Spotlighton... Can science win back public trust? Venice Charter starts the dialogue ➜ Anna Wagstaff Confidence in science is becoming dangerously eroded in the face of a rise in religious fundamentalism and a general scepticism that scientific advances will be used for the good of humanity as a whole. Will a global alliance for science win back some respect? must have been a (UNESCO) regional bureau for might have expected a document res- long time since the science. onating with the sort of vision magnificent Doge’s The differences this conference Kennedy Townsend’s uncle used to Palace in Venice sought to reconcile concerned a breach rally the people behind the US space hosted such a bold between science and society that exploration programme. Yet, the ITpiece of diplomacy. Victor seems to be widening in communi- Venice Charter is essentially a cau- Chernomyrdin, plenipotentiary min- ties across the globe. The alliance it tious document, reflecting not so ister in Russia’s government, was at hoped to forge was a global alliance much a lack of ambition, as a recog- the top table with Kathleen Kennedy for science, “involving scientists, nition that attitudes towards science Townsend, niece of the assassinated philosophers, theologians, politicians, have changed, leaving it feeling belea- US President John F Kennedy, industrialists, jurists, and all interested guered and misunderstood. by his side. parties.” Kennedy Townsend talked about Despite appearances, this was There was even a declaration – the how the US, the super-power that not a summit looking to reconcile dif- Venice Charter – which affirms the landed the first man on the moon and ferences between political powers. importance of science as a force for has led scientific and technological This was the grand opening of the progress and human well-being. It innovation for half a century, seems to First World Conference on the talks of the need for scientific progress be turning its back on science. Almost Future of Science, organised by the to be fully and openly debated by two-thirds of US Americans now say Umberto Veronesi Foundation. society, particularly the areas of they are open to the teachings of Among those present were govern- genetics, astrophysics and information ‘intelligent design’ – a bible-based ment ministers, a representative of technology – and it commits the explanation of the origin of life, the Vatican and other religious signatories to promoting and touched up with a quasi-scientific authorities, and the director of the participating in such dialogue. veneer. One third would like to see United Nations Educational, Given the grandeur of the setting ‘intelligent design’ replace evolution- Scientific and Cultural Organization and the stature of the top table, one ary theory in the school curriculum. 32 ■ CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2006 Spotlighton... Science rejected. The Cincinnati Museum of Creation presents as historical fact this tableau of children playing alongside dinosaurs MUSEUM OF CREATION Decisions over issues such as stem of human cloning, most Islamic coun- science, where researchers have free- cell research or the withdrawal of life tries abstained. dom to follow their own leads, is support where brain death has Religious fundamentalism is by being squeezed in favour of project- occurred are turned into emotive arti- no means the only problem. Science based funding concentrated on cles of faith by the Christian funda- is also suffering from increasing potential economic growth areas. mentalists who make up President constraints on the freedom of The free exchange of ideas is Bush’s electoral base, making rational information on the grounds of nation- being threatened as universities are debate very difficult. al security, where the concept of ‘dual encouraged to patent their research A parallel rise in religious funda- use’ can cover a wide area of scientif- findings to earn extra revenue – a prac- mentalism in the Islamic world, ic research. In China, which is tice that started in the US and is now where the arts and sciences were for investing heavily in biotechnology and spreading to Europe. Increasingly centuries nurtured with pride, is other sciences, and where religion has intense competition for funding exerting an increasing influence over little influence, progress is held back between academic institutions deters cultural and social life. Interestingly, by constraints on movement and free- an open and collaborative approach. A however, Darius Atighetchi, professor dom of information. In Europe, aca- policy of cutting back on tenured posi- of Islamic Bioethics at the Second demic clinical research is hampered tions means that by the time science University of Naples, indicated that by unnecessarily bureaucratic regula- graduates can settle down to work on gene therapy, in-vitro fertilisation, tions designed with pharmaceutical a permanent contract they are often cloning and stem cell research – companies in mind. past their most productive age. Having issues that have become flashpoints constantly to compete for jobs and in the US and in strongly Catholic THE THREATS funding means they become slave to countries – have posed less of a prob- The conference looked at the way their impact factor, and the need to lem in Islamic countries. When the governments increasingly see science publish may bias their choice of UN General Assembly adopted a dec- as simply a part of their economic research. laration virtually prohibiting all forms development policy. Funding for basic Drug development, once seen as CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2006 ■ 33 Spotlighton... The super-power that landed the first man on the moon seems to be turning its back on science part of a state’s social responsibility, is water and sanitation, and future gen- the world has had trouble enough now left almost entirely to the private erations are threatened by lack of coming to terms with the concept of sector. With huge sums of private attention to issues of sustainability. evolution – that mankind is separated investment riding on what academic But this remarkable gathering in from the animal kingdom chiefly by its researchers and journals publish about Venice, which included philosophers, level of intellectual development. Now these drugs and what clinicians pre- theologians, jurists, economists and we are asked to accept that who we scribe, public trust in the integrity of politicians in addition to scientists are, how we perceive and understand the system has been undermined. As a versed in genetics, bio-informatics, things and what actions we take are all result, there are plenty of people who neurology, climate change, bio-agricul- determined by our genetic make up suspect that bird flu is a scare inspired ture and energy, had not been con- and neurophysiology. And to cap it all, by the pharmaceutical industry. The vened just to bewail the low position of with advances in cloning, even our widespread distrust of genetically science. It aimed to examine ways to genetic make up can be reproduced. modified crops is another example. restore public belief and confidence in Daniel Dennett, Director of the Genetic scientists talked of their science, the scientific community and Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts astonishment at the public rejection scientific methodology. University, Massachusetts, and Philip of what they see as a technological Pettit, Professor of Politics and advance with the potential to address THE DEBATES Human Values at Princeton the food needs of the world’s poorest The first session, including theolo- University, New Jersey, presented populations. This was a public argu- gians of several religions and a chem- fascinating accounts of what science ment between industrial scientists istry professor, looked at whether it is has uncovered about the relation and the western environmental lobby possible to bridge the gap between between a person acting and that – and the public sided with the envi- religion and science, or at least find a person willing that act, and offered a ronmentalists against the weight of common language to discuss issues of comforting philosophical treatise scientific opinion. life, death and humanity. No conclu- about what all this means for the Attempts by the US government sions were reached, and evidence for whole concept of free will. to give credibility to scientific theories any intellectual basis for common In a nutshell, our brains give the that dispute the overwhelming evi- ground was hard to detect. Perhaps order to act split seconds before we dence of global warming were also the most pertinent contribution came are aware of willing the action. mentioned as helping to discredit sci- from Kennedy Townsend, who has to However, our own neurophysiological ence in the eyes of the public as an build bridges as a politician. She make up is constantly evolving as we objective method of investigation. emphasised that people are more open interact with our surroundings, so we The image of science as a means to rational argument in an atmosphere are not stuck with some predeter- to resolve the major problems afflict- of tolerance and mutual respect. “The mined and unchanging hardwiring; ing mankind is also undermined by the important thing is not to fan flames of we develop in a unique way. So long allocation of resources. Vast sums of fear,” she said. “Scientists should say as we can accept that our millions of money are ploughed into finding ways nice things about God.” neurons are what we are, and don’t to keep the world’s wealthy popula- There was, however, a recognition insist on having some intermediary ‘I’ tions healthier, looking younger and that advances in neuroscience and giving the orders, then the perception living longer, and into technologies of genetics present an unsettling chal- that our actions are our own is still war. Meanwhile, the world’s poorest lenge not just to the religious concept philosophically viable, and human die from preventable malnutrition, of the soul, but also to the deeper dignity can remain intact.
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