Upper Kuskokwim Athabascan Place Names, version 1.2, July 16, 2012 Section 0 2 Yongi Digheloye Alaska Range upland mountains, objects that are suspended 4 Yukwna Yukon River ? 5 Nohwtsets'in Yukon River area, Tanana River area toward the water side 6 Dish No' Dishna River spruce hen river 8 Łughwnh on Ophir river, upper innoko river by the ice 10 Hwdedhot Iditarod frog river 13 Holjichak' Holikachuk 14 QQ Tanana River 16 Nonsihwts'in Upper Cook Inlet area 17 Sosutno' Susitna River sand river 18 >>MD Esdesladi, Esdeslidi site at Susitna Station =Yusdishla gl site at Susitna Station =Yusdishla ..pn Esdesladi, Esdeslidi s little peninsula 19 Tomogh Tyonek area the beach 1 20 Tochwh Mogh Cook Inlet shore of big water 20 >>MD Yaghanino’, Yaghitno' Kenai Peninsula, Swanson River good land river 21 Yanatno' Yentna River backbone river 22 Nuchiloghoy Tanana Village 23 Yongi Digheloye Alaska Range 24 Tu Chwh Kok' Pacific Ocean 25 Dodo Bristol Bay direction Section 1 30 Tsamas K'oł, Tsamas K'oł Ghwnh Sleetmute whetstone place 31 Ch'iqezatno' Stony River distant river headwaters 33 Holetno' Holitna River upward flows 34 Nelinh hw Swift River current place 35 SG: Jonetno' Cheeneetnuk River dark stream 36 Tolghwtno', Tilghutno' Tatlawiksuk River 2 37 Tthaghoy, Tsaghoy hills below Sinka's end of the rock 38 Nents'ididik Dochak' mouth of Nunsatuk River mouth of where we spend time 39 Nents'ididik No', Nonts'ididihdi Nunsatuk River where we spend time 40 Shis Zrinh, DD: Shish Lizinh Black Mtns black bear 41 Ts'etoz'o Kok' Big Sinka's fish camp, at Black Waski's killing beaver creek mountain 42 Tsalatno' Dighelo', Tsala Chak' Selatna Mountain Dighelo' killing beaver creek 43 Tsalatno', Tsolotno' Selatna River flows from water side of killing beaver creek 44 Tsalatno' Tuts'in Tazdlinh No' First Fork (of Selatna River) highbush cranberry hill River 45 Tsaltsa Dighelo' large hill 3101 south of Selatna, west of Vinesale little killing beaver creek 46 Tsalatno' Hwk'idz Little Selatna River "black rock river" 47 Tsat'asrno'; DD: Tat'ashno' Black River "black rock mouth mountain 48 Tsat'asr Chak' Dighelo' mt south of Black Ck mouth black rock mountain lake 49 Tsat'asr Dighelo' Mina' lake at base of mt. "canoe trail" 3 50 Medoy Tin, Ts'eshtin Beaver Creek "grass creek" 51 Ch'idzaya' hill 1755 15 mi. up Beaver Ck heart' 52 Minisale, Venisale, Minesale Vinasale site 53 Minesale Mina', Minisale Mina', Vinasale Lake Nodots'ine Minesale Mina' 54 Hey'tsan' No' Vinasale Lake tributary grass creek 55 Nonets'ine Minesale Mina' upper Vinasale Lake 56 Soji Kayih site 3 miles above Vinasale old village 57 Minisale, Minesale Dighelo' Vinasale Mountain where current flows to a place 58 Hwdinelinhdi island at upper end of Vinesale bluff 59 Mitis Ch'itl'uje, Mitis Jetl'uje hill south-southeast of Vinasale Mountain over it sth. (snares) are set 60 Mik'ich'alyots'e mt. "Tatalina" 2432 the one with snow on it 61 Mik'ich'alyots'e Loghw Nodaghelinhno' Carl Creek stream that flows along the one with snow on it 64 Hwloyi Huz'onh Mina', Hiloyhwt'on' horseshoe lake south of Wilson's Lake Mina' 4 65 Hwloyi Huz'onhdi area N of Vinasale Mt. 66 Ch'itishgheł'o hill below mouth of Katlitna River pass extends 67 K'esh Dzochak' mouth of Katlitna River birch ? Mouth 68 K'esh Dzotno' Katlitna River we return - stream 69 Dilotsegho' Ndaghelinhhw, Dilots'uk' Katlitna River tributary from north Ndaghelinhno' 70 Mitis Ch'itl'uje No' ck into Katlitna River open water river 71 Łets'a Ka' Ts'ilch'inh Mina', lake 18 miles southeast of McGrath Tets'achika'ts'izchin Mina' someone bit female dog's foot - lake', "snared dog foot lake" 72 Mideline Candle Hills, near Sterling Landing, Roundabout Mountain current flows against it 74 Tsesh Mina' Nidaghelinhhw creek flowing into #178 from east "paint lake current flowing" 79 Toholtsit No' Fourth of July Creek 80 Toholtsit Dochak' Fourth of July creek mouth 81 QQ >> Waldron Fork 82 Tuchak' McGrath water mouth 5 Section 2 101 Tochotno' Takotna River 104 Nits'ize No' Chak' mouth of Tatalina River 104 Nits'ize No' Tatalina River, "Tatalina Creek" 106 Nits'ize Takotna Mountain, "Tatalina Mountain" ?? 107 Mimogh Noch'ist'oje Appel Mountain game goes by the edge of it 124 Tsat'oh Ghelinhdi hill at Grayling ck "current flows beneath the rock place" 125 Ts'idat'ana K'isno' Grayling Creek "grayling creek outlet" 126 K'isr Yedighelo' Mina' south of Halfway Mountain "in alders mountain lake" 127 K'isr Yedighelo' (Digheloye) Halfway Mountain in alders mountain 128 K'isr Ye Daghelinhdi, K'isr Ye No' Crooked Creek where it flows in alders, in alders stream 128.1 K'isr Ye No' chak' mouth of Crooked creek where it flows in alders, in alders stream 129 Isk'a Mina' "Coy Lake" "fish trap place lake" 130 Łats Kok' Mina' lake 16 miles east of McGrath "on sand lake" 6 131 Totisdazchak' Mina' QQ "Phillip's Island Lake" "mouth of portage lake" 133 Nełkadighelinhdi, Nełk'adighelinhdi mouth of Big River "where streams flow together" 134 Nełk'adighelinhdi Dighelo' "Big River Hill" where stream flow together" 135 Noghelnadi "CAA Landing" ? 136 Tsat'oh Mina' "Katherine's Lake" "lake under rocks" 137 Noghelna Tiya' small hills on Noghelnadi Dighelo' ? mountain" 139 Tsat'oghelinhdi southwest of Medfra, Grayling Ck where current flows below rocks QQ cf above 140 Dodzine Tohwt'anh Mina' "Loon Lake" "loon are present lake" 140.1 Dodzine Tohwt'anh Mina' K'isno' "Loon Lake" outlet 22 "loon are present lake oultlet 141 Hwghw Notohwdanełninh Mina' Morrison Lake "channel erodes through - lake 142 5 Hit'itodaghe'odi slough southwest of Medfra water extends beneath a place 142.1 5 Hit'itodaghe'o Chak' mouth of slough southwest of Medfra 20 water extends beneath a place 142.2 5 Hit'itodaghe'o Mina' large lake up slough southwest of Medfra water extends beneath a place lake 142.3 5 Hit'itodaghe'odi Ts'ekohwghaz'odi point on large lakeh southwest of Medfra 45 water extends beneath a place 7 142.4 5 Hit'itodaghe'o Edelinhdi stream into large lake 46 water extends beneath a place 142.5 5 Hit'itodaghe'odi Edelinhdi Minh lake on stream into large lake dałtonh 47 water extends beneath a place 143 5 Hit'itodaghe'o Mina' large lake/slough water extends beneath a place lake 144 Soji Hwno' South Fork Slough "old river" 144.1 Soji Hwno' Dochak' mouth of South Fork Slough 19 "old river mouth 145 Tomo Mina' Swan Lake "swan lake" 146 Edze Chak' Mina' "Andrews's Lake" "mouth of ? lake" moved, 147 Tron' Kayih Mina' "Outhouse Lake", "Junior's Lake" "shit house lake" 148 Mit'ika' Ts'dighełnine No' Medicine Creek "we tripped over it stream" 149 Mit'ika' Ts'dighełnine, Mit'ika' Limestone Mountain Ch'dełnine "we tripped over it" 150 Makaye Ghotin Scow Harry Creek "canoe trail" 151 Edze Chak' mouth of South Fork and Medfra area ? Mouth' 152 Hwghwdanelinhdi, Hwghwdanelinhhw East Fork Slough "where current flows through" 8 152.1 Ch'itontswh Mina' lake near start of East Fork Slough yellow water lake 152.2 Elya Mina' small lake Elya's lake 153 ?? "Dick McCarthy's Lake" 154 T'ighis Udaz'o Mina' Cottonwood Lake cottonwood extends into the water lake 155 Notone'o upper East Fork Slough "where water extends across" 156 Notone'o Mina' upper East Fork Slough Lake "where water extends across lake" 157 Dikats'ats'inladi "Snag Slough" 158 Dikats'ats'inla Mina' "Dennis Tree Lake" 160 Mimots'ek'eshdilene QQ cf below hill >> ck 161 Misdi Tazdlinhdi "Fox Banks" 162 Dineje Mina' "Moose Lake" "moose lake" 164 Ch'itsan' Kok' Hwchwh 13 miles northeast of Nikolai "big grass meadow" 165 Nok'eshgheltrish Mina', 18 miles northeast of Nikolai Nok'eshghiltsish Mina' "whipping birch lake" 166 Shisr Nugh East Fork Hills black bear island 9 166 Shisr Nugh Ts'inh Ts'adanelinh stream from East Fork Hills 51 flows from black bear island 167 QQ Tsat'asr No' Soda Creek "black/charcoal rock creek" 168 Mimogh Noch'ist'oje hill 25 miles northeast of Medfra above Soda Ck along it animals move 175.1 Shisr Nu Ghoy No' stream from ridge 174 175 end of bear island stream 176 Shisr Nughoye Mina' lake at N end of East Fork Hills King's Lake, "Fred King's Lake" end of bear island lake 177 Mik'i Tsanezile Wilson's Hill upon it rocks get warm some variantion in interpretation 178 >> Hardscrabble Ck? 179 Tomo Mina' "Swan Lake" 180 Shisr Nughoye "Deaphon's Camp/Cabin" QQ end of bear island 181 Totaz'o Chak' Mina' lake at mouth of Puntag Ck slough mouth lake 181 Totaz'o No' Puntag Ck 181 Totaz'o Chak' mouth of Puntag Ck 54 slough mouth 182 Totis Toghe'o Mina' lake E of North Fork 184 ?? "Lost Knife Lake" 10 185 Srihno' Chi'a Chak' mouth of Eden Ck/ Baker Creek 53 big sidestream mouth 185 Srihno' Chi'a Chak' Mina' lake at mouth of Eden Ck/ Baker Creek big sidestream mouth lake 185 Srihno' Chi'a, Srihno' Chwh Eden Ck and Baker Creek 186 Nu Choh Mina'; QQ Nuchilo Mina' pair of lakes, 13 miles northwest of Telida 187 ?? "Lower Moose Lake" 188 ?? "Upper Moose Lake" Section 3 175.2 K'esh T'on' Nilani hill N of Dinegimina 175.2 one with birch leaves 175.2 K'esh T'on' Nilani Mina' lake N of hill N of Dinegimina 175.2 one with birch leaves lake 175.3 Ch'idraya Hut'ani Nelani hill W of Baby Basket looks like heart 175.4 Ch'idraya Hut'ani Nelani Mina' lake at hill looks like heart lake 200 Tseshno' Dochak' mouth of Sheep Crek on Middle Fork "wide water creek" 201 Tohwdechohno' Windy Fork plus lower Middle Fork "creek flowing through grass" 202 Tl'wh Yedighelno' Middle Fork tributary 11 203 Dzonh Mogh Ts'adanełinh Middle Fork tributary below T'ighis Nungi current flows from silty shore" 204 T'ighis Nungi site "Fish Hole"/ fork E of Windy Fork "cottonwood anabranch" 206
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