j ' ;'v j - •• <- \r-'- AVBBAM DAILT OntOUlATlON for the Meath ef r, IM S 5,32424 ^ the A adit H m t t h P B t f r (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CBN1B (OUeMAed Advertlefalf on Page lA ) MANCHESTEB, CONN., FRTOAY, JANUARY 5, 1934. VOL. U IL , NO. 8L HUGE BANK SCANDAL Where 200 Died In France’s Worst Rail Disaster MORGENTHAU STARTS MAY UPSET CABINET FINANCING CAMPAIGN Orer 40 Miffiou hrolTed DBIOCRATS TO Mail Pilot, Fog Bound, Head of Treasury Says Mar­ in Collapse of Frendi ket Reaction to Fresi- Bank— Hifh Officials Are FORCE CAUCUS Lands After Four Hours ON P m O N A G E denfs Bndget Message Asked for EipbnalioDS. ... \ Newark, N. J„ Jan. 5.—(AP)—# Heavy fog settled over Njwark Dean Burford wrote another thriller and a sleet and rain fall began. Was Very Good— Sales bf of the night skies eariy today when The radiophone went suddenly si­ % J' lent, and ground officials expressed ParU, Jan, B,— (AP)—Parhamen- Leaders Not Satisied With be brought bis mall plane safely V \ ' down at the Newark Airport after alarm. C^ommunl cation was restored Bonds to Be First Steps. tas7 elrdM predicted today that being storm-bound more than four at 3:45 a. m., at whicb time Burford Premier Camille Cbautempe and ble Nunber e( Jobs They hours. said be bad sufficient gas to remain Cabinet might be overthrown when It was bis second air adventure aloft s^en hours, and 'Jiat he would Washington, Jan. 6 .—(AP)— remain in the vicinity of the field Parliam ent alre the |40X)00XH)0 within a month. Last December . 11, Terming market reaction to Presi­ Are Able to Ghre Their be MIed out oi a msdl plane over for an opportunity to attempt a ■candal of the Bayonne pawnebop. _:v rr/'W 4 landing. He landed at 4:40 a. m. dent Rjosevelt’s budget meeenge The government aent out a eecond Cambria county, Pennsylvania, Coostihieiits. when his plane was caught In a ter­ Burford was one of two pilots “very good,” Secretary Morgsnthau aerlee of meseagee to ehipe at eea who too?' to their parachutes Dec. and to French repreeentativee In rific snowstorm. said today toe Treamiry will begin Burfo*d took off from the airport when their planes were catigbt “right soon” on its ten bWion dol­ North and South America In an • an Allegheny* snowstorm. He tf at 12:08 o’clock, this morning, with e lar financing program. fort to arreat Serge "Handaome Washington, Jsn, 5,— (A P )—'The landed unhurt while the $36,0jO A i*x " SUvlaky, founder of the col* rahiabie mail cargo bound for This ’^remendous task, os shown possibility of forcing a Domoeratlc : ^ J l' Plttsbt Forty-five minute* later plane was wrecked. A cargo which l^paed municipal enterprlae which rgh by President Rooeevelt in his budg­ caucus on patronags matters today le advised the field by radiopbone, Included a shipment of diamo 's received government flnmseing. et message to Congress yesterday, ils wings were coating with ice. valued at $76,000 was salvaged. Premier Cbautempe called Albert was discussed privately by several Involves borrowlDgs by soles of members of that party on ths House Dallimer, mlnlater of eolonlea to hla ".-'•^•6- V . ,y., /.y, v", . bonds. office at noon and demanded a clear side of Capitol Hill ^ Such procedure is in line with ex­ atatem ent o i hla connection with the Many admittedly are not satisfied pectations. There bos been no rea­ Stavlaky affair of which the mimc' with tl^ Jobs tb^ bav# bsen abls son to expect the administration to tar aaacrta be la entirely Innocent to bsstow upon oonstituents, Bevsr' SEEKS MORE POWER use printing-press money, Indica­ al fUted frankly tha rsplacament ^ Tso miles from the Marne battlefield, where 19 years ago ambulasess, taxis and trucks carried off war deeplte rumora. dead and wounded, there occurred a repetition of this grim scens when, in the little town of Lagny, 200 tions constantly pointing against bundrsds of Re^blican offlcs bold- resort to such practice. Danger la Baal 'lsons perished in the collision of two express trains. Tbs wreck, called the worst rail disaster In French Xn ParhamanUry clrclaa, which ars with Dsmocrats would Increas# In his message, Mr. Roosevelt itory,I , is shown here In one o i tbs first pictures of the tragedy to reach this country. tbair own political strength at E TO BATTLE (TUMINALS spoke of toe government having "to until a few daya ago had conceded the preaeot govemnsent eeveral boma. ^ ^ , borrow approximately six billion ttontha of life, wae laM that the Tbs caucus could ba foread by dollars of new money,” meaning It submission to tbs caucus chairman, Cablaet'a dan^ money in addition to sums already had aent lUprssatttatlv* Lea of California, of Juttice Department n its| ATLAS TACK HEAD borrowed. The remaining four bil­ Police aal4 a patltlon signed by 25 Democratic FINANCIERS CONSIDERING “if sioffll out lettcra con i' lion of toe ten to be borrowed In toe bonda House members. Tbs dlfriisslon next six months is for refunding paalea to li would bs limited to the subject mat­ without, g the RUNS INTO TROLLEY Report A *b Tkat Traffic ORDERED ARRESTED previous obligations. Rppoaltlon' ter of the patltlon, ^ Bayonne oryi Balsa Objsctloni Tbs President’s chief financial Immediately PRESIDENT’S NEW BUDGET lata to t..a g Followlnf a caucus last session in Firearms ShooM Be aide, whose confirmation in his new I of alleged commented on the which was addrasssd by |bs ^ isf post by toe Senate is expected next b^ua bonda for Lundreda of nul' pstronags dlarantar. Jamas A Far Ephraim Cole, Employee of Under Soperritioa Philip H. Philbm Refnses week, also disclosed that an Inten­ Ilona of franca and pointed out that Sy, ^m aatar ganaral aiM chair sive effort to collect back taxes is Stavlaky, who bad a police record wnaji 0f the Damooratlc National Wonder U It Wfll Tend te REJECTED SUITOR in toe making, he having sununoned and already faced other chargee, oommlttas, many conceded Farley Pinehorst, Badly Hort — to Answer Qnesdons Dar­ Internal revenue collectors and had nobnobbed wUb nMmbera of the Is ooKmsratlng with the Jobs he Pub die Gold Price Lift­ Washington, Jan. 6,— (A P )—Laws agents to confer with him January government. ooBtrols, They find objections, rev MURDER SU SPE a to broaden the Federal govern­ 17. Back taxes exceed $800,000,000, arthsless, to the number of appoint­ Track Wrecked. ment’s anti-crime powers through ing Stock Probe. Theee drcumatancea, oppoeitlon' ments and lack of removals by ing Phn Into the Back- be told reporters, and toe Treasury regulation of the fire arms traffic lata declared. Indicated laxneaa to basds of other agencies. plans to see how much of this can aay leaet, Tboss who favor tha caucus Idea Ephraim Ctole, o f 10 W est Middle and prevention of interstate trans­ New York, Jan. 6.— (AP)—Philip be brought In to aid the Treoanry Handaome Ales made hla laat gremd. Foster Daughter of IGch whose books—ths President told assert they no not Intend U to be Turnpike, employed at the Plneburst portation of stolen property will be H, Phin in, Jr., who controlled At­ pabllo appearance In the company understood as a threat m bolt the Gongreds yesterday—^would be some asked at Oongresa by Attorney Gen­ las Tack Corporation’s stock du. : of Jean Chlappe. Parla prefect of administration. They aay they we Fanner Foand Dead Under grocery was seriously injxired at nine billion dollars off balance with- police, with whom he aat in cure If the thing were cafled fdrd New York, Jan. 5.—(AP)—Mone­ 7:10 this morning when he OBShed eral Homer Ckmunlngs. Its recant rise and fall on toe mor- to because of the recovery bos. It wae a bos which bly enough to President Roosevelt s tary autbbrities are busy with con- head on Into the front end. aCj|,iQpnT Si his anm^ jv ^ r t to Congress ^tet/^9as erd e^ arrested today by Stavlaky held under leaae, attention, be would do samethlng Jeoture^ as to the possible effdbts Odd CscnmatMcet. necticut Company trolley edr on today, (Janmmifia imd: Assistant Attpmey Genera. Am­ To Work Out Qoeesn Meaaaphlle police jle^arad they "We will wortc oat a quota on WBOUt tt. upon the Federal government's C!enter street near the Scballer "Suitable Ulls and supporting brose V. McCon after PbllMn fail­ uncovered evidence that only OhH Bervtoe Stand back taxes for each intemal revenue monetary program of the $10,000,- Motor Sales plant. The car which memoranda will be jirepared and ed to account for cbecks totaling the eudden ooUapee of the SUviaky Taking a hand In the patronage North Wllkesboro, N. C., Jsm. 5.— collector, put toe quota up on a 000,000 Treasury financing program Cole was driving, a panel bodied made available to the appropriate $404,000 which passed through his project bad prevented hla launching question, toe Civil Service Commis­ (AP)—A young married man de­ delivery truck, owned by the Pine committees. blackboard and see how far toe col­ a program calculated to net another sion In its annual report published outlined by President Roosevelt In bonds. lectors can bring down toelr quo­ scribed as the rejected suitor of at hurst grocery was a total wreck. “Amongst these measures may be 140,000,000 of the public’s money. today asserted It was convinced the his budget message. Detsctlve Lieutenant James F.
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