NAVA BHARAT VENTURES LIMITED NAVA BHARAT CHAMBERS, RAJ BHAVAN ROAD, HYDERABAD- 500 082, TELANGANA, INDIA NAVA BHARAT NBV/SECTL/ 105 /2020-21 June 10, 2021 Listing Department Dept. of Corp. Services National Stock Exchange of India Limit~p BSE Limited Exchange Plaza, 5111 Floor, · Phiroze Jeej eebhoy Towers, Plot No.C/1 , G Block Dalal Street Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) MUMBAI - 400 001 MUMBAI- 400 05 1 NSE Symbol : 'NBVENTURES' Scrip Code: '513023'/'NBVENTURE' Dear Sirs, Sub: Newspaper advertisement regarding reminder to claim the dividends remaining unpaid I unclaimed and transfer of unclaimed equity shares of the Company to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF). Ref: Regulation 47(3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. --oOo-- Please find enclosed copies of the advertisement published in Business Standard (English) and Nava Telangana (Telugu) dated June 10, 2021 , in connection with the subject referred above as required under Rule 6(3) of the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authori ty (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 read with the Companies Act, 20 13. Kindly take the same on record and acknowledge the receipt. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, for NAVABHARATVENTURES LTD., VSN Raju Company Secretary & Vice President Encl : as above. Telephone : (040) 23403501, 23403540, eFax : (080) 66886121 E-mail : [email protected] Website: www.nbventures.com Corporat e Identity No. : L27101TG1972PLC001549 NAVA BHARAT VENTURES UMIIED CIN : L27101TG1972PLC001549 , Re~ Office: 'Nava Bharat Chambers'. 6-3·11 ......... RaJ Bhavan Road.Hyderabad--500 082 TE~­ Tel: +91 40 23403501/40345999 ; e-FaK 080 81588v'£• EofNiil ~ .....ibt.in Wlblla •uzwD_,_.._ ~ _.....,_ - v.w~ ... • ~~11:1-· -"- dr~!I':O ,_,_..,.,.....~ -"'~':~ ........--"""" (2) Transfer of unclatmed equ1ty shares of the Compa'ly to the Investor Education and Protecti on Fund (IEPF) (3) Mandatory updation of e-maa PAN and Bank Details agamst your holding(s). This NOTICE IS hereby gtven pursuant to the provtstons of the Compames Act. 2013 ("the Act") read with Investor Education and Protection Fund Authonty (Accounting. Audat, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 ("the Rules") notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Government of India. As per Section 124(5) of the Act. all dividends remaming unpaid or unclatmed for a penod of seven years are req11ired to be transferred by the Company to the ln¥estor Education and Protection Fund {"IEPF"). Unpaid or undaimed dividends pertaining to a I financial years upto and mcludlng FY 2012-13 have already been transferred to IEPF as required under the Act and the Rules made thereunder. Further. sectton 124(6) of the Act read wtth the Rules reqwes that all shares, in respect of whach dividend has not been paid or claimed for seven consecutive years or more (relevant shares), sha I be transferred by the Company in the name of IEPF along with statement containing such details as may be prescribed All shares tn respect of which dividend has not been paid or claimed for seven consecutive years or more (re evant shares) upto and includtng the year 2012·1 3 wer& transferred by the Company in the name of IEPF and statement contatnang such detans as may be prescnbed is p aced on the Company's website www.nbventures.com. A communication is being sent individually to all the concerned shareholders whose shares are liable to be transferred to IEPF Suspense AccOUnt under the said Rules for taking appropriate action(s). The full details of unpaid I unclaimed dividends of the Company are placed on its websate www nbventures.com and that of the Ministry of Corporate Affatrs (MCA), Government of India, as required under the Act and the Rules made thereunder. • We request you to claim the dtvidends, if any. remaining unpatd to I unclaimed by you from the year 2013-14 onwards. by making an awtlcation .I immediately to KFtn Technologtes Private llmtted ('KTPL'), Registrars • and Share Transfer Agents ('RTA") of the Company. In case we do 110t recewe your claim for the divtdeMs as aforesaid by August 20, 2021 . we shall. with a v~w to comply wath the requirements of the sa1d Act and Rules, transfer the relevant shares to IEPF by !otlowang the procadures stipulated in the Rules ln this regard, without any further notice. Shareho.ders may l(]nd.y note that subsequent to such transfer of relevant shares to IEPF all future benefits which may accrue thereunder, including future dtvidends. if an~ . w•Ube credtled to IEPF• • Further, shareholders may kindly note that. after the abOve-referred transfer 1s made, refunds from the IEPF can be claimed only by complying wwth the prov1s1ons of rule 7 of the satd Rules. As per SEBI CirCUlar dated N>ril 20. 2018, shareholders whose ledger foltos not mapped with e-mail, PAN and Bank account deta~s are requested to compulsorjy furnish the details to the RTA!to the Company for registering the same witn respect111e foliO(s). I· For any queries on the subject matter and tne rules, please contact the Company's RTA at: KFm Technologies Private Limited. Mr.Mohd. ~lohsinuddin, Selemum Tower B, Plot No.31 • 32, Gachibowll Financial District, Nanakramguda. Hyderabad - 500 032. Tel No: 040-67161500, 040-67161562: E-maiiiD: [email protected] or the undersigned at the Company's registered office. For Nave Bharat Ventures Limited Sd/· ~~4 Date · June 09. 2021 VSN Raju ilo~ '= ••t:~ 09, 2021 . ----~.~-- c~=-~P~I=ac:e~: =H:y~d=ern::b:ad:::::::C:o:mp::an:y:Se::cre:ta::ry:&:V:~:e:P:r~:d':e:n:t ~ a~:::;;;::::~~~::::::::~~;;;;~~~&~~!!~~~ .
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