Vote fo r SWP Anti-W ar Candidates! All Over the World/ The Fourth Internationl Fights Against the War WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE! Socialist Appeal ....p a g e 2 Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. Ill, NO. 79 NEW YORK, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1939 3c a Copy CHAMBERLAIN REJECTS HITLER’S TERMS Pacific Coast Sailors Committee But Leaves Loophole Chalk Up New Victory Formed to For United Imperialist Against Shipowners Aid SWP Front Against Russia Sliding Scale of Wages, Broadening of Campaign Stalin Having Imposed 'M utual Assistance' Basis for Overtime Pay Are W ritten Into On Latvia, Esthonia and Lithuania Is Now Agreement Despite Stalinist Sabotage See Big Labor Vote In New York City for Making Demands on Finland By BILL MORGAN Shachtman and Paine SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct. 10—The Sailors Union of the Although generally interpreted in the press as an “em­ Pacific scored a smashing victory over both the shipowners and the Stalinists here last night when the membership voted to Declaring that the anti-war, phatic negative reply” to H itler’s proposal to settle the war, accept an agreement reached by the Union committee with the anti-fascist candidates of the the -Chamberlain address to Parliament this week neverthe­ Socialist Workers Party would shipowners grafting important concessions in working rules and less laid the basis for bringing into the open the negotiations conditions of employment on deep water ships. The settlement roll up thousands of labor votes w ill result in pay for overtime not previously recognized as over­ in the Councilmanic election which are evidently being carried on unofficially and behind time and provides for a sliding1 ' this November, Dwight Mac­ closed doors. donald, secretary of the Cam­ scale of wages to be determined vote should be in progress. The The loophole was contained in the concluding section of by profits of shipowners with a Radio Operators, the Marine paign Committee, today point­ basic m in im u m wage of $72.50. Cooks and Stew ards also w ent ed out that ten thousand signa­ the address which said: “ Eith­ The agreement further pro-iior this 60-day »extension. The tures had been secured over a er the German Government vides for the re-opening of ne- j Masters, Mates and Pilots sign- must give convincing proof of gotiations for increased wages a 90-day extension and the SPEED-UP IN within ten days after Congress; Marine Engineers Beneficial BULLETIN the sincerity of their desire revises the Neutrality Law and Association a five months ex- We are in fo rm e d , as we go for peace by definite acts and again every six months after i tension, to press, that the New York AUTO BRINGS by the provision of effective that date. I Stalinist Strategy Elections Board has ruled guarantees of their intention S.U.P. Stronger The shipowners were pro- George Lyman Paine off the This victory, won despite | ceeding with their plan with the ballot. In our next issue, we STRIKE THREAT to fulfill their undertakings or carefully planned strategy of °Pen assistance of the Stalin- shall present the facts as we must, persevere in our duty ists. They both hoped by this both the shipowners and the w'ell as a report of the ac­ to the end.” Stalinist betrayers to crush the action to force the Sailors eith­ tion contemplated by the (Special to the Socialist Appeal> most m ilitant union in the west, er to strike alone or to tail New York District of the So­ DETROIT—Resentment and Just - what Chamberlain strengthens the position of the along behind the sell-out artists cialist Workers Party. ... protest over the introduction of w o u ld construe as “convinc­ —B ridges and Co. S.U.P. as the champion of the new speed-up operations and ing proof of sincerity” and The Marine Firemen"and the the failure of the Chrysler maritime workers. Isolated and period of three weeks to place “ effective guarantees” was not Sailors, however, got together Corp. to settle Old grievances doublecrossed by its enemies, Max Shachtman, candidate for made clear by the British and agreed to stick together. brought the threat of a'strike the S.U.P. proved that militant the Bronx, and George Lyman Frime Minister. His vagueness Their committees had joint ses­ of 55,000 U AW -CIO unionists action in the face of danger can Paine, candidate for Manhat­ on this score, like that of Hit­ sions with the shipowners. th is week. produce victory for the work­ tan, on the ballot. ler’s speech, only confirmed the Then, out of a clear sky, the Union officials filed a five ers. opinion that the important and Firemen’s committee signed The Campaign Committee, it day notice required by law The shipowners demanded a specific questions involved are the 60-day extension. was made public today, includ­ MASS DESERTIONS with the state labor mediation 60-day extension on the con­ Can One Justifi y the subjects not for public discus­ The Sailors’ committee held es Jam es B u rn h a m , T re a su r­ board announcing its intentions tract. The longshoremen, under sion among the imperialist riv­ out. They refused to agree to er, Dwight Macdonald, Secre­ IN CANADA SHOW unless satisfactory negotiations Bridges’ leadership, were quick als but only for the private dip­ anything more than a seven-day tary, and George Novack, Fe­ ensued. to accept this offer and even in­ lix Morrow, James P. Cannon, lomatic feelers that continue to extension. If negotiations could ANTI-WAR FEELING Union Demands cluded a clause in the extension Albert Goldman, John G. ALP War Position? be put out everywhere and take place in two months, why which would add another twen- The nub of the whole situa­ which may very easily lead to not now? The 60-day extension Wright, Ray Cushing and An­ ty*one days in the event that thony Chapman. tion is that the union demands a change in the composition of (Continued on Page 2) (Special to the Socialist Appeal) f iling an agreement a strike Reactionary Challenge the right to take part in the the warring camps. SASKATOON, Sask., Oct. setting of production sched­ Although the petitions bear­ British Dilemma The Lovestoneites Provide a "L e ft W ing" 10.—Mass desertions have ules and asks higher wages, ing the signatures assuring the already started in the m ili­ adjustment of working hours What some of the imperialist candidates a place on the bal­ Apology for the ALP Leaders' Support of the tary forces encamped here, and changes in working condi­ critics of Chamberlain de­ lot have been filed with the Behind the Lines according to reports emanat­ tions. The company has arro­ nounce as his “indecision in Board of Elections, it was War Camp of Anglo-French Imperialism ing from the encampment. gantly refused all union de­ prosecuting the war” is only a learned today that an undis­ By GEORGE STERN. Desertions, as high as 30 a m ands. reflection of the dilemma of the closed source had submitted a day, are said to be excep­ Instead it introduced new British ruling class. On the one Trial peace balloons are pop­ ish and French may hope still brief challenging the candidacy By FELIX MORROW tionally high among those speed-up schedules which were hand, it would like to prevent ping more loudly right now to find the lever with which of Max Shachtman. Comment­ French - Canadian transient impossible for the workers to the continued rise of its Ger­ than the guns on the western they can swing the guns ar­ ing on the challenge. Secre­ The “ resolution on the present European conflict” , adopted workers who were driven in­ fulfill. When Dodge workers man rival as a world power of fro n t. ound at Russia. tary Macdonald informed the October 4 by the state executive committee of the American to the army by hunger and protested against this action, first and perhaps decisive mag­ Behind the empty rhetoric of That is why it is no accident Socialist Appeal that according Labor Party has become a touchstone for determining where cold when they failed to ob­ the company locked out 10,000 nitude. On the other hand, it Chamberlain and Daladier, be­ at all that Washington is re­ to the election law the challeng­ every group and individual in the labor movement stands on the tain harvest work. employees. However, the entire fears that the prolongation of hind the veritable flood of in­ ceiving with every evidence of er must specify the reasons for war question. From three independent union in the Chrysler plants the war on the present basis spired peace rumors in the serious consideration the Scan­ contesting Shachtman’s candi- There are three positions on the ALP resolution: and usually reliable sources went to bat on the question1 and would not only increasingly ex­ press, it is not difficult to dis­ dinavian plea against Russia’s (Continued on Page 3) 1. The pro-Anglo-French camp: The resolution was theirs, it was learned that on one the corporation-wide strike has clude the prospect of convert­ cern the dim outlines of back­ drive. That is why the entire ^and openly expressed their pro­ recent day alone 17 uniforms been threatened. ing it into an imperialist offen­ door diplomatic schemes. propaganda of the Allies is con­ w a r views. were found thrown aside Federal conciliators have sive against Russia—for years On’the German side the pur­ centrating on convincing the 2.
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