FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 27, 1940. ' THE FORUM PAGE SEVEN RIDGEW00D STALWART DILLARD LINESMAN >* *2 HEIGHTS n "Vv V'I :— " • ^ *-,v .x (CROWN POINT) Send all news t0 be published to Mrs. Prilly Wright, Tuesday of each WPckj 274 Cornell uvonue phone ADams 5395. Miss Lula Wright, daughter of • tu c Mr*. Prilly Wright of 274 Cornell avenue is very much improv v . atcer a severe illnc j. .Among ^oine of the early squirrel 1 tenters W£ts Mr. Prilly Wri.-rht wh. was seen coming in Wednesday nig!i with his license on his back but w i r<0 squirrels. trtl Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Orr and Mr. ar.d Mrs. Vermont Dickerson of iivinpver street were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Mrs. ijm Gaston of Chicago. vWhile there dominant! they visited the Negro Exposition and the Catholic church exposition. They saw the Streets of Paris and th,e Joe Louis exhibits and other in­ teresting sights. • • * Dtaglus Community Club li The Douglass Community Club has ordered 100 chairs for the center. All members are urged to be pres­ ent Monday October 6, business of :4k importance. Come and see the show ELLIOTT GRAY^ I every Tuesday night. The WPA Elliott Gray, stalwart Dillard ;ftis Gra Is expecten to give a band will P*ay at the center every y linesman, wh0 with Peter Tliornlou, Wednesday night, you will enjoy good account of himself in his final J will captain the Dillard Blue Devils thei music. r » this season. A veteran of three sea- year. He hails from St. Louis, M(1 The Roosters Club will hav<i games after each meeting which fall on the 1st and 3rd, Wednesdays *>f each month. m • A LEAP FOR LINCOLN U: TIGERS First Bapti»t Church ~ The first annual sermon of the usher board was preache^ last Sun­ day at 2:30 p.m. Sunday the pastor will "have charge morning and evening. Sunday tchool at i>:l}0, the parents are urg­ ed come and bring their children. REV. L. C. RIDLEY, D.D., Ph.D. Civic Society Forum Ace Editorial Writer Thanks Public The Sojourner Truth Civic Socie­ ty wishes to thank all wh0 i»i any way made the Emancipation Day Program a success. Especially, we wish to thank those who donated trucks; the International Harverter Co., Jenkins Aut0 Sales Co., Peffley The Oayton Korum Editorials Auto Co., and the Montgomery County Fair BAmrd who allowed the society to use the Fairgrounds for a small sum. MRS. JENNIE BUCfcNER, Pres. , are dominant in expressing MRS. WARDIA SMITH, Sec. COPY Muat ba in the Forum offic* WHAT THE NEGRO THINKS on Tuesday |o' insure public*- : w • - . — £|oa during th« current week. An Ail MidJWest Conference coin U. (Mo.) Tigers. Tin* Mifwonr- Fullback, "Chuck" Baylor, takes a ians hope to find their scoring punch driving lunge with the pigskin in thi syear with what promises to bo When in oarly practice .sessions of the Lin- a balanced experienced squad. NEW YORK DOMINANT—In contending for Equal CONGRESSMAN MITCHELL SAYS: For the Day, The llllllll'llilllllllillllllililillilllllllM "I think your editorial** are splendid." •f Opportunities for the Race in the Social, Permanently Thm HOTEL THERESA CLASSIC Civic, Economic and Educational life of JUDGE CECIL WRITES? 7th Ave. at 125th St. pilinilllllllllllililllllllllllllllllllllilililllluiHIIIIIIIH FOR EXQUISITE West Fifth Street, Dayton, Ohio the Nation* T i ! ! T "I have, been reading the Editorials in the Forum r LIVING with a great deal of interest. You are to be congratu­ native location . Al! rooms; luxurious iuite«. Re»taur»nt lated on the very splendid Editorials in your paper/' and Bar. Every comfort serf facility. PROGRAM—STARTING SUN. SEPT. 29 Larg* roamt with private bath *2.00 Sln&it ~»2.50 tksitbfe ind ap *1.S0 Single — »2.0€f tteetit wd op Sunday, September 29—One Day Only SHci*lWail, * M#nthb JUft DOMINANT In Leadership, Foresight, Billy Lee, Helene Millard with ... WALTER W. SCOTT, Mmiusgte Cordell Hickman and "Snowflake" i. Hotel THERESA "THE BISCUIT EATER" \ Alertness and Action in matters pertain­ DOMINANT IN THE MIAMI VAL; 7*h Ave. at 125** St, ¥®rte City Man,, TuesWed., Sept. 30 - Oct. 1-i $ Phew»i MOnum«r<t Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland in £ ing to Race Advancement and Progress. ANDY HARDY MEETS DEBUTANTE % IEY AND SOUTHWESTERN OHIO NEW TOOTH PASTE Lewis Stonie, Cecilia Parker, Fay Holden J r CLEANS DANGER Thursday ami Friday October 3-4 £ —DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM— - $ AREAS EVEN WATER —Feature No. 1 & DOMINANT—In News, Advertising, Poli­ MAY NOT ENTER Love Laughs at PRIDE and PREJUDICE | Subscription 20c per month in advance. Imagine a delightfully different tooth paste starring Gr^er Garson, Laurence Olivier 4 that foams into a "bubble bath" tine enough tics and Civic Movements. to cl» au fiits aiul cracks so tiny even water —Feature No. 2— J5 BKiy not I'IUOT them! Order today. j|^ | That's! exactly what happens the Instant ^KING OF THE LUMBERJACKS" ^ •ft saliva and brusi( touch nui NEW formula I Ijisterme Tootli Pawt-**, supercharged with with John Payne and Gloria Dickson A amazing Luster-Foam detergent. You ...wouldn't believo how it cloaas, brightens, Saturday* October 5th « •yplisluw . leaves the entire mouth so auuch fresher and cleaner. i DOUBLE FEATURE * . , & Ask for t he bin 2'it t ulwor, bettor still, th« doublo sizo 10ft tuiio containing more than —Feature No. 1 \ ^ jf ppiindoftoot h paste, Atany drug counter, * > Jjfriabort Pharraacal Co,, St. Louis, Mo, Their Love Is DYNAMITE! \ vhe HBW ro?;wuvA George Raft, Jane Bryan, Wm. Holden J 0 USTERINE TOOTH PASTE ' —Feature No. 2— t CALL AD 2391 M "INVISIBLE STRIPES'5 . \ With Humphrey Bogart, Flora Robsoft & I ,? THE PEOPLES DRUG CO* "TOUCHDOWN ARMY \ % with John Howard, Mary Carlisle £ Cincinnati nod W*»hln0t*» St|. f also—"Drums of Fu Manchu" Chapter 11 | »• fUe^man^own $t, end Broadway H Fif'h and Western Av«»U| " "-43T V,i .
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