THE MALE ANIMAL BY JAMES THURBER and ELLIOT NUGENT Directed by DAVID B. MARSHALL PRESENTED BY Ann Arbor Civic Theatre, Inc. SPONSORED BY JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BENEFIT - YOUTH WELFARE ACTIVITIES MOUNT CARMEL AUDITORIUM WYANDOTTE, MICHIGAN ~-;MAY~ ---- - FEDERAL DEPARTMENT STORES Downriver's Shopping Center for Thrifty People OPEN FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. Phones: 4940-4941-4942 3121 Biddle Ave. Wyandotte, Mich. D. MELLIN MORAN E. W. Smith Agency, Dow nriver's Oldest and Largest Auto Parts House Inc. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS and EQUIPMENT Insurance AUTOMOTIVE and MARINE PAINTS Oxygen, Acetylene, Welding Supplies WYANDOTTE RIVER ROUGE 417 EUREKA ROAD WYANDOTTE Phone 2060 Phone VI. 1-1255 Phones: Wyan. 2200; Vine. 1-6020 FISHER WALLPAPER and PAINT CO. Michigan's Largest Wallpaper Distributors 2860 BIDDLE AVENUE PHONE 4846 WYANDOTTE NICK ST. ONGE - MANAGER INSURED SAVINGS MORTGAGE LOANS Down River Federal Savings and Loan Assn. 2959 Biddle Ave. 10447 Jefferson Ave. Wyandotte, Mich. River Rouge, Mich. ESTABLISHED 1934 ASSETS EXCEED $6,500,000.(lfl ANN ARBOR CIVIC THEATRE, INC. presents ~eTHE MALE ANIMAL" By JAMES THURBER and ELLIOTT NUGENT In a Special Performance MOUNT CARMEL AUDITORIUM Saturday Night, May 6th, 1950 Sponsored by Junior Chamber of Commerce WYANDOTTE, MICHIGAN Benefit Youth Welfare Fund BOARD OF DIRECTORS PHILLIP J. TOCCO FRED DAVIDSON ROBERT GILLAM FRANK RICHARDS LEONARD ROBINSON PAUL AHRNS LAFAYETIE S. DANIEL ROBERT BUFE WILLIAM WELKE DONALD NEITZEL DONALD TIMS HENRY MARQUARDT WILLIAM THON RAYMOND SAGE Sponsorship arranged by HARRY C. TAYLOR ASSOCIATES Telephone 2-0453 - 217 East Huron Street - Ann Arbor, Michigan HARRY C. TAYLOR EARL FRANCES DON DUNCAN EBERTS BROTHERS COMPANY READY MIXED CONCRETE BUILDERS' SUPPLIES COAL and COKE 2439 VAN ALSTYNE BOULEVARD PHONE 1500 1895 - 55 years of service - 1950 To Our Many Friends: The members of the Wyandote Junior Chamber of Commerce wish to express 1heir appreciation and thanks to our many friends, patrons and adver­ tisers for co-operating and making it possible for us to continue to promote our YOUTH WELFARE PROGRAMS in this city. Thanks again. You may be sure that with this inspiration, we of the Junior Chamber of Commerce will continue our efforts towards the promotion of Youth Welfare Activities in order to make "Our Town" a better place in which to live. PHiliP J. TOCCO, President Wyandotte Junior Chamber of Commerce The National Bank of Wyandotte WYANDOTTE, MICHIGAN Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Offices at 3058 First Street Fort Street and Vinewood Briggs Stratton Clinton MODERN SUPER MARKET WYANDOTTE LAWN EQUIPMENT CO. 1702 EUREKA MOTO-MOWER and ECLIPSE POWER MOWERS Wyandotte Michigan Phane 1226 3824 Biddle, Wyandotte BIG CHIEF BAR-8-Q SEITZ CONSTRUCTION CO. FAMOUS STEAKS, CHOPS and SEA WALLS- CEMENT WORK SANDWICHES HOUSE RAISING Try Our Spcciol Lt~ncheons and Dinners 3217 BIDDLE WYANDOTTE Phone Wyon. 0935 32 Roehrig THE CAST NORAH .. .... .... Nancy L. McGee ELLEN TURNER .. ...... Roberta L. McClure TOMMY TURNER .... ..... Kenneth MacDonald PATRICIA STANLEY . .. ..................................................... .]oanne Kaiser WALLY MYERS... ................... ........... .. ...... .john Crandell DEAN FREDERICK DAMON .. ..A. B. Crandell ~IICHAEL BARNES ... ....... .john R. McCarty JOE FERGUSON ... ................ .. .......... Rowland H. McLaughlin i\IRS. BLANCHE DAMON . ........................... jane Dahlberg ED KELLER. ...................... ... .. .................... T. Todd ]ones MYRTLE KELLER. .... .. ..... ... .... .................... Kay Arpin "NUTSY" MILLER ... .... .. .................... .. ........... ...................D. B. Marshall NEWSPAPER REPORTER .. ... .. .... Davis Sellards DOWN RIVER CHEVROLET, INC. 3411 BIDDLE AVENUE PHONE WYANDOTTE 1234 WYANDOTTE, MICH. Daily 6 a.m.-12 p.m. Towing Service Sun. & Holidays 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Harley S. Merritt Telegraph Service Garage SPEEDWAY "79"- GEN'L AUTO REPAIR Insurance Agency, Inc. 14460 Telegraph Rd., US-24 Wyandotte COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE 2738 Biddle Ave. Wyandotte 1084 Business Phone: Wyandotte 9581 Compliments of Open 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Wyandotte 4515 Ranka's Tavern Elite Family Laundry 1722 Biddle Street 12930 FORT STREET WYANDOTTE MICHIGAN PICK-UP and DELIVERY 3156 BIDDLE AVE. WYANDOTTE 5128 BOSTON'S SHOE STORE OPEN THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY EVENINGS A. F. Bernst, Mgr COMPLIMENTS OF FISHER CARTAGE~ INC. 740 TWENTY-FOURTH ST. DETROIT 16, MICHIGAN Your Friendly Buick Dealer MORRIS BUICK COMPANY 1300 BIDDLE AVENUE, WYANDOTTE Phone: WY 6622 LONGTON BROTHERS Radio and Electronics Sales and Service TELEVISION ACCESSORIES - PICK-UP AND DELIVERY TELEPHONE 0989 1213 EUREKA AVENUE GOUTH Sheet Metal and Heating INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC - PHONE 4800 All Types of Furnaces in Gravity and Forced Air John Grouth, Authorized Toridheet Dealer 3441 Fort St., Wyandotte Soncrant Moving and Storage Agent NORTH AMERICAN VAN LINES, Inc. Local and Long Distance Moving, Storage, Merchant Delivery PHONE 2086 THE ACTS T IME - The jn·esent SCEr\E-L iving 1·oom in the house of Prof. Thomas Tu,ruer ill a midwestern university towu. .\ CT 1. Scene 1. Late fall. A Friday eve11ing. ACT 2. Scene I. The following day, after lunch. Scene 2. T hree hours later. ACT 3. Scene I. Two days later, noon. Metropolitan Carpet and Furniture Company EMIL EDELSON Telephone 0222 2915 Biddle Avenue Wyandotte, Michigan Gas Oil Lubrication YOUR Templin's Service Friendly Hudson Dealer Complete Brake Service Stephen J. Daniel PHONE 9655 and Sons GLASS INSTALLED IN ALL MAKE CARS EUREKA AT TWENTY-SECOND 2070 Biddle Ave. Wyandotte Phone 6444 Wyandotte Kale's Delicatessen- 1231 Eureka Handles all Frank Jaworshi's SAUSAGE and LUNCHEON MEATS We take phone orders for Weddings and Parties - Phone 7950 Will Handle " Polish Style" Bread and Cakes GEORGE E. GENTHE MOTOR. SALES, Inc . DeSOTO -· PLYMOUTH ~ J elephone 4006 - 4007 1100 Biddle Ave. Wyandotte, Mich. WALTER A. MROSS NIXON FUNERAL HOME 2548 Biddle Wyandotte 27 74 Electric Phone 5688 COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICES TO MEET EVERY BUDGET CONVERSION Phone ~yandoHe 6480 BURNERS and HEATING AMBULANCE SERVICE BIDDLE RECREATION MAC'S UPHOLSTERING Phone 9751 Wyandotte REPAIRING and REFINISHING Men's Double Tournament Now Running Until June 11th Phone ~Y. 6535 Expense Fee $1.50 Entry $2.00 Car. Biddle & Davis Wyandotte $500.00 IN PRIZES ! Range Located on Dix Near Airport PORATH TOOL COMPANY SCOPES- LOADING TOOLS- MOUNTS CIRCULAR and FLAT FORM TOOLS GUNSMITH SERVICE Phane: ~yan. 1277 Repairing, Rebluing, All Work Guaranteed Elton J. Porath 414 Forest St. Expert Scope Mounting Herbert A. Porath Wyandotte Kenneth Hopkins 1 1 07 Ford Ave. We Deliver Phone 3072 Best Wishes From MARY'S BEER STORE POLISH- AMERICAN CLUB BEER, ~INE and GROCERIES 1639 McKINLEY 1760 Biddle Ave. Mary Sielski Compliments of J. F. O'NEILL PACKING CO. WATKINS HAMBURGERS PHONE 4664 1850 Biddle-~yandoHe 3217 Second St. Wyandotte 260 1 ~est Fo,..,__Detroit Wyandotte Cartage and Storage LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE CALL 0788 801 PLU~ STREET WYANDOTTE, ~ICH. ASK YOU R NEIGHBOR ! Compliments of MARTIN FLOWERS Phone 2750 858 Ford MENDEL ELECTRIC PHONE 1300 TOWNSEND NEON, INC. I 02 Ook Street Ben Blau, Prop. Phone: Trenton 1234 Green Line Trucking 2816 West Jefferson, Trenton, ~ichigan Detroit- Ph. LO 8-1252 Wyan.-Ph. 6506 Trenton- Ph . 0421 Simpson Pontiac Sales, Inc. 600 BIDDLE - TELEPHONE 5500 Used Car Dept.- 1144 Biddle, Ph. 5090 2845 Oak, cor. Fort- Ph. 9436 GREETINGS FROM Hance Flying Service 14525 EUREKA AVE. To The JUNIOR CHA~BER OF CO~~ERCE Labodie Concrete Products ST. JOHNS AT RIVER TELEPHONE 4970 STEERING COMMITTEE MRS. T. TODD JONES, Chair111an BUSINESS ........................................................................................................................ Mr. ]olm S. Crandell PUBLICITY ................................................................ ............................... Miss Margaret Nickerson Martin PRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. Miss Miriam I. Smith i\lEMBERSHIP .................................................................................................................. Mrs. T. Todd jones PRODUCTION STAFF DAVID B. MARSHALL, Director SET DESIGN-Hermon Baker, Jr. STAGE MANAGER-G. Davis Sellards ASST. STAGE MANAGER-Dollie freeman TECHNICAL DIRECTOR-Ralph Beck STAGE CREW - Joseph Friedman, G. Davis Sellards, Charles Wing, Norma Calkins, Jerry Scofield, Virginia Pankaskie. LIGHTS-Howard Fox, Margaret Fox SOUND EFFECTS-Hi-Fi Recording Studios STAGE PROPERTIES - Barbara Cartwright, Chairman, Barbara Crandell, Jean Thornby HAND PROPERTIES-Louise Kempf, Chairman, Nancy McMurray, Edith Biddle. WORKSHOP CREW-Carl Studeras, Joseph Friedman, Joan Ling, Jackie Pitcher, Ethel Kudrna, Mary Hazzard, Jean Holzer, Norma Calkins. COSTUMES-Ruth Albert, Chairman, Carl Conrad, Elizabeth Pattenon, Eileen Scofield, Jean McNamee, Marian Crandell. MAKE-UP - Carl Conrad, Chairman, Billie Beckwith, Marie Gibson, Joan Ling, Jean Thibault, Torn Garasick. L. W. GEE 5767 PHONES 7373 G. F. SCHWARTZ GEE CLEANERS- "Service plus Quality" 1503 Eureka Avenue WE DELIVER Wyandotte, Michigan Johnson Creamery CRAMER'S BAR Dairy Products SOUP and SANDWICHES TELEPHONE 0018 Fish Fry Every Friday CHICKEN DINNER ON SUNDAYS 2810 FIFTH STREET Pine St. at Fourth Wyandotte Compliments of A FRIEND W.L.Co. Jewelers EDWIN S Opticians "Downriver's Leading Jewelers" WYANDOTTE 2399 CoMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 3150 Biddle Ave. ( opp. Majestic Theatre)
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