Drumheller H a N

Drumheller H a N

Calgary Reception Archive Copy Please Return W mi Vefluw Pages Area Code 403 m the big country DRUMHELLER HANNA and Area sp: tir?..' 'i.Lit J./HI It;"", I,' ?> 1^ />• 'J 7. Canadian Airlines International Ltd ACADIA VALLEY 43 ACADIA VALLEY Reservations & Information For detailed AGT lletlngs. see (No Charge Dial) 1-800-665-1177 Catholic Rectory Box629-Oyen 972-3780 Index Page at front of directory Kuhn Cari Farm 972-2129 AGTSERVICE CALLS Central Air Conditioning Vancouver - Gal '0' Operator (NoCharge) & Kuhn Irvine Townhouse 972-2462 REPAIR SERVICE 611 AsX For Zenith 08879 Kuhn Irwin Box75 972-3740 (Please see Repair Guide, Champagne R 972-3927 Kuhn Jarrod 972-2277 blue-edged page 9) KukuraF 972-2350 BURIED CABLELOCATION Chrusciel Jerome Box223 972-2206 Chrusciel Vincentbox60 972-2116 KUSH EUGENE& HIS DAUGHTER (Alberta 1st CalO . 1-800-242-3447 ColbeJoe 972-2202 Lawyrs 112 2AvW Hanna 854-3361 BUSINESS OFFICE (Toll-free) 1-529-3344 Conway Catherine Box32 972-2154 Lemare Cari 972-3783 Conway Ralph 972-3893 LeMare David 972-2126 (8 AM to 4:30 PMMonday to Friday) Loran Ervin 972-2105 GENERAL INQUIRIES Lucey Denis 972-2404 (MainSwitchboard) CRIME STOPPERS Maahs Les 972-3894 (Toll-free) 1-529-3311 (No Charge Dial)... 1-800-242-8477 MacTavish A Box0ll4 972-2402 EMERGENCY CALLS Dalshaug E 972-3987 Mahura Ted 972-2214 ("911" Does Not Apply) Dalshaug Ken Box97 972-2262 Mantie Ed Boxl34 972-2141 FIRE ALARM ONLY 972-2111 DAVEY'S CONSTRUCTION Marshall B 972-3812 POLICE— RCMP .... Oyen 664-3883 Tim Davey Marshall Jacob G Box0l25 972-3742 AMBULANCE Oyen 664-2400 .Box65 972-3843 Marshall Peter 972-3758 If Busy Call Oyen 664-3526 Shop 972-2006 Marshall Peter Boxl24 972-3787 HOSPITAL Oyen 664-3526 Dillabough Bruce 972-2322 Marshall Roddy Boxl23 972-3922 POISON CENTRE Donald R Box35 972-2149 Martin's Flooring & Paint DivisionOf (No Charge Dial) . 1-800-332-1414 Donovan HarryBox2840yen 972-2313 Oyen Flooring& Decorating Ltd If Busy Call ... Calgary 1-670-1414 111 Railway AvW Oyen 664-3842 DRY COUNTRY GAS CO-OP LTD Matz Randy Empress 972-2118 LOCAL CALLING AREA 205 2 StW ....Oyen 664-3646 Oyen McFadyen Albert E Boxl46 972-2256 After Hrs 664-3646 McFadyen RR Boxios 972-2309 Just dial the 7-digit number Egeland John BoxS? 972-2304 Accounts May Be Paid At: Meers Dwight 972-2311 Elsasser F G Box45 972-2153 Meers Gary Boxll3 972-2401 any Treasury Branch or Environment Council Of Alberta Chartered Bank Meers Kent 972-2172 Cat '0' Operator (No Charge)& Ask Meers M M Shop 972-3768 For Zenith 06075 Meers Mervin Box3B70yen 972-2301 FARM CREDIT CORPORATION MERIDIAN COMMUNITY FUTURES 219 2AvW Hanna854-3612 COMMITTEE Fauth Robert 972-2333 BAdministrationBldg .Alsask Sask1-306-968-2543 AGT LIMITED Fife S Box54 972-3962 Facsimile Alsask Sask 1-306-968-23!^ ForDetailed Listings See Index Page 3 Morisset G Bruce 972-3779 Business Office FIRE ALARM ONLY .972-2111 MUNICIPAL DISTRICTOF ACADIA (Td-free) Medicine Hat 1-529-3344 NO 34 Box30 972-3808 General Inquiries/Main Switchboard Flemmer Ken 972-2125 UtilitiesOfficer 972-3755 (Td-free) Medicine Hat 1-529-3311 French Paul 972-2186 Gendarmerie Royale du Canada 317 lAvE FireAlarm Only 972-2111 Acadia Columbus Club 972-3955 Plaintes 24 H Oyen 664-3883 24 Hr Road & Permit Information 972-3988 ACADIA SEED PROCESSING CO-OP Administration-Info Oyen 664-3505 Shop 972-3882 LTD Gibson Brent 972-2146 Fax Line 972-3833 Gibson Norman BoxS 972-3775 Munro M T 972-3792 Box 243 Oyen 664-3642 Neilson Barry Boxi33 972-2421 ACADIA VALLEY BUTCHER Gibson William L Box52 972-2300 Gieron B Box62 972-3819 Neilson Brenda 972-2287 SHOP 972-3784 Good Don BoxSl 972-3896 Neilson J R Boxl26 972-2157 Acadia Valley Community Hall 972-9900 Good Glen Box64 Nichols J 972-3841 Acadia Valley Curling Club 972-3848 Good Glenn LandAent Box600-0yen. 972-3766 Nielson C Boxise 972-2408 ACADIA VALLEY FARM SUPPLIES Niwa Brian 972-3871 GOVERNMENT OFALBERTA Niwa Darren 972-2284 a974) LTD 00x210 972-3881 RiteInformation &Referral Centre Acadia Valley Gas Processing Graindate Niwa Dennis BoxVB 972-2123 22333 Niwa Jim 972-3752 Gas Plant 972-3928 Niwa Joseph Bert 972-2217 Acadia Valley Sunset 972-3924 Career Information Hotline iiAi.3753 Niwa Murray 972-2107 AIDS/SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED (No Charge DiaO 1-800-661 375J Niwa Murray Boxii2 972-3790 DISEASE INFORMATION Child Abuse Hot Line 24 Hr Emerg^ -Cd Niwa Nelson & Louise 972-3870 '0'Operator (No Charge) &Ask For Zenith 1234 Niwa R 972-3880 (No Charge Dial) 1-800-772-2437 Deaf Hearing &Speech Impaired-T DD ALBERTA 1ST CALL Number (No Charge Dial) ...•1-8(^0-232-7215 Niwa Rick 972-3732 (Td-free) 1-800-242-3447 Municipal Affairs-Seniors' Independent Li^ Niwa W BoxllS 972-3801 ALBERTA ROAD MANAGEMENT NOVA CORPORATION LTD 972-2282 ALLEN'S AGROCENTRE LTD Government Of Canada - M^ber Of OF ALBERTA 216MainSt Oyen 664-3730 Parflament Crowfoot Constituency 24 Hr Emergefxry Service COTrose -Can '0' Operator (No C'«W)^J,(^22000 Can CollGct Caigary 252-8821 i 972-3753 AMBULANCE . ... Oyen 664-2400 Graham B••••1 d; 972-2207 Nowochin Ron 972-3765 IF BUSY CALL Oyen 664-3526 Grutoki Lucy AMrs Box86 •^72.3837 Ombudsman - Alberta —— Grudecki Martin 072-3911 Cal '0' Operator (No Charge)& Ask Anderson Anker Soxl 972-2260 Grudecki Vince *'5 For Zenith 22422 Anderst Dale 972-2417 Grudecki Walter Drum Egon 972-2310 Anderst Irvine 972-2317 HaagTV _ Gordon1-^ D-wdt-j •;••, 072-2407 Benson Dell 972-2261 Hawryluk Peter Box46lOyen 072-3953 OVEN FUNERAL Benson Ruby M Boxl28 972-2161 Hawryluk Vern 972-3820 Bergstreser Hugo Box4 972-2124 Heeg Edward • 972.2203 SERVICE 114 lAvE .. Oyen 664-3767 Bezjack Bob 972-2128 Beziack Bob 972-3769 HIGHLA%^PARK tanker oyen SEPTIC SERVICE Bird N 972-3830 SERVICE *•»« OIAA Oyen 664-3959 Bishoff George Box306-Oyen 972-2305 24 Hour Service Stobald 6/6-ZlOO Park Frederick James Boxl4l 972-2308 Bishoff Leonard Jr 972-2226 Hittel Gordon 80x55 9^2-3897 - • • Bleile L 972-2169 HjorthS Peers Gary Box92 972-3895 BOB MARKS PONTIAC Peers H W Boxl4S 972-3874 HOSPITAL cwn664-35Z6 Peers Janet Boxiss 972-3778 BUICK LTD bach RonBoxBS 972-2134 Peers Kim 972-3877 105 Paiser Tr Hanna 854-4427 INTRAKABET TRAVEL Peers Larry 972-3842 5572StSE Medicine Hat 526-6931 Peers Murray Box93 972-3776 Booker Ken BoxllEmpress 972-2321 Peers Neal 972-3767 Brausse Mary Mrs Boxia 972-3845 Jangula Joe Boxl74Empress 972-2108 Janzer Wayne Box74 972-2235 PeersRaymond Box66 972-2211 Brunner Lome Box36 972-2103 Peers Tim 972-3863 Burke Harold Box21 972-3834 PETRO-CANADA Burke John F box23 972-2249 KLYM'S FUNERAL Burke T 972-3866 CUSTOMER SERVICE UNE Burke Wifliam Boxis 972-2150 HOME 114 lAvE Oyen 664-3767 (No Charge Dial) 1-800-668-0220 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Knapik Brent Box96 972-2420 SERVICES A LA CLIENTHl 6Administration Knapik Jerry Box95 972-3952 (Aucuns trais<omposei) 1-800-668-0222 BIdg Abask Sask 1-306-968-2545 KohUt A BoxllB 972-2228 Don Swanston Agent Facsimile Alsask Sask 1-306-968-2377 KuhnCari Boxi04 972-3816 Box 2 972-3849 44 ACADIA VALLEY— Westenberger CH Box206 972-2145 Bicknell Richard L Box70Empress 379-2521 Westenberger Charles 972-2248 Bindloss Community Hall 379-3938 BINDLOSS White Craig Box202 972-2171 Bindloss Curling Club 379-3742 Whyte David S 972-2376 Bindloss School 379-3752 Wilbur Brian & Sherry 972-38^ Bongaards Karen 379-2414 POISON CENTRE WILEY & O'BRIEN Chartd Acctnts Brace Leonard 379-3930 (No Ctiarge O'qO . •. 1-800-332-1414 3Flrl80RiversideDrE Drumheler 823-7800 Buffalo Community Hall Buffalo 379-2122 If Busy Cal Calgary 1-670-1414 Women's Shelter Society Buffalo School Buffalo 379-2209 Cal '0' Operator (No Charge)&Ask BURIED CABLE LOCATION SERVICE POUCE RCMP- SeeRoyal Canadian For Zenith 22022 (No Charge Dial) 1-800-242-3447 Mounted Police Zukierski Chester Box205 972-2204 C P RAIL- SeeCanadian PacificLimited RCMP- SeeRoyal CanadianMounted Callaghan Garry Buffalo 379-2103 Police BINDLOSS Callin Irene Boxl26Empress 379-2258 Radford Irving Box71Empress 972-2205 See also Acadia Valley Campbell Bill Buffalo 379-2155 Rafa Dennis Empress 972-2109 for other customers Campbell Happy 379-2243 located In this area. Campbell John R 379-2143 Rafa Don 972-3774 Canadian Airlines International Ltd Rafa Frank Empress 972-2219 For detailed AGT listings, see Reservations & Information Rafa G 972-2114 Index Page at front of directory (No Charge Dial) 1-800-372-9508 Rafa Uoyd Boxl77 972-2222 AGT SERVICE CALLS CANADIAN PACIFIC LIMITED Rafa Lou Boxl77 972-2122 REPAIR SERVICE 611 CP Rail Rafa Peter Box242Empress 972-2209 (Please see Repair Guide, Carload Freight-Call '0' Operator Renaissance Energy Ltd 972-3960 blue-edged page 9) Fax Line 972-3878 BURIED CABLE LOCATION 2Ma,0617s (Alberta 1st CalO •1-800-242-3447 ROYAL CANADIAN BUSINESS OFFICE (Toll-free) 1-529-3344 MIg Adr 1889 6 Av SWMed ftet.... 370 MOUNTED POLICE (8 AM to 4:30 PMMonday to Friday) Central Air Conditioning ''-3939 317 lAvE GENERAL INQUIRIES Vancouver - Call '0' Operator (NoCharge! a Complaints 24 Hr Oyen 664-3883 (Main Switchboard) Ask For S. Adm'nistration-Xnfo Oyen 664-3505 (Toll-free) 1-529-3311 Christman DBuffalo '""" 08879 EMERGENCY CALLS Chudleigh WS ^,2"2276 Rugsven A Boxl07-Oyen 972-2406 Crestar Energy Inc ^^?'2340 Samaritans The Lethbridge- ("911" Does Not Apply) 379-37^, Cal '0' Operator (No Qiarge) & Ask POLICE— RCMP Oyen 664-3883 For Zenith 66003 AMBULANCE CRIME STOPPERS " Scheuerman A Boxi86 972-2243 Call Empress 565-3777 (HaChTOOai 1-gon-ojy Scheuerman Clayton W 972-3754 or Call Oyen 664-2400 Scheuerman Peter L box186 972-2253 HOSPITAL Crocker Clinton J ..

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