CV: Taylor James Bell CONTACT McGill Space Institute E-mail: [email protected] INFORMATION McGill University Skype: taylorbell57 3550 rue University, Rm 201 WWW: taylorbell.ca Montréal, QC, H3A 2A7 ORCID: 0000-0003-4177-2149 Canada LinkedIn: taylorbell1 RESEARCH Exoplanets: atmospheric characterization, ultra-hot Jupiters, observations, data reduction pipelines, INTERESTS secondary eclipses, phasecurves, reflected light, high-precision polarimetry EDUCATION Ph.D. Physics, McGill University January 2018 to Present Department of Physics • Supervisors: Nicolas Cowan (McGill) and Pierre Bastien (University of Montréal) M.Sc. Physics, McGill University September 2016 to December 2017 Department of Physics • Supervisors: Nicolas Cowan (McGill) and Pierre Bastien (University of Montréal) • Note: Fast-tracked to Ph.D. program B.Sc. Honours Physics, University of Saskatchewan September 2012 to May 2016 Department of Physics & Engineering Physics • High honours specializing in astronomy, minors in computer science and mathematics • Honours Thesis Supervisor: Doug Welch (McMaster University) RESEARCH FRQNT International Internship, University of Oxford October 2018 to December 2018 EXPERIENCE NSERC USRA, University of Toronto May 2015 to August 2015 NSERC USRA & Research Assistant, McMaster University May 2014 to December 2014 UNDERGRAD Xueying Li* (w/Cowan), McGill University Math and Physics (Winter 2021) RESEARCHERS Optimal eclipse mapping with Slepian functions (*COADVISED) Thomas Villeneuve* (w/Cowan), McGill University Math and Physics (Winter 2021) Optimal eclipse mapping with Slepian functions Zachary Yetman* (w/Cowan), John Abbot College Pure & Applied Sciences (Winter 2019) Optimizing energy balance model performance SUCCESSFUL Taylor Bell, Antoine Darveau-Bernier, Patricio Cubillos, Anne Boucher, Nicolas Cowan, Luca OBSERVING Fossati, Doug Lin, Joshua Winn (2020). A New Angle on the Mass Loss of WASP-12b, PROPOSALS CFHT/SPIRou Proposal (9 hours). Taylor J. Bell, Nicolas B. Cowan, Ian Crossfield, et al. (2020). The Life and Death of Ultra-Hot Jupiter WASP-12b, HST/WFC3 Proposal (22 orbits). Jacob Bean, Vivien Parmentier, Megan Mansfield, Nicolas Cowan, Eliza Kempton, Jean-Michel Desert, Mark Swain, Lisa Dang, Taylor Bell, Dylan Keating, Robert Zellem, Jonathan Fort- ney, Michael Line, Laura Kreidberg, Kevin Stevenson (2018). Revealing Fact or Fiction in Spitzer Exoplanet Phase Curve Trends, Spitzer/IRAC Proposal (620 hours). Thomas Beatty, Dylan Keating, Nick Cowan, Scott Gaudi, Tiffany Kataria, Jonathan Fortney, Keivan Stassun, Karen Collins, Drake Deming, Taylor Bell, Lisa Dang, Tamara Rogers, Knicole Colon (2018). A Test of the Fundamental Physics Underlying Exoplanet Climate Models, Spitzer/IRAC Proposal (44.2 hours). 1 of 5 CV: Taylor James Bell AWARDS NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships-Doctoral Program, McGill University 2018 – 2021 TEPS Ph.D. Fellowship, McGill University 2020 – 2021 McGill Space Institute Graduate Fellowship, McGill University 2016 – 2017 McGill Physics Graduate Excellence Fellowship, McGill University 2016 Department of Physics Recruitment Award, McGill University 2016 Astrophysics Group Recruitment Bonus, McGill University 2016 Gerry "Git" Rempel Memorial Scholarship, University of Saskatchewan 2015 1st Place Team, USask Programming Contest: Novice Category 2015/02/14 James F. Mathison Memorial Scholarship, University of Saskatchewan 2014 Dennis Skopik and Dennis Johnson Scholarship, University of Saskatchewan 2013 Undergraduate Scholarship, University of Saskatchewan 2013 Centennial Fund Scholarship, University of Saskatchewan 2013 General Proficiency Award, University of Saskatchewan 2012 Greystone Scholarship, University of Saskatchewan 2012 PAPERS 9 Papers (4 as first author, 2 white papers), 115 citations (86 as first author) Bell, T. J., Dang, L., Cowan, N. B., et al. (2020). A Comprehensive Reanalysis of Spitzer’s 4.5 µm Phase Curves, and the Phase Variations of the Ultra-hot Jupiters MASCARA-1b and KELT-16b, accepted to MNRAS on 2021/03/23. https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.00687 Charnay, B., Mendonça, J., Kreidberg, L., Cowan, N. B., Taylor, J., Bell, T. J., et al. (2020). A survey of exoplanet phase curves with Ariel, accepted for publication in Experimental As- tronomy, Ariel Special Issue. https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.06523 Keating, D., Stevenson, K. B., Cowan, N. B., Rauscher, E., Bean, J. L., Bell, T. J., et al. (2020). Smaller than expected bright-spot offsets in Spitzer phase curves of the hot Jupiter Qatar-1b, AJ, 159(5), 225. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ab83f4 Mansfield, M., Bean, J. L., Stevenson, K. B., Komacek, T. D., Bell, T. J., et al. (2020). Evi- dence for H2 Dissociation and Recombination Heat Transport in the Atmosphere of KELT-9b, ApJL, 888(2), L15. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ab5b09 Bell, T. J., Zhang, M., Cubillos, P. E., et al. 2019. Mass loss from the exoplanet WASP-12b inferred from Spitzer phase curves, MNRAS, 489(2), 1995-2013. doi:10.1093/mnras/stz2018 Benneke, Bjorn; Cowan, Nick; Rowe, Jason, et al. (2019). Exoplanet instrumentation in the 2020s: Canada’s pathway towards searching for life on potentially Earth-like exoplan- ets, Canadian Long Range Plan for Astronony and Astrophysics White Papers, LRP2020. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3827830 Metchev, Stanimir; Artigau, Étienne; Bell, Taylor, et al. (2019). Continuing Canadian Lead- ership in Small-satellite Astronomy, Canadian Long Range Plan for Astronony and Astro- physics White Papers, LRP2020. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3862921 Bell, T. J. & Cowan, N. B. 2018. Increased Heat Transport in Ultra-Hot Jupiter Atmospheres Through H2 Dissociation and Recombination, ApJL, 857, L20. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/aabcc8 Bell, T. J., Nikolov, N., Cowan, N. B., et al. 2017. The Very Low Albedo of WASP-12b from Spectral Eclipse Observations with Hubble, ApJL, 847, L2. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/aa876c 2 of 5 CV: Taylor James Bell TEACHING McGill University, Montréal, QC EXPERIENCE Teaching Assistant September 2016 to Present • Marker for PHYS 131: Mechanics and Waves (Fall 2020) • Marker and Lab Demonstrator for PHYS 321: Data Sci & Obs Astrophysics (Winter 2020) • Marker for PHYS 333: Thermal and Statistical Physics (Winter 2018) • Marker for PHYS 214: Introductory Astrophysics (Fall 2017) • October 4th, 2017 Guest Lecture • Marker for PHYS 182: Our Evolving Universe (Fall 2016) University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK Teaching Assistant January 2015 to April 2016 • Research Coach for ASTR 104: Astronomy of Planets (Winter 2016) • Resposible for coaching 6 groups of ∼6 students in research project • Student final projects archived at http://sites.usask.ca/astr104/ • Research Coach position developed by the Undergraduate Research Initiative, see: http://research.usask.ca/undergraduate/opportunities/for-graduate-students • Laboratory Teaching Assistant for ASTR 214: Astronomical Spectroscopy (Fall 2015) • Laboratory Teaching Assistant for ASTR 103 (now 113): Descriptive Introduction to Stellar Astronomy (Winter 2015) SELECT PRESS Comet NEOWISE, CJAD 800: The Elias Makos Show 2020/07/22 Astronomers discover pitch-black planet orbiting distant star, CBC 2017/09/19 Daybreak Montreal, CBC Radio One 2017/09/19 Recorded Interview, CJWW Radio 2017/09/16 NASA’s Hubble Captures Blistering Pitch-Black Planet, STScI 2017/09/14 Hubble Observes Pitch Black Planet, ESA/Hubble 2017/09/14 Transit of Mercury, Evening News Saskatoon, Global News 2016/05/09 Comet ISON, CTV News at Six Saskatoon, CTV 2013/11/29 Astronomers Fascinated by Comet ISON, Evening News Saskatoon, Global News 2013/11/29 PUBLIC AstroMcGill Public AstroPhysics Nights. Montreal, QC. 2020/07/24 LECTURES Royal Astronomical Society of Canada - Saskatoon Centre. Saskatoon, SK. 2016/05/16 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada - Saskatoon Centre. Saskatoon, SK. 2014/04/21 SELECT LOC Committee Member: CASCA 2019, McGill University 2018/08–2019/06 VOLUNTEER Outreach Coordinator: AstroMcGill, McGill University 2019/01–2019/12 EXPERIENCES Webmaster: AstroMcGill, McGill University 2018/04–2019/12 Webmaster: Physics Matters Public Outreach, McGill University 2017/09–2019-01 Planning Committee: McGill Physics Hackathon, McGill University 2018/03–2018/09 Observatory Head: AstroMcGill, McGill University 2018/02–2018/09 Volunteer: Eureka! Festival, Montréal, QC 2018/06/10 Mentor: McGill Physics Hackathon, McGill University 2017/11/3 Volunteer: Eureka! Festival, Montréal, QC 2017/06/10 Observatory Guide: University of Saskatchewan 2014/01–2016/08 Webmaster: WIPC Conference 2016, University of Saskatchewan 2015/10–2016/07 Junior Youth Leader: McClure United Church, Saskatoon, SK 2015/09–2016/06 Member at Large: Physics Student Society, University of Saskatchewan 2015/05–2016/04 Resident Care Volunteer: Luther Special Care Home, Saskatoon SK, 2013–2016 Telescope Operator: AstroTours, University of Toronto 2015/05–2015/08 Webmaster: Physics Student Society, University of Saskatchewan 2014/09–2015/04 Volunteer: Science Rendezvous, McMaster University 2014/05/10 3 of 5 CV: Taylor James Bell CONFERENCE Bell, T. J. (2021). Developing and Testing a Novel Physical Model for Ultra-hot Jupiter Atmo- ABSTRACTS spheres, 237th American Astronomical Society Meeting. https://www.abstractsonline.com/ pp8/#!/9243/presentation/1553 (Dissertation Oral Presentation) Bell, T. J., Dang, L., and Cowan, N. B. (2020). SPCA: An Open-Source, Modular, and Auto- mated Pipeline for Spitzer Phase Curve Analyses, Exoplanets III. https://hdconfsys.zah.uni- heidelberg.de/userdata/sdfjellsmgfletrm/events/cepipsglmkfzuubo/cepipsglmkfzuubo _presentation.html (HTML Poster)
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