No. 107 2689 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: TIIURSDAY, 11 SEPTEMBER 1980 CoRRIGENDUM Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor• Classification of Reserve-North Auckland Land District- General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, Rangitoto Island Scenic Reserve this 3rd day of September 1980. VENN YOUNG, Minister of Forests. IN the notice dated on the 22nd day of April 1980, and Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! published in the New Zealand Gazette of 8 May 1980, No. 51, page 1343, in the Schedule, for "S.O. Plans 459997 ..." F.S. 9/2/161, 6/3/51) read "S.O. Plans 45997 ..." (L. and S. H.O. Res. 2/8/2/9; D.O. NP 23) Authorising the Rotoru.a Agricultural and Pastoral Association CoRRIGENDUM Incorporated to Sell Crown Derived Land (Notice No. Notice Setting out the Requirements for the Importation of 2448, Ag. 1024) Seeds, Stock Food, and Related Dried Preserved Products (Notice No. 2374, Ag.12/2/21) KEITH HOLYO AKE, Governor-General IN the notice with the above heading published in the New ORDER IN COUNCIL Zealand Gazette; 10 July 1980, No. 79, p. 2073, at page 12 of the notice, line 45, delete the word "Kiri" from the list of At the Government House at Wellington this 1st day of cultivars and insert the word "Kiri" at line 34 into the list of September 1980 cultivars between the cultivars "Grandmaster" and "Sensation". Present: Also, at page 12, line 39, delete the word "Apin" from the HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL list of cultivars and substitute the word "Appin". PURSUANT to the Agricultural and Pastoral Societies Act 1908, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby State Forest Land Set Apart as State Forest Park for makes the following order. Addition to Kaimanawa State Forest Park-Wellington Con­ servancy ORDER KEITH HOLYO AKE, Governor-General 1. (1) This order may be cited as the Rotorua Agricultural and Pastoral Association Incorporated Authorisation Order A PROCLAMATION 1980. PURSUANT to section 63B (1) of the Forests Act 1949 (as (2) This order shall come into force on the day after its substituted by section 19 of the Forests Amendment Act notification in the Gazette. 1976), I, The Right Honourable Sir Keith Jacka Holyoake, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby set apart the 2. The Rotorua Agricultural and Pastoral Association In­ State forest land described in the Schedule hereto as State corporated, duly incorporated under the Agricultural and forest park to be known as Kaimanawa State Forest Park. Pastoral Societies Act 1908, is hereby authorised to sell those lands derived from the Crown set out in the Schedule SCHEDULE hereto. Sourn AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT-TAUP0 CoUNTY SCHEDULE 153.9600 hectares, more or less, being Lot 1, L.T. Sl8179, being part Tauhara South A Block, situated in Blocks VII, ALL that parcel of land containing approximately 3035 VIII, and XII, Waitahanui Survey District. Part certificate of square metres, being Section 1, Town Belt, Rotorua on title, Volume lOB, folio 70. Subject to rights of way easements Deposited Plan No. 24006, being all the land comp~ised created by S. 346142, as shown on plan N103/7 deposited in and described in certificate of title, Volume 630, folio 220 the Head Office of the New Zealand Forest Service at Well­ (South Auckland Registry). ington. P. G. MILLEN, Clerk of the Executive Council. 2690 THE NE,v ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 107 South Canterbury Electric Power District Representation Appointments, Promotions, Extensions, Transfers, Resigna­ Order 1980 tions, and Retirements of Officers of the Royal New Zealand Navy KEITH HOLYO AKE, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL PURSUANT to section 35 of the Defence Act 1971, His Excel­ lency the Govemor-General has app110ved the :following At the Government House at Wellington this 1st day of appointments, promotions, extensions, transfers, resignations, September 1980 and retirements of officers of the New Zealand Naval Forces. Present: H1s EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL ROYAL NEW ZEALAND NAVY PURSUANT to the Electric Power Boards Act 1925, His Commodore Fred Hutchinson Bland, o.B.E., C.ENG., Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the F.I.MECH.E., F.I.MAR.E., M.N.Z.I.E., is placed on the Retired List, advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby makes with effect fmm 1 March 1980. the following order: Commander fan Harvey Douglas Tyler is placed on the Emergency List of the RNZN, with effect from 21 March 1980. ORDER The appointment of Lieuteniant Commander M. R. M. 1. (i) This order may be cited as the South Canterbury Mason, M.N.Z.E.I., A.F.I.P.S.M.(Aus), R.E.A., is extended to 16 Electric Power District Representation Order 1980. February 1983. (ii) This order shall apply to the next general election of Lieutenant Commander Lindsay Herbert Carter, R.E.A., is members of local authorities and each subsequent general placed on the EmeI1gency List of the RNZN, with effect from election. 2 May 1980. Lieutenant (temp. Lieutenant Commander) D. F. Kerr to 2. The groups of wards of the Strathallan County which be Lieutenant Commander, with seniority and effect from 16 are bracketed together in the first column of the First Schedule June 1980. hereto shall be constituent districts for the purposes of the The following Lieutenants to be acting Lieutenant Com­ said Act. mander, with effect from 9 June 1980, and Lieutenant Com­ 3. The constituent districts set out in the First Schedule mander, with seniority and effect from the dates shown: hereto shall be those areas comprising the South Canterbury P. M. McHaffie, 16 July 1980. Electric Power District as described in the Proclamation dated 0. J. Hanley, 12 July 1980. the 23rd day of August 1957, and published in the Gazette The appointment of Lieutenant H. R. Gratton, B.SC., on the 29th day of the same month at p. 1575, and in the DIP.ED., DIP.TCHG., is extended to 28 December 1995. Order in Council dated the 13th day of April 1970, and Lieutenant R. A. Marriott, B.E.(ELECT), M.N.Z.I.E., R.ENG., published in the Gazette on the 30th day of the same month to be acting Lieutenant Commander, with effect from 14 July at p. 748. 1980. Lieutenant Ian Gullen Smith is placed on the Retired List, 4. The constituent districts of the South Canterbury Electric with effect from 1 April 1980. Power District, which are bracketed together in the first Lieutenant (on prob.) P. F. K. Usher: with reference to column of the First Schedule hereto, shall be combined the notice published in the New Zealand Gazette, 8 May 1980, districts for the purposes of the said Act. No. 51, p. 1328, for the words "seniority from 21 April 1978" 5. The local authority of each constituent district distin­ substitute "seniority from 18 April 1978". guished in the first column of the said Schedule by the letter The following Sub Lieutenants (temp. Lieutenants) to be "(P)" shall be the principal local authority for the combined Lieutenant, with seniority from 17 August 1978, and effect district of which it forms a part. from the dates shown: 6. The number of representatives of each constituent district C. A. Lucas, B.E., (MECH), 1 May 1980. or combined district of the South Canterbury Electric Power D. R. Murray, B.E. (MECH), 13 July 1979. Board shall be the number specified in the First Schedule The following Sub Lieutenants to be Lieutenant, with hereto opposite the name of that constituent district or com­ seniority and effect from the dates shown: bined district. B. J. King, 11 July 1980. S. E. Wilkinson, 6 July 1980. 7. The Orders in Council specified in the Second Schedule Yvonne Laurence Jansen is re-appointed to the RNZN in hereto apportioning representation on the South Canterbury the rank of Sub Lieutenant (on prob.), with seniority from Electric Power Board are hereby revoked and the Order in 21 July 1978, and effect from 21 July 1980; terrnin'ating on Council dated the 13th day of April 1970, and published in 20 January 1983. the Gazette on the 30th day of the same month at p. 748, John Walter E<lwards: the notice published in the New merging the electrical supply districts of the South Canterbury Zealand Gazette, 21 February 1980, No. 14, p. 419, is Electric Power Board and the MacKenzie County is hereby cancelled. amended by revoking paragraph 4 thereof. ROYAL NEW ZEALAND NAVAL RESERVE Captain Raymond Ellsmore Pugh-Williams, R.D., is placed FIRST SCHEDULE on the Retired List ,of the RNZNR, with effect from 21 July Constituent Districts No. of Representatives 1980. Timaru City 3 ROYAL NEW ZEALAND NAVAL VOLUNIBER RESERVE Part Waimate County (P), Wai- 1 Captain Thomas Andreas Cooper, o.B.E., V.R.D., is placed mate Borough ...... f 3 on the RNZNVR Retired List of Officers, with effect from 1 July 1980. Te Ngawai Point, Seadown, Had- 1 Commander P. S. Kingston, V.R.D., P.A.Q.S.I., to be Captain, low and Otipua Wards of ~ 2 with seniority and effect from 1 July 1980. Strathallan County ...... ...... J The following are placed on the RNZNVR Retired List Milford, Waitohi, Kakahu, and l of Officers, with effect from the dates shown: Geraldine Wards and part I Surgeon Commander George Lindsay Smith, v.R.D., B.D.S., Rangitata Ward of Strathallan l 3 1 June 1980. County (P) ... r Surgeon Lieutenant Commander Neville Craig McGill, Temuka Borough .....
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