DIRECTORY.] LINCOLNSHIRE. WEST BCTTEHWICK. 121 ~~difice of red brick in the Gothic style, consisting of and 7 of foreshore ; rateable value, £r,so3 ; the popula­ l:hancel and smati nave with one bell: there are 70 sit- tion in rgor of the township was 327. lings. D1vine service Is conducted by the Rev. Agnew By Local Government Board Order 19,998, March 25, '\' aJ.lier Giles Giffard M.A. vicar of Messingham. '.L here 1887, a detached part of Messingham parish was added to i.s a Primitive Methodist chapel, built in r•B7o, and a East Butterwick. "\Yesleyan chapel built in r8gr. The Hale 1s a large Post Oftice.-George William Coy, sub-postmaster. ~~JIUmon about roo ucres in extent, on which about 8o Letters through Doncas-ter arrive at 8.35 a.m. & 2.25 1ersons have grazmg rights. l<.:<iward Peacock esq. of p.IU. & are dispatched at 10.30 a.m. & 5.20 p.m. week Wickentree Hou11e, Kirlon-in-Lindsey, is lord of the manor days only. Pvstal Orders are issued & paid here. oi that portion which is in the parish of Bottesford and The ne~mst money order & telegraph office is at West l<'rederick R. Smith esq. of Everton, Nottinghamsllire, BuHerw~ck, r mile distant of the portion that is in Messingham. The principal Council School (mixed), built, wit•h master's re~idence, landowners are Frederick R. Smith esq. the trustees 01 in r89o, at a cost of £goo, for roo children; average William Cooke Faber esq. and the Rev . .t.:dward Augustm •attendance, 77; Thomas Henry Parkin, master Faber M.A. of Ramsey, Isle of Man. The chief crops art Carrier to Brigg.--JWil'liam Gilorge Marshal!, thurs. & sat potatoes, celery, wheat and beans. The soil is warp; Water Conveyance.-G.ainsborough United Steam P·ackeli subsoil, peat and sand. Two powerful steam engines are Oo. Limited, occasionally to Hull, Keoadhy, Gain.sboro' stationed here for draining the land. The area is 1,034 & intermediate places; s•ailing sloops run weekly tQ acre~:~ of land, including the common, 48 of tidal watei Hull, for packages only COlll:MERCIAL, Caukwell William, farm bailiff to R. Kendall James, blacksmith E. Harrison esq Luckwood Arthur, farmer Armstrong ·wm. Allison, frmr. Holly ho Clark Thomas, farmer Lockwoud Joseph, farmer Harlow Wilfred Is; Thotna.s, farmers, Coy George William, shopkeeper, cycle Lockwood Willlam, fanner onion, cauliflower &; celery growers agent & sub-postmaster Mar,g.ha.U Wm. Geo. shopkpr. & carrier & potato merchants, Ings house Coy William, greengrocer J1oudy Richard, farmer Binks Frederick, farm ba1lift to W. & F1etcher Jonathan, fanner Oates Willia.m, farmer T. Barlow esqrs. Poplar house Gillatt George, shoe maker Outrau1 George, a.ssistant overseer Bramhall EveritL, farmer Godfrey John Arthur, farmer & potato Outram Juhn, monumental mason, Brunyee George .Sales, Dog & Gun merchant coal dealer & manure agent hotel, farmer & ferry boat owner Jacklin William, shopkee.per Ross Martin, wheelwright Johnson Thomas John, farmer WEST BUTTERWICK is a parish, formed May 9, to the chapel. The paris'h ha~ £r6 yearly from the rent 1845, from Owston parish, and a village on the west bank of land, left in the hands of the l'larish Council, which of the river Trent, in the Isle of Axholme, 3 miles south sum is expended in coal and distributed equally to from Althorpe station on the Great Central (late M. S. every househ~1der in the parish. The trustees of the .and L.) railway, 4~ east-by-north from Epworth and 12 late Alfred Parkin esq. are lords of the manor and Sir north from Gains borough, West LindsPy division of the Berkeley Digby lliorge Sheffield hart. of Normanby Park, county, parts of Lindsey, western division of Manley Is t'he chief landowner. The choief crops are potatve-s, wapentake, Epworth petty sessional division, union and wheat, oats, beans and celery. The soil is deep loam; county court district of Gainsborough, rural deanery of sulbsoil, warp and peat. A large pumping engine is Axholme, archdeaconry of Stow and diocese of Lincoln. stati•med here for draining the land. The area is 2,391 There is a ferry to East Butterwick, which is situated acres of land, 3 of water, 121 of tidal water and 20 of on the opposite side of the Trent. The Trent is navigated foreshore; rateable value, ; population in 1901, by the Hull and Gainsborough !!team packets, which call 627. here occasionally. The church of St. Moary, erected in r84r, is a plain structure of white brick in the Gothic KELFIELD is a hamlet 3 miles south on the west bank styfe, consisting of nave and a western tower, with of the Trent. octagonal S"tair turret, pinnacles and brick spire, and Parish Clerk, George Taylor. containing one bell: in 1879 the interior was refitted Post, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., E. D., S. B. & A. & I. and reseated a;t a cost of about £r6o: there are sitting.s Office. John Thoma~ Soales, sub-postmaster. Let- for 200 per!l'Ons. The separate regiost~r of this parish te~ arrive from Doncaster at 8.25 a.m. & 2.30 p.m.; qates only from the year r845, except that ()f bapt~sms, dispatched at II a.m. & 5.40 p.m. No delivery or <lis- which dates from I825; the earlier registers are included patch on sundayos. The telegraph office is open on in those of Ow~ton. The living is a vicarage, net yearly sundays from 8 to IO a.m value £279, including 26 acres of glebe, with residence, Wall Letter Box, West street, cleared at 10.45 a.m. c\:i in the gift of the vicar of Owsoon, and held since r885 5·35 p.m. week days only by the Rev. John Benniwort'h Shelley, of the Universit-y Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1871, for of London. A burial £round of about t-hree-quarters of 150 children; average attendance, IOI; Edwin Morle, an acre, 111djoining the churehyard, was given by the late master; Miss M. Prat1ey, mistress Sir Bober't Sheffield bart. in 1875. There is a Weos- Carrier from Crowle.-H. C. Wre.ssell, fortnightly 1eyan ch-apel, built in 1836, a Primitive Meth!Xlist ch'a.pel, Water Conveyance.--Gainsborough United Steam Packet and a Generol Baptist chapel, the latter having an Co. Limited, occasionally to Hull, Keadby & Gains- endowment of about £35 per year arising from land; borough & inwrmediate places, & market sailing sloops part of the income is for the relief of the poor belonging f<Yr packages every fortnight WEST BUTTERWICK. Gray Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Scales John Thomas, grocer & seeds- Hall Miss Hall Michael, master mariner man, Post office Mason Mrs Heald Thomas, tailor & draper Seaton William, wheelwright & joiner Pearson Fra.ncis James L.R.C.P.Lond Hird Jabez, clerk to Parish Council & Storm Edmund, saddler Shelley Rev. Jn_ Benniworth, Vicarage assistant overseer Tempertvn Edmund, farmer, Yousten Hird Richard, butcher Temperton Geo. casting tool ma.&frmr COlllKERCIAL. Howard J oseph, coal dealer Tempert.on J oseph, farmer, Fleet house Barningham Thomas, farmer J oel Frederick, farmer Temperton Jvseph John, Three Horse- Brown Frederick. farmer Keall Robert John M.R.C. V.S. vewr- shoes inn, & fanner :Brown George, farmer inary surgeon (attends mondays) Temperton Waiter J. fanner, Yousters Brown Bob~rt, farmer, The Hall Kelsey Chesman, farmer (letters through Owstvn Ferry) Burkinshaw Girdham, blacksmith Kirk George William, photographer Temperton William, jun. grocer Chesman Thomas, farmer Kirk Hannah (Mrs.), ·householder Temperton William, farmer Cockin George William, shoe maker Mason John, potato merchant Twidale Edrnund, rope & twins Coggon Richard & Son, millers (wind M:iddlehm Geo. Hy. horse dealer &frrnr maker, wholesale & retail cabinet &; steam) & farmers, Prospect house Pearson Francis James M.R.C.S.Eng., maker & upholst~rer Coggan John, farmer L.R.C.P.·Lond. surgeon, & medical Twidale Esther (Mrs.), shopkeeper Colley AHred, fishmonger officer & public vaocinator, West Twidale Thos. shpkpr.&insurance agen\ Oook William, farmer Butterwick district, Gainsborougb Wall Joseph, butcher & farmer Crackle William, bricklayer union W oodliff Richard, Ferry &at inn Dawson Hannah (Mrs.), farmer Petty Henry, butcher Ellis J oseph Edwin, householder Pilgrim Elizh. (Mrs.), grocer & draper KELFIELD. Everatt William, farmer, Yousters Pilsworth Goorge Watson, farmer Coul'beck John, farmer Fowler William, farmer Richard son Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Co"X Albert, farmer Glew George, farmer, Common Ridgway Mark, beer retailer Harria Robert, farmer CASTLE BYTHAM, see p. 131. -.
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