IF YOU SEE IT IN BILLYBOY-BANK ON IT THIS ISSUE CONTAINS 27 PER CENT ADVERTISING AND 73 PER CENT READING MATTER |F YOU UPHOLD THE THEATER HONESTLY, LIBERALLY, FRANKLY, I AND WITH WISE DISCRIMINATION, THE STAGE WILL UPHOLD IN I FUTURE, AS IT HAS IN THE PAST, THE LITERATURE, THE MANNERS, THE MORALS, THE FAME AND THE GENIUS OF OUR COUNTRY. —HENRY IRVING Great words. ' And, though addressed to the British public, worthy of the deepest and most serious con¬ sideration by peoples of every nationality. Especially should the American public give thought to them. For of all institutions the theater is the most democratic. It is inherently and essentially so. Its existence—its very life—are dependent upon the masses. Every time that it essays to address or appeal to the classes or any special portions or part of the public it fails. Its art must always be that of the whole people, that of men and women, of children and adults, of rich people and poor folks, of the learned and the unlearned, the gay and the serious. Therefore Sir Henry’s words bear a peculiar and particular significance for Americans. The greatest Democracy in the world should manifest the greatest zeal in fostering, en¬ couraging and supporting the most democratic institution in the wor^d. There is food for thought in this, too, for the profession—the whole profession—for the stage is the stage no matter where or under what guise you find it. It may be harbored in a big or “little” house, it may be devoted to the legitimate or to musical comedy, burlesque or vaudeville, it may be the platform in a tent or merely the arena —yea, even the “nigger boards” therein—and it may be referred to as the screen, but for all that, if the entertainment brought to life upon its boards be the work of professional actors, actresses and artists, it is “the theater” within Sir Henry’s meaning. The profession should keep ever in mind this greater and higher function it performs, and esteem it not only a duty, but a very great and honorable privilege to keep it ever worthy and deserving. Defend its fine old traditions. W’atch over its art and protest when attempt Is made to institute false gods within its portals. And reproach those who would befoul and debase it. Respect, reverence and venerate it, and be assured that in such measure as you do so will the public. VELVET DROPS and STAGE SETTINGS Beautiful colors, aay size. Rentals aud easy tcxma. E. J. BEAUMONT. TABLOID MUSICAL COMEDY PEOPLE WANTED 24S West Forty-Sixth Street • New York City. AT LIBERTY 93S Market Street • • Sah Frahclsco, Cal. FOR RERMANENT STOCK AT SCENERY THE VICTORY THEATRE, C. A. CORBIN Diamond Dye. Oil or Water Oolor*. Trombone and Barllonr. A. K. of M. Will ttavr' SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO, COLUMBUS. OHIO. CAMP BEAUREGARD, LOUISIANA. or localr. Writ* or wire 503S tUit 8lh. Kanaai cni kllsamirl. Can Tilace A-1 Producinpr Comedian. Prima Donna. Baritone for Trio. Other BILX.Y IVIONROE useful people, write. State all in your first. No time for useless correspond¬ “The Artist.” ence. Address B. BARTLETT, Manager. Out of The Army and at Liberty Jan. 1st. DESIGNS ALL OUR WORK. Send for orixinal sketch and estimate on Scenery P. S.—Please consider silence a polite negative. or Shfiw Banners, leihliv Displays, etc POSTER SERVICE STUDIOS. Bcldini. Michigan. WANTED FOR KIBBLE’S U. T. C. No. 2 CO. A Na. 1 DRUMMER Drums, bells, xylophono. Sight reader an.! OPENING CHRISTIVfA.S. faki r. KxiHTleneed. pirtiires, dnnee. vandot ill.. WANTED llio.stre tiiunnger. Prior lo enlisting owner an' People for following parts: Pheneas and Lepree, Harris and St. Clair, Tom, A GOOD RELIABLE miin.'igor tln-alie for S years. Consider nnylliiiig. Marks, I-^Iiza, Ophelia, Topsy and Kva. Leatler B. & O., Cornet. Trombone, Driiniiiier or any roinliinutiou of work, as am FIRST-CLASS BILLPOSTER Clarinet, Tuba, Baritone, that doubles stage, Drummer, carpenter, and Colored all-roiind exio-rlenei.d man. A. F. of M. W. H. Quartet. State salary. Pay own. Address by letter only. one who la thoroughly experienred In AA posting I’ermanent position to the right party. t'nnaldcr WM. H. KIBBLE, 1512 Tribune Building, • - CHICAGO, ILL. silence a polite negatire. STOtll’S BILL POSTl.Ntj & ADV. CO., Chattanooga, Tcnn. WANTED FDR WANTED FOR MUSICAL COMEDY STOCK* ARMY BANDLEADER Singinc, Dancing Soubrette. Numl>er rrodurer. Twelve (iiorus Girls, t^traight Man. Conuitiaiis. People that WALKER'S ‘<HAV A-LAF" GIRLS WISHES LOCATION IN NORTHWEST worked here before write in. Plano Plajer. J. R. A REAL TAB. SHOW, PLAYING SUN CIRCUIT. Y'ear* of experience In directing miinlelpal hands, GOLLENSTEIN, Manager Lyric Theatre, Gary, Ind. GiHid Team. Man to do Comedy, Woman for Chorua. Salary, $.%0 if you do Speclalilca. Prrfrr Jew Coralo. also nirnet sohdsl of large oonoert bands. Kx- Aliio Chorua GirU; aalary, $20. Alao want Piano Player, double Stage, either man nr woman. State pert to be disrharged 8i«in. Can furnish all WANTED what you do. Wire paid measagra, don’t take time to write. Mcaaage* will be forwarded If lata, refen-nre r«s|ulre<l. Write or wire at enre stal JOHN A. WALKER. Managar, waek Dec. 9. Graad. Mergaatowa, Waat VIrglala. ing what you have lo offer. B.VNI) LK.tPl'Il, strong Trombone* and Musicians and Novelty Acts. ’28 Field Artillery, C.amp Funaton. Kans.ns. Song and Dance Artists who have been In Cncle's hig Permanent Afidress. Satina, Kansas. B.ix S4. army. Address BILLY BEAM. Manager Vanka All- Soldier Minstrel, General Delivery, Little Rick, Ark. WANTED QUICK Wanted-First Class Dance Orchestra Leader AT LIBERTY DEC. 18th For HARRY F. MIU.EH S TEXAS C03rEDY PLAY¬ ERS. two General Businress Men. one capable of play¬ ing a few leads; Leading Woman, young, ingenue type. If you know it all and can’t or WON’T learn Either Violinist or Pianist. Also First Glass Dnimmer. your lines, don’t answer. This is a small show, play¬ A-1 BUSINESS CORNET. ing small time, but your money is sure every Sun¬ Address J. T. NUTTLE, Winter Garden, WIchItBf KsnSAS Ysnfferille or Plrturca. Am no world beater, but ri- day. Also want Piano Player. Answer at once. Elsa perleoced. A. F. of M.; gimd alanding. Will r.si- Booth and wife and Billy Mack, write. Specialty alder good trouping Job. Wire R. E. MARKHAM. People preferred. HARRY F. MII.t.er Pritchett. Texas. WANTED FOR CHAS. F. YALE'S MUSICAL COMEDY 1902 5 Ave., Vnrih. Birmingham, Ala. WANTED THE HONEYMODN LIMITED CIRCUS BANDMASTER Bava Singer for Quartette, two Chorus Glrla. Salary, twenty-two. Wire or Write. GEORGE ATKINSON, A GOOD PUNCH AND JUDY MAN Mgr., Salamanca. N. Y., Dee. II; St. Marys, 12; Olean, 13; Batavia. 14. for Orphan Home Entertainmetit Xmas Morning. AT LIBERTY Wire or Write ED C. PAULL, Gua Sun Offlcee. Bualnrca Cornetlst. Troui>e or Iwale. B. A O. So Springfield, Ohio. AT LIBERTY, STOCK OR REP. wagon aboHs. Slate salary. Real lonrivt and street W, R. CHAGNON I LOTTIE CHAGNON muair. Wlro or write. All correspondence anawernl A-l Leading Man. Age. 29; height. 5 ft.. lOH I Age. 38; height. 5 ft.. 5; weight. l.W. Heaviee. tqr return wire. Minstrel. Rrp.. Cirrus, Theatrical, WANTED—CHARACTER weight, 160. Baritone in Band (Leader). | Second Businoss nr Charaetera. tl. GOUD.MAR. Iloufton. Texaa. WOMAN Both have wardrolie, apnearance and ability. Wire W. R. CHAGNON. Mlamlaburg. Okie. Repertoire People of all kinds. Long season. Salary sure. O. G. Ul’N’TER. Box 4<6 HumboIdL Neb. WANTED FOR BIQ TIME ACT AT LIBERTY WANTED For Rep. Shows Only After Dwarf (not midget); experience not nercssary. Give age, height, wHghu Good salary. Send photo If any. December 20th MANAGER WANTING REAL TAB Advanrp Agent or Front Ticket Box Man. I ran han¬ dle the giound. Pouble A-l Diba. Ilarllone or Trom- SEND ME TOrR OPEN TIME lione. South prefened. Address EU MOIlAttCA. Wanted To Buy Chorus Wardroltc and Diamond Dye GEORGE DONAHUE WANTS FOR Scenery. Chorus Girls wanted, twenty and ear fiire. Becvllle. Tex. WALTER ROSS. Camp Fire Girls. Connersville, lud.. Auditorium Theatre. lONE O’DONNELL COMPANY AT LIBERTY F.w Me«l.. Rep. or Vaud.—I-ady. ven- trlloqulsl; Man. roronly magl.lan; Child, mualrtl ar¬ Tall, Singing, Juvenile Man. A1 Barlow, Earl Root, wire. tist. Versatile singing, talking, double and single COLONIAL THEATRE, Montgomery, Ala. acta. Hmall parts, rbararti-ra and bita. Moik-rn war.l- WANTED—COMEDIAN rohe. Sillier and Reliable. Ex(>erlenered people. to put on acts. Sketch or Musical Team. Novelty Change for week. Keliable mgr. and beat salary grta Act, Magician. Pay your own. Two-week atands. ua. Write or wire THE LEWIS FA.MILY, Wlm bealw. Explain all. State what you want first letter. Will Indiana. answer by wire. DR. J. E. U. LONG, New Egypt, New Jersey. OKLAHOMA IS OPEN AT LIBERTY: DaPRON FAMILY ARER JAN. lit A.\D Xn siCAL ro.MEDY TABS. ARE WANTED. WUI’TE 40 WKF.KS’ WOItK-WIBI. Min. all arouiiil nantcr and Teathcr. d<>fN many WANTED, BANNER MAN dialrtfp; tiugn a llllle (harlfonr). Lady, tplftirtnl T4»e lYantfr; all around Trrpeh huirran. D year* FOR DELMAR SHOWS old. Trap lYruninirr and St*lo Pamcr. Will not •plit CORRIGAN AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISES Prefer (impany. Ytni Ho. Kth SI., Hprlnirllfld, lU. for Advertising Arch at Entrance and 311-13 CULBERTSON BLDG.. OKLAHOMA CITY. ianners on percentage, fifty-fifty. AT LIBERTY Can aPo place Chorus Girls and People In all linoa.
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