http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf6s20053j No online items Register of the Herbert Hoover Oral History Program Interviews Finding aid prepared by Rebecca J. Mead Hoover Institution Library and Archives © 1999 434 Galvez Mall Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-6003 [email protected] URL: http://www.hoover.org/library-and-archives Register of the Herbert Hoover XX028 1 Oral History Program Interviews Title: Herbert Hoover Oral History Program interviews Date (inclusive): 1966-1973 Collection Number: XX028 Contributing Institution: Hoover Institution Library and Archives Language of Material: English Physical Description: 26 manuscript boxes, 3 phonotape reels(11.0 Linear Feet) Abstract: Originals in possession of : Herbert Hoover Presidential Library. Interviews with political leaders, businessmen, military officers, journalists, writers, physicians, secretaries, aides, friends, and associates of Herbert Hoover, relating to their recollections of Hoover in various capacities, including relief work director, president of the United States, and chairman of the Hoover Commissions. Interviews sponsored by the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Access One folder in Box 10 (Leslie R. Groves interview) closed until 2022 March 20. The Hoover Institution Library & Archives only allows access to copies of audiovisual items. To listen to sound recordings or to view videos or films during your visit, please contact the Archives at least two working days before your arrival. We will then advise you of the accessibility of the material you wish to see or hear. Please note that not all audiovisual material is immediately accessible. Publication Rights For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Paul R. Leach interview may not be quoted without permission. Helen J. D. Sioussat interview may not be quoted without permission. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Herbert Hoover Oral History Program interviews, [Box no., Folder no. or title], Hoover Institution Library & Archives. 1. A.R.A.American Relief Administration 2. C.R.B.Commission for Relief in Belgium 3. H.H.Herbert Hoover 4. L.H.H.Lou Henry Hoover (Mrs. Herbert Hoover) Subjects and Indexing Terms Audiotapes World War, 1914-1918 -- Civilian relief World War, 1939-1945 -- Civilian relief United States -- Politics and government -- 1929-1933 Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964 Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) United States. Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government (1947-1949) United States. Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government (1953-1955) TRANSCRIPTS 1966-1972 Scope and Contents note Typewritten and mimeographed transcripts of oral history interviews with persons who knew and were associated with Herbert Hoover. Arranged alphabetically. box 1 Adams, Charles F. (father was Sec. of Navy in the Hoover Admin.--interviewee had little personal contact with H.H.) Aiken, George D. (Senator from Vermont; Second Hoover Commission) Akerson, George E., Jr. (father was a secretary to H.H.; re: H.H.'s relations with the press) Albright, Horace M. (Director of the National Park Service under H.H.; re: parks and Camp Rapidan) Register of the Herbert Hoover XX028 2 Oral History Program Interviews TRANSCRIPTS 1966-1972 Albury, Calvin (fishing guide) Allen, Mrs. Ben S. (husband was Stanford University alumnus, journalist and friend of H.H.--primarily social contact) Allen, Robert S. (journalist) Anderson, Jack Z. (Congressman from California and Republican Party activist) Anderson, William B. (re: H.H. birthplace, West Branch, Iowa) Andrews, T. Coleman (Second Hoover Commission) Angell, James B. (carillonneur at Stanford University and engineer--only one contact with H.H.) box 2 Anthony, Edward and Esther (aide to H.H. during the presidential campaign) 1928 Antle, Vincent K. (FBI agent in charge of H.H. in Florida) Arentz, Samuel S. (friend; includes a description of H.H.'s meeting with Adolf Hitler) Barclay, Thomas S. (Stanford University political science professor, in Paris in relatively little personal contact with H.H.) 1919-- Barker, Burt Brown (friend during H.H.'s adolescence in Oregon) Beatty, (Alfred) Chester (mining associate) Behrens, Earl G. (Political editor, S.F. Chronicle, and Stanford University alumnus) Benson, Ezra Taft (Sec. of Agriculture in Eisenhower Admin. and acquaintance) Berlin, Richard E. (newspaper executive and friend) de Beughem, Vicomtesse (Belgian citizen in Brussels during World War I) Binns, Joseph P. (hotel executive, Waldorf Astoria) Blocker, James and Bowers, Don (Key Largo Anglers Club) Blumenthal, Morton (New York state political activist) box 3 Bodkin, Edward O. (Key Largo Anglers Club) Boone, Admiral Joel T. Parts I-IV (friend and personal physician) Boris, Mr. and Mrs. Kosta (Mr. Boris was H.H.'s valet) Bowman, Mrs. Edwin (social secretary and friend) Brooks, Katurah and Phillips P. (maid and messenger) Brouha, Elizabeth Shaler (father worked with C.R.B.) Brown, Mrs. John A. (husband President of Mobil Oil Co.; neighbors at Waldorf Astoria) Brown, Milton W. (C.R.B.) box 4 Brownell, Herbert (Attorney General in the Eisenhower Administration; Second Hoover Commission) Brumback, Ellen (research assistant for H.H.) Burland, Elmer Granville (A.R.A.) Butler, General Frederic B. (Asst. Dir. of Public Buildings and Parks in Washington, D.C.; involved with Mrs. Hoover in White House refurbishment project) Camp, Loretta L. Francis (secretary to H.H.) Campbell, Allen (and Mildred Hall Campbell) (father Gov. of Arizona and head of Civil Service Commission in the Hoover Administration) Campbell, Mildred Hall (2nd copy) (worked with L.H.H. with Girl Scouts) Campbell, Mrs. J. Clinton (Key Largo Anglers Club) Cannon, Charles A. (New York Life Insurance Company Board of Directors with H.H.) Caro, Frank (art dealer; re: the Hoover's collection of Ming blue-and-whites) box 5 Catledge, Turner (reporter and editor, New York Times; re: Mississippi flood relief) Chandler, Loren R. (Stanford University alumnus and fellow Bohemian) Chapman, John, Thyrza Turcott and Reuben Maury (staff of New York Daily News) Chennault, Mrs. Claire L. (reporter with Central News Agency in China--social contact) Clark, Birge M. (architect; re: Hoover home on the Stanford University campus) Clark, Fred G. (oil industry; Chairman, American Economic Foundation; fellow Bohemian) Clark, General Mark W. (Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Occupation Forces in Austria, U.S. High Commissioner; re: post-World War II economic and political reconstruction) Clay, General Lucius D. (Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Forces in Europe, U.S. Military Governor in Germany; re: post-World War II relief) Register of the Herbert Hoover XX028 3 Oral History Program Interviews TRANSCRIPTS 1966-1972 Coates, Charles B. (Assistant to the Chairman and Director of Public Relations, Second Hoover Commission) Coberly, William B., Jr. (Stanford University alumnus and brother-in-law of Allan Hoover) Cole, Albert L. (President, Boys' Clubs of America) Considine, Bob (sportswriter and author of articles about H.H.) Creighton, Robert E. (Stanford University student with Paul Sexson, who was a secretary to both L.H.H. and H.H.) box 6 Crossette, George (father was a mechanical engineer who worked with H.H. as a research associate) Curtice, Arthur A. (oil and mining associate of H.H., Jr.) Davie, Eugenie M. (Republican Party activity--little personal contact) Davis, Joseph S. (Director, Stanford University Food Research Institute; involved with post-World War I food relief) Davison, F. Trubee (Asst. Sec. of War in the Hoover Administration) Dell'Agnese, Fio (Manager, Waldorf Towers) Dempsey, M. Elizabeth (secretary) Denton, Robert H. (newsreel photographer, covered H.H.'s trip to Latin America) Derby, Harry L. (chemical industry executive and Chairman of the Tariff Committee of the National Association of Manufacturers; re: Smoot-Hawley Act and other economic issues) Dewey, Charles S. (worked in the Treasury Dept. under Sec. Mellon; re: World War I Foreign Debt Commission) Dewey, Thomas E. (Governor of New York and Republican presidential candidate) Dickie, Mrs. Jean Kellogg (father, Vernon Kellogg, was a Stanford University biologist and a close friend of H.H.) Dill, Hon. Clarence C. (Congressman and Senator from Washington while H.H. was Sec. of Commerce) Douglas, James H. (Asst. Sec. of Treasury in the Hoover Administration) Doyle, Morris M. (Stanford University Board of Trustees in late 1950's) Drescher, George C. (White House Secret Service during Hoover Administration) box 7 Dulles, Eleanor Lansing (sister of John Foster and Allen Dulles; re: World War II relief and reconstruction) Durno, Ruth Steadman White (secretary during Hoover Administration) Dutro, Elmore Raymond (U.S. Army and post-World War I European relief, Reparations Commission) Dyer, Susan L. (fellow student and "lady-in-waiting" to Mrs. Hoover in the White House) Edison, Charles (son of Thomas A. Edison, who was a friend of H.H.) Eisenhower, President Dwight D. (re: the Second Hoover Commission, appointed by President Eisenhower, and the Bonus Army--General Eisenhower was an aide to General MacArthur, Chief of Staff during the Hoover Administration) RESTRICTED SECTION(2 pages):closed until 2017 Evans, Ralph (worked in the Interior Department in the Roosevelt Administration, owner of radio and television stations in Iowa and member of the Herbert Hoover Foundation; re: H.H. library and birthplace) Falter,
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