. HL 10.5 . A37 no DOT- DRT NO. UMT A- MA -06-0025-77-17 TSC- UMTA- 77-40 GENERAL VEHICLE TEST INSTRUMENTATION MANUAL Lowel 1 V . Babb U.S. Department of Transportation Transportati on Systems Center Kendall Square Cambridge MA 02142 SEPTEMBER 1977 OPERATIONAL HANDBOOK DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE TO THE U.S. PUBLIC THROUGH THE NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE. SPRINGFIELD, VIRGINIA 22161 Prepared for U.S, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION Office of Technology Development and Deployment Office of Rail Technology Washington DC 20590 . NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Govern- ment assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof NOTICE The United States Government does not endorse pro- ducts or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers’ names appear herein solely because they are con- sidered essential to the object of this report. - Technical Report Documentation Page 1 . Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient’s Catalog No. UMTA-MA-06-0025-77 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date July 1977 GENERAL VEHICLE TEST INSTRUMENTATION MANUAL 6. Performing Organization Code 8. Performing Organization Report No. 7. Authors) Lowell V. Babb DOT -TSC- UMTA - 77- tf-fi 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) U.S. Department of Transportation UM-704/ R7706 Transportation Systems Center 11. Contract or Grant No. Kendall Square Cambridge MA 02142 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name ond Address yfjnA '1 \ U.S. Department of Transportation Operational Handbook Urban Mass Transportation Administration Office of Technology Development and Deployment Office of Rail Technology 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Washington DC 20590 UTD-30 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstract A General Vehicle Test System (GVTS) has been developed by the Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts to facilitate rail transit vehicle testing at the Transportation Test Center, Pueblo, Colorado. This system was designed to be responsive to requirements specified in the publication GENERAL VEHICLE TEST PLAN (GVTP) for URBAN RAIL TRANSIT CARS, report - number UMTA-MA- 06- 00 25 75- 14 . This manual describes the GVTS instrumentation equipment and techniques to be used for vehicle tests. The GVTS includes measurement systems for vehicle volt- age, current, accel eration/ vibrat ion , pressure, temperature, displacement, strain and test reference data. P gpt. of Transportation DEC 2 a 1977 Library 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Stotement Instrumentation DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE TO THE U.S. PUBLIC Dynamic Vehicle Performance THROUGH THE NATIONAL TECHNICAL Measuring Devices INFORMATION SERVICE. SPRINGFIELD, VIRGINIA Urban Rail Transit Cars 22161 21« No. of Pages 22. Price 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20 . Security Classif. (of this page) Unclass if ied Unclassif ied 245 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized PREFACE Under the sponsorship of the Office of Rail Technology Divi- sion of the Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Office of Technology, Development and Deployment, the Transportation Systems Center (TSC) provides technical support for improving urban rail transportation systems. To facilitate rail vehicle testing at the Transportation Test Center in Pueblo, Colorado, the Urban Rail Supporting Technology Program of TSC has developed a General Ve- hicle Test System (GVTS) . This system includes instrumentation, digital data acquisition and processing equipment and certain special purpose measurement systems. The GVTS was designed to be responsive to requirements specified in the General Vehicle Test Plan (GVTP) for Urban Rail Transit Cars, document number UMTA-MA- 06-0025-75-14, September 1975. This manual describes the instrumentation equipment and the detailed techniques for ensuring the acquisition of valid test da- ta. The GVTS includes measurement systems for vehicle electrical current and voltage, acceleration/vibration, air pressure, equip- ment temperature, mechanical strain, displacement and test re- ference data such as vehicle speed and location. This work was performed under the direction of George Neat, Assistant Program Manager for Test and Evaluation for the TSC Urban Rail Supporting Technology Program. The equipment was de- signed by TSC staff member Phillip Silvia and the author. iii FACTORS ll 01 6! 9! L\ 91 91 »l Cl ll 11 01 6 • L 9 S 9 C z 1 zz zz mo lllllllll lllllllll lllllllllllllllllll lllllllll lllllllll lllllllll llllllll lllllllll lllllllll lllllllll lllllllll lllllllll lllllllll lllllllll lllllllll lllllllll lllllllll llllllll lllllllll lllllllll mi llll lllllllll CONVERSION TIT TIT TIT TCI TIT TIT IT HT T|T TIT |T METRIC 2 1 inches S'e^E 5 2 E E E IV CONTENTS Section Page 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 1.1 Background 1-1 1 . 2 Purpose 1-2 1-3 Approach 1-3 2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 2-1 2.1 System Overview 2-1 2.2 Instrumentation Systems 2-5 2.3 Data Acquisition System And Output Devices.... 2-7 3 INSTRUMENTATION SUMMARY. 3-1 4 SIGNAL MONITOR AND CALIBRATION EQUIPMENT 4-1 4.1 Operational Concept 4-1 4.2 Signal Monitor Chassis 4-1 4.3 Zero Relay Actuator Chassis 4-6 5 SHIELD/GROUND TECHNIQUE 5-1 5.1 Basic Principles 5-1 5.2 Connection Technique 5-1 6 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION.. 6-1 7 INVENTORY CONTROL 7-1 7 . 1 Approach 7-1 7.2 Inventory Control Card Description 7-1 8 SYSTEM NOTES 8-1 8.1 Discussion 8-1 8.2 Magnetic Parameter Tags 8-1 8.3 Monitor Toggle Switch Holder 8-1 9 REFERENCES 9-1 APPENDIX A - REFERENCE DATA A-l A1 SPEED MEASUREMENT SYSTEM Al-1 A1 . 1 Description Al-1 A1 . 2 Special Handling Al-2 A1 . 3 Theory of Operation Al-2 A1 . 4 Shield/Ground Technique Al-4 A1 . 5 Functional Wire List Summary Al-4 A1 . 6 Mode Card Setup Al-4 v 6348257 CONTENTS (CONT) Section Page A1 . 7 Vehicle Mounting Al-4 A1 . 8 Calibration Al-8 A2 EVENT/COMMUNICATIONS MEASUREMENT SYSTEM A2-1 A2.1 Description A2-1 A2 . Special Handling A2-4 A2 . Theory of Operation A2-4 A2 . Shield/Ground Technique A2-5 A2.5 Functional Wire List Summary A2-5 A2 . Mode Card Setup A2-5 A2.7 Vehicle Mounting A2-5 A2 . Calibration A2-9 A3 AUTOMATIC LOCATION DETECTOR MEASUREMENT SYSTEM. A3-1 A3.1 Description A3-1 A3. Special Handling A3-3 A3 . Theory of Operation A3-3 A3 . Shield/Ground Technique A3-3 A3. Functional Wire List Summary A3-5 A3. Mode Card Setup A3-5 A3. Vehicle Mounting A3-10 A3. Calibration A3-12 APPENDIX B - CURRENT B-l B1 CONTROL CURRENT MEASUREMENT SYSTEM Bl-1 Bl.l Description Bl-1 B1.2 Special Handling Bl-1 B1.3 Theory of Operation Bl-2 B1.4 Shield/Ground Techniques Bl-2 B1.5 Functional Wire List Summary Bl-5 B1.6 Mode Card Setup Bl-6 B1.7 Vehicle Mounting Bl-6 B1.8 Calibration Bl-6 B2 POWER CURRENT MEASUREMENT SYSTEM B2-1 B2.1 Description B2-1 B2.2 Special Handling B2-1 B2.3 Theory Of Operation B2-2 B2.4 Shield/Ground Technique B2-2 B2.5 Functional Wire List Summary B2-4 B2.6 Mode Card Setup B2-5 B2.7 Vehicle Mounting B2-5 B2.8 Calibration B2-9 vi CONTENTS (CONT) Section Page B3 CURRENT SHUNT MEASUREMENT SYSTEM B3-1 B3.1 Description B3-1 B3.2 Special Handling B3-5 B3.3 Theory of Operation B3-5 B3.4 Shield/Ground Techniques B3-8 B3.5 Functional Wire List Summary B3-8 B3.6 Mode Card Setup B3-8 B3.7 Vehicle Mounting B3-12 B3.8 Calibration B3-20 B3.9 Additional Information B3-20 APPENDIX C - VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM C-l C.l Description C-l C.2 Special Handling C-l C.3 Theory of Operation C-2 C.4 Shield/Ground Technique C-4 C.5 Functional Wire List Summary C-4 C.6 Mode Card Setup C-4 C.7 Vehicle Mounting C-4 C.8 Calibration C-9 C.9 Additional Information C-9 APPENDIX D - ACCELERATION/VIBRATION D-l D1 SERVO ACCELEROMETER MEASUREMENT SYSTEM Dl-1 Dl.l Description Dl-1 D1 . 2 Special Handling Dl-1 D1.3 Theory Of Operation Dl-3 D1 . 4 Shield/Ground Technique Dl-3 D1.5 Functional Wire List Summary Dl-3 D1 . 6 Mode Card Setup Dl-7 D1.7 Vehicle Mounting Dl-7 D1.8 Calibration Dl-8 D2 PIEZO ACCELEROMETER MEASUREMENT SYSTEM D2-1 D2.1 Description D2-1 D2.2 Special Handling D2-2 D2.3 Theory of Operation D2-3 D2.4 Shield/Ground Technique D2-3 D2.5 Functional Wire List Summary D2-3 D2 . 6 Mode Card Setup D2-6 D2.7 Vehicle Mounting D2-6 D2.8 Calibration D2-7 vi i CONTENTS (CONT) Section Page APPENDIX E - PRESSURE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM E-l E.l Description E-l E.2 Special Handling E-l E.3 Theory of Operation E-l E.4 Shield/Ground Technique E-3 E.5 Functional Wire List Summary E-3 E.6 Mode Card Setup E-3 E.7 Vehicle Mounting E-9 E. 8 Calibration E-10 APPENDIX F - TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM F-l F. l Description F-l F.2 Special Handling F-2 F.3 Theory of Operation F-4 F.4 Shield/Ground Technique F-4 F.5 Functional Wire List Summary F-4 F.6 Mode Card Setup F-4 F.7 Vehicle Mounting F-7 F.8 Calibration F-ll F.9 Additional Information F-13 APPENDIX G - STRUCTURES G-l G1 STRAIN MEASUREMENT SYSTEM G-l Gl.l Description Gl-1 G1.2 Special Handling Gl-1 G1.3 Theory Of Operation Gl-1 G1.4 Shield/Ground Technique Gl-4 G1.5 Functional Wire List Summary Gl-4 G1.6 Mode Card Setup Gl-4 G1.7 Vehicle Mounting Gl-8 G1.8 Calibration Gl-8 G2 DISPLACEMENT POTENTIOMETER MEASUREMENT SYSTEM.
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