J ~d'- -Pollution-Causing Oil Burned- eded Shattered Tanker Bombed more data is needed Ie LAND'S END, England III - BrltiIb but be was Dot lUre bow the fire inIide JflDk.inI, acknowledged that, after th position of 1,000 atoms in warplanes blasted the shattered super· the ship was IOiJIg. Tbe problem there, be lighter on. have burned off, a heavy Q tal insLead of 10 or 20. tanker Torrey canyon on Tuelday with said, was geWnc oxyren iIIIide tAl feed .Judge will remUD. ! situation calls. for some. tons of bigh exploaives and tbeII raiDed combuatiOll "We'n deal tJI that problem wile make value judgements, we've burned oil as much as we can,' I a tough job for anyone 10 incendiary bombs on the ship In an effort He estimated that lit the time the b0mb­ line what the priorities to burn her leaking cargo of crude oU ers ItrUdl the shattered hullt Itl.I1 beId IJ be." from the sea. millioa galIoDa of the 35.. million p1Iona * * * lite of the money problems The first strikes, by eight Royal Navy of crude oil the Liberian-C1ag veuel, owned Damage mistry, Roberts does nol Buccaneer bombers, sent smoke and by a lUilIidiary of Unioo Oil of CaUlornia, Promph ge the ~pollo moon pro. flames fiaring up to 8,000 feet above the was carrying when abe grounded. he funds it is getUng. I wrecked ship. which ran aground on the '!be bombers dropped three dozen 1.000- pound bomba, IOIne hiUing and lOme mJa.a. lough more effort neEds Seven Stones reef March 18 and broke into Call For Action three parts Sunday night while Dutch tup ing the 97'-foot-long target. channeled toward solving J were trying to pull her free . ..... Pelluted LONDON III - Whit British authorit ~orld problems - such as ies COIItemplated - probably help! pulation and urban prob. Behind the bomber strike, 20 Hawker Jenkins laid the government decided Monday nlgbt to blow up the Torrey Can­ - the multlmllliOtHlolJar damar ca there is no evidence al Hunter fighter-bombers dropped tank Ioada by the wreck of a supertanker ofC tho yoo after it became evident she could not : t1;at much of the money . of gasoline and potassium chlorate incen­ En&llsh coa5t, ~manda were vok-ed Tues eing spent in the space diaries. be refloated and towed into the Atlautic: to be 1UIIk. Oil from the ship already has day for a worldwide attack 00 the P b m would go to any of the Home Secretary Roy Jenkins told a newa polluted more than 120 miles of beaches !em of oil pollution at a. lCiences if the space pro. conference in London the planes would .round thiI IOUthWest point of En&1and As the Torrey Canyon "" carca of l were curtailed. continue to pour down incendiaries through and threateDi the entire EngllJh Channel millIon ,allons of crude oil menaced Ib, fact that we have national out the night and Wednesday in an effort couto beach~ of En,land's Cornish coast, II ror the space program is to keep the oil burning. ofricial oC an organization aEfill ted wlU Jenkin. said the government was ruled the Unit.ed Natlooa &aid tbe time was a lually hurting science. In Fire Appeared Out in its action by the need to fight the poilu· t helps in many ways, alter hand to work out international m asurel At one point, two bours the initial tion of Brltllh shore. and financial c0n­ not in an ef£icient way for and .,ainst a repetition of that sort 01 disas attack, the flames died down the fire siderations were not taken into a~nt. e field . BURNING OIL BLAZES .found the wrecked Arnerlc.n tank.r the sel Ibl ... TullCllY In In aH.mpt to halt the flow of the appeared out. But another attack by air ter. The ship .Ione was insured for $111.5 mil· But for the Briti h. the chances of r . sol ution to our curre~ t Torr.y Canyon (_n In forlllround) Ift.f British bombers set • hlp'. cargo toward belche. around Land'. End, England. set the smoky fire going again. llon . covering dama,e ~ed remote. Th( ns of financing research Jenkins said the surface oil was burning Sir SoUy Zuckerman. the government'. - AP Wirephoto argument may ao OIl for y rs amon~ lecessarily to channel morl! well at the time of the new. conference, chief scienUfic adviser, who sat besJde rom applied research inlo international lawyers, insurance under· 'esearch. The better long. writers, maritime experts and diplomats. solution is to spend more The AmerIcan owners of Ibe tanker, Un· national product on rc· Ion 011 oC California. went along with Brl· and development togeth· Thant Discloses' tain'. acUon sellin, fire to the broken $(!I obeJ'ts said. giant, but the wreckaee left a trall 01 problems. It appeared certain that maritime na· ,New P~ace PI~ni Uona will seek I new world code &overning ail Iowan huge tanllers, "We must have international ruJes for Johnson Accepts Servin£!. the Universitu of Iowa and the People of Iowa Citu big tankers, IOmethllli on the Un of the limited agreements DOW eoverning na­ Eltabllshed in 1868 )0 cents a COpy Associated Preu Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa, City, Iowa-Wednesday, M.rch 29, 1987 vigation In 'congested waters' such a lh English Channel," said Jean RoulJler of France, secretary·,eneral of lh Intergov­ ernment.al Maritime Cooaulatlve OrgllJ1- lulion - !MOO. He lugaesled to In lntervi wer that If Britain should draft a code, th 64·na· tion organization would call a world m ,. Viet Pacification Program Ina on the problem at once. Civic Education Fights Toe To Toe With VC On Birth Control JOHN D. ROBERTS Image of the Chem!!.!' SAIGON (.4'1 - Slowly a program to pac· in and out of Vietnam since ilie lale wounded 68, with 27 captured. The lighUy to find out and then meet the need. of ify the countryside is gaining a Coiliold iu 19505. I've seen pacification programs armed cadres claim 158 Communists kill­ the people. Gets Pope's Nod Vietnam, with blackclad government teams come and go, and probably still ought to ed and say they have maneuvered 46 VC The American Aid mission often held nbrock Picked fighting toe to toe with the Viet Cong be a cynic. But I'm not this time. This onto the government side. that a new road - which the Viet Cong Head NASW lor allegiance of the peasants. time I think we've got it." Despite the stepped·up tempo of attacks, would Jater destroy - or a new school SECRETARY U THANT Ironically , the man who developed the By "it" he refers to the program of rev­ none of Thang's 400 teams has deserted - wllh no teacher or textbooks - was program that finally is dealing with the or surrendered lis post. In past pacifica­ adequate to convince the people that the ird Vornbrock, chief of 51). Offen Late.t Prop ..al. olutionary development, th e overhaul of underlying problems of winning over the an overly ambitious, underthought-ollt tion, cadres have fled assigned villages government cared for them. 'ork at the University's countryside may be on the way out, a campaign begun in 1966. and hamlets at the first sign of trouble. pe0- pathic Hos;pital, has lJep.n WASHINGTON fA'! - U.N. Secretary· casually of political jealousies and man· Thang believes that first of all the chairman of the Iowa General U Thant unveiled a new Viet· euvering. Commander Works With Team. Thang is beset by a host of critics among ple demand protection iI they Ire to con· I of tbe Na 'ional Associa· nam peace proposal Tuesday. The Unit· ADd ilie program itself may be in dan· The new version is commanded by Maj. Vietnamese military and politicians. He sider choosing lor the eoverDmeDt. He Social Workers (NASW). ed S~ates quickly accepted it but Presi· ger from gathering pl'essures for quick Gen. Nguyen Duc Thang, a tough, burly says he will quit his post as revoluti~n· has severely restricted his program be· !ouncil consists of 15 social dent Johnson said be has "learned re- ~ 'and" spectacular progress in a field where northerner who spends 20 da)l'S 11 montn ary development minister in September C8uae of tbis. AlSo, he Is Umited in find­ s representing the five gretfully" of an apparent turndown by American and Vietnamese at the working in contested hamlets witb members of his when the new government takes over. ing enough dedicated and competent men chaplers in [olVa. The I Hanoi. level believe the first results may not 59·man cadre teams. He plans to sprink· American officials, impressed by his per­ and women willing to go UghUy armed ,rs coordinate the acUvi· ' Although Thant said he had received no be fully confirmed until late this year. Ie 2,000 Viet Cong defectors through their formance, are arguing against this. into the countryside and live in a con· the various chapters. Meet· "categorical rejection" of his plan, Wash­ A U.S. official charged with overseeing ranks nationwide OD the assumption the Paclflcltlon FaUed tested hamlet. l'ovide an opportunity for ington strategists reported no signs that ex·Communists should know a great deal In the past, paciCication has failed for Thang hopes to bring 600,000 more Viet­ ctivity on the slate level, the American aid effort in one of South the North Vietnamese are moving any Vietnam's 45 provinces says "I've been about organizing villagers.
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