“COI^ACT WIFE" Weather Forecast Absorbing atory o f a Me* P »rtJ7 eloBdj- to n lfh t u d TF«dBM- retary who raadc hemtt d»7. Local tbowen lonlfht. Little homely—and nuurled a fam* cti«ii(e in temperature. Illch ye*- ous movie starl terday 77, low 39. Low thU m orni Starts TODAY, on edllorUI Iflf, 50. •> page.. Six IrriRtted Coantlea In Idaho Pull b 'b o u t lA ued Wlr* TtlegT»phIo TWIN FALL$; ID^HO; TUESDAY, jrUNJ;>8..-193.7. OFFICIAL COUNTY NKWSI*AJ»jE;R.. VOL. XX. NO. 54—6 CENTS. Senlc. ol IM Qpltfe Prna IN THE DAY’S PARADE STEEL PROTEST HITS U. S. POST OFFICE Showdown COUIIT HEARINGS. As Searchers Viewed Bits of Missing Plane Non-Delivery of HEADLINE W S ■ : k - ' - Mail May Bring S H E EVENIS Legal Troubles Bepublio Steel Will Attempt Opening of Subsidiary At Monroe, Mich. Republic Corp. Files Protest With Postal Department Head 70,000 WORKERS IDLE Railroads Seek Injunction to WASHINGTON, June 8 (UP)—The Republic Steel corpo­ Stop Unionists From ration in a formal protest to Postmaster General James A. Farley today threatened, legal action i( the post office de­ Injuring Property. partment continued to refuse to accept food and other par­ cels for delivery to their.plants in the Ohio strike zone. (By United Press) The formal protest waa Three court hcarinES and made in a letter to Farley an cxpectod attempt by Re­ signed by John S. Brookes, public Steel corporation to E A llH B ie U jr., counsel for the corpora­ reopen its strike-closed sub­ tion and member of the ex­ sidiary plant a t Monroe, ecutive committee of Repub­ Mich., today marked the strike lic’s board of directors. against three large independ­ AODIISIARIED "CompeUed tp AcUon" ent steel manufacturers. More Tiie protest declared that unless than 70,000 workers arc idle Farley ordered postmasters at NUes Dr. J.W. Hawkins Takes Over and Warren. O., to accept mall par­ because of the walkout. cels for delivery to-the RepubUe Republic announced that 63 p«r Duties as Acting State plants "we shall feel compelled to cent of worker«’ln Its Monroe plant Director take - such legal steps as may be liad voted to return to worlc. Moj'or available to uso in the prtmlaea." Dan Knaggs of Monroe promlwd BOISE, Idaho, June B (U.R)—Karl The corporation offered to hav* "adequate protection" to men wlsh- Evans, director of the bureau of ftscif deputlred to function for tfia Lng to go back to their jobs. lubllc accounts, revealed today that post office department In xnaklnf 3 Court Hearings looks of the sUto department of mall deliveries at the struck plants. Sen. Arthur Vandenberf. R., Three court hearings were sched­ public health were being submitted The corporation tools Issue with postoffice department statemenU MJeh, today - iolned Seo. uled In Cleveland. Railroads sought to audit. Bridjw of Conneetlcat In re- an Injunction to restrain strllicrs D r. J . d ; Dunsiiee, director of the that food and other shipments for . ^untlnf that the admlnUtra- healUi bureau, recently declared by the struck plants had b m refuaed tlo a m ade-Jinow n II4 lU n d o a Attorney Oenecal J. W. Taylor as —.In accord---------------- with long standink de- the itrike violence aituallon. Hclals were scheduled to be heard not qualified to hold office. Is In IQ police court on a charge of oper­ Pasadena, Calif., at hU wife's bed­ _ BacnUtlona Silent ating an airlleld without a permit. side. She la seriously ill, and was “The postal laws and the regu­ ' Republic stockholder was to ap­ taken to a hospital there by air­ lations of your department,” said pear In court In hks ault charging Small bllx of uTeckace such as these Marchers are vlenioc was all that was found when tbe Weilern Air Express plane, missing aiacc plane. the corporation, "an silent on the tlw company Illegally expended |l,- December IS, was dlKovered near Salt Lake City. The craft .carried seven persons (o their deaths. Evans would not say why the distinction which you appear to be 000,000 fo r m unitions. audit was being conducted, but It making. We do not believe that Cmitroversy continued over refu- was Indicated the audit was 'not a any such practice. U It exUtS; Is •al of the pott offlca (Upartoent routine affair, Evans’ department, proper nor do we beUere .that any to deliver food paekagea into plck- from time to time, conducts audits rexulaUon embodying the tame et>encircled plants. Another block­ Attempts Made to Chart of all departments. prUclple would be vaUd If adopted.** ade of mail occiured at Republic’s Scan Books «he Republic protest c»lncld?d MaaUlon plant yesterday, in Wnsli- WhUe Evans and a staff of ac- with a drlvo by a group of Republi­ Ington. sponcors of a'resolutlon to Route from Crash Scene BQuntants were goln« over Dunahee's can and Demoeratlc eenators to ^vwU ytt U]e imtal situation In books, Dr. Ja m e s t i m k l a t , <U|«ct«r lorcB a coBgrMaJoqai lOQuiry la to rBRFETUA^ ^ . LIES IN S M o t .tiia Twin l>U«.j^ount3r YORK. June B flJID—A health bureau;-H*ok p w ’dui.......... ;,4R.S lay" O ver B arrie Leads P arty bh Ti-ip to D iscover W ay "perpetual motion” mouMtrap, acUn« director of the «Ut« health — bureau. The labor department In Wnnh- • which catches rodenU by tba ' Senators Ask F ^ ra l Privacy Milntained as Star’g He was prepttlng plans calling Ington sought to determine whether to Rem ove Bodies from Peak dozen, was displayed at the Na> tlonal Inventors’ congress today. for th e expenditure of 1313,000 for BiiUding of WaraUpa there was a poaslblllty of settling Friends D enied Olimpso use In administration of the bu­ th e steel a.trllce th ro u g h federal In­ The . device lures the mouse SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, June reau's divisions of care for crippled tervention. There was a possibility Of D ead W oman ' WAamNOTON, Junft I (UA — 8 (U.PJ—A party led my Allan Bftrrle, through a door by the smell of children, maternal and chUd health, Secretary of Labor Prance.i Pcrlclns Plve senatora announcecV they would Western Air ExprcM vlce-prc.slclent, chee.%e or bacon. When the door and public health work. might Invite lenders of both sides introduce In the senate today a bill A FINISHES picked iti way throiign pcriKndlc- shuts behind It. the mouse, HOLLYWOOD. Calif., June B OI.R) The plans must be submitted to to provide for manufacture by the to a conference, ular walled canyons today In an at­ alarmed, runs through a corri­ ~Movle fans In working clothes Washington public health officials Lansing, capltnl or'Mlchlgan, re­ federal jgovemment of aU warships, tempt to chart a route by whlcli, dor loolflnR for a way to escape. and stars who knew Jean Harlow for finoi approval before Uiey can turned to normal life after a one- munitions and other war material. bodies Df seven victims of the WAE That's where the ’’catch" comes the Hollywood film lots, be placed into operation and the d ij "labor holiday" which paralywd Senators, collaborating In the plane cro-nh can be brought o u t In. T he corridor Is no w ired th a t turned away from .Pierce Brothers money secured. ' business and transportation! The AM! measure are Homer T. Bone. D.« from the north side of Lojcc Hardy It catapults the mouse Into an mortuary today aa they sought a Attorney Qeneral'i Oflke Aids wash., Bennett O. Otark. X>„ Mo„ United Automobile Workers union peak. adjpcent ante-chamber, throw­ glimpse of the glamorous star who Attorneys from the attorney gen­ called the holiday In protest against Gerald P. Nye. K.. N. D , tynn J. Meanwhile «! rigid gunrd ing the rntracp ofien once again died yesterday. eral's office were aiding him In arrest of eight members who had American Aviatrrix Lands in mslntjilncd at Alpine and. at Mlll.vt for the next vlctlm. A mortuary official said the fu­ KrutlnUlng tlie legal aspects of the rrasler, R.. N. D„ and James P. been picketing U»o Capital Wreck­ ID to prevent ])crsonn who jiavc neral directors were under strict Pope, D„ Idaho. Africa After 1,000 HPOOKH plans before Uiey are finally wibr ing Co. An agrrement wan reached cllmM4 to the sccne of the cruh orders n o t to a d m it anyone to Uie milted. Approval of the attorney- ; under which the company would Milo Journey from removing valuable mall- and BOSTON, June 8 (U.R)—William bare room In which Miss Harlow'i general must be had concerning the ' NO OHAMOE not attempt to operate pejidlng ne­ p a rts of .<he plane, . Powers carefully locked all the body BwalUi p rep a ra tio n s for th e fu­ program . LONDON,. Ju n e S Oi.n—No change gotiations to setUe the strike. Bodlf.i of thn live men and two doors of hh automobile wlirn he neral at II a. m. Wednesday. Meanwhile, nimors that Dunshee is contemplated In great Brltaln'a DAKAR. Rpiirgsl, June ^S.Al.r>- woirten who wrrc nl>onrd llip 111- parked It al the curb. A half "W e have been given few final In. would n o t retu rn to resu(nn lil.i d u ­ gold policy, air John eiinon, chkn- Anietln l';i<rlmr(, Km erlrm t AiiKPlPo-flnlf Lake plnnr jiour Inter he returnrd.
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