Abernathy "IN THE PALM OF THE PLAINS" Weekly Revie"' . VOLUME 69, NUMBER 31 FRIDAY,AUGUST3, 1990,ABERNA111Y, TEXAS SERVING HALE & LUBBOCK COUNTIES New Deal City Council renews contracts, drills water test hole By Scott Luce The Texas Department of police ChicT Sam But ler con­ The New Deal City Cou~ci l Health had previously informed ducted a linal tour of inspection discussed the city's zomng the ci ty that the current well of New Deal's sewer system July ordinance during their regular on the land would not be cer- 26 and declared the pmject meeting July 23. ----~------ - .tifi.c_~liY.atin.Jl..fuL.Jlli;__by_ . uiiirially finished ___ . The council felt that or- the city's water customers. The warranty period th en dinance #20, written in 1974, Hi Plains Drilling drilled the went into effect at\d will con­ needed to be reviewed by the original welL The test hole they tinue until July 26, I'Nl. city's attorney, Madison Sowder drill ed did lind water but the Executive session of Lubbock. amount of water available could The council went into execu­ Specifically the building not be judged. ti ve session to discuss personnel. permits with the amendments The test hole was 320 feet The council was discussing and requirement s th at have been and the city will be charged hiring Eddie Beene as a water added needs to be more con- $1.50 per foot. ' and wastewater employee. trollablc. The council was scheduled to After executive session, the Also, the council wants more discuss the next step in con- council decided to tak e no documentation in the ordinance slruction of a new water well official action in hiring nccnL'. concerning livestock and poultry. Aug. 2 during a budget work- They were scheduled ltl dis­ Action items shop meeting. russ the matt er again J:.q ni ght Councilman John Shropshire If the council so decides, the :tl thc buLiget work shop made a motion to renew a project will be turned over to Councilmen C.L. "RL·d" l'hillips, maintenance contract with Parkhill, Smith and Cooper, city La Fon, Shropshire and Bigham Responsive Service of Lubbock engineers, for the calling of attended the meeting. City Abernathy Volunteer Fire Department Chief Mike (irirnslcy (left) is shown testing a 911 call from the for the city's personal co~uter. bids for construction. secretary Paula Purdom n·('()rded home or Mike f1orcs in the northeast portion of Abernathy Tuesday evening. The 'Ill service will Councilman Bill Bigham se- Rafael Castro, Texas Water the minutes and Mavor r-.1artin officially he available Aug. 10 for I laic County. Testing was ()(:ing done to sec if addres.~es and tcl..: ­ conded the motion which passed Development Board rcpresenta- presided. · phonc numbers matched up with computer information on l.uhboc:k dispatching equipment. Dispatching by a vote of 4-0. tive· A C Bowden city engineer· The next regular ('()Unci! ror emergencies inside the city limits of Abernathy will he handled hy Lubbock while calls rrom outside The yearly cost will be $3R4. Ne'~ De:.tl Mayor 'Terry Martin: meeting is scheduled for i\ug. 27 the city limits will be disptached by llale County sheri.IT's office. Rcsponsc will still comc from the Councilman Lynn La Fon made Councilman Shropshire; ami at 7:30p.m. same sources as before but with more accurate location information. a motion to renew a main- tenance contract with America Business Products of Lubboc for the city's copying marhine. Abernathy, New Deal ISDs budgeted more than state figures Shropshire seconded the motion. It passed unanimously, Last year trustees in the 1,052 July issue of Bench Marks 1989- i\hcrn;11hy ISD's budget pro­ In NDISD there was one If th e hom L·nwm· r were c li~i ­ 4-0. Texas school districts adopted 2!! School District Budgets in vided $-',23 1.24 per student for tearhcr fm 15. '1 stud ent s. hlc f<>r illllll e.sil':ld L'.\L'nt ptio~l S, The maintenancc agreement budgets totaling $14.25 billion Texas, an annual publication of current operations, $5 .35 for Bcrause of th e ex istenl' L' ol I hL· LIS WclUJd h:11 e l>n·n $(,( )'1 , will cost $315 per year. anLI increased local proper! y the Texas Research League, an debt se rvire and $361.3'i per small classes, espel'i:dly :11 th e :tnd if <>wnnl hv ;1 l'''r""' r. ~ Water-sewer department tax<.:s by another half a billion Austin-based, educational cor­ student for capital outlay based high sc hool lcvcl, :tnd :Jhlnni:~ IL';I!s uld c>r cdd ,· i, the l:tx <>n Hi Plains Drilling of Aber­ dollars. poration engaged in government on the ~(>') students enrolled in ted tear hing : che·duks, nLttll :cn $Sil,lltlll hou st· in thi s di st1 i, t nathy drilled a test hole on a School budgets were 2 1/2 re search. the fall semester of l'JH9. othcr rla sse·s h:11 e n111r e· th ;tn WPu ld h:11e a\'Crage·d $~ 1 - 1, "' 54-acre tract of land the city of times as much in 1990 as the An average of $3,542 per New Deal ISD's budget pro­ the ;tveragc tuttnhcr of stnd c· nl s kss if suhjl'l'l to a t;ts ft ,'Cfl' . New Deal owns. $5.7 billion at the beginning of student for current operations vidt:d $:\(i26.81 per student for To fund hi gher sr!tuul bud ): •· h Th e IH on a hou se that The test hole was drilled July the decade, and school property was budgeted last year plus $102 current operations, $5.0'1 fnr with a dedining Ll\ h:tsc·, "h"''l would se ll f<>r $SII, IIIIII in NDISD 26 in search of an alternate taxes were three times as much. for repayment of debt and $4() I debt service and $Yii•'>I per truste-es in nwst di stri ct.s IL11 c· \l()U\d h:II L' hL'L'II $7'>11 student for capital outlay based r:1iscd t:1x cs. water well site on the land. The ligures come from the per student for capital outlay. If th e h"tllL'()WilL'r \IL'fl' eligi­ on th e (,J'I students enrolled in The avnagc sdH>PI di stri ct hk fm hclnt oil':td c.\L' Ill(ltiun s, the f:dl se mester of JCI~N. impose d a property t:tx ;tt th e· the· tax wcndd ILII L' he·c·n $7 11 .'1, ThL· average s;dary for class­ rate of $1.01 per $ 11111 of ;q> :tnd if ()\\'fled " ' ;t I'L'ISPII (I ~ room teachers p:1id by AISD in praised value, which v: du c· \C:tiS Pid Pr Pidl'l, til e· LIX llll l'IRX - ~') was $2),1\(,9 plus sup­ averaged 97.6 percent nf nLtrk,·t :1 11 $SII, IIil0 hcnt se in thi s di striLI plements for the rar<.:er ladder. value (selling pricc). ll'llttld h;t\·e :IIL'L ibe·d $i •IIS, lll Tht: avnage sa lary for class­ The "true tax rate" w:~s •rs.r. le ss if suhj c· d Ill a Ltx ftL'L' /L' room t<:achers paid by NDISD in cents ($1.01 times 97.(>2 pctcent) Thosi: ·,fgures nunparc \tith l'JXX-X'J was $21,274 plus sup­ statewide. plcme.nts for the career laddn. Locally, the AISD impose d a stat ewi de avcrabc !:IX hill s of $Sill•, $71~ and $'>-11 rL·s perti\cly In AlSO the average salary rate of $-')5 while property wa.s for administrators was $44/>5.1 appraised at 105.4 pcrrc nt of it s for ;111 $SO,illlll hcHISL' and $~,044 for other profcs' market value making th e tru e 1.;"1 )'L'ar AISD'.s rnenue fmm sional support employces (libra­ rate $1.002 per $1011 of m:~rh et th e propntv l:tx ckne:tscd hv ..1 rians, COUnselors, nmses, SUJl<:r· value (selling prict:). J'L'rl'L'ttl :11HI Nll!Sil'.s increase d visors, etc.). The NDISD impnse·d " r; tt L' of by t 7.2 f' l' ILc'll l f.,, \'IS'I-'10 :ts In NDISD the average salary $1 1-l'i while properly "'"' :tp n>mp;u·L·d lc• a 'i.l pnce· nt for administrators was $40,244 prai sL· d at 114.7 perre nt .,f ih incrc:t.sc' st:tlt'mdc and $21,250 for ot hcr profes­ market value making th e tru e l.ocd 1'"'1'''''" Lt\l'.s pl11 s sional support employc<.:s. r;tte $UJX4 per $lllll uf nLtrkc·t state :tid 1c·:ts ~ - ~ - i :--. \ J'l'l stucknt Four dollars in live were v;due. in AlSD :111d $ \,-11>11 I'CI stud e· nt spent for salaries. The report points out th:~t th e in NDlSil ;cs n•nq>:ct ,·d 111 $\,IS(, Statewide payroll expenS<: calculation of a lrlll: ta x r:tl c· S(;t( CII' iLk. averaged $2,~'1."i pn student, as based on market value t.ilh c· • The prim:tr\ 1''"1'''". cd slat e compared to $4,101.X4 in AISD thai> on appraised value L'ILtl>l cs ;tid is to equ:tli ;e· st:il c' :ctH I l<> c tl and $2,7'12.')7 in NDISD.
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