
T.O. I 8-268-2-9 Secrion ll TROUBLE P RO BABL E CAUSE REMEDY TLRRET HL\TS CONTINLOUSLY, Reversed cooneclions oo output Correcr conneclions. Ill-N*TI\G CE\TEIthD 180' FIIOI1 terminals of amllidvne ecneraror. PROI)E It Z[RO- Reversed coonections (B & F) to Cotrect connections. l control 6eld of amplidyne geoeraror. d, TLRRET tlU.\-TS CO\TINLIOUSLY, \lis-alignment of l1-speed and Zero seisvns. llllNTING ABOUT FlXEll POln"T one-speed selsln zeros. BUT INCORRECTLY ALIG*-ED. Revised I December 1956 50A T.0. 18.268-2.9 Secrion tl TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE R EMEDY TLilRhl llli^-'fS (-O\TINLOL.SL\', Open selsvn s.ator leed. Corrcct..,nn..tr,,r HI.\TI\C A-I' (-E'{TAIN POSI'I'IONS o\L\. Reversed sel sYn stator le:ds r orrcL t cL'nrr a rlun. on one selsvn. (Remove onc seis;-'n cap and check direction d, in ehich rurrct follo*s sighr ro determine * hich selsvn is reversed.) TIiRRET ROT.{ThS 180' FROV Reversed .urre! motor {ield. Cc,rrecr conneccrons, I)ROPE II. ZERO PO[\'T, FOL. iiL'HT Lou: DIRI'TIo\ oF R.r'crse.r c.nnLr !ron\ to rrrrrct I crc, I onn(.:ron.. DOES II I}I-'f \OT L\T. motor arnrature. Reversed connecrions (C & [)) Correct connectiorts. to primrrv of servo-ampii6er FO\r'l] r rraostormer. Reversed coonections (R1 & R2) Correcr connectrons. ro rorors of both one-sPeed and I 1-speed selsvn Felrerators. Reversed connections (R1 & R2) Correct connecrions. ro borh one-speed and J1-speed control lransfotmer rotofs. TL.ItRET ROTATES lN OPPOSITE Reversed seLs!n sralor ieads orr {-orreci coonecltons. DIRECTIO\ FRO\I SI6HT. both selsvns. l-{ RRt T OPF.ll-{l IO\ ,{IIRUPT. L)pen selsln sr,rlor crrcurt. Replace sel svn. Opcn selsvn roror circurt. Replace selsrn. 11-speed s el svn set. llrnrling of bearings. ge,rrs or Lubricate rnd or r..rJlusi. !ufrer rings. I)efective contact in one or niore Replace cooracts. circuirs, eirhe. in relar s or con- ne c lors. \linor mis-alignment of 3l-spee,J Zero selsvns. and one- speed sels vns. Low a-c voltage. Check dr'namotor. Ileplace if oecessar\'. GU.r' POSITION INDEPENDENT oF Defecriveazimurhcircuitr,,iring. Correcrconnections. SIGHT POSITION I\ AZINIUTH. EL E\:ATION \JOTIO\ CORRECT. 5l 5ec'tion ll T.O. I8.268.2.9 TROUBLE P RO8 ABL E CAUSE R EME DY [)ciective azimuth ampl idvne. Replace amplidvne. Defecrive aziftruth motor. Rcplace motor. I)efective azimuth channel in Replace servo'ampli6er. d, a.nli i6er. lURRETSLUGGiSI{ IN RE.SP()\SL. Supplv voltage los, due to defecrive Replace voicage regularor. teSulJror. Supplv voltage Low, due co defective Replace generaror. 8 e ne ra tor. Defeccive turre t bearings. Replace bearings. Defective amplid) ne. Repiace ampl idvne. De {cctive turret drive moaor. Replace motor. I)e fec cive servo-ampli6er, Replace servo-ampli6er. BORESIGHT CHECK I\DICATES Gun mounting adjustnrent incorrect Boresighr guns. CLNS ARE NOT CORRECTLI tn tutre r, ALIG.T'ED I I]'H SIGHTS. [-nbalanced scrvo-ampLi6er. Balance servo-ampli6er. Defective amplidvne 6eld. Replace amplidvne. Sclsvns not zeroed correclly. Zero sel svns. Change in nounring posirion of -{lign nouncing. turrer or sighr. \O RESPONSE TO ACTIO.\- OF Amplidvne not operarinp Replace amplidvne. SIGIIT. Defective dvnamotor. Replace dr na mo tor. Servo-amplifier connection Correc! connection- de fective. Defecrive servo-ampli6er. Replace servo-ampli6er. Defective acaion swirch circuit, Check and correca defecrrve clrcutt. TURRET HAS ERR.{TIC Loose connections. Correct coonections. OPERATIO^'. 52 T.O. 18.268.2-9 Section ll TROUBLE PR OBABL E CAUSE R EME DY L)efective slip rrngs or brushes io Replace dcfcctivc p.rrr. tLrrrc't, si ght collector. rl,vnamotor OPER.{IION ACCOIIP-{\IED Too rruch sensitirit-"- in amplidvne' ""''""r or r$1rc e B\. \'IBR-{TIO\. OF T}IE DRIVE ;tll,:;i,;'. \IOTOR AND GUNS. TURRET \IOTOR FATLS TO Defecrile conneccion. Locate and correct defective OPER,{TE. lurret jamrned. Locatc and corrcct cluse for turrer J arr mrn!. Binding armature. Re piac e moror. Incorrect or defective wiring. Locate and correct defecrive q rflng. f)efective motor. Replace moror. Improperll seaced brushes. Remove and reseat brushes correcrly. TURRET VOTORS ROTATE IN Incorrect wiring. Correc' \rifing' { RONG DIRECTIO\]. TLRRET \IOTOR ERRATIC OR Defective brushes. Replace brushes. SLUGGISH. De fe c rile colrmut3tor. Replace moror GLN CII,{RGER F.\I LS TO Defeccive elecrric conneccion Check liring lead and charger OPER.{TE I HEN FIRI.\.G to charSer, lead connecred to shell of KEY IS CLOSED. connector and co rrect if de fective. Complere iack of air pressule Check ptessure supply. De(ective timer operating switch. RepLace tiorer. CHARGER SLUGGISH IN Low air pressute Cottect pressure !o at least OPERATION. 1000 psi. Air leakage through exhaust port. Replace gun charger. .{ir leakage around pislon assembly' Replace piston assemblv' Supports c.lamping cylinder too cighr. Loosen sctews slightlv. Section ll T.O. I8.268.2.9 TROUBLE PROBABLE CA USE REMEDY Brokcn piscon-sprin-q Replace piston as s embLv. SE.{R-PL\'- \IOVE.-\ BLIT \lO'l.OR 'fimer rc:;ct improperlv. :\love rrfie r reser-buL!on F,1.ILS TO OPIR.1.TE. ro STAILT position. d, ]lotor mounc binding motor too Loosen scrcq holding rrr,rror rigl)rl!. irr moun t. l)efe cti ve lead to motor. Repair lead. L)e fec rr vr m.rtor. Rcplace motor. Defecrive motor brush. Rcplace brush. SE.\R PI-r- F.{ILS TO \IOVE BLT Bindine in bell cranks. Replacc gun chrrger. \IOTOR OPER.{TES. Defective solenoid sE i tch. Replace gun charger. Defective firiog-solenoid coil. Replace gun charger. IIOTOR OPERATES BLT I\T.{KE Defecrive charging- sol e noid coil. Replace gun charger. \..{L\'E DOES \OT OP E.\, Insufficient friction bet*een soie. Replace rimer. noid sqitch button arm and timer sleeve. Defec rive solenoid sq irch. Replace timer. Ctl,lRCI\G SOI-E\-OID OPER.{'IES Too much clearance betseen valve .{djust clearance to 0.01i-inch. llt-l VAI-\'Fl DOES NOT OPl.\. srem nur and charging plunger bu s hi nq. ,.\IR T.E.\KS \\ HE\ AIR Defecrive valve. Re place v.rl ve. PRES.SLRE IS FIRST -lPPLIED TO BLOCK. I eak or defeccive valve- Repiace spring. comPresslon sPrrng, Loose or * orn nipple. Replace nipple. .{lR LEAKS \ltlE\ CHARGER Improper seating of valve on ,{djusc seacins of valve. OPh R,{TES. exhaust porr. Defective valve-compression Replace spring. spring. Leakage around piston assembly. Replace prston assembl.r, 54 T.0. 18.268-2.9 Section ll T ROUBL E PROBABL E CAUSE REMEDY CIIARCER CONTI\LES TO Defecrive liner opera!ing sE irch. Rcpl: ce trmer OI)ER,{TI- T ITIIO{ T SlOI). I)I\G. 'l_imer rescr burton :rfm out oI Repllce ti ncr adjusrment. \L-\R-Pl\ RF\1.\l\> f\ fF \Dl n. l)irt berseen s.3r-Pio and mounrint Ciean s c: r -prn- bar. Dirr in bell cranks. (-lean bell cranks. Defective solenoid sPring. Replacc sol c nor J spring. CIIAITGEI{ FOITCES CLN TO Solenoid s* itch lever irnpcoperlv Rcplace timer. EJ ECT LIVE ROU\DS OF set. i\\I\IUNITIO\. Fricrion bett ecn s,.llenoid lever arm and tifirer sleeve SE.1R-PIN OP E RATES BUl' Serting of sear-prn incorrect. Adjusr sear-pin ro timing of GLII F-'\ILS TO FIRE. 8ear. Lo* volrage. Adjusr volage to 2.i volts d c. \'.1.L\,'E OPEITATES BL:T AIR I)OES Dusr strainer in vaive block R eplace r'.rlve blocl s:s.n'b1.. r-0T E\TER ClH,{ RGER. cloggec. CH^{ RGER CHA RGES \:ER\' FIST Srud noc installed in gLrn bolc. lnsrall sruC. BLT DOF-S \OT CH.I.RGE GIJN. CII,{RGER STOPS OPER.{TI\G TOO Friction berqeen.eset burlon arrn sooN 0\ LESS Tll.{N Tu c) and rimer shaft roo lo* SECO\DS). Iiepl,rcc solenoiJ spring rnrl CL\ F,{ILS TO CE.\SE F IRLr-G Solenoid spring is defective and I HE\ FIRI\G CIRCLIT IS linkage of bell craok is iammed, bell crank as sernbl ! . OPENED. freventing retraction of sear'Pin. e. RepLace *heeling -{trI\1L \ ITI O\ BOOSTER Detc.ri\.e 11gg heelinp assemblv. frec SPROCKET \T'HEEL I ILL NOT as sembl \'. ROTATE. A\I\ILNITIO\ BOOSTER \IOTOR Defecrive flexible cable. Replace llexible cable. DRI\'ING LNIT DIIIVES, BUT OTHER LNIT DOES \OT. Bevel gear not engaSed on eithet Check that bevel gears are s ha fc. engaged on shaf!s. qrong brake assembl! $ ith I.IIIIUNITION BOOSTER Defecrive brake assemblt or Replace rh. r :PRL){ kt T Tl RNS B.\( K\\'.\Rt hand brake as sembled. ^^- -..' rotatlon. 55 Section ll T.O. I B-268-2.9 Porogrophs 2-1 to 2-10 TROUBLE P ROBAEL E CAUsE REMEDY AIIUUN"ITlON BOOSTt.R \IOTOR Open electrical circr:ir. Che ck elecrrical circuirs borh F.1II-S I'O OPEI{ATE. externallv and intt.rnall;-'. Defeccive 6eld coil. Replace mocor. t, Defective brush. Replace brush. AII\lLNlTIO.r- tsOOSTE R Frce nheeling as senbly inrer- Replacc free nheeling SPROCKET TL:RI'S ONLY ch ange d. assemblv q ith ooe qhich I.\'. REvERSE DIRECTION. drives in proper direcrion. AIITILNITION BOOSTER Defecrive sprockecs. Replace sprocker and shafr SPROCKET TURNS BLJT A\I\lUNITIO.T- B ELT -\-OT DRIVEN. ,Lmmunirioo guide bent Bend guides sufficienrlv to sullicienrlv to impede belr. alloB ammuni!ion beit to pass 2-,i. SELSYNS. (See 6gures 2-3 an,l 2-4.) 2 -8, I\ST.{ LLATION. 2-5. DESCRIPTION. Four Gcoeral Elecrric selsvns Insral.l selsvn on splined shafc. are used on each trrrre! and on the sighting srarion.
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