mow.. California state Library Sacral:lento 9, California 1 Ike Prom' Spartanaihi SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE ta VOL. 45 0111.0" SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1957 NO. 60 PS To Service Rivalry 10 Sr e, SJS Costs Court Confused? Mystery First Task . to Exceed e- 'No,' Says Luft Interview To Insure a Student Court is not confused and the 13 campus organizations in cited for failure to submit revised lists of officers and advisers should s- not be either, according to Chief Justice Curt Luft. ye 7 Million In Lyke .r The court has signatures to prove that each organization was de- Strength livered a registered letter explaining the violation and penalties, The pen and bi iisli of Jack FLIgR By RAY BARCH Luft said. will take over a two-page lay-cait , WASHINGTON (UP) Presi- The letter explained that fines had been set at $3 for failure in Lyke, the caMpus feature maga- It costs the State of California dent Eisenhower solemnly promis- *to comply oith the ASB by-law zine. Fugit's own brand of space $692 to teach a student at San ,ed yesterday to wipe out wrangl- plus $3 more for those organiza- humor will be tine of Lykes Jose ing in the armed services that State for a year. tions which failed to answer the specialities. is hampering America's struggle summons. Lyke, which goes on sale Wed- That's the figure released by E. Club Folds against "Communist imperialism." The chief justice stated that liesday: has a licw approach to S. Thompson, college business He also told a cheering Con- Student Affiliates of the Ameri- "why Johnny Can't read." but the manager. gress this nation will catch up It's the fourth lowest can Chemical Society had been ironical twist to it should prove with Soviet long-range weapon de- among the state's 10 colleges. After IFC given an extension until Jan. 20, a shocker, according to Larry velopment and "have the missile thus reducing to 12 the number Rodrigues, publicity chairman. expenditures for SJS in the' needed quantity and in Sserail of organizations which have not Striving for originality with the time- to preserve U.S. power to for fiscal year 1957-5X, not in- Tessandori touch that was so met constitutional requirements. cluding capital outlay, total uspension tlhe deter aggression. The following groups have failed prominent in last issue. Lyke His audience cheered again vs:hen $7,362,328. The total breaks Tbe 184 Club is now a thing of their status: Alpha will have an interview to end all to clear up he promised "defense reorganiza- down into three major areas: the past. Gamma, CAIIPER, Deseret Club, interviews. says Rodrigues. Gene tion" to make all sem ices work salaries. operating expenses and The Inter-Fraternity Council Millet, Hui-O-Kamaaina, Philoso- Tessandori Jr., the editor, will not in harness in the age of space equipment. and the Administration approved phy Club, Phi Upsilon Omicron, identify the mysterious interviewee missiles. the petition of Sigma Alpha Ep- Sojourners, Theta until Monday. The only clue re- SALARIES LARGEST Sigma Kappa. silon to be reinstated on campus Delta and Hi Fi leased by Tessandori as to who the Largest of the three is salaries, Chi, Delta Phi REAL DANGIERM Jan. 6. subject is, was to say that the - where $6,367,240 will be paid to Club. The President in his tensely On May 28, 1957 SAE was sus- person is a "controversial" cele- inessage 783 faculty, 144 administrative awaited state of the union pended by the IFC when they brity. dangers con- workers and 125 maintenance em- WHAT'S SO did not minimize the "conducted themselves in a fash- Occasional Rain, Wind FUNNY? freronal t..ing the nation and the five ployes this fiscal year. ion as to violate acceptable stand- Something which makes members of th.. staff chuckle. brings Occasional rain is the weather- only a serious look to the face of their S111 Iser. Itexiewing the world, lie said "these dangers an ards of good taste" on May 18 in Opertating expenses, such as gas man's prediction for the Santa latest issue of Lyke are Fred Do. Long, office manager and Gor- the Saba nightclub at Capitola. don (Deb, adviser, and electricity are second in line. Oars Valley today. The fore- Gift Taxes standing behind Gene Tessendori Jr., editor Nor did he eels solely on wea- Earlier in 1957 SAE had been and Mary Maori, copy editor. totaling $738.000. Equipment costs caster anticipates slightly higher pon* to meet them. lie put on probation for holding round out the total at $257,050. temperatures with the high mooed the peoples of A1111441'11, rush function on a non -specified ranging between 55 and 60 de- For College and the world to "ssork of EXPENDITURES TO RISE night. An organization that breaks grees, and southwesterly winds peace" to stop the "plunge to- Each of these expenditure areas any college or fraternity rules or Campus Chest Drive of 7 to 15 miles an hour. ward more and more destructhe has increased proportionately over policies is subjected to suspension To Be Debated of last fiscal year, and are expected upon the IFC' recommendation. 8weapons MIAMI 1-3LACH IL PI A hot But he said the first task "is to to rise during 1958-59, Thompson SAE then became the 184 Club debate was expected yesterday on insure our safety through and held no fraternity functions. ota s said, eac 2 a proposal calling on congress to strength." The second is to answer Two weeks before Christmas the The final total for this year's Campus Chest Drive is Salaries will 1w increased with Frosh Back revise taxes to encourage gifts to approxi- Russia's "total cold war" by ssag- members entered a petition to be mately $947.28, according to a report at yesterday's meeting of the expected addition of 134 institutions of higher learning. the ing "total peace." reinstated. On Jan. 6 this petition Community Service Committee. ploy's to the college payroll, A special finance committee ot was recognized and granted. BLUNT TALK the Madness manager asserted. the Associatiourot American Col- All donations have been turned in and the drive is officiary Contest closed, reported Tedd Wallace, Trb the mernhigrs of Conirremt, Some 97 new faculty members leges, holdine its annual conven- chairman of the committee. is currently The money collected from the meeting in an atmosphere of crisis are projected, 33 liihnini%Irative The Freshman Class tion here, made the proposal Wed- drive will be distributed to the following and determination. the President's end 4 maintenance. PI Omega Pi sponsoring a Betty Coed and Joe nesday. organizations: 75 per cent to United Givers Plan, 10 per College contest which is open to Dr. Carter Davidson of Union *cent to Heart Assn., 10 per cent speech contained in many places HUMBOLDT HIGHEST all candidates sponsored by sor- College. Schenectady, N.Y.. chair- to Cancer Assn. and 5 per cent to the kind of blunt talk they had Leading the state colleges in To Sponsor orities, fraternities and girl s' man of the finance committee, said the World University Service. asked for. Ken They applauded him 39 Dines. cost per student is Humboldt, hoarding houses. modernization of the tax setup was Rexrot Dick Robinson, chairman of the where small classes have caused Two pictures of each candidate needed because both public and exchange lunches for the drive, re- nearly e a minute. pared expenditures to rise to $1286. F5 8 D inner must be submitted to the Student private colleges greatly need fin-. ported that approximately $204 to oaly 1111111S in his %tato Pi Omega Pi, national business Union Office. Connie Evans, con- social help. Will Appear was collected from this event. This of the union message last sear. Lowest costs are $619 at Long education fraternity, is sponsoring test chairman, reported that let- But Dr. Ernest L. Wilkinson, sum, added to money collected The President also used the oc- Beach, a new member of the col- the anuual "Business Education ters will be sent to all organ- president of Brigham Young Col- from other sources, restated in casion to direct this message from lege system. Dinner" for business education izations participating in the event. lege. Salt Lake City, said the pro- the final total. the American people to the R11, majors Jan. 15. Tickets will be on "Letters will contain specific in- pose! would "pave the way for Here Monday In other *ion people: Join us immediately Here is the range of student business, Sally Melton of aorld tensions costs at state colleges: Long gale today and tomorrow only for structions," the chairman said. similar moves by many other types ' reported that a community service in the reduction Beach, $619: San Diego. $661; Los $1.75 apiece in the business wing. Deadline for pictures of candi- of institutions and would deprive Kenneth Rexrothwith the Dick project for Greek Week is being and move toward "a genuine Angeles, $664; San Jose, $692; Sac- The dinner, to be held at 6:30 dates has been moved up to Jan. the government of a large amount Mills Quintetwill appear here planned. peace." ramento, $695; San Francisco, p.m. in the Santa Clara High 13. of revenue." Monday, Jan. 13 at 8:15 p.m. in MUST REMAIN STRONG Auditorium. $749; Fresno, $757; Chico $8297 School Cafetorium, will be pre- Morris Dailey However, until the leaders of Cal Poly, $913; Humboldt, $1286. sided over by master of ceremonies Tickets are on sale at the Stu - the Soviet Union show Some signs Dr.
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