
PLAINTIFF'S EXHIBIT I CER-510 • erEEmlC~ ulletin October, 1956 OFFICERS Pr~sidtnl Karl Schwartzwalder Flint, Mich. _......... Pr~sidtnl-Elul John F. McMahon Papers Alfred, N. Y. Yiu-Prnidtnl! Petrology of Fused Alumina Abrasives . 387 Oscar G. Burch H. N. Baumann, Jr. Toledo, Ohio Louis Navias InRuence of Selected Facton in Evaluating Dielectric Strength Schenectady, N. Y. of Porcelain . 391 C. W. Planje Lee A. Shearouse, D. L. Heath, and W. J. Smothers Los Angeles, Calif. Use of Wollastonite in Artware Bodies ....•.............•• Tr~asur~r 396 Thomas L. Stalter Andrew Pereny umbus. Ohio Development of Sewer Pipe Glazes from Volcanic Materials ... 399 al Sur~/arJ and Editor Ian O. Knizek ~ 4Irles S. Pearce !' Colum bus, Ohio A Recolding DiFFerential Thermal Expansion Apparatus . 402 I Stephan P. Mitoff and Joseph A. Pask Commillu on Publications Role of Patents in Development and Research ..............•. 405 C. H. Hahner O. E. Williams Chairman W. R. Kerr J. O. Everhart E. P. McNamara C. S. Pearce (~X officio) Articles Managing Edilor Hi gh-Temperature Electronicsat General Electric. •........... 407 James S. Welch Report of the Research Committee.. • •• .....•..........•••• 408 Edilorial A ssislanls Emmoline R. Jamra Nominations For OFFicen. ........•...................... 416 Mary Weigelt Rohr Charlotte B. Burge.. AdlNrlising Manag~r Arthur S. Koachny Rosters Easl"n R~pr~stnla/jo~ WiUiam T. Mohrman, Jr. Membenhip Roster..................................... 417 501 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Institute Roster ....................................•...R.121 Phone: Oxford 7-2369 Midw~sl &prlSmlalio~ James K. Millhouse 5124 West Irving Park Rd. Departments Chicago 41, III. Phone: Mulberry 5-0070 In Print for Ceramists. 2 Advertisers'lndex.. .. 12 Offices Mailbox for Readers.. 4 Names.............. 410 cU/jO~J ~dj/orjal, and ado~r. Meetings Calendar 6, 7 Authors. 412 • g: 4(b5 North High St., Columbus 14 Ohio. Out of the Kiln R-125 Necrology.......... 414 Phone AMherst 8.8645 A. T. & T. Teletype CLS93 Men &Positions. ..... 11 Section:;. .. 415 Publication: 20th & North- ampton Sts., Easton, Pa. Consulting Services .. R-126 , I Membership Roster The American Ceramic Society This Roster of members is published only for the use of members of The American Ceramic Society. Listings are in alphabetical order. A separate Roster for the National Institute of Ceramic Engineers, showing grades of membership, is on pages R-121 to R-125 J •of this issue. New members received too late to be included are listed in the Addenda on page R·120. These listings give the member's preferred mailing address. "'here this is not his business address his company connection is shown in parentheses. Divisions and other Society affiliations are indicated in parentheses following each name, in accordance with the code given below. The absence of any such designation indicates that the member is from outside the United States or a student member, neither of which has Division affiliation. B-Basic Science Division M-Materials and Equipment Division X-~o Division affiliation D-Design Division R-Refractories Division' F-Fellow of The American Ceramic Society E-Enamel Division S--Structural Clay Products Division J-Junior Member G-Glass Division W-White Wares Division I-National Institute of Ceramic Engineers A ADAMS, S. L. (G) ALBRECHT, Ernst Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. Keramische Fachschule ABBEY, R. G. (G) Seventh St. Rd., Louisville 1, Ky. Hoehr-Grenzhausen/b General Refractories Co. ADAMSTON FLAT GLASS DIV., Koblenz, Germany 1520 Locust St., Philadelphia 2, Pa. ROLLAND GLASS CO. ALCOCK, Ronald H. ABBOTT, Gordon H. Box 631, Clarksburg, W. Va. "Ferrum" Espana 402-600, Avellaneda Rock Enamel (Pty.) Ltd., Box 77 ADCOCK, Albert S. (WI) Buenos Aires, Argentina Industria, TVL American Radiator & Standard (Ferrum, L. A. de Ceramica )' Union of South Africa Sanitary Corp., 6920 Franklin Ave. Metalurgia) ABE, Tosio New Orleans 22, La. ALDEN, Charles E. (G) 1001, Kami-ikegami-cho, Ota-ku ADCOCK Lawrence W., Sr. (W) 3427 Heather Downs Blvd. Tokyo, Japan 562 E. Main St., Logan, Ohio Toledo 14, Ohio (Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co., Ltd.) (Logan Pottery Co.) (Kimble Glass Co.) ABERXETHY, Lonnie L. (BI) ADCOCK, Lawrence W., Jr. (W) ALELUIA, Joao C. F. Argonne National Lab. 1547 Empire Rd., Wickliffe. Ohio Av. Araujo E. Silva 59 D22-2 Metallurgy (Clevite Corp.) Aveiro, Portugal Box 299, Lemont, Ill. ADDERLEY, James R. (Fabricas Aleluia) DON POTTERIES, INC. 42 Church St., Brierley Hill ALENIUS, Carl Axel _ M. Lewis) 801 N. Main St. S. Stafford, England Karhunkatu 28, Karhula, Finland Illgdon, Ill. (E. J. & J. Pearson Ltd.) (A. Ahlstrom Oy. Karhula Bruk) A MS, Marvin E. (W) ADERHOLD, George H. (W) ALEXANDER, A. E. (G) Sentr}' Sanitary Corp., Box 427 Saxonburg Ceramics, Box 100 Buchanan Apts. 8·D, 155 E. 47th St. Mannington, \\'. Va. Saxonburg, Pa. New York 17, N. Y. ABRAMSON, Isaac ADLER, Arthur (R) (Tiffany & Co.) Av. Copacabana, 959-Apto. 902 Alloy Metal Powders, Inc. ALEXANDER, John B. (M) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 238 Eagle St., Brooklyn 22, N. Y. Southwestern Portland Cement Co. (Klabin Irmaos & Cia.) AFFLERBACH, Harry (E) 1034 Wilshire Blvd. ABRILLE, A. Villa R.R. 4, Frankfort, Ind. Los Angeles 17, Calif. San Miguel Brewery, Inc., 1112 Aviles (Ingram-Richardson, Inc.) ALEXANDER, John M. (M!) Manila, Philippines AGARWAL, Gopal Mohan 2376 Hamiltoh Ave, ACCOUNTIUS, Oliver E. (R) 104 E. 15th Ave., Columbus 1, Ohio North Bellmore, N. Y. 118 E. Carter St., Sierra Madre, Calif. A. G, DER GERRESHEIMER (Swindell-Dressler Corp.) (Aerojet-General Corp.) GLASHUTTENWERKE (L. Breuer) ALGEMENE VERENIGING VOOR ACHAUER, L. A. (5) . Dusseldorf-Gerresheim, Germany De NEDERLANDSE AARDEWERK Natco Corp., East Canton. Ohio AGRON, Albert M. (E) EN GLASINDUSTRIE ~ ACHUFF, Charles E. (W) Pfaudler Co., Taylor St., Elyria, Ohio (W. J. Bollen) I I ­ 839 S. Ballas Rd., Kirkwood 22, Mo. AGUILAR, L. M. (E) Haagweg 139, Rijswijk, Netherlantls t (Certain-Teed Products Corp.) Ferro Enamel de Mexico, S. A. ALGER, Ferris E. (G) ACME BRICK CO. (George PuIs) Calle Oriente 171, No. 450 Old York Rd., New Hope i Box 425, Fort Worth, Texas Mexico 14, D. F., Mexico Bucks Co., Pa. AC SPARK PLUG DIV., AHEARK, V. P. (M) (Consultant) GENERAL MOTORS CORP. Kational Industrial Sand Assn. ALLEGHENY LUDLUM STEEL CORP. (Karl Schwartzwalder) Munsey Bldg., Washington 4, D. C. (Paul E. Perry) Brackenridge, Pa. Flint 2, Mich. AKAM, J. W. (S) ALLEN, Alfred W, (RF) ADAMS CLAY PRODUCTS CO. Natco Clay Products, Lttl Ceramic Engineering Dept. (James A. Cunningham) Box 226 Aldershot, Ont., Canada University of 1I1inois, Urbana, III. Martinsville, Ind. AKMORA:'-:, Miss Huban ADAMS, David E., Jr. (W) 398 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. ALLEN, Ben (G) Coming Glass Works, Coming, N. Y. 830 Spring St., Latrobe, Pa. AKRON PORCELAIN CO. (Carborundum Co.) (F. W. Butler) Akron 14, Ohio ALLEN, Ralph (W) ADAMS, Earl E. (W) ALBERS·SCHOENBERG, Ernst (W) 1234 Paddock Hills Ave. National Plumbing Pottery, Inc. 13-B-3 Redfield Village, Metuchen, N. J. Cincinnati 29, Ohio Zanesville, Ohio (General C~ramics Corp.) (Briggs Mfg. Co.) ADAMS, Edward M. (5) ALBERT, Joseph (W) ALLEN, Richard L. (RI) Murray Tile Co., Inc. 1868 Windernere Dr., N. E. E. J. Lavino & Co., Box 365 overport, Ky. Atlanta, Ga. Newark, Calif. , Milton (G) (Albert Pottery) ALLEN, Robert G. (R) W. Streicher St., Toledo 8, Ohio ALBERTALLI, Stephen L. (G) Robert G. Allen Co., Box 110 lI'bbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co.) Corning Glass Works, Mechanicville, N. Y. ADAMS, P. Bruce (G) Harrodsburg, Ky. ALLEN, Walter C. (B) Coming Glass Works ALBERY, D. F. (SFI) Radio Corp. of America Research and Deve)opme"t 1433 23rd St. N. W., Canton 9, Ohio Chemical & Physical Lab. Coming. N. Y. (Stark Ceramics, Inc.) 415 S. Fifth St., Harrison, N. J. VOL, 31;, No. 10 (1956) ROSTER 1 ALLEX, Warren W., Jr. (S) ANCIZAR-SORDO, Jorge d'ARGEXTEl:IL, Comte L. de Meeus Hydraulic-Press Brick Co. Laboratorio Quimico Nacional K. V. Ceramique Maastricht South Park, Ohio , MlDisterio de Minas y Petroleos Hoge Barakkenstraat 6 ALLIANCE WARE, LTD. (R. E. Strain) Apartado 2577, Bogota, Colombia Maastricht, Netherlands Box 550, Vancouver, B. C., Canada ANDERSON, Harlan U. ARKETEX CERAMIC CORP. ALLlEGRO, Lt. JG Richard (X]) 1424 Federal Way7 Salt Lake City, Utah (George W. Shoemaker) -35, F.P.O., Kew York, K. Y. ANDERSOK, Harry L. (R1) 6 N. Walnut St., Brazil, Ind. ON, Adrian G. (R) Republic Steel Corp. ARMCO STEEL CORP. (R. S. Burns) • ttelle Memorial Institute Youngstown 1, Ohio Research Library, Middletown, Ohio 505 King Ave., Columbus I, Ohio AKDERSOK, Herbert H. (G) ARMISTEAD, W. H. (G) ALLMA!\, Orin H. (G) 401 K. Main St., Port Allegany, Pa. 65 E. First St., Corning, N. Y. Kimble Glass Co. (Pittsburgh-Corning Corp.) (Corning Glass Works) Owens-Illinois Technical Center AKDERSOK, Orson L. (G) ARMSTRONG CORK CO. 1700 N. Westwood Ave., Toledo 1, Ohio Bell Telephone Labs., Murray Hill, N. J. (E. C. Emanuel) ALT, Leslie R. (S1) AKDERSOK, R. E. (W) Research & Development Center 547 Simon St., Hayward, Calif. Robertson Mfg. Co., Box 848 Lancaster, Pa. (Kraftile Co.) Trenton 5, N. J. ARMSTROKG, Leland R. (R1) ALTMANN, Berton G. (B) ANDERSO!\, R. H. (S) 27 Morgan Ave., Washington, Pa. 16700 Cypress Way, Los Gatos, Calif. Robinson Clay Product Co., Box 545 (Findlay Clay Products Co.) (Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp.) Dover, Ohio ARKOLD, Howard C. (EFI) ALTON BRICK CO. (Morris P. Hall) AKDERSON, Robert ·E. (W) 76 Standish Blvd., Pittsburgh 28, Pa. Box 25, Maryland Heights, Mo. Iroquois China Co., 2320 Milton Ave. (Federal Enameling & Stamping Co.) ALTSCHULER, Otto (W) Syracuse 9, N. Y. ARXOLD, Robert M. (B) 271 Hawthorne A,·e., Langhorne, Pa. A!\DERSOK, Robert R. Arnold Engineering Co., Marengo, Ill. (Wenczel Tile Co.) 185 Cynthia Dr., Pleasant Hill, Calif. ARNOLD, Russell E. (SF) ALUMINIUM LIMITED SALES, INC. A!\DERSON, Rupert C. (W) Box E, E. Akron Station, Akron 5, Ohio (R.
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