Crtpob VOL. C NO. 8 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 NOVEMBER 13,2001 TrSriSty Celebrates Veterans Day Registration Woes "It was the combination of the BY EAMONN BROWN failure of the system level soft- News Writer ware that communicates with the web server, an overload of Last week it was obvious to the servers themselves, and a most Trinity students, espe- failure of the People Soft student cially underclassmen, that early administration application registration was not going as software." People Soft is the en- planned. Early enrollment for terprise software that powers the Spring, 2002 semester TCOnline. Cook further ex- through TCOnline fell just short plained the frequent, week- of complete failure, as the only long meltdowns of the system saving grace was the successful as progressively more serious registration of most seniors. reoccurrences of the original From the early setbacks of last systems failure of Tuesday. Tuesday's junior class registra- Tuesday's problems were fixed tion, to the complete break- almost immediately, however, down of Thursday's freshman while Wednesday and Thurs- MiCOL5A3B/,WM registration, the whole process day left many without a sched- Students faculty and staff around the flag pole in the shadow of the was a disaster. ule for the Spring Semester. chapel to honor Trinity's veteran. Most students attempting to Stephen Willard of the Com- enroll early last week received puter Center provided more in- messages indicating that the sight into the problems, server powering TCOnline was emphasizing that the malfunc- Panel Examines War Tactics not working properly or that tions were really not that unrea- different aspect of the war, and an "ideologically bizarre time." there were too many users at- sonable considering the BY REBECCA FOWLER its effects on human rights. Af- Although war is a legitimate News Writer tempting to use the system at demands on the system. "After terward, they opened the panel act of state there should be laws once. Trinity's computer ex- we fixed the server on Thursday for questions or comments. as to the type of weapons al- perts cite a malfunction of one so that students would be able On November 12, 2001 the Greenberg focused on civil lowed and designated safe areas. or more of Trinity's computer to register at 4 P., it failed again Human Rights Program hosted liberties. She addressed issues In response to the United States' and Internet servers, as well a because at 3:59 PM there were a panel discussion on repercus- of immigration, privacy, and history of pol icy d uring war, she malfunction of the software 316 people attempting to regis- sions of the current war on ter- the history of the United States' said, "When our democracy is that links the servers with stu- ter for classes all at once. This rorism. From 5:00 to 7:00 PM in dealings with dissent by chal- put to the test we don't stand up dents' personal computers. caused an overload that was too Terrace Room B, Professor of lenging civil liberties to protect the very notion of Michael Cook is the Dvrector b\g, Cot most servers to handle Lk fot. people rector of the Human Rights Pro- of the most significanti " prob- Tn'amalsboitieea a W oTfec- terns, the company that over- were not waiting their turn and gram Maryam Elahi, Associate lems is that there is such a lack ommendations to assist civil- sees TCOnline and the early were not being patient." Professor of Biology Lisa Foster, of information that one cannot ians of both sides. registration process. Says Cook, see GLITCH on page six and Henry R. Luce Professor know what civil liberties are Foster was able to explain and Laurel Baldwin-Ragaven each suspended. That in itself is a clarify the science and danger presented an audience of ap- violation of civil liberty. associated with anthrax and proximately 30 students and Elahi confronted the topic of smallpox. She gave details of professors with a lesson on a human rights implications in see PANEL on page eight TCAC Sweeps in Marlborough, MA Little Floods Due to Vandalism visions are based solely on size. BY ABIGAIL THOMAS There are other criteria required BY ABIGAIL THOMAS NewsEditor to be eligible for consideration News Editor of the award. These include Thursday November 8, the sponsoring a minimum of five Residents of Little dormitory Trinity College Activities Coun- programs between November found themselves outside their cil (TCAC) in conjunction with 2000 and November 2001, ef- building about 12:20 AM on the Office of Student Activities fective use of available resources November 12. No standard fire and Campus Centers (OSACC) and program evaluations. The alarm, these students did not travelled to Marlborough, MA to students must be a significant - realize they would be standing the National Association for if not complete - factor in the in the cold for nearly three Campus Activities (NACA) decision-making process and hours. New England Regional Confer- the presentation of programs. Large amounts of water were ence. Darrell Claiborne, in a note to leaking from the first floor ceil- All was not learning and ex- several on-campus administra- ing, and water had seeped changing ideas at this year's tors described the award as fol- through the interior walls of the conference. TCAC received the lows, "This award is an honor first and second floor. Excellence in Programming and testament for our student "We were standing outside, Award, an award given to five organizations, TCAC and the and you could literally see the schools - each in different cat- department's commitment to water pouring down the stairs," egories - annually. produce quality programs that commented Jen Poppel '03, a The categories for the five di- see TCAC on page nine resident of Little. The cause of the flooding was simple and most likely inten- INSIDE THIS WEEK'S Cripob tional: a sprinkler head in the building was snapped from the base in the second floor Do you know who your A student steps outside women's bathroom. next door neighbor is ? The Camp Trin-Trin into Hartford "I first saw water leaking out A misplaced tile only begins to show the water answer may surprise you. Politics. Read about it in from the women's bathroom as damage in Little. News see p. 7 Features see pt 12 I was going downstairs for the fire alarm. I had to leap over a and Frohman-Robb to keep This is no small matter. Be- puddle on my way out," Poppel warm. sides being investigated by Witness the paper-and-ink News............. ....page 6 Trinity, the matter is also being observed. Hartford Fire Department re- fight between Nate Baker Opinions... -page 2 investigated by the arson inves- Features page 10 After about an hour, Campus sponded to the scene as well. and Hope Roth as it Arts......... ...page ] 5 Safety opened LSC auditorium They went to the basement and tigators at HFD and the Major Crime Division at Hartford Po- continues this week in Announcements page 17 so residents could find refuge turned off the water valve. Stu- Opinions see p. 3 Sports. page 20 from the cold. Some had al- dents were allowed to return to lice Department. The vandal- ready gone to Anadama, Stowe the ddrm at about 3:00 AM. - - ... seeDORMon page six PAGE 2 OPINION THE TRINITY TRIPOD - NOVEMBER 13,2001 My Registration Woes Online Registration Has String of Problems eted. I thought to myself, "Is ev- trinity BY ANDREW DEMPSEY eryone else having these prob- AmyE.Buchner'02 Kristin B. Powell'03 Opinions Writer lems, or am I just a loser?" My question was answered EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MANAGING EDITOR Ahhh Thursday morning... promptly by the multitude of the one time during the week curse words and cries of anger NEWS EDITOR OPINIONS EDITORS that 1 do not have to rise before that echoed throughout my Brian Nanos '03 Lissy Woodimms '03 Abigail Thomas '03 10:30 AM. But sadly, this past hall. Thursday morning was inter- After half an hour of clicking ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR ARTS EDITOR rupted by a frustrating and ri- the refresh button, the home Eamontt Brown '05 Jim Sethna '04 diculous event. November 8 page for TCOnline finally was the day designated for the loaded. Adrenaline shot FEATURES EDITOR ANNOUNCEMENTS EDITOR Class of 2005 to register for next through my veins as I logged on Kara Klenk '02 Super Woman semester's classes. With my last and began the registration pro- name falling into the group that cess. By the time I began to en- was allowed to begin registra- ter some course numbers, I SPORTS EDITORS CARTOONIST Christopter Silvertmin '03 tion at seven in the morning,! figured I was home free. But my Shane Early '03 Patrick Marinam '03 knew that my sleep was going joy was promptly shattered to be slightly disturbed. I did when an error appeared on my PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR PRODUCTION MANAGER not think all of my sleep would computer screen. I yelled be- Mkol Sabbadini '05 The Invisible Woman be lost though. I figured I would cause I was so close and my set my alarm for 6:50 AM, regis- roommate laughed at me out of ter for my classes at 7:00 AM, spite. SENIOR EDITORS: James Cabot '02, Kate Hutchinson '02, Nathaniel Silver '02 and be back to sleep before 7:15 This same scenario unfolded AM. In retrospect, it seems as numerous times throughout the COPY EDITORS: Anabel Perez '02, Lindsay Dorrance '04, Alison Hunt '04, Eamonn Brown '05, Alex Gordon '05, Edna Guenasio '05, Emily Marclwse '05, Jo Matocha '05 The network had slowed to the pace of a BUDGET DIRECTOR diseased sloth and I was beginning to get Carolyn Rued '03 impatient though my plan should have two hours I spent trying to reg- worked.
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