PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - EVENING HERALD, Thurs., April 12, 1979 Panel Approves Another Angel Human Relations Board Local Schoolboy Baseball School Funding Plan Abandons Charlie Votes Neutrality on CD Teams Impress In Wins Page 2 HE Page 2 Page 13 Page 14 iHandipal7r Cloudy Today IS RISEN Rain Developing iE im th tg Oatallt on pago 2 Cell Transplant Vol. XCVIII, No. 164 — Manchester, Conn., Friday, April 13, IST? WASHINGTON (UPI) - In research with far-reaching im­ plications for the treatment of “Christ Is Risen!” And once again diabetes, a St. Louis researcher has overcome the immunity on Easter Morn, the miracle of His barrier and transplanted insulin- producing cells from healthy to U.S. Silent -resurrection brings joy and diabetic rats. The development moves inspiration, as we gather together researchers a step close 'in the long effort to develop a way to use in the house of the Lord, with our cell transplanation as an alternate On Charges means of delivering insulin to families and friends...to worship, humans whose bodies do not produce enough of the hormone to to rejoice, to give thanks for His regulate their sugar levels. But Dr, Paul E, Lacy, director gift of life everlasting. May this of pathology at Washington Of Spying University, emphasized that Eastertide bless each of us with several formidable obstacles still CAPE TOWN, South Africa (UPI) In Washington, the State Depart­ must be overcome before doctors — South Africa expelled three U.S. ment was officially mum on the infinite trust in the goodness of can try the techniques in humans. Air Force personnel for spying with charges, but one senior official said, the ambassador's plane. Washington "With the current domestic scan­ life, hope for the future and faith in did not deny the charges, but dals, the South African government Carter Aloof suggested the South Africans needed needed a scapegoat, and it chose the the spiritual truths that sustain us. SAPELO ISLAND, Ga. (U P I)- a “scapegoat" to draw attention higge.sl one around." President Carter is staying aloof from its own explosive domestic The official was referring to what from a growing consensus among scandal. South Africans have come to call the his economic advisers that Prime Minister Pieter W. Botha, in Muldergate scandal, after former In­ another interest rate increase is a special television address ap­ formation and Interior Minister Con­ needed to slow down inflation, ac­ parently designed to embarrass the nie Mulder, accused of mastermin­ cording to his aides. United States, said Ambassador ding a $73 million slush fund to buy — The aides said Thursday William B. Edmondson’s personal foreign support for South Africa ano The Church Points The Way To Godf Treasury Secretary Michael Reechcraft plane was fitted with a its racial policies. Blumenthal favors tighter credit high-speed camera for spying sweeps "You can figure out several controls, and other key advisers over "slratcgically" important areas I'casons for the timing," a senior are backing him or leaning that Easter Tradition of the country. State Department official said, "but way. "It has been established that the one that seems to make the most For Richer, Fuller Living*,* 'Carter is remaining aloof," Pope John Paul II washes the feet of a men­ Lateran Basilica Thursday. 'I'he ceremony, members of the United States' Em­ sense is that this is domestic politics. aides said, leaving it to the tally handicapped old man, in memory of bassy have been engaged in es­ The South African govern^nt is in during which the Pope washed and kissed the pionage against South Africa," Botha Federal Reserve Board to make Christ’s gestures to the Apostles, during a real trouble because of theff scandal, feet of 12 handicapped men, is part of the said, "I am bitterly distres.sed to and they need a foreign scapegoat.” the decision. The president Holy Thursday ceremony in St. John in St. James Catholic Church realizes that support of higher in­ rites marking Holy Week. (UPI photo) learn how South African hospitality Botha said Edmondon’s $900,000 St. Bartholomew Church 896 MAIN STREET has been abused. 730 EAST MIDDLE TURNPIKE SOUTH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH terest rates would hurl his Beechcraft Super King Air, a twin HE IS RISEN INDEED MANCHESTER, CONN. "These actions against South turboprop plane with a maximum Pallor Rav. Martin J. Scholaky Vliiin Si . uI llnrlforil l{iiuil, Muni'lii-nliT "populist" image, they explained. Celebrate with us HOLY WEEK SERVICE But options favoring tighter Africa are actions which I would range of 1,250 miles, had a high-speed iKn.v \vi:i;k si hvicivs Ilolv riuirsdav — .Vpril 12 credit restraints have been on have anticipated from the aerial camera fitted under the co­ llo l\ I Pnglor. lim a in Ma.ss . Sunrise Service - The Rev. George Emmitt 6:30 A.M. 7:30 PM LITURGY OF THE LORD'S SUPPER (only Carter’s desk for some time as Town and District Russians," Botha said, "but not from pilot's seat for the spy missions. Genrue Webb, Lawrence Hill, Bruce Pher.son 7 ;i() |) III Mass nt the Lord’s Supper. Mass on Holy Thursday! worries have increased over the leading Western country." One U.S. official .said that he would ■ lollowed hy adoration until 12.(K) Midnight AlU NHV TTIlTtSDW - 7 30 p.m. 62 Voice Male Choir Guild Fridav — April 13 whether the anti-inflation Botha ordered the expulsion of Air not be surprised if the plane, capable III lllessed Sacrament (’hapel. Bible Studies all ages - 9:30 A.M. from Cornwall, b’ngland (Their Only Concert In Conn. I) 3:00 PM CELEBRATION OF THE LORD'S PASSION. To program is working. Force Col. Alvan M. Crews, the of flying at 30,000 feel, were to have I.otid l i iil.iv: :i (M) Solemn Litur^'y of the I’assion. Adora­ Easter worship - Pastor Neale McLain 10:45 A.M. GOOD I'TtlDAI — 7:30 p.m., Holy Communion keep the three sacred hours, there will be a short Prayer defense attache: U.S, Air Force Maj. been u.sed for such purposes, but he tion o! tile Cross and Holy Communion, Evening celebration - Cantata Service in the Church at 12:00 noon, 1:00 PM, and 2:00 PM Bernard McConnell, the assistant 7 no p m Stations of the Cross. Adoration KA.STKII SIM IAV WORSHIP — 9:00 a m. & 10:45 a m In Court over Fund would neither deny or confirm the on Good Friday. ot Hie Cross (No Sunday School • Worship As A Family). Dr. Webb "Alleluia." 7:00 P.M. Russian Ship U.S. air attache: and crew chief specific charges. preaching "The Miracle of Easier." STATIONS OF THE CROSS - 7:30 PM By GRKG PKARSON The suit is not a surpri.se since the would result in a reduced tax rate in Master Sgt. Horace E. Wyatt. lfol> ''.ihm I.iN ; No h 0(1 p in Vi^il Mass. Nursery provided all services WASHINGTON (UPI) - The M 00 p m Caster Vi^il. in lour parts: Ser­ All Choirs Singing At Both Worship Services IIOLV SATl RDAY llcralil K)-|iorl<'r district previously has questioned the the area that is .serviced by the town Soviet Union has dispatched its appropriation ol the Revenue Sharing vice ot Li^hl. Liturgy of the Word. Lilurjjy A 1.000 Helium Balloons To Be Released I Easter Vigil Service 7:30 PM (no morning Mass and no MANCHESTER — Those common department. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 5:00 PM Vigil Mass or lower Church Mass.) newest aircraft carrier, the funds to the Town Fire Department. "t H.iptisin, Lilui^y of the Kucharist 236 MAIN STREET Minsk, along with two cruisers courtroom opponents, the Town of The federal funding is generated by l-.iiHlrr ; HenularSundavMassscliediile H :t(). 10 (M) I F.I.EIIK ITt: jn s r s ’ KESl HHHCTIOIS KA.STF.R SUNDAY MASSES: The district received a letter in MANCHESTER, CONN. and a new type of amphibious ship Manchester and the Eighth Utilities taxing ol the entire town, including 'ind 11 no a m WITH I S! 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon, NO 5:00 PM on February from the federal Office of lliat area serviced by the Eighth Engine Trouble District, now have another issue that to the Indian Ocean. Revenue Sharing ll)al it said sup­ __Easter_Sunda^j_^___^^_^____^^___^_ apparently will be settled in court. District’s department, the suit said. The Pentagon said Thursday the ported its stand tl)at the iunds cannot The district filed suit Thursday to The suit re(|uested a May I hearing Minsk’s present course could take be used as the town had proposed. seek an injunction that would ior the district's request for a tem­ it into the same waters as the U.S. Kevin O'Brien, assistant town at­ Scrubs Mission TBIMTV COVKINANT CHURCH CALVARY CHURCH OF THE ASSEM6UES OF GOD : porary injunction against use of the Concordia Lutheran Church COIVIMDM I V B VI’TIST CIU RCII sup^carrier Constellation, prohibit the town from using federal 302 HACKMATACK STREET, MANCHESTER 647 EAST MIDDLE TURNPIKE, MANCHESTER torney, said, however, that the letter funds for the Town Fire Department. 40 PITKIN STREET, MANCHESTER A young church at old Manchester Green although there is no indication it Revenue Sharing funds for the Town Rev. Kenneth L. Gustafson does not prohibit an appropriation That hearing will be held at 10 a m. in MOSCOW lURI) - Space officials orbiting Salyut 6 station.
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