!'"£• '$ J Hey, kids, how do you feel about school starling again? '« a 8 V s8< I 8 'Happy 'Now for sports Anxious' 'Terrible Glad to get back' Great!" Julie. Murray, 8, a second Gary Markman, 15, son of Mr Karen Deltrich, 9, daughter Dennis Jorae, 11, a sixth Francis Makl, 14, son of Mr Duane Becker, 12, son of Mr Jan Canning, 9, a fourth grader, daughter of Mr and and Mrs Roland Markman of of Mr and Mrs Kenneth J. grader and son of Mr and and Mrs Leo Makl of 404 E. and Mrs Al Becker of 206 grader, who lives with Mr Mrs Keith Murray of 1000 tl 407 E. Walker'Street,afresh- Deltrlch of 200 S. Lansing Mrs Eugene Jorae of 601 W. Sturgls Street, a freshman at S. Morton Street, a seventh and Mrs Edward Sulka at 307 S. Lansing Street. man this year at Rodney B. Street, a fourth grader. Park Street. Rodney B. Wilson High. grader this year. W. State Street. •^AS;^^^ Big Labor Day celebrations set at Fowler, Wacousta By MRS ED KRAFT melon eating contest, sack race, and MRS ALFRED LOUNDS egg throwing contest, greased Staff Correspondents pole climb for $5 on top of the pole, and a tug-of-war across While Labor Day doesn't bring the rlverJ There will be trophies out the crowds to public cele­ and blue ribbons awarded. filth Year No. 19 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN THURSDAY SEPTEMBER I, 19.66 2 SECTIONS - 30 PAGES 10 CENTS brations like some other national, A chicken barbecue will be holidays do, there are a couple served from 4 to 7 p.m., and of events In Clinton County Mon­ movies and cartoons will be day that are expected to draw shown after dark. good attendance, if past years' The park board is heading experience is any Indication. up the arrangements for the ^ A big chicken barbecue is events of the day, and all pro­ ceeds will go to support the park Petitions seek massive planned at Wacousta, and the Fowler Conservation Club's an­ for the year. The park is a nual picnic is also set for Mon­ community project. day. The Wacousta events will be . COMMITTEES FOR THE var­ held at Looking Glass Valley ious events are: dinner com­ Park and. will start With a ball- , mittee, Mr and Mrs Ken Walsh annexation to DeWitt '•? (chairman), Mr and Mrs-Ron game' "between two Wacousta DeWTTT^PeUtions are being area-to*-get ready for sewers, ty board of supervisors to-set of, DeWitt, arid those in the' pro­ teams at 11 a^m. There'll be Walsh, Mr and Mrs James Doll, circulated asking for an, annexa­ enabling the city of DeWitt to Mr and Mrs Dallas Shattuck, an election date. This election posed annexation area. a* bjlke parade at 12:30, with tion vote that could triple* the increase the size of the present cannot be held within 45 days judging being done on decora­ Mr and Mrs John Walter and size of the. City of DeWitt. plant If necessary. of a general election;. thus the THE TWO LARGEST residen­ tions. At 1 p.m. there'll-be a Mr and Mrs Don Morrow; tick­ Some petitions to annex have ets, Mr and Mrs Carl Miller; earliest possible date for an tial areas in the proposed an­ bike relay in front of the park, already been turned in and others THE PROCESS OF annexation •annexation vote would probably and at 1;45 a tricycle parade, activities, Mr and Mrs Ron nexation zone are the Lake Gen­ are still In circulation. One hun­ is relatively simple. If 100 sign­ be about Dec, 15 of this year. eva subdivision, on the westside with Judging for 4-year-olds and Beardsley; hot dog and popcorn dred signatures are needed on concession, Mr and Mrs Clark atures on petitions are filed The annexation proposal would of the area, and the Rose sub­ under, and at 2 p.m. a tricycle "petitions to annex" to enable with the City of DeWitt, the city have to be approved by both race. Parsons; barbecue committee, division to the south of City of the City of DeWitt to present would present them to the coun­ the voters of the present City DeWitt. Richard Rosier (chairman); the annexation proposal to the clean-up, Ed Kraft; publicity, FROM 2 TO 4 P.M. there's Petitions are being circulated asking. county board of supervisors. v-i Mrs Edward Kraft and John Mor-^ a number of good participation row;-and ice cream concession, for a public vote on annexation of a games on tap* These include a Mr and Mrs Herman Openlahder. IF THE ANNEXATION, as horseshoe pitching contest, pony At Fowler, the Conservation chunk of northern -DeWitt Township to proposed, is completed, city rides, shoe scramble, water- Club's annual picnic will get the City of DeWitt. The area affected limit lines for the explanded under way at noon with a turkey City of DeWitt would run along shoot and will last until dark. by the proposal is shaded on the map. US-27 from Herbison to Cutler Clinton's A chicken barbecue at 2:30 p.m. roads, west on Cutler to Norris will be one of the highlights. Road, south on Norris to Howe' Road, west on Howe to the Look­ school daze There will be a turkey shoot New 4-H ing Glass River just beyond at the back of the park, 2 1/2 Schavey Road, south along the miles south of the village, to start river to Herbison Road and then starts 6th off the day's activities. Men and east to US-27. women are welcome to come and agent It's that time of year again take their aim. Veterans of For- Also involved in the annexa­ tion proposal Is the 40-acre site when children of the county re­ (See LABOR DAY, Page 2-A) turn to their schools for another named of the new DeWitt High School nine months of education. A lot FREE, CHECKING accounts - The hiring of a new 4-H agent on the south side of Herbison of changes have taken place in when you maintain a balance of to be based in Clinton County Road between DeWitt and Scha-' the county school set-up over the $300.00 at Central National Bank was announced this week by the vey roads. summer. of St. Johns, Ovid and Pewamo. local Cooperative ExtensionSer- Ovid and Elsie high schools Vice office. CITY CLERK Ray Price said ceased to exist as separate units, BAKE SALE-Saturday, Sept. He is John Aylsworth, 4-HEx- that if the proposed annexation and they'll be combined this 3 at Becker's Furniture Store tenslon agent for 11 years with is passed it will increase the' year, with juniors and seniors by Fowler St. Paul Lutheran the Erie County Cooperative Ex­ poRUlatlon of the City of DeWitt studying at Elsie and freshmen Ladles Aid. 19-1 tension Service at Sandusky, to approximately 4,000 people. a,nd sophomores at Ovid until Ohio. He will begin work here The present DeWitt sewage* the new high school is completed. Oct. 1. disposal plant is capable of Your Discards Pinal approval of the appoint­ handling a population of 3,500, AT BATH, ROGER Carlson ment is expected to-be made but Price said the addition of has assumed the duties of super­ May Be later this month by the Michi­ JOHN AYLSWORTH a new digester or a secondary intendent, replacing Lloyd Lat- >S gan State University board of system would double the capac­ Someone Else's trustees. Aylsworth wilUcoordi- Ohio, High School and attended ity, thus enabling the complete chaw who has retired. John Ohio State University where he Parker replaced John Hayes as nate the 4-H' work of District 9 area to be served. Delight (Clinton, Gratiot and Shiawassee received a bachelor's degree in This' is' not a problem at the principal; Hayes has moved to agriculture education in 1955 and Florida. ' - counties) but >vlU be based in- present time he said. If annex­ St. Johns and will have charge a master's degree In agriculture ation Is completed it would take At DeWitt, Hobart Jenkins has Sell them with education in 1966. assumed thfr title of superin­ of .the Clinton County 4-H pro­ time for all those in the new lOW COST •- • . ••]" tendent of schools, replacing ..... _ ^ ...: gram. All three counties have After graduation in 1955, he was Clarence H. Fuerstenau who has '$$ Clinton County ^Jews 0 agreed to share his salary as a delegate on the International retired. ig: '£ a third agent. Farm Youth Exchange (IFYE) Recount DeWitt v At Fowler, L. Dean Stork has program and spent five months in. primary votes been na"med principal of Fowler WANT ADS AYLSWORTH HAS been with Greece. Upon return home he the Erie County Extension office started work with the Erie County County Clerk Paul Wakefield High School replacing Richard •? NEWS WANT ADS SELL Ev- Si Thelen who has left the system. ;% eryfWng from A to % , . and % since January 1956 and has built Extension office. was conducting a recount of three :» that's Just the beginning) You & the 4-H enrollment in that county t Republican Party races in the •>;• can seU hundreds of different ;•;• ST. JOHNS IS jockeying its yi Items through News Wont Ads. :':< from 441 members in1956 to 930 Aylsworth and his wife Kath- Aug. 2 DeWitt Township primary. •i; They work effectively, quickly, ;.;. at the present time.
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