CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 GUJARAT SERIES 5 PART Il-A GENERAL POPULATION TABLES C.C.DOCI'OR of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations Oujarat CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Central Government Publications-Census of India 1971 Series-S Gujarat is being publi­ shed in the following parts : Part Subject covered Number I-A General Report I-B Detailed Analysis of the Demographic, Social, Cultural and Migration Patterns I-C Subsidiary Tables II-A General Population Tables ('A' Series) II-B Economic Tables (' B' Series) II-C(i) Distribution of Population, Mother Tongue and Religion, Scheduled Castes and Schedule Tribes II-C(ii) Other Social and Cultural Tables and Fertility Tables, Tables on household Com­ position, Single Year Age, Marital Status, Educational Levels, Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes, etc. Bilingualisum. II I-A Establishment Report III-B Establishment Table (cE' Series) IV-A&B Housing Report, Housing Tables and Subsidiary Tables V Special Tables and Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes *VI-A Town Directory VI- B Special Survey Reports on Selected Towns VI-0 Survey Reports on Selected Villages VII Special Report on Graduate and Technical Personnel VIII-A Administration Report-Enumeration I ~ For official use only VlII-B Administration Report-Tabulation j IX Census Atlas *IX-A Administrative Atlas DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK tX-A Town and Vi11age Directory tX-B Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract X-C Analytical Report, Departmental Statistics and District Census Tables • Published in English t Published in English and Gujarati i CONTENTS PREPACE PAOIS v-vi INTRODUCTION 1-7 TABLEA·I FLYLEAF TO TABLE A-I 9-16 UNION TABLE A-I Area, Houses and Population. 17-18 STATE TABLE A-I Area, Houses and Population. 19-35 ApPENDIX I TO TABLE A-I Statement showing 1961 territorial units constituting the present set up of Gujarat State. • 36-41 EXPLANATORY NOTE TO A statement showing the areas fOl 1961 and 1971 for those ApPENDIX I TO TABLE A-I towns which have undergone changes in Area since 1961 due to change in jurIsdiction and population of 1961 and 1971 for the transferred area. 42-44 APPENDIX II TO TABLE A-I Nwnbel of Villages with a population of 5,000 and over and towns \\oith a population under 5,000. 45-47 APPENDIX III TO TABLE A-I Houseless and Institutional Population 48-60 TABLEA,.D FLYLEAP "flO TABLE A-II 61-66 T AlILE A-II Decadal Variation in Population since 1901 • 67-69 APPENDIX To T ,ABLE A-It State and districts showing 1961 population according to their territoIial Jurisdiction in 1961, changes in area and the population ofl961 acljusted to jurisdiction ofl97!. 70-71 TABLEA·m FLYLEAP TO TABLE A-III -. 73-71 UNION TABLE A-III Villages Classified by Population 78-79 STATE TABLE A-III Villages Classified by Population 80-89 ApPENDIX TO TABLE A-Ill 90-91 TABLEA·IV FLYLEAP TO TABLE A-tV 93-104 TABLE A-IV Towns and Urban Agglomerations classified by population in 1971 With variation since 1901. • 105-134 APPENDIX I TO TABLE A-IV New Towns added in 1971 and Towns in 1961 declassified in 1971. 135-136 EXP:L.A"NATORY NOTE A TO Each New Town added in 1971 shol1ing the names of villages APPENDIX I TO TABLE A-IV with its Land Revenue Record No., Area and Population as in 1961 now constituting town. 137 EXI'LANATORY NOTE B TO Town of 1961 which has been declassified in 1971 showing Al'I'ENDIX I TO r ABLE A-IV the name, area and population of t_he village into which it has been relapsed in 1971 Census. 138 LIST A TO Al'I'ENDlX I 'Io List of places with a population of under 5,000 treated as towns TABLE A-IV tor the first time in 1971. 138 iii U.T B TO APPENDIX t to Lillt of places with a pOl?l1lation of under 5,000 in 196J which TABLE A-IV ~ere treated as towns In 1971 buthave been omitted from the list of towns in 1971. • 138 APl'BNDIX II TO T,l\JlLE A-IV Changes in area of to~ns (with population) between 1961 and 1971 and Reason for change in area. '. • 139-141 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRAC'l' FI.YLB.AF TO PlUM;,ARY CENSUS AB~TRAC'r • 143-159 UmON PRIMARY OENSUS ABSTRACT 160-165 STATB PB.lMARY aE~S ABS'IR.ACT 166-255 APPENDICES APl'ENDIX A Houselist 258-259 APl'ENDIX B· Establishment Schedult: 260 APf'ENDIX C Individual Slip • 261 API"ENDJX D Population Record • • 262 AnENDIX E Census Calendar for 1971 CensUo'. 263-265 iv liRE FAC E The compilation and publication of Part II-A General Population Tables marks the culmination of the process ofabstraction and tabulation of data collected during 1971 Ceu'ius. This publication contains the data cast in the four tables of A-series togetrer with several appendices plus the Primary Census Abstract. Parti.~ulars of the data covered in tables of A-series are as follows: Table A-I Area, Houses and Population Table A-II Decadal Variation in Population since 1901 Table A-III Villages classified by Population Table A-IV Towns and Urban Agglomerations classified by Population in 1971 with Variation since 1901 The A-series tables cover the information which ~as canvassed in the individual slips and the population record both of which ~ere required to be filled in by the enumerator during 1971 Census. When this record was received in the tabulation offices it was subjecLed to a regorous scrutiny before it was accepted for inclusion in the tables preseD ted here. The total nwn ber ofslips canvassed and received in the tabulation offices amounted to 26.6 millions and they were divided among three Regional Tabulation Office;; at Surat, Rajkot and Bhavnagar which were attending to the work ofslips from n11al areas and one Urban Tab1.&latio.o Office at Ahmadabad ~hich was attending to the \tork ofslips from urban areas of the State. We commenced our work with the sampling of 1 % slips fm both rural as well as urban areas. The intention was to give some indicators about the changing demographic pattern during 1971 Census before the entire bulk of slips were sorted an<l results published. Therafter we sorted the slips simultaneously for the urban and rural areas in different offices l.Ipto a certain stage. Therafter 20% samoling oftne slips of the urban area was done and the data was transferred on punched cards which was ultimately fed to the magnetic tapes at the Zonal Computer Centre at Bombay, from which finally the State and National level tables would be generatea at Registlar General's office, New Delhi. As far as rUlal slips ale concemed, a 10% samoling was done at the same stage as the urban slips and the sampled slins were manuall)r sorted at the three Regional Tabulation Offices described above. The figures 80 arrived at ~ere inflated to 100% by following the estimation procedure prescribed by the Registrar General. The tables for tbe rural areas which have been manually prepared on sample basis here will be combined with the computarised tables of the Ul baIl areas when received from Registrar General's Office, to present a comprehensive picture of the State. So far as the tables of A-series are concerned, they are all on full count, the slips for Which have been manually sorted and tabulated. The Ptim:l.ry a~nsu'3 Ab'itract given towa.rds the end of this volume determines the population for each administratlive unit for which the d<l.ta has been subsequently tabulated in tables of different series. The tables ofthe A-eries with which this volume is mainly concerned, are General Population Tables and includes information described above. Further particulars about each table and its appendices will be found in the flyleaves inserted before each. The compilation and tabulation of the data in the above tables in the State Census Office has'meant conside­ rable srn.ount of work after the slips were sorted and tabulated at the Regional Tabulation Offices. For example for the puroose of oreparing Table A-Ion Area, Houses and Population, we had to ascertain besides the population, the area in sq. lan. and workout population per sq. km. etc., and divided the villages into inhabited and uninhabited. The number ofoccupied residential houses and the number households had also to be ascertained from the primary record namely the enumerator's ab'1tract. Similar and varied exercise~ had to be done in respect of other tables and appendices in the course of which past census volumes from 1901 onwards had to be referred. All the tables included in these series except Table A-III were built up in the Central Tabulation Unit of this office at Ahm3.dabad. TableA-III--Villages classified by population-was initially prepared at the Regional Tabulation Offices and was later scrutinised by Central Tabulation Unit of this office which was specially carved out for the purpose. It is a matter ofdeep satisfaction that the compilation of this volume has been completed within a very short time after the taking of the census. Unfortunately its publication was long delayed after the compilation was completed because the agency for printing could not be finalised due to circumstances beyond our control. I alll deeply indebted to Shri A. Chandra Sekhar, lAS, Registrar General, India and Shri K. D. Ballal, lAS, Deputy Registrar General, India for the valuable instructions and guidance received from them in (v) the m1.tter oforepuation of these tables from time to time.
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