Community Profile Valemount British Columbia September 2010 Mayor’s message Valemount is open for business and we would love to “Let the mountains move you” and fi nd “Mountains of Opportu- nity” in our beautiful area. Valemount has good highways, roads, water and sewer systems and up-to-date telephone, cell- phone, and broadband Internet services. Valemount provides excellent services in spite of its small population. Valemount has a new secondary high school, a fully opera- tional medical clinic with three doctors and several nurses, and a new community the- atre that hosts high quality shows. The Vale- mount Learning Centre offers business and vocational courses and the College of New Caledonia Valemount campus is home of a successful outdoor tourism pro- gram—the Northern Outdoor Recreation & Ecotourism Program. The Vale- mount Community Forest is now in full operation and has been able to re- duce the impact of the sawmill closure by employing many local contractors. Tourism Valemount is strongly promoting Valemount’s summer and winter attrac- tions in Alberta and BC. Tourism Valemount also organizes and sponsors a spring and winter festival and champions the construction of a new trail system around Cranberry Marsh—a natural reserve with moose, elk, deer, and 90 species of birds. Valemount offers hundreds of kilometers of ATV and snowmobiling trails devel- oped by local groups and maintained by the Valemount Area Recreation De- velopment Association. Outdoor enthusiasts will fi nd here every opportunity for mountain biking, hiking, cross-country skiing, skating, and back-country skiing. In partnership with the Regional District, Valemount is preparing an economic opportunities plan aimed at identifying new industrial and recreational sites out- side the boundaries of the village. The plan also considers building a weir in order to create a larger lake in the Canoe Reach of Kinbasket; this will gen- erate new recreational opportunities and a potential for lake-site properties. Council has given directions to staff to review local bylaws to improve and quicken government process regarding zoning and offi cial community plan amendments; our staff will also assist you with enthusiasm with any development permit procedure. Slogans like “Let the mountains move you” and “Mountains of Opportunity” really express the character and the potential of Valemount. We say that we are open for business and we mean it. And—of course—this is a great place to live and grow. Table of Contents Community Services Valemount BC Schools ....13 Location ....4 College of New Caledonia ....13 Population and Services ....4 Valemount Learning Centre ....14 Climate ....4 Valemount Community Hall ....14 Municipal Government ....5 Valemount Public Library ....14 Public Safety ....5 Valemount and Area Museum ....14 Health Care ....5 Valemount Community Theatre ....14 Transportation and Telecommunications ....6 Senior Homes ....14 Air Transportation ....6 Community Organizations History Valemount Arts and Cultural Society ....15 Valemount Children’s Activity Society ....15 Attractions Valemount and Area Recreation Development Asso- ciation ....15 George Hicks Regional Park ....8 Valemount Entertainment Society ....15 Cranberry Marsh ....8 Valemount and Area Chamber of Commerce ....15 Jackman Flats Nature Reserve ....9 Lions Club ....15 Mount Terry Fox ....9 Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy ....16 Mount Robson Provincial Park ....9 Robson Valley Support Society ....16 Wildlife Organizations’ Addresses Activities Churches Helicopter Tours ....10 Golfi ng ....10 New Projects Canoeing ....10 Horseback Riding ....10 Mountain Biking ....10 Hospitality Sector Boating ....10 Downtown Beautifi cation ....20 Fishing ....11 Accommodations ....20 Hiking ....11 Restaurants ....21 YORA Cabins ....11 Pubs and Bars ....22 Back Country Skiing ....11 Snowmobiling ....12 Services and Taxes Cross-Country Skiing ....12 Water Rates ....24 Skating ....12 Sewer Rates ....25 Guided Activities Garbage Collection Rates ....26 Statistical Information Community Events Valemount Winter Festival-January ....13 Valemount Spring Festival–May ....13 Valemountain Days–June ....13 Canoe Mountain Rodeo and Bullarama ....13 Valemount Community Profi le Valemount BC Population and Services Valemount is a rural community of approxi- Location mately 1,195 residents on an area of 399 Valemount is located on the Yellowhead High- hectares or 4 km2. Valemount is also the com- way 5, near the northern tip of Kinbasket Lake, mercial centre for another 700 people who live 300 km south of Prince George, 320 km north in the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George of Kamloops, and 120 km west of Jasper. (Area H), from Albreda to Small River. Valemount is nestled between the Rocky Moun- Today Valemount’s economy is based on log- tains, the Monashee Mountains and the Cari- ging and a rapidly growing tourism industry. boo Mountains, at the foot of Canoe Mountain. The Village of Valemount is served by ADSL The topography primarily consists of Paleozoic and broadband wireless Internet access, 911 or sedimentary and Proterozoic, sedimentary service, which includes the RCMP, a volunteer and minor volcanic rock. It is an area of Fire Department, and BC Ambulance Service. glacial drift and colluviums with sandy deposits The Valemount Community Health Centre is a being the main glacial features. full service health centre with 3 full-time doc- Valemount is the home of Mount Robson, the tors, support staff, lab technicians, and nurses. highest peak in the Canadian Rockies, and at the watershed of the Fraser and Columbia ba- Climate sins. This is real mountain country with natural Valemount experiences four defi nitive seasons, beauty, quiet solitude, and clean mountain air. including cold but dry winters, and warm sum- Valemount offers some amazing snowmobiling mers. and heli-skiing in winter; hiking, camping, and trail riding in summer. Mean Daily Maximum Temperature January -6.7° Celsius July 24.0° Celsius Longitude: 119° W 15’ Latitude: 52° N 46’ Mean Daily Minimum Temperature Elevation: 800 m 2,667 ft January -15.2° Celsius July 7.6° Celsius Driving Distances Average Annual Hours Prince George 300 km Sunshine 1,534 hours Kamloops 320 km Vancouver 675 km Frost Free Period 76 Days Edmonton 495 km Jasper 120 km Average Growing Season Calgary 525 km June 17–September 2 Page 4 Let the moun tain s move you Municipal Government Public Safety There are several bylaws and regulations set by Valemount and Area Fire Protection consists of the Village of Valemount in relation to rezoning, one local volunteer fi re department. The vol- building permits, fi re and health regulations, unteer staff and equipment include one chief, business licenses, etc. These bylaws, regula- 25 volunteer fi refi ghters and 3 fi refi ghter vehi- tions, and the Offi cial Community Plan may be cles. The Valemount Volunteer Fire Department obtained from the Village Offi ce. covers a fi ve mile radius from the location of the Fire Hall on Fifth Avenue. The Valemount Valemount is within the boundaries of the Volunteer Fire Department can be contacted in Regional District of Fraser Fort George and in emergency situations by dialling 911. For non- electoral Area H. The Regional District assists emergencies call 250.566.9800. municipalities and electoral areas in provid- ing additional administration services, fi nancial A Royal Canadian Mounted Police Detachment services, and inspection services. of 5 full-time offi cers provide coverage for the Village of Valemount and surrounding area. The Regional District also provides some fund- The Valemount RCMP Detachment is located ing for community facilities, recreation services, at 1435 - 5th Avenue and can be contacted by fi re protection, street lighting, TV broadcasting dialling 911 in case of an emergency. In the and arenas. case of non-emergencies the local detachment can be reached at 250.566.4466. Health Care Mayor and Councillors are elected The Valemount Health Centre is a fully ac- for a 3-year term. The next term credited diagnostic and treatment centre. The starts December 1, 2011. Valemount Community Health Centre is a fully accredited diagnostic and treatment centre with Bob Smith Mayor 3 full-time doctors, support staff, lab techni- Murray Capstick Councillor cians, and nurses. Cynthia Piper Councillor The services provided by the Valemount Health Bobbi Roe Councillor Centre include: Rita Tchir Councillor Physicians in General/Family Practices Page 5 Valemount Community Profi le Out-Patient Services Air Transportation X-Ray Valemount also has a small airport used by Counselling Services private users and Air Medivac. Laboratory Visiting Specialists The Northern Interior Health Unit (NIHU) is located in the downstairs portion of the Vale- mount Health Centre. The NIHU has one full Distance to Local Airport 9 km (5.6 miles) time clerk and one nurse on staff. The services provided by the NIHU include: Altitude 800 m (2,626 ft) Number of Runways 1 Immunizations Vision and Hearing Tests Length 1,220 m (4,000 ft) Infant Visits Acting as School Health Resource Surface Paved Transportation and Telecommunications Largest Aircraft Capability DC6 Telus and Robson Valley Internet Corporation Type of Fuel Available Avgas 100 provide up-to-date telephone, cell-phone, and Private Aircraft Storage Facilities: Tie Downs broadband Internet services (ADSL and wire- less wide area network services with 10 Mb/s Air Freight Prince George download speeds). Nearest Commercial Airport Prince George There are 22 km of paved roads in the com- Other Airport Facilities Parking Lot munity and 2 km of unpaved roads. Valemount also has good access to rail transportation. Canadian National runs east/west through History Valemount. It provides services such as piggy The history of Valemount dates back to the back service, switching, and carload service. arrival of the fi rst European fur traders Da- Via Rail provides passenger service both east vid Thompson and Pierre Hatsination around and west from the local passenger boarding 1805. The Overlanders passed through the area on Main Street. area in 1862, en route from Ontario to the Greyhound Lines of Canada operates a local Cariboo Goldfi elds.
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