The Intriguing Chemistry of NGC 6302 A thesis submitted to The University of Manchester for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences 2014 Kerry Hebden School of Physics and Astronomy 2 THE INTRIGUING CHEMISTRY OF NGC 6302 Contents List of Figures 7 List of Tables 10 Abstract.................................... 13 Declaration .................................. 14 CopyrightStatement ............................. 15 Dedication................................... 17 Acknowledgements .............................. 18 SupportingPublications. 19 1 Introduction 21 1.1 PNandtheirEvolution;ABriefReview . 21 1.1.1 IntheBeginning ........................ 22 1.1.2 IntheMiddle.......................... 24 1.1.3 IntheEnd............................ 25 1.2 PNGeneralChemistry ......................... 26 1.3 PNEnvironments:PDRs,XDRsandShockFronts . 29 1.4 NGC6302................................ 34 1.4.1 NGC6302Chemistry . .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 1.5 Overview ................................ 39 2 Interferometry 43 KERRY HEBDEN 3 CONTENTS 2.1 InterferometryBasics . 43 2.1.1 The uv-plane .......................... 46 2.1.2 ApertureSynthesis . 48 2.1.3 SubmillimeterArray . 49 2.1.4 DirtyBeams .......................... 50 3 SMA Observations and Results 53 3.1 DataReduction ............................. 53 3.2 ObservationsOverview . 55 3.2.1 CO ............................... 56 3.3 SMASpectraandMaps......................... 59 3.3.1 HCN .............................. 59 3.3.2 HCO+ .............................. 61 3.3.3 13CS............................... 63 3.3.4 SiO ............................... 66 + 3.3.5 N2H .............................. 68 3.3.6 CN ............................... 69 3.3.7 13CN .............................. 80 4 The Cyanide Radical and Molecular Column Densities 85 4.1 QuantumMechanicsoftheCNradical . 90 4.1.1 12CN .............................. 90 4.1.2 13CN .............................. 91 4.2 RadiativeTransfer............................ 92 4.2.1 Einstein Coefficients ...................... 95 4.3 ColumnDensities............................ 96 4.3.1 12CN and 13CN......................... 96 + + 4.3.2 HCN,HCO ,CS andN2H .................. 97 4.3.3 12C/13CRatios ......................... 98 4 THE INTRIGUING CHEMISTRY OF NGC 6302 CONTENTS 5 The Meudon PDR Code 101 5.1 TheMeudonPDRCode. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 101 5.1.1 Parameters ........................... 102 5.1.2 CodeStructure ......................... 104 5.1.3 GrainProperties . 105 5.1.4 UVRadiativeTransfer . 106 5.1.5 ThermalBalance . 108 5.1.6 Chemistry............................ 110 5.2 DiscussionofChemicalModelsofPNe . 112 5.3 MeudonModels............................. 113 5.3.1 StandardModels(ModA) . 118 5.3.2 X-rayModels(ModA2) . 126 5.3.3 Dense-CloudModels(ModB) . 129 5.3.4 Dense-CloudwithX-rayModels(ModB2) . 138 5.3.5 HCO+ models.......................... 139 5.3.6 ComparisonwithOtherModels . 145 5.3.7 ComparisonwithObservedColumnDensities . 149 6 Discussion 157 6.1 MethodsofExcitation. 158 6.2 ‘Model’Chemistry ........................... 165 6.3 Water, Water Ice and HCO+ ....................... 169 6.4 Conclusions............................... 173 6.5 FutureWork............................... 176 I Appendices 179 A First Appendix 181 A.1 ObservationsContinued. 181 KERRY HEBDEN 5 CONTENTS References 183 6 THE INTRIGUING CHEMISTRY OF NGC 6302 List of Figures 1 NGC6302-theButterflyNebula. 20 1.1 Hertzsprung-Russelldiagram . 24 1.2 PDRSchematic ............................. 30 1.3 OHshockchemistry .......................... 31 1.4 SchematicviewandHSTimageofNGC6302 . 36 1.5 VelocitycomponentsofNGC6302 . 37 2.1 BasicTwoElementInterferometer . 44 2.2 Interferometer Schematic with Phase Tracking Centre . ....... 47 2.3 uv-planeSchematic ........................... 48 2.4 SMA Compact-North uv Coverage................... 49 3.1 HCNspectrum ............................. 60 3.2 HCNMediumVelocityComponentContourMap . 61 3.3 HCNHighVelocityComponentContourMap . 62 3.4 HCO+ spectrum............................. 64 3.5 12COLowVelocityComponentContourMap . 64 3.6 HCO+ LowVelocityComponentContourMap . 65 3.7 HCO+ MediumVelocityComponentContourMap . 66 3.8 HCO+ HighVelocityComponentContourMap . 67 3.9 HCO+ VelocityChannelMap. 71 3.10 HCO+ VelocityChannelMap. 72 KERRY HEBDEN 7 LIST OF FIGURES 3.11 13CSSpectrum ............................. 73 3.12 13CSMediumVelocityComponentContourMap . 73 3.13 SiO v=0and v=1spectra ........................ 74 3.14 SiO V=0MediumVelocityComponentContourMap . 75 3.15 SiO V=1HighVelocityComponentContourMap . 76 + 3.16 N2H Spectrum............................. 77 + 3.17 N2H MediumVelocityComponentContourMap . 78 3.18 12CNSpectrumshowingHyperfineFitting . 79 3.19 CNLowVelocityComponentContourMap . 80 3.20 CNMediumVelocityComponentContourMap . 81 3.21 CNHighVelocityComponentContourMap . 82 3.22 13CNSpectrum ............................. 83 3.23 13CNMediumVelocityComponentContourMap . 84 4.1 12CNenergyleveldiagram . 87 4.2 13CNenergyleveldiagram . 89 4.3 Hund’s case (b) and Hund’s Case (bβJ)................. 91 5.1 MeudonSchematic ........................... 104 5.2 Models:modAK02031andmodAK12031 . 119 5.3 Models:modAK22031andmodAK32031 . 120 5.4 ThermalprofileofModels . 126 5.5 Models:modA2K02031andmodA2K12031 . 133 5.6 Models:modA2K22031andmodA2K32031 . 134 5.7 Models:modBK02055andmodBK12055. 135 5.8 Models:modBK22055andmodBK32055. 136 5.9 Models:modB2K02055andmodB2K12055 . 141 5.10 Models:modB2K22055andmodB2K32055 . 142 5.11 Models:modAK4All2031andmodAK5All2031 . 152 5.12 Models: modA2K4All2031andmodA2K5All2031 . 153 8 THE INTRIGUING CHEMISTRY OF NGC 6302 LIST OF FIGURES 5.13 Models:modBK4All2055andmodBK5All2055 . 154 5.14 Models: modB2K4All2055andmodB2K5All2055 . 155 5.15 Column Density Comparison with Kimura et al. (2012) . ..... 156 29 A.1 SiC2 spectrum............................. 182 29 A.2 SiC2 IntegratedIntensityMap . 182 KERRY HEBDEN 9 LIST OF FIGURES 10 THE INTRIGUING CHEMISTRY OF NGC 6302 List of Tables 3.1 SpeciesobservedinNGC6302. 57 4.1 12CNhyperfinefrequencies . 86 4.2 13CNhyperfinefrequencies . 88 4.3 Columndensityparameters. 98 4.4 Columndensitiesforobservedmolecularspecies . ..... 99 5.1 MeudonModelParameters . 103 5.2 MeudonDustGrainParameters. 106 5.3 Gasphasereactionsplusrates . 111 5.4 MeudonChemistryFiles . 117 5.5 ModelColumnDensities . 121 5.5 ModelColumnDensities . 122 5.5 ModelColumnDensities . 123 5.6 H2Oreactions.............................. 140 5.7 ComparisonofModelResultswithObservations . 151 KERRY HEBDEN 11 LIST OF TABLES 12 THE INTRIGUING CHEMISTRY OF NGC 6302 The University of Manchester ABSTRACT OF THESIS submitted by Kerry Hebden for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy and entitled The Intriguing Chemistry of NGC 6302. January 2014 The hostile circumstellar environment of an emerging protoplanetary nebula (PPN) and its transformation to a planetary nebula (PN) is an area of active observation and yet, many uncertainties still exist, not least in explanations of molecular abundances. Additionally, the combination of extreme radiation fields, X-rays and high velocity shocks may also drive interesting and possible novel chemical reactions and pathways. Thorough molecular surveys on PNe are minimal and in-depth modelling of specific sources to explain observed molecular abundances, are also limited in the literature. Modelling of species such as H2O within a PN, have yet to be explored in detail at all. This thesis describes observations of NGC 6302, a young butterfly PN with possi- bly the highest identified central mass of any known PN ( 2-3 M ), which have re- ∼ ⊙ cently been undertaken at the SMA. Image maps and spectra for a number of molecu- lar species were obtained in order to provide further insights into chemical behaviour within a PN. Observational results have been compared with detailed modelling to as- certain the role of various environmental factors on the chemistry within NGC 6302. It was found that an outflow could possibly be responsible for enhanced emission for + 13 29 HCO , HCN and SiO. Species such as CS and SiC2 are also enhanced in the di- + rection of the bi-polar lobes. N2H is confined to the dense torus, with CN also dis- playing little enhancement beyond the CO emission. Models suggest that whilst SO2 is abundant in low oxygen abundances but nitrogen-enriched dense clouds, H2O can be produced efficiently in all environments. It was also found that in standard mod- els, H2O reactions proceed differently to H2O formation in dense-cloud models and circumstellar envelopes. KERRY HEBDEN 13 Declaration I declare that no portion of the work referred to in the thesis has been submitted in support of an application for another degree or qualification of this or any other university or other institute of learning. 14 THE INTRIGUING CHEMISTRY OF NGC 6302 Copyright Statement (i) Copyright in text of this thesis rests with the Author. Copies (by any process) either in full, or of extracts, may be made only in accordance with instruc- tions given by the Author and lodged in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester. Details may be obtained from the Librarian. This page must form part of any such copies made. Further copies (by any process) of copies made in accordance with such instructions may not be made without the permission (in writing) of the Author. (ii) The ownership of any intellectual property rights which may be described in this thesis is vested in The University of Manchester, subject to any prior agreement to the contrary, and may not be made available
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