3920 Hawley Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90032 323-333-6005 (Cell) FADE IN: INT. MOTEL ROOM -- MORNING A German swastika features on the right arm of HANS MARTIN (40s), as he dresses into a police uniform. Dumpy room, neat bed, neat piles of clothes, boots. As he turns to tuck in a part of the bed not to his standard, Hans flashes the tattoo on his other arm: A Confederate flag, under it the word, “Freedom.” He zips up his leathers over dark blue, glances over his shoulder to an old TV, turns up the volume. CLOSE ON TV CAPTAIN AXEL FOLEY (50s) is addressing the media. AXEL Yes, it’s true. In order to respond to city and nation-wide protests against lethal police shootings, Detroit PD has been tasked by Mayor Simkins to put our first non-lethally trained class through Metropolitan Police Academy this year. Sound of cameras, hundreds of camera flashes. AXEL (CONT’D) This will not make us weak or soft on crime, just smarter. For those intending harm, thinking it will be easier to do wrong in this city-- think again. We will still be ready for violent emergencies, but with this non-lethal class will begin to implement more friendly, neighborhood foot patrolling by Detroit’s bravest and most courteous officers. Hans turns the volume up, greedily. AXEL (CONT’D) (smiling into camera) Be ready for a safer, more friendly brand of service from DPD. 2. Axel’s big smile is all Hans can stand, so he turns off the TV, continues his final touches to look like a Detroit motorcycle cop. He unholsters his sidearm, checks it--cocks it, checks it again before re-holstering. Helmet and shades are last to go on prior to opening the door, heading toward a dingy half-abandoned carport. EXT. MOTEL -- MORNING It is clear that the motel is not in business, mostly abandoned, a few scattered GUESTS walking around in an atmosphere resembling a halfway house. No one notices Hans revving out the parking lot on a white DPD motorcycle. Hans looks both ways and ventures out into traffic. EXT. DETROIT BAPTIST CHURCH KIDS are playing on the street while MEMBERS of the church file out from morning service. The gospel choir still sings, the band still grooving as the congregation floods toward the sidewalk in fancy, colorful dress. Hans eyeballs the scene from an intersection not quite a block away. He waits for the shiniest suit to exit the church, worn by ROGER PETOIT (40s), black community leader and activist for the Black Lives Matter coalition. Roger shakes some hands, hugs and kisses a GRANDMA on the cheek. He then switches to tend to his own WIFE and two CHILDREN, a boy and a girl. They walk toward their car, Hans eyeballing still under big motorcycle cop shades. He revs his engine, watches the light turn green, edging out into traffic again and turns in behind Roger’s car--now in motion. 3. EXT. DETROIT SUBURB STREETS Roger pauses and rolls through a stop sign very safely, but Hans hits the lights on his bike, motions the car over to the side of the road. INT. ROGER’S CAR The mood is tense to contrast with the gay church exit. ROGER Didn’t I stop for that stop sign? WIFE I think you did... The kids are playing in the back, then turn around to see the “officer” approaching their car, stop. HANS License and registration, please? ROGER Honey, go get the registration card. It’s there in the glove compartment. As his wife sifts through the glove compartment, Roger goes for his wallet. Hans draws his weapon. HANS Place your hands where I can see them! Roger’s hands go up while his wife freezes. The kids cringe, the sister grabbing the brother and moving back to the farthest corner away from the “officer.” HANS (CONT’D) (yelling) You have any weapons in the car?! ROGER (calm as possible) Sir, we have just come from church-- HANS Step out of the vehicle with your hands up! 4. The kids begin to cry. Hans keeps his weapon on Roger, as he opens the car door for him with his free hand. Roger silently steps out of the car, as his wife tears with concern, puts a hand back to comfort distraught and crying children. EXT. ROGER’S CAR Hans holsters his weapon so he can do a thorough and rough frisk of the black activist. ROGER What is this about, sir? HANS Shut your mouth. Hans turns Roger from back, now face to face. HANS (CONT’D) You spoutin’ that black bullshit? Did I hit you? Did I treat you unfairly because you’re black?? ROGER Do you know me? Hans lets go of Roger, steps back, draws his weapon once more. Points it at Roger’s head, the kids visible--watching from the back seat in terror. Roger’s wife screams. Hans pulls the trigger. More screams. HANS Black lives don’t matter. Hans holsters his smoking gun, as Roger falls dead, wife and kids screaming through car glass. Hans hops on his bike and roars off in the direction of the church. 5. EXT. CHURCH Some church members, including the pastor, ROBERT BANKS (40s), had heard the gunshot--start running toward the sound. A couple hands go up to flag down Hans, hoping the “officer” would help. CREDIT TITLES INT. AIRPLANE -- LOS ANGELES -- DAY Captain BILLY ROSEWOOD (50s) of the Beverly Hills Police Department and Non-Lethal Weapons Expert, SERGE (50s), settle into their seats. SERGE Billy, I can’t believe we are together again. BILLY You’re here because you do good work, Serge. SERGE Billy--when are you going to say my name right? This is why you cannot keep the ladies happy. Use your tongue more, come on say it with me- -”S-E-R-G-E!!” BILLY Serge. SERGE Sayerrrge. BILLY Sayerge. SERGE So much better, Billy. I have hope for you and Axwell, yet. INT. PLANE -- LATER Billy is sleeping while Serge goes over some plans on his laptop. Serge smiles suddenly and with great energy slams his laptop closed, waking Billy. 6. SERGE Perfect! BILLY What? SERGE Sorry, Billy, it’s just we are flying to see Axwell--the three of us together again. Billy rubs his eyes to stay awake. SERGE (CONT’D) And now I know my presentation is ready, our show will be nothing short of orgasmic--do you want to look at it? The combination of “orgasmic” and “look at it” has some other PASSENGERS looking around for “it” and Billy. Billy waves off the looky-loos and his own embarrassment. BILLY Let’s wait until we get to the hotel. Even this comment gets more looks from around the cabin. A female FLIGHT ATTENDANT (30s) approaches Billy and Serge’s aisle. FLIGHT ATTENDANT Can I get you guys anything? SERGE Ma’am, we would like some lotion and a tissue. Billy is dying with embarrassment. SERGE (CONT’D) It is so dry in here. And second hand please, we would both like an espresso. FLIGHT ATTENDANT Great would you like it with a lemon twist? Serge is speechless and can only gleam at her and at Billy. 7. SERGE (nodding) We’re going to have so much of fun!! He pinches Billy’s reddening face, and Billy pretends to be comfortable. Then pretends to get back to sleep while Serge gleams at all the passengers looking back at them. BILLY (remembering) Hey, I thought you quit drinking espresso. You said it stained your teeth? SERGE I’m getting old, Billy--why not have some fun, do what you love? What did the man tell Mr. Bond, “You only live twice?” I still think it’s one time, Billy. INT. AXEL’S BEDROOM -- DETROIT -- NIGHT Axel is undressing with the TV on in the background. News shows images of the church and various witnesses to the murder of Roger Petois. FEMALE REPORTER (O.S.) Many of the witnesses to this tragedy were members of the Detroit Baptist Church. Some knew the victim, and all were shocked at the viciousness of the crime--already being labeled by many as an act of racial hatred. CLOSE ON TV WITNESS #1 Roger Petois was a good man. Was a man of God, loving to his family and all who met him. REPORTER Do you have any idea who might have done this? WITNESS #1 It was a cop. Or someone dressed like one. 8. Axel continues to undress, as his wife, BETHANY (40’s) enters the room with their two CHILDREN (girl 8 and boy 6) loud and in tow. BETHANY You okay? Axel shushes his wife to listen to the wrap up of the news update. FEMALE REPORTER (O.S.) So that’s it for now from Detroit Baptist. Another police shooting, or a more intricate murder? Time will tell. CLOSE ON TV Back to the studio with male and female news ANCHORS. ANCHOR #1 A tragedy, indeed. Thank you, Susan. ANCHOR #2 More on this story at eleven, a press briefing scheduled tomorrow by Detroit PD, who have declined to comment until more facts come in. Axel turns to his wife, checks on playing kids behind her in the hallway. BETHANY Axel, who would do such a thing? Axel can just shake his head. ANCHOR #1 How is Captain Foley going to use non-lethal weapons on that guy? A deep sigh precedes a big smile for his kids as he goes to them full-hearted to play.
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