sunnuntai 11. toukokuuta 2014 Itävallan euroviisuvoittaja 2014 voimakas aikainmerkki!! -- Feeniks-lintu kappale ja Jeesuksen näköinen transu Julkaisen tässä äsken lähettämäni sähköpostikirjeen Cutting Edge -ministeriön johtajalle, David Bay'lle, koskien eilisen euroviisufinaalin voittolaulua joka näyttää viestittävän ajan lyhyydestä. Voittokappale on siis profeetallinen. Sen esittäjä, Jeesukselta näyttävä transu, laulaa okkulttissävyisesti kun soveltaa kappaleessaan muinaista egyptiläistä mytologiaa tuhkasta nousevasta Feeniks-linnusta. Feeniks (Phoenix) on vahva Uuden Maailman Järjestyksen symboli, josta olen kirjoittanut aiemminkin ja tätä Feeniks-lintu symboliikkaa esiintyi myös vuoden 2012 Lontoon olympialaisten seremonioissa. Ks. http://nokialainen.blogspot.fi/2012/08/lontoon-olympialaisten-seremonioissa.html http://nokialainen.blogspot.fi/2012/08/lontoon-olympialaisten-feenikslintu.html Kirjeessäni esitän tulkintani euroviisuista joissa mielestäni puhuu myös Jumala huolimatta viisujen homokulttuuria myötäilevästä linjasta. Kaikki on säädettyä. Pimeys ja valo ovat eräällä tavalla rinnakkain joissakin voittajalauluissa, jotka ovat sävyltään uskonnollisia. Viisut ovat edenneet rinnakkain Euroopan yhdentymisen kanssa 1950-luvulta lähtien. Ne ovat merkkejä lopunajoista. PÄIVITYS 12.5.2014 Pyydän anteeksi kirjeeni virheellistä tietoa Venäjän äänistä Itävallan biisille. Venäjä kuitenkin antoi Itävallalle pisteitä, 5 kappaletta. Ilmeisesti Putinin vastustajat äänestivät tahallaan gay-edustajaa ykköseksi. http://m.iltalehti.fi/ulkomaat/2014051118285708_ul.shtml Lisäksi Itävalta sai täydet 12 pistettä 13 maalta. ------------------------------------------ Conchita Wurst looks like modern Jesus! Vastaanottaja: David Bay <[email protected]> Lähetetty: 11.5.2014 klo 16:05 Aihe: ALERT!!! POWERFUL ENDTIME SIGN IN EUROVISION SONG CONTEST YESTERDAY..THE WINNER!! Hello David! You certainly know the winner of the last night Eurovision Song Contest. It was Austrian drag queen and bearded ladyboy, transsexual, Conchita Wurst (real name Tom Neuwirth) with her song "Rise Like a Phoenix". She scored 290 points (2+9+0=11). And the winning day was actually 11th May 2014. The clock was over midnight (at Danish time) when the victory solved in the scoring. Finals began on the 10th May 2014 (1+0+5+2+0+1+4=13). So the occult signature is obvious. By the way, Israel gave the full 12 points to Conchita. Also Finland and many other liberal European countries today gave 12 points to Austria's song. Russia did not give any points to Conchita and it was predictable. Most of Europe today supports sodomy and gay people rejoiced over Austrian victory. God help us! Maybe Conchita is also a gay, I don't know exactly. But she looks like Jesus with her beard and long hair (see picture). http://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/music/austrias-conchita-wurst-wins-eurovision-song- contest/article18596784/ http://www.haaretz.com/news/world/1.589913 "Online petitions were started in Belarus, Armenia and Russia - whose government passed a law last year banning "gay propaganda" among minors - to have Wurst removed or edited out of broadcasts in their countries." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austria_in_the_Eurovision_Song_Contest_2014 Conchita Wurst - Rise Like a Phoenix (Austria) 2014 LIVE Eurovision Second Semi-Final https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaolVEJEjV4 Conchita Wurst - Rise Like A Phoenix (Austria) 2014 Eurovision Song Contest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToqNa0rqUtY The name of the winning song is interesting. You must know the symbolic meaning of Phoenix Bird. It belongs to Egyptian mythology. Your ministry has written about it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_(mythology) My interpretation of this Austrian song is that it signals the New World Order Plan. Phoenix alias NWO rises from the ashes of Third World War. NWO is involved in Antichrist. But God uses kind of doubletalk in Eurovision Song Contest. At the same time when Illuminati signals its own people all over the world, God speaks to His people! Phoenix symbol was also used in early days of Christianity. It is related to resurrection of Jesus. He was the first-born among us. It is as if we believers rise up from the grave when we are raptured to Heaven! So our redemption draweth nigh! Jesus's bride will be raptured very soon before the War! As I mentioned, Eurovision Song Contest today is also speaking by God's mouth. Evil Plan is parallel to the God's Plan to His people. I mean the timing. While wickedness grows in the world in this present time, the departure of true Christians is getting closer. The Eurovision competition, which has been held annually since 1956, was actually a vision of the integration of Europe which leads to Antichrist's union, meaning European Union (EU) today. The Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957 and The Song Contest started year ago from this. That means Eurovision competition fulfills Bible prophesies (Daniel 2; 7) and it is a trend setter, an endtime sign. For example, listen to this Finland's winning song in 2006. At the same time they are flirting with the death (evil props) and singing prophetic words. Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah (Finland) 2006 Eurovision Song Contest Winner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAh9NRGNhUU Read the lyrics: http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/Hard-Rock-Hallelujah-lyrics- Lordi/69711A34D9FED2A04825712000081173 The true believers (Tosiuskovat) Thou shall be saved (Heidät pelastetaan) Brothers and sisters, keep strong in the faith (Veljet ja sisaret, pysykää lujina uskossa) On the day of Rockoning (Tilinteon päivänä) It's who dares, wins (Se joka uskaltaa, voittaa) You will see the jokers soon'll be the new kings (Näet että narreista tulee pian uusia kuninkaita) All we need is lightning (Tarvitsemme vain salaman) With power and might (Voimakkaan ja mahtavan) Striking down the prophets of FALSE (Lyömään alas väärät profeetat) As the moon is rising (Kun kuu nousee) Give us the sign (Anna meille merkki) Now let us rise up in awe (Nyt nouskaamme ylös kunnioituksessa) And so on... "Either Lordi are incredibly stupid or this is in fact a song about faith in God. Yes. I said God. Hallelujah is Hebrew and it means Praise the Lord (Lord with capital L that is meant to be God, before anyone goes on saying satan or rock are their lords). So all the theories about the song being satanist or that it isn't even about God are false. Either Lordi are stupid and are praising the Lord by accident or they are doing it intentionally. I don't know but that is what they are doing. People need to read more... Seriously." So God is in control and signaling us. While I don't believe that Lordi or Conchita Wurst are Christian people they are used by God. Anyway their deception is clear. We must oppose these figures such as they are presenting themselves, i.e., gay and metal gods. Great deception is here and the predecessors of Antichrist are in view. You can publish this message in your site if you like. God bless you, Olli (Oliver) PS. I have had 96 visitors in Salvation Page since March 7, 2014. It is a bit of a disappointment. See http://cuttingedgefinland.kotisivukone.com/uudestisyntyminen/20. My homepages: http://cuttingedgefinland.kotisivukone.com/ http://nokialainen.blogspot.fi/ (300-500 visitors per day!!) PÄIVITYS 12.5.2014 Jatkokirjeeni Davidille jossa oikaisen tietoja. Lähetetty: 12.5.2014 klo 1:20 Aihe: UPDATE to my message (Eurovision Song Contest) I apologize for incorrect information in my letter of Russian votes to Austria. Russia, however, gave points to Austrian song, 5 pieces. Apparently, Putin's opponents deliberately voted gay representative for number one. In addition, Austria received the full 12 points from 13 countries in the competition. Best regards, Olli Lähettänyt Olli-R klo 17.34 .
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