27th Annual Henry Kunkel Society Meeting in partnership with Journal of Experimental Medicine and the Rockefeller University Friday Lecture Series Inborn errors of immunity: from gene discovery to disease modeling and new therapies The Rockefeller University New York, NY March 21–23, 2019 Henry George Kunkel 1916–1983 enry Kunkel received his B.S. degree from Princeton and his M.D. degree from Johns Hopkins University. He arrived at The Rockefeller Institute (now HUniversity) in 1945 where he spent his entire scientific career until his death in 1983. His contributions to the field of basic and clinical immunology are legendary. He made numerous seminal observations in liver disease, rheumatic diseases and other allied disorders. He was perhaps best known for his pioneering and extensive studies on the immunoglobulins. His recognition that myeloma proteins were a model for the study of the structure of normal immunoglobulins had a global impact on investigations of the structure, function and inheritance of these molecules. The elucidation of the chain structure of gamma globulin and the recognition that immunoglobulins possessed individual antigenic specificity (idiotypes) were internationally recognized discoveries. Dr. Kunkel was the recipient of many awards and honors, including membership in the National Academy of Sciences, honorary degrees from Universities of Uppsala and Harvard, and recipient of the Lasker and Gairdner Awards and the Kovalenko Medal of the National Academy of Sciences. Henry Kunkel Society Officers President .........Jean-Laurent Casanova Secretary .........Ann Marshak-Rothstein Treasurer ...................... Eric Meffre Henry Kunkel Society Lecturers 1992 ........................Louis Kunkel 2006 ..................Ralph M. Steinman 1993 ........................... David Ho 2007 ...............Antonio Lanzavecchia 1994 ...................Benvenuto Pernis 2008 ...................... John Atkinson 1996 .....................Jeffrey Ravetch 2009 ......................Thomas Tuschl 1997 ...................... Anthony Fauci 2010 ........................Frederick Alt 1998 .....................Klaus Rajewsky 2011 .......................Mark M. Davis 1999 .......................Peter Doherty 2012 .....................Louis M. Staudt 2000 ......................Max D. Cooper 2013 ....................Daniel L. Kastner 2001 .......................Fritz Melchers 2014 ...................Shigekazu Nagata 2002 .......................Tasuku Honjo 2015 ........................Yanick Crow 2003 .........................Fred Rosen 2016 ..............Michel C. Nussenzweig 2004 ........................Diane Mathis 2017 .........................Carl Nathan 2005 ..................Charles Weissman 2018 ....................Michael Lenardo Henry Kunkel Society Members Gyorgy Abel Linda K. Bockenstedt Lucienne Chatenoud Sergio Abrignani Bjarne Bogen Talal Chatila Luciano Adorini Dusan Bogunovic† Triantafyllos Chavakis Vincent Agnello Gilles Boire Youhai Chen Rafi Ahmed† Silvia Bolland Selina Chen-Kiang Irma Airold Catherine Bollard Nicholas Chiorazzi Arne N. Akbar Stefano Bombardieri Francis V. Chisari Ivona Aksentijevich† Constantin A. Bona Carlo Chizzolini Donato Alarcon-Segovia# Jerry Boss Charles Christian Matthew Albert Marina Botto Charles Chu Mara Luisa (Marisa) Alegre Vassiliki A. Boussiotis Marcus Ramsay Clark Konstantina Alexandropoulos Jean-Pierre Bouvet Edward A. Clark Paul Allen Joseph Boyle Rachael Clark Chester A. Alper Thomas J. Braciale Menna R. Clatworthy† Marcus Altfeld Ferdinand C. Breedveld Charles Cochrane Sebastian Amigorena Samuel Breit Michel Cogné Mark Anderson Michael Brenner Richard Coico Ulf Anderson Stanley Louis Bridges Marco Colonna Paul J. Anderson Thomas Brocker Mary Ellen Conley Francesco Annuziato Eric Brown Gabriela Constantin William P. Arend Teodor-Boru Brumeanu H. Terence Cook Joseph R. Arron Yenan Bryceson David Cooper# David Artis Richard Bucala Max D. Cooper John P. Atkinson Steven Burakoff Andrew P. Cope K. Frank Austen Gerd-Rudiger Burmester Richard Cornall† Stratis Avrameas Jacinta Bustamante Joseph Craft Raffaele Badolato Joel Buxbaum Carlo M. Croce David Bahler Jill Buyon Alan Cross Jacques Banchereau Edit Buzás Mary K. Crow Vincenzo Barnaba John C. Byrd Yanick Crow Betsy Barnes Michael Cahalan Charlotte Cunningham- Franck Barrat Federico Caligaris-Cappio Rundles Craig Bassing Michael P. Cancro Riccardo Dalla-Favera Antony Basten Daniela Capello Rajendra Damle Ekkehard K. F. Bautz J. Donald Capra# Franco Dammacco Alexander Bearn# Ronald I. Carr Robert B. Darnell Timothy W. Behrens Michael C. Carroll Anne Davidson Yasmine Belkaid Robert H. Carter Mark Davis† Baruj Benacerraf# Paolo Casali Randall S. Davis J. Claude Bennett Jean-Laurent Casanova Noorbibi K. Day Jeffrey Bennett Rafael Casellas Jean-Michel Dayer Don Benson Marina Caskey Jean-Pierre de Villartay Zvi Bentwich Michael Centola Silvia Deaglio Claudia Berek Anthony Cerami Paolo Dellabona Kâre Berg Andrea Cerutti Stephen V. Desiderio Ira Berkower Ethel Cesarman Kavita Dhodapkar Robert D. Bigler, II Edward K. L. Chan Madhav V. Dhodapkar Bryce Binstadt Andrew Chan James Di Santo Richard S. Blumberg George K. Chandy Betty A. Diamond Howard Dickler Gianluca Gaidano Kevan C. Herold Guillermo Dighiero Thomas F. Gajewski Rafael Herrera-Esparza Teresa P. DiLorenzo Michael Gale, Jr Martin Herrmann Walter H. Doerfler Uri Galili Helen Heslop Peter C. Doherty Ignacio Garcia-De La Torre Ingrid Birgitta Heyman Thomas Dörner Hubert Baburaj (Bobby) Falk Hiepe Daniel Douek Gasper Adrian Hill Steven Douglas Steffen Gay Jules Hirsch# Terry William Du Clos Raif S. Geha Richard J. Hodes Anne Durandy Frédéric Geissmann V. Michael Holers George Ebers James L. German, III Steven M. Holland Dimitar G. Efremov M. Eric Gershwin Halsted R. Holman Michael Ehrenstein Paolo Ghia David Horn Götz Ehrhardt Allan Gibofsky Alan N. Houghton Klaus Eichmann Irma Gigli Thomas W. J. Huizinga Robert A. Eisenberg Gray Steven Gilkeson Mary Beth Humphrey Hani El-Gabalawy Martin John Glennie Sun Hur Keith Elkon Laurie Glimcher John Hurley# Anna Erdei Otto Goetze David A. Isenberg Doruk Erkan Leslie Gold Kimishige Ishizaka Luis R. Espinoza Raphaela Goldbach-Mansky Lionel B. Ivashkiv Paul Evans Robert A. Good# Bana Jabri Zsuzsa Fabry Christopher Goodnow Hans-Martin Jäck Andras Falus Tom Gordon Chaim Oscar Jacob Donna L. Farber Siamon Gordon Rudolf Jaenisch† A. Darise Farris Jorg J. Goronzy Israeli Jaffe C. Garrison Fathman Emil C. Gotschlich Judith A. James Douglas Thomas Fearon Susan R. S. Gottesman Roland Jonsson Ten Feizi Alice B. Gottlieb Emmanuelle Jouanguy Marc Feldmann Ellen M. Gravallese Dieter Kabelitz Gianfranco Ferraccioli Arthur Grayzel Joachim R. Kalden Manlio Ferrarini Mark Grebenau Thomas Kamradt Stefan Feske Mark I. Greene Insoo Kang Erol Fikrig Howard M. Grey Gilla Kaplan Terri Finkel Bodo Grimbacher Mariana Kaplan Alison Finnegan Luca Guidotti Mikael Karlsson Gary S. Firestein Sudhir Gupta Arthur Kaser Alain Fischer David A. Hafler Dan Kastner Vincent Fischetti Kathleen A. Haines Jonathan D. Katz Zvi Fishelson William W. Hall Michel D. Kazatchkine David E. Fisher Sophie Hambleton Jack D. Keene Kate Fitzgerald Lennart Hammarstrom Robert Kimberly Richard A. Flavell Lars Hanson Paul W. Kincade Thomas A Fleisher Morten Harboe Thomas Kindt Francesco Forconi John A. Hardin Te Piao King Ira J. Fox David M. Harlan Michael Kirschfink Marvin Fritzler John B. Harley Kai Kisand† Yang-Xin Fu Fu Jeffrey Hasday Lars Klareskog Shu Man Fu Dorian Haskard Florian Klein Herman Fudenberg# Adrian Hayday Kim L. Kline Sarah L. Gaffen Barton Haynes Glen Knight Patrick Gaffney Peter Henson Daniel M. Knowles Hon-Sum Ko Lloyd Mayer# Gustav J. V. Nossal Alisa E. Koch Maclyn McCarty# Luigi D. Notarangelo David Koffler# James McCluskey Jan Novak Frits Koning Joseph (Mike) McCune Victor Nussenzweig Dwight H. Kono A. McGehee Harvey Michel C. Nussenzweig Philippe H. A. Kourilsky Victor McKusick# James C. Oates Michael Krangel Ruslan Medzhitov Hans D. Ochs Richard Krause# Eric Meffre Lloyd Old Karsten Kretschmer Edgar Meinl Michael B. A. Oldstone James G. Krueger Fritz Melchers Eugene Oltz Vijay Kuchroo Elizabeth D. Mellins Jordan Scott Orange Dinakantha Kumararatne Henri Menard Anders Orn Steven Kunkel Miriam Merad Barbara Anne Osborne Louis Kunkel Pier Luigi Meroni C. Kirk Osterland Antonio La Cava Joan T. Merrill Mario A. Ostrowski Peter J. Lachmann Jiri Mestecky Shoichi Ozaki Robert G. Lahita Christine Metz Stephen A. Paget Antonio Lanzavecchia Dror Mevorach Savita Pahwa Sylvain Latour Isabelle Meyts Eric G. Pamer Terri Laufer Mary Ann Michelis Qiang Pan-Hammarstrom Jeffery A. Ledbetter Peter A. Miescher Sunpho Park David M. Lee Fred Miller Virginia Pascual Paul J. Lehner Eric C. B. Milner Dhavalkumar D. Patel Michael J. Lenardo Joshua Milner Andras Perl Beth Levine Toshihide Mimura Peter Perlmann Roland Liblau Seiji Minota Alessandra Pernis Peter Lipsky Pierre Miossec Benvenuto Pernis# Sergio A. Lira Chandra Mohan Erik Peterson Gary W. Litman Tom Eirik Mollnes Tri Gian Phan† Stephen Litwin Patricia K. A. Mongini Rodney Ernest Phillips Yang Liu Laurence Morel Richard Phipps Miguel Lopez-Botet Lorenzo Moretta Matthew Pickering Theresa Lu Jane Morse# Susan K. Pierce† Carrie Lucas† Bernard Moser David S. Pisetsky Pier Luigi Luigi Meroni David M. Mosser Vito Pistoia# Xiaojing Ma William A. Muller K. Michael Pollard Crystal L. Mackall Hans Muller-Eberhard# Richard M. Pope Ravinder N. Maini Kenneth Murphy Matthew Porteus† Fabio Malavasi Philip M. Murphy David N. Posnett Mark J. Mamula
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