THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 1883. 4941 The Bankruptcy Act, '1869. October, 1883, at half-past twelve o'clock in the afternoon In the County Court of Staffordshire, bolden at Oldbnry. precisely.—Hated this 9th day of October, 1883. In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- MURLY, SONS, and MILLARD, Old Post Office- ment or Composition 'with Crfcjitorp, instituted by chambers, Bristol, Solicitors for the said Debtor. Isaac Russell, formerly residing in Overend-street, but The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. now residing in Bratt-street, and also lately carrying on In the County Court of Gloucestershire, holden at Bristol. business in Griffin-street, all in West Bronrwicb, in tbe In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- county of Stafford, Scrap Iron and General Dealer. ment or Composition with Creditors, /instituted by OTICE is hereby given, that a* First General Meeting 'Stephen Steeds, George Saunders Sainsbury, Henry John N of the creditors of the above-named person has been Sainsbury, and William Edward Sainsbury, trading in summoned to be held at the~offices of Mr. 9. Ward, Solicitor, copartnership at Temple Gate, in the city of Bristol, and 23, Wolverhampton-streef, Dudley, in the county of .Wor- at Chippenham,Melksham, Cain?, Trowbridge, and Holt, cester, on the 29th day of October, 1883, at ten o'clock in in the county of Wilts, as Coal Merchants and Factor*, the forenoon precisely.—Dated this 12th day of October, under the style or firm of the Somersetshire Coal Com- 1883. pany, the said George Saunders Sainsbnry, Henry John S. WARD. 23, Wolverhampton-street, Dudley, Soli- Sainsbury, and William Edward Sainsbury also trading citor for tbe paid Debtor. iu copartnership at Devizes, Woodborough, and Hunger- The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. ford, in the said county of Wilts, as Coal and Salt -Mer- In the County Court of Gloucestershire; holden at Bristol. chants and Factors, and Manure and General Merchants, In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- and Brick and Tile Manufacturers, and Delivery Agents ment or Composition with Creditors, instituted by for tbe Great Western Railway Company, under the style Stephen Steeds, George Saunderg Sainsbnry, Henry John or firm of Sainsbury and Sous, the said George Saunders Sainsbury, and William Edward Sainsbury, trading in Sainsbury and Henry John Sainsbury also lately trading copartnership at Temple Gate, in the city of Bristol, and in copartnership at Devizes aforesaid, as Wine and Spirit at Chippenham, Melksham, Calne, Trowbridge, and Holt, Merchants, Brewers, and Maltsters, under the style or in the county of Wilt", as Coal Merchants and Factors, firm of G. S. and H. J. Sainsbury, tbe said George under the style or firm of tbe Somersetshire Coal Com- Saunders Sainsbnry-and Henry John Saiasbury, who, in pany, the said George Saunders Sainsbury, Henry John coniunction with Thomas Hicks Chandler the younger, Sainsbnrr, and William Edward Sninsbury also trading and Ellen Giddiaps, Widow, are the whole of the Pro- in copartnership at Devizes, Woodborougb, and Hunger- prietors in the Bear Hotel Company, at Devizes aforesaid, ford, in the said county of Wilts, as Coal and~Salt Mer- the said Stephen S eeds residing at 18, Westfield-park, chants and Factors, and Manure and General Merchants, Clifton, in the city of Bristol, George Saunders Sainobury and Brick and Tile Manufacturers, and Delivery Agents residing at 22, Hanbury-road, Clifton aforesaid, Henry for the Great Western Railway Company, under the style John Sainbury residing at Rowde, in the county of or firm of Sainsbury and Sons, the said George Saunders Wilts, and William Edward Sainsbury residing at 39, Sainsbury and Henry John Sainsbury also lately trading New Park-s'reet, Devizes aforesaid. in copartnership at Devizes aforesaid, as Wine and Spirit OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting Merchants, Brewers and Maltsters, under the'style or N of the separate creditors of the above-named Henry firm of G. S. and H. J. Sainsbury, the said George John Sainsbury has been summoned to be held at the offices Saunders Sainsbnry and Henry John Sainsbury, who, in of Messrs. Tribe, Clarke, and Co., Albion-chambers, Small- con junction with Thomas Hicks Chandler the younger, street^ in tbe city of Bristol, on the 24th day of October, and Ellen Giddings, Widow, are the whole of the Pro- 1883, at one o'clock in the afternoon preaisely.—Dated this prietors in the Bear Hotel Company, at Devizes aforesaid, 9th day of October, 1883. the said Stephen'Steeds residing at 18, Westfield-park, MURLY, SONS, and MILLARD, Old Post Office- Clifton, in the city of Br stol, George Saunders Sainsbury chambers, Bristol, Solicitors for the said Deb:or. residing at 22, Hanbnry-road, Clifton aforesaid, Henry The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. John Sainsb.urv residing at Rowde, in the county of In the County Court of Gloucestershire, holden at Bristol. Wilts, and William Edward Sainsbury residing at 39, (n the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- New Park-street, Devizes aforesaid. ment or Composition with Creditors, instituted by OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting Stephen Steeds, George Saunders Sainsbury, Henry John N' of the separate creditors of the above-named Stephen Sainsbury, and William Edward Sainsbnry, trading in Steeds has been summoned to he held at the offices of Messrs. copartnership at Temple Gat'1, in the ciry of Bristol, and Tribe, Clarke, and O., Albion-chambers, Small--treet, in at Chippenham, Melksham, Calne, Trowbridge, and Holt, the city of Bristol, on tbe 24th day of October, 1883, at in the county of Wilts, as Coal Merchants and Facto.-a, twelve o'clock at noon precisely.—Dated this 9th day of under the style or firm of tbe Somersetshire Coal Com* October, 1883. pany, the said George Saunders Sainsbury, Henry John MUKLY, SONS, and MILLARD, Solisitors for Sainsbury, and William Edward Saiosbury also trading the said Debtor. in copartnership at Devizes, Woodborougb, and Hunger- The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. ford, in the said county of Wilts, as Coal and Salt Mer- In the County Court of Gloucestershire, holden at Bristol. chants and Factors, and Manure and General Merchants, In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- and Brick and Tile Manufacturers, and Delivery Agents ment or Composition with Creditors, instituted by for the Great Western Railway Company, under the style Stephen Steeds, George Saunders Sainsbury, Henry John or firm of Sainsbury and Sons, the said George Saunders Sainsbnry, and William Edward Sainsbury, trading in Sainsbury and Henry John Sainsbury also lately trading copartnership at Temple Gate, in the city of Bristo', and in copartnership at Deviz s aforesaid, as Wine and Spirit at Chippenham, Melksham, Calne, Trowbridge, and Hoi', Merchants, Brewers and Maltsters, under the style or in the county of Wilts, as Coal Merchants and Factors, firm of G. S. and H. J. Sainsbury, the said George tinder the style or firm of the Somersetshire Coal Com- Saunders Sainsbury and Henry John Sainsbury, who, in pany, the said George Saunders Sainsbnry, Henry John conjunction with Thomas Hicks Chandler the younger Sainsbury, and William Edward Sainsbury also trading and Ellen Giddings, Widow, are the whole of tbe Pro- in copartnership at Devizes, Woodborough, and Hunger- prietors in the Bear Hotel Company, at Devizes aforesaid, ford, in the said county of Wilt?, as Coal and Salt Mer- the said Stephen Steeds residing at 18, Westfield-park, chants and Factors, and Manure and General Merchants, Clifton, in the city of Bristol, George Siundera Sainsbury and Brick and Tile Manufacturers, and Delivery Agents residing at 22, Hanbury-road, Clifton aforesaid, Henry for the Great Western Railway Company, under the s:yle John Sainsbury residing at Rowde, in the county of or firm of Sainsbury and Sons, the said George Saunders Wilts, and William Edward Sainsbury residing at 39 Sainsbury and Henry John Sainsbury also lately trading New Park-street, Devizes aforesaid. in copartnership at Devizes aforesaid, as Wine and Spirit OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting Merchants, Brewers and Maltsters, under the style or N of the separate creditors of the above-named William firm of G. £. and H. J. Sainsbury, the said George Edward Saiusbury has ntea summoned to be held at the Saundtrs Sainsbury and Henry John Sainsbury, who, in offices of Messrs. Tribe, Clarke, and Co., Albion-chambers, conjunction with Thomas Hicks Chandler the ycuuger, Small-street, in the city of Bristol, on the 24th day of and Ellen Giddinge, Widow, are the whole of tbe Pro- October, 1883, at half-past one o'clock in the aiternoon prietors in the Bear Hotel Company, at Devizes aforesaid, precisely.—Dated this 9th day of October, 1883. the said Stephen Steeds residing at 18, Westfield-park, MURLY, SONS, and MIL LARD, Old Post Office- Clifton, in tbe.city of Bristol, George Saunders Sainsbury chambers, Bristol, Solicitors for the said Debtor. residing at 22, Hanbury-road, Clifton aforesaid, Henry The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. John Sainsbury residing at Rowde, in the county of In the County Court of Gloucestershire, holden at Bristol. Wilts, and William Edward Sainsbury residing at 39, In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- New Park-street, Devizes aforesaid. ment or Composition with Creditors, instituted by OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting Stephen Steedc, George Saunders Sainsbury, Henry John of the separate creditors of the above-named George Saiusbury, and William Edward Sainsbury, trading in SaunderN s Saiusbury has been summoned to be held at the copartnership at Temple Gate, in the city of Bristol, and offices of Messre. Tribe, Clarke, and Co., Albion-chambers, at Chippenham, Melksham, Calne, Trowbridge, and Holt, Small-street, in the city of' Bristol, on the 24th d»y of j - in the county of Wilts, as Coal Merchants and Factors,.
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