DIRECTORY. J NORTHUMBERLAND: LUWICK. 187 Tut·nbnll Charles, cartwright Watson Charlton, farmer, Low hall Wood James, farmer, North end fshei' Wi1liam, gamekeeper to J. C. Wilson Minnio & Annie (Misses), Young John, farmer, The Shaw J. Fen~ick J.P., :M.D. Embleton drapers ioung RJbert, farmer hall LONGHIRST is a village and ecclesiastical parish, to the churchyard is a lych-gate of stone with a tiro­ formed from the parish of Buthal, December rs, I875· with bered roof, erected in IBBs by the children of the late a station I mile east on the main line of the North East, Rev. Edward Lawson, as a memorial to their father. ern railway, and is 3 miles north-east from Morpeth; it The register dates from t•he year r876. The living is a is in the Wansbeck division of the county, Morpeth petty vicarage, net yearly value £203, with residence, in the sessional division, union and county court district, rural gift of Capt. the Hon. Hugh Edwa.rd Joicey, and held deanery of Morpeth, archdeaconry of Lindisfarne and since r885 by the Rev. Richard Procter B.A. of Clare diocese of Newcastle. The church of St. John the Evan- College, Cambridge, and surrogate. There is a reading gP-list, erected in r873·4, at a cost of £3,950, by the late roo n and library of soo volumes in the village, sup­ Rev. Edward Lawson M.A.. of Longhirst Hall, and vicar parted Ly subscriptions. Longhirst Hall, the seat of of Bothal r859-6r, was consecrated September 14th, 1876, the Hon. James Arthur Joicey J.P. is a modern mansion and is a building c>f stone in the Early Decorated style, standing in a park of about 8o acres. The Duke of consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle, tran· Portland K.G., G.C.V.O., P.C. and Capt. the Hon. septs, and a western tower with octagonal spire contain- Hugh Edward J oicey are the landowners and joint lords ing 6 bells,· which form a carillon: the nave has an open of the manor. The area is 1,769 acres; rateable value, timbered roof, and the arcades are supported by clustered £4,549; the population in I9II was 326 in the civil granite columns: the elaborately carved reredos is a parish and 336 in the ecclesiastical parish. memorial to the Rev. Edward Lawson M.A. d. October !'ost, M. 0. & '1'. Office.-Joseph Hindhaugh, sub-post- gth, r882, erected by parishioners and friends : the east master. Letters through Morpeth at 8.15 a.m. & and west windows are stained, and beneath the latter i" 6.20 p.m. ; di~patched at 4.25 & 7-45 p.m. ; no a brass to the founder, with an inscription recording the delivery on sundays dedication of the church: the brass eagle lectern was Public Elementary School (mixed), a building of stone, presented by Lord and Lady JoicP-y, in 1888: a new tiled erected in r87o by the late Rev. Edward Lawson M.A. floor and a carved oak screen between the chancel and for 150 children; aver~ge attendance, 52; the school the vestry have since been presented to the church bJ was enlarged in r887 & 188o, two class rooms being La~y Joicey, and a new oak screen, carved by amateurs, added; John Kennedy, master; T. A. Crombie, Estate ha~ been placed between the south aisle and the tran- offi.re, correspondent sept: there are sittings for 360 persons: at the entrance Raih.-ay Station, George William Yeomans, station master PRIV.~TE RESIDE~Ts. Crombie Thomas Alexander, estate Fairbairn Robert, gameheeper to the bailiff to Capt. the Hon. Hugb Ban. James Arthnr Joicey J.P Hr.slop Christopher, Broomhill Edward Joicey, Estate office Gray Rt. rabbit catcher, Sydney cot Joicey Hon. James Arthur J.P. Long- Cummings Jame.s, stud groom to Hindhaugh Joseph, joiner, Post office hirst hall the Duke of Portland, Longhirst Hindhaugh Robert, farmer, Lungi1irst Procter Rev. Richard B. A. (vicar, & Lane cottage Brocks & Middlemore tmrrogate), Vicarage Cutter Waiter, farm steward to Duke J ackson Geor~e, blacl> sn· ith Sample Thomas Norman, Longhirst of Portland. Longhirst lane Marshall John, woodman to the Duke gr11.nge Darrie Robert & Edward, farmers, of Portland Fawdon ·house Moore Jame-s, farmer, Longhirst &; COMMERCIAL. 1 Dickinson James, stud groom to the Broomhill farms Hon .•Tames Arthur Joicey J.P Reading Room &, Library Catterson William, dairyman to Hon.· Eyers William, butler to the Hon. Robson William, head gardener to the James Arthur Joicey J.P. Long- James Arthur Joicey J.P Hon. James Arthur Joicey J.P hirst dairy Weatherburn Thos. Hy. mole catcher LOWICK is a. parish and township, situated on an nature; the subst!il, strr,ng clay. The chief produce is eminence about 470 feet above the level of the sea. The barley, oats, peas, beans and turnips. The area is­ village C01Jsists 0f one long and irregular street of 12,853 acres of land and r6 of water; rateable value~ detached houses, and is 4 miles south-west from Beal £9,889; the population in I9II was r,o39 in the town­ station on the main line of the North Eastern railway, ship and r,o74 in the ecclesiastical parish. 8 south from Berwick, 8 north-west from Belford and Sexton, James Fairbairn. 8 north from Wooler; it is in the Berwick-upon-TwePd division of the CDunty, N orthcrn division of the war cl Police iYtation, John Henderson, constable of Glendale, Glendale petty sessional division and t.Inion, Wooler county court district and in the rural L.\. VERICK LAW is a hamle!i, with one farm, in thi"' deanery of Norham, archdeaconry of Lindisfarne and township. Letters through Lowick arrive at 8.rs a.m. diocese of Newcastle. The church of St. John the Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Lowick.-Mark Stark, sub­ Baptist, standing on an eminence, and rebuilt about postmaster. LetLrrs arrive from Berwick at g.rs a.m. 1790, is an edifice of stone in the Early English style, con­ & 6.5o p.m.; depart at 2.50 &. 6.5o p.m. week days. listing of chancel, nave and a western turret contaiJting 2 nnlv• bells, formerly in Belford church: in the nave is a Wall Boxes.-Low, cleared at 2.30 & 6.45 p.m. & High. memorial to the Knight Gregson family : there are cleal'ed at 2.30 & 6.45 p.m.; not on sundays • also three memorial windows to the Sitwell family : the church wa;; restored and a chancel and vestry Church of England Schools. built in r887, at a. cost of £Bso, and now afford~ Lrmick (mixed), built in 1843, for go children; average­ 300 sitting~. The registi~r dates from the ye11r 1716. attendance, 42; John Thompson, master The li\·in~ is a vicarage, net yearly value £260, with residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter Lowick (mixed), erected in 1874, for 120 children; of Durham, and held !:ince rgo6 by the Rev. Harry average attendance, 42; Albert Seeley, master Butler Smith M.A. of St. John's College, Oam­ Correspondent, Rev. H. B. Smith, The Vicarage bridge. There is a Catholic church, erected in 1864, Carriet to Berwich.-Henry Lyall, from his house, sat and dedicated to St. Edward. The Scottish Presbyterian chapel is a building of stone in the BABMOOR is a small village, three quarters of a. mile Gothic style, erected in 1821 and rebuilt in r856, and west from Lowick. Here the Lords Marchers. of the has 400 sittings; there is also an English Presby­ northern coanties were assembled, in 1417, with a large terian church, built in 1856, seating 330 persons, army, to chastise the Scots for attacking and dispersing and a Primitive Methodist chapel. Mrs. Crawford's a bJdy of Englishmen near Boxburgh, but on their .charity produces about £4 yearly, and is distributed in approach the Scots retreated within their own borders. money to the poor by the 'l"icar. There are coalpits, Barmoor Down appears in the first map of England -stone quarries and limekilns in the neighbourhood, but ever printed, and of which a copy is now in the library they are not being wrnked. The caTboniferous limestone of Lambeth Palace. At Barmoor Wood the Earl of is rich in fossil remains, a ver1 large and rare colleot.ion Surrey encamped the night before the battle of l<'lodden of whirh was mad~ bv• the Rev. G .. Jenkinson, sometime- Field, Sept. gth, 1513. The Muschan1p family "\~ere· mcumbenl; of this parish, and by him ~resented td lords of Barmoor until the 17th century, when it became Professor 3ed~wick, for the Woodwardian Museum. the property of the Sitwells, who still hold it-. Barmoor CambrirlgA. Sir John de Marie Haggerston hart. n~ Castle, erected in 18or, at a height, 400 feet above the­ Ellingham Hall, Cha thill, is lord of the m n nor and level of the ~ea and 4 miles from it, is a mansion in the princilJal lando·.vner. The ~oil is of a clayey, loamy Castellated style, delightfully seated in large. Pleasur~>" .
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