IIEPIEXOMENA - CONTENTS Eioaycoytj 13 Foreword 19 i'sg -Abbreviations 22 MEPOE 1 - PART 1 AATOMEIA KAI EPrASTHPIA TAYnTIKHZ TH2 ITAPOY QUARRIES AND MARBLE WORKSHOPS OF PAROS 1. Norman Herz The Classical Marble Quarries of Paros: Paros-1, Paros-2 and Paros-3 27 2. Demetrius Schilardi Observations on the Quarries of Spilies, Lakkoi and Thapsana on Paros 35 3. MavwXris Kogge; Yiroyeia Aaxoneia trig ndoou 61 4. Povoetog Aeißaödgog xai KoivatavTiva Todiuov Nea STOIXEICI yia TT]V Yjioyeia EKnetd^Xeuari xov AUXVITT] crtr|v ridgo 83 5. Matthias Bruno The Results of a Field Survey on Paros 91 6. Matthias Bruno, Lorenzo Lazzarini, Michele Soligo, Bruno Turi, Myrsine Varti-Matarangas The Ancient Quarry at Karavos (Paros) and the Characterization of its Marble 95 7. KXaigrt Evatgatiov EpyacrtriQia Y\VKIVWC\C, axx\v naooixi'a üäoou 105 8. ÄyyeXos MatGaiov VpognöAeeoq 113 9. Kenneth Sheedy Archaic Parian Coinage and Parian Marble 117 MEPOE 2 - PART 2 H nAPIA AI0O2 KAI H XPHZH THZ 2THN TAYIITIKH, APXITEKTONIKH KAI EnirPAd>IKH AnO THN APXAIOTHTA MEXPI TON 19° AI. M.X. PARIA LITHOS AND ITS EMPLOYMENT IN SCULPTURE, ARCHITECTURE AND EPIGRAPHY FROM ANTIQUITY TILL THE 19TH C. A.D. 10. Gottfried Gruben Marmor und Architektur 125 11. Richard Tomlinson Towards a Distribution Pattern for Parian Marble in the Architecture of the 6th c. B.C 139 12. Georgia Kokkorou-AIevras The Use and Distribution of Parian Marble during the Archaic Period 143 13. Kategiva Mauoaydvi] napaniQTio£i5 oxr\v AQxaioTEgr] Tc«ptXT] STTJXT] XOV Mouoei'ou Tldgov 155 14. AimtJTgtig Exi^aovu ta TOV 2T]UEic6aeig Y Hniepyo KOQIAO ABXTITTJ xr]g nctQOD 163 15. Kenneth Sheedy The Louvre Kouros (MND 888) from Paros 173 16. Carol Benson Paros and Athens: A Stylistic Message on the Parthenon Frieze 179 17. Apostolos Athanassakis The Marmor Pariwn: A Reconsideration 187 18. Patricia Butz IG XII.5, 225: Palaeography, Prohibitionary Content and Marble 193 19. Ntrioa KatawvojiovJiov riagia A1805 xai Aidar}uoi rXiJjrreg TOD 40U at. JT.X.: Zxdrcac; o ITagiog xai npa^iTE'XTig o AÖrivaiog 203 20. Dora Katsonopoulou A Marble Head from Naoussa of Paros 215 21. Olga Palagia Skopas of Paros and the "Pothos" 219 22. Antonio Corso Praxiteles and the Parian Marble 227 23. John Pollini The Marble Type of the Statue of Augustus from Prima Porta: Facts and Fallacies, Lithic Power and Ideology, Color and Color Symbolism in Roman Art 237 24. John Herrmann, Luc Moens, Paul De Paepe Some Identifications of Sculpture in Parian Marble in Boston 253 25. AQioteiön.; BaQQidg H nccQi'a AiOog xai rj Ildgog xatd ir\ Bu^avrivt] IIEQIOÖO (EÜK; TOV 12° ai.) 267 26. Angeliki Mitsani Observations on the Origins of Marbles Used in the Katapoliani Church of Paros 279 27. Aovxia Apov^ia, riwgyog ToXiag, Pdvia IloXvxavöeiwtn, I6kr\ BiyyonovXov noooxuvfjuaxa crta AatonEiatTjg ndoou (15°5-19°s ai.) 285 28. Mdgw AHOOTOXOV xai Kateoiva Haxoov\iä To KdoTQOTT]5 uagoixidg 293 29. AXe|dvÖQa rouXdjtn-BouTVQd, TiraQyog KaQaöeöog, Tiweyog Adßßag H ExxXTioiaattxri MaQuagoY^DmiXT) TT]$ Ildoou and TOV 16° ecog TOV 20d ai 305 30. Nixog XQ. AXiJiQdvtng O NixdXaog KgiojiTig (1825-1903) xai x\ ETCUQEICX MagndQcov xr\<; Uagov 319 MEPOE 3 - PART 3 EHATQrH KAI AIAAO2H TH2 IIAPIAi: AI9OY EXPORT AND DIFFUSION OF THE PARIA LITHOS 31. Ntiva Yl£nna-\tkfiovZ)ov O Axrixdg KEQajiog 329 32. Xoiauva BXaoaonoüXov TiOEig ovr\ MaQ\idQivr\ KEQd(ia»ori TOD AQxaiov Naoii atriv AxednoXri 341 33. Olga Palagia Parian Marble and the Athenians 347 34. Elena Partida Architecture in Parian Marble at Delphi 355 35. ßii E'OEI? AoxXrpuEiou EmöaiJQOu xai Ildoou xaxd TOV 4" ai. n.X 365 36. Dora Katsonopoulou Pedimental Sculptures in Parian Marble from Keryneia of Achaea 373 10 37. Klaus Herrmann Zur Verwendung des parischen Marmors im Heiligtum von Olympia 379 38. KottEQiva Kavta-KiTorov H nctQouata Maouäoou ornv AQxaixrj DMHUKX] xr\q Keoxuoac; 391 39. Hans Rupprecht Goette Parian Marble in Southern Euboia 399 40. Kwatag N. Ka^auiaxng H IlaQia A1605 OTT]V Kea xatd tov 6° au n.X 405 41. Bernard Holtzmann Types et Style de Paros dans la Sculpture de Thasos 409 42. Tony Kozelj and Manuela Wurch-Kozelj Les Pariens et les Carrieres ä Thasos 417 43.Maria Alexandrescu-Vianu, Mircea Pentia, Liviu Nedelcu, Norman Herz, Zachary Sharp Imported Antique Marble in Dobroudja 427 44. Anton Bammer Marbles at Ephesus and their Relation to Paros 437 45. Susan Walker and Michael Hughes Parian Marble in the Dynastie Monuments of Lycia and Caria 445 46. Kristian Jeppesen Scopas of Paros and his Share in the Sculptural Decoration of the Mausolleion at Halicarnassus 453 47. Moshe Fischer "...On Parian Pillars": The Septuagint Translation of The Book of Esther 1.6 461 48. Vassos Karageorghis Phoenician Marble Anthropoid Sarcophagi and their Parian Connection 469 49. Susan Kane Parian Sculpture in the Greco-Roman City of Cyrene, Libya 479 50. Barbara Barletta Paros and the Monumental Art of Late Archaic Western Greece 487 51. Carlo Gorgoni and Paolo Pallante On Cycladic Marbles Used in the Greek and Phoenician Colonies of Sicily 497 52. Elena Flavia Castagnino La Sicilia e il Commercio Marittimo del Marmo Cicladico: Naves Lapidariae, Maestranze e Commitenze tra Terra e Mare 507 11 53. Roberta Belli Pasqua II Marmo di Paros nell'Italia Meridionale: Problemi del Commercio e della Diffusione 519 54. Patrizio Pensabene, Lorenzo Lazzarini, Michele Soligo, Matthias Bruno, Bruno Turi The Parian Marble Blocks of the Fossa Traiana 527 55. Demetrius Schilardi Paros and the Export of Marble Sarcophagi to Rome and Etruria 537 56. Antonio Corso A Goddess of Cycladic Marble from Etruria 559 MEPOE 4 - PART 4 TAYTI2H KAI SYNTHPH2H TOY I1APIANOY MAPMAPOY IDENTIFICATION AND CONSERVATION OF PARIAN MARBLE 57. Jacqueline Schmid, Matthias Ambiihl, Danielle Decrouez, Samuel Müller, Karl Ramseyer The Use of Quantitative Fabric Analysis for a Better Discrimination of White Marbles 569 58. Yannis Maniatis and Kyriaki Polykreti The Characterization and Discrimination of Parian Marble in the Aegean Region 575 59. Yannis Maniatis, Kyriaki Polykreti, Themis Vakoulis An Attempt to Identify the Provenance of Marbles Used in the Katapoliani of Paros 585 60. Daniel Borschneck, Max Schvoerer, Fran?oise Bechtel Etude Comparee de la Cathodoluminescence de Marbres de Paros, Naxos et du Mont Pentelique 591 61. Ioannis Liritzis and Robert Galloway Solar Bleaching of Thermoluminescence of Ancient Marble and Limestone: Dating and Provenance Implications 603 62. Kyriaki Polykreti, Christodoulos Michael, Yannis Maniatis An Approach to Authentication and Dating of Marble Artifacts and Monuments with Thermoluminescence 609 63. Adolfo Pasetti I recenti sviluppi sul problema del consolidamento superficiale e della protezione del marmo 619.
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