THE DETROIT TIMES C-3 HELD IN WIFE KILLING School Post Prolie Court Martial ; . Sept. 1945 Soldier's Parents DSR Tangle To Dondineau Say Term Unjust Ass t Superintendent Rep. George A. Dondero (R) of Top today at Detroit demanded a com- Starts Dr, to Succeed Bow investigation plete of the case of a By JOHN CREECY 19-year-olds soldier t-en- After a delay for four months A DSR, commissioner, admitting tenced to 25 years in prison on a while the Imard of education that much of the responsibility m charge of dew’lling his company sought “the best qualified man in for the system's condition can be in France. laid to the commission, today sug- country,’’ Arthur Dondineau hoy the The convicted Is Rvt. Henry gested a change in the commis- today was superintendent of De- A Gluski.-wm of Mi. *md Mrs. sion setup as a possible cure tor Hi|>o|ith (jluski 8717 Abington troit schools. of the DSR's ills. road. The father has pledged A member of the Detroit school “The body consist* of three himself to spend every jienny he who without sears, he was citizen* serve pay,” system for 24 has in an effort to clear his .son's h rank elected to the suprrintendenoy at name said Commissioner Ris- ing. “The setup Is similar to meeting by a When the raw 4 brought to yesterday’* hoard wa art Dondero* he went that of the commission, the vote of 5 to 2 atiention, im- plan commission, the salary set at $15,000 mediately to the war department city hous- His was commission and others. ¦I C annually- $2,500 more than was to get all the farts ing Warren / paid his predecessor. Dr. RECORDS IN El HOPE A FULL TIME JOB wgggk E. Bow, who died last year. “The department had no in- “And yet the DSR differs DEPUTY BROKE IIX formation here in Washington from these in that it is a big To perform its duties As first assistant superintend- beyond the court mnrtlal order.” business. been receiving Dondero said. “The record* all properly the commission should ent. Dondineau ha* intimately familiar with all $9,800 yearly. Since Bow's death are tn Europe. However, I am he asking details of Its operation* and he has been serving as acting su- for a complete Investiga- the that would be a full time perintendent in the absence of tion hv war department and Job. the “However, the community *» Deputy Superintendent Herman judge advocate general.” can High hardly expect full time who has been ill for sev- A graduate of Mackenzie the serv- Browe. sophomore serve eral months. School and a at Michi- ices of commissioners who gan State College when he was without pay. Perhaps it would only voting The members drafted in April. 1944, Pvt. Gluski he good If a switch were made against How- him uere President now is confined in the Loire Dis- to a paid commission or to some ell and Mrs. Laura Van Auken ciplinary Barracks in France. other form of supervision." Osborn. They cast their votes for Former teachers at Mackenzie, Rising made his suggestion Herald Hunt, superintendent of as well as Mackenzie Hi Alumni after a check by the Times yes- Kansas City (Mo.) schools. have interested themselvps in the terday had shown that the daily “W> asked a group of na- rase after talking wMh buddies of sick list included almost 10 per tlomtllv famed educators to help Henry returned from Europe. cent of the 2,000 coach drivers. ns find man for this the best REPORTED MISSING' CHECK SICK Job,” said Mrs Osborn. “The Tim** Photo ON LIST “I had to wait until our sol- **?* ' candidate they selected unani- was at Rising'* I ---"xV 4 M Mr. and Mrs. Ciluski of The check made -i to to mously as the best man avail- diers started come hark 6117 Abington looking at suggestion when he discovered able In the I ntted States uas get the truth in this terrible that 160 were Monday a picture son, drivers off Mr. Hunt. I do not mean to dls- miscarriage of Justice.” the of their and exclaimed: parge Mr. Dondineau’s ability, stricken father said. Pvt. Henry Ciluski, who "There must be an epidemic.” “Why should the pun « but I believe we will be taking arrnv | • > .I • ff-'^JSmjmfk- ha.s been sentenced by a Far from being a high number, a backward step.” ish tu by sending a dreadful the Times check disc last'd, the ‘ *•*' for desertion. An investi- ;”ii'' * , r telegram, 'missing in action.' figure was the lowest this month. WtyEXv \AN AI KEN SEES < KIMS court-martial to 25 years when the IflSrd Division already “Apparently there is some- Van Auken declared had made charges of desertion ?” gations has been demanded. thing here that the commission “I rom such observation as I The father outlines the court should delve Into,” said the ¦» have been able to make over martial case ;JS follows; commissioner. “I am appalled *7 Henry was guilty four year* of board tenure, it found March that this figure should be so r 31, and to Time* PhM appears that we are now reach- 1945. sentenced 25 AirTravel high, and I certainly intend to years' confinement. Army Releasing Homicide Squad Herbert l,o\rjoy, 13, of 13J Kitchener, who, police ing a crisis i,f serious magnitude investigate.” say, shot and hilled Ins wife in a lit of rage, pictured In efficient o|H*ratlon of the HITCHED RIDE FORW ARD Vigorous complaints of DSR in- achooliv." efficiency were made yesterday to in police headquarters after his arrest. Ixixejoy told The record states that while Ban Lifted Mayor Expansion of services in re- Henry was marching toward Jeffries by Jack Storey, police that he and his wife were separated three months. sponse to public demand, has Transport Head Promoted president of the AFL streetcar, enemy lines with Company of Fliers in the brought the school system s budget E Drastic changes prior- A murder warrant w !| h» a k- 1 Tl e man fled one direction and the 4!lth Infantry, he boarded a men’s union. Division 26. to $41,000.000 annually, he said, ities system for airlines which Inspector John O. Whitman, of STOREY'S CHARGES today for Frank H< rb« It I<e i< . his wife tan across the street vehicle headed in the same di- Approximately 500 veteran Air and added virtually companies i Witnesses said Lovejov fired as rection. free the from the police homicide squad, has as oi I “We Transport Command pilots at the Storey repeated his charges > have reached the approxi- been end killed his str ••¦ :• 1 w fr » thr woman tripped on the curb fie was not heard from there- all but one type was reported promoted to senior inspector, reported week an exclusive mate peak of city financial aid Romu)u«. Air Base frozen at their last in night u hen. in 4ud i • • r• r a or! !<!t t fie bullet striking her m after for 40 days and was re- today by Robert England, district it was announced today by Police Times article—that the DSR ha* ¦ for the schools under the IN missing stations two weeks ago. were 6n wft Ik in*; w ;th nur dec i! ! r in »h< alrdomen ported in action Upon manager Ballenger. failed to make full use of the mill tax limitation, and so far today for Northwest Airlines. Commissioner *• 4 his return his thnr way out of the army Mn Margaret J I ,o\ -v, . I •\ she screamed frantically, division head- The changes become effective at $6,100 manpower it has on hand. have been unable to make anv quarters demanded that he Whitman will receive in ..’VC) K < her • ui < "i up 1 ,o\i jos ran across the street be after the war department had midnight Sept. he Asserting that “horse and buggy cf ll t ¦ sizable appropriations for for 15. was in- his new post which was created R< < n IP » tut rad her face upward and shot tried desertion. freeze policies of the old DUR days' arrival at ¦ Wav ne I nlv erslt y. “On to|d. rescinded its order. formed from Washington. >) last -lan. 17. I was by council la«t. week. There is 4 again the heart said Lt < of high were still being followed, he urged Love toy v 1 tr< i'i<j u i ;.,i near “\ of present Henry 'ol Joseph Thompson, com- Instead of four types reappraisal our was with his company, one senior < 4 •’• "i Hans Williams of the homicide priorities, airlines now- other inspector, Jack the immediate ouster of a num- la< ration tit d hv v. procedure |« necessarv and the marching toward the enemy. manding officer of the base, in- the will 11 ¦< Hit,’ squad. have only one- travel in connec- Harville. ber of top DSR officials. who M’l/ed V iff after . • less desirable features reduced He uas suffering from a severe the men of the change in i ,t formed tion wph completion of the war years Meanwhile. General Manager Lnv joy told |«olir< he w i J- ‘I he angered husband told polire In scope or eliminated.” ease of trench foot. lor this Whitman, who is 55 old, » ,ordet*• arid said they There na William S. Bullock, who has been Ing nfi Kit< hi n* r aho 7 ’5 u r; ’ ¦ s had been separated about Dondineau. with his wife and reason, his commanding officer effort.
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