DUMENIDEATHSUMMONS Widow sues Minister of Defence . and Cabinet for nearly RtOO 000 ---------------STAFFREPORTER _______________ ATTORNEYS for Mrs Shinene Dumeni, widow of the late Mr Josef Dumeni, have confirmed that summons has been issued f h. to the South Mrican Minister of Defence and the interim government Cabinet, for damages in the amount of nearly Rl00 000, for the death of her husband. She claimed that he was "wrongfully killed" by members ofthe SADF or SWATF or SWA Police at Xangongo, in Angola, on June 14 this year. At the time ofthe death ofMr Josef Dumeni on that date, his brother, ELCIN Bishop Kleopas Dumeni, claimed that he" had not been killed in Namibia after curfew, as the army had claimed, but that he had been shot.on Angolan territory. Police remain cagey on the question of the investigation into the cir­ cumst an ces surrounding Mr Dumeni's death, merely saying to reporters of The Namibian that "see­ ing you allege that the incident in question took place in Angola, then you must contact the Angolan police. The J3WA Police has no jurisdiction over another country's territory". But attorneys fgr Mrs Dumeni said that she was suing the Minister of Defence and interim government Cabinet in her personal capacity and. as natural guardian of five minor The late Mr JosefOumeni children: Aune Ndimbulukweni, Ester Ngamwenyo, Maria Ndapundula, for his death, he would have continued Martha Oshowuli, and Ndaitavela to support the family. Tateati . Attorneys for the family confirmed She said she married JosefDumeni that summons had been served on the on November 20 1976, and in his Minister of Defence as the First Defen­ lifetime he was obliged to support both dant, and the interim government her and the children. Had it not been Cabinet as the Second Defendant. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Boys shorts @ R1 ,98 only 200g Tennis Biscuits @ R1,27 ARCHBISHOP Desmond Tutu, pictured at the bombed remains of St Mary's Anglican mission at Odibo in nor­ thern Namibia. Pictures and story on his Visit to the war-torn north inside today. AR RESISTER'S SA < Mens shorts @ R8,05 200gLemon PASSPORT WITHDRAWN Creams @ R1, 14 HANNO RUMPFF, a born Namibian who left the country in early 1985 to avoid military call­ up, h as had his South African citizenship Withdrawn. Hanno left for West Germany where he intended . ~ to continue his studies after completing a degree at Rhodes University in Grahamstown in 1984. 750g Ricoffy @ R5,99 WOEftMANN,~ROCK Commenting on the withdrawal of his citizenship, WHOLESAL-E; he said that he did not consider himself a South Tel: 32391 African in any case, but a Namibian. 2 Friday September 18 1987 'THE NAMII:iiAN Anger -at tariff_hikes leads-to formation of pressure group ------------MBATJIUA NGAVIRUE -----------~ RESIDENTSOFTHE BLACKblacktownshipsofTseiblaagte and water. Aimablaagte in th e south, h ave expressed anger over what they The Municipality was at present consider unjustified and exorbitant increases in rents and rates dealing with the toilet and water problem. introduced by their respective municipalities in Keetmanshoop Mr Boonzaaier said the cost for in­ and Mariental. stallation ofwater meters waspaidfor In Tseiblaagte township just outside of tenants. by houseowners in every town in this Keetmanshoop the dissatisfaction led In the past the cost of services like country, and Keetmanshoop was to the formation, on July 19, of a body water, sewerage, and rubbIsh removal therefore not an exception. known as the Rent and Consumer was included in the rent. The total The increases in rates for water, Pressure Group of Keetmanshoop. monthly payment, including rent, at sewerage, and rubbish removal were The group recently issued a state· that time was R16,OO. fair, because residents ofTseiblaagte ment in which it listed several com· The group said that, now that the now paid the same amounts as plaints against the Keetmanshoop . Municipality levied payments for ser­ resiaents in other parts of Keetman­ Municipality. vices separately, the total monthly shoop. The whole issue ofthe levy paid The Municipality wants to sell . minimum had risen to R33,70 which by employers as a contribution towards houses it builtin the early sixties to the amounted to an increase of almost their employees' rent was irrelevant as occupants. But before selling the 110%. this only applied to a very small houses they want to repair them, but Another complaint is about the percentage of residents. the buyers are expected to carry the Council's treatment ofpensioners and The statement, that the Council had cost of any necessary repairs. the unemployed. not informed pensioners and the However, the consumer's group The group said that the central unemployed about the policy decision claimed that since building the houses government had promised to assist taken by the central government to pay the Municipality had not done any pensioners and unemployed people their outstanding rent was incorrect maintenance work on them, and they who owed rent. But these people were he said. A TSEIBLAAGTE resident sits outside his house which shows distinct therefore felt that the Council should never told by the Council about the pro­ The Council had sent out letters to signs of disrepair. The Keetmanshoop Municipality means to sell the mise made by the government. Instead everyone informing them of this deci­ pay for the repairs. houses built in the early Sixties, but the buyers are then expected to Similarly, the group stated that a they were constantly being told about sion. The problem he said was that this sum of R45,00 the Municipal the large amounts of credit they had only applied to outstanding rentfrom carry the costs of the repairs. authorities charged for the installa­ built up. 1984 onwards. There were large tion of water meters should have been Replying to these accusations the amounts outstanding from the period paid for by the Council. 'Ibwn Clerk of Keetmanshoop, Mr PJ before 1984 and this amounts were not West Germany on the defensive These meters they said, had been in­ Boonzaaier, said that it was simply not covered by the new dispensation. stalled not for the convenience of true that no maintenance work had Furthermore, the policy only applied tenants but for the convenience ofthe been done on the houses. Ifit had been to outstanding rent for the current on nuclear waste issue Municipality. true he doubted whether any of them month, and tenants did not seem to The consumer group said that rates would still be standing. understand that they had to apply for AT A meetingofthe UN Council for took the issue very seriously indeed. charged fo r. services had risen Most of ofthe houses he said, were in the exemption each month. The Coun­ Namibia this week, a specialinvita­ He stated that it was a mistake to say astronomically and the increases were a reasonably good condition and the cil had written to the central govern­ tion was extended to the represen­ that the information provided was unj\lj!tified as the Council also levied only complaints he had received were ment asking them to include unpaid tative of the Federal Republic of mere Swapo propaganda. Various a payment ofRS,50 from $e !lmp)oyt;lJ'S abo.ut the toilet hloclj;s a,nd the laclr, of rent from the pre-1984 period, but they Germany, in order that it couId res­ sources had also raised the same issue, were still waiting for the government's poria to allegations that if intend­ and those sources were not controlled reply. ed to dump nuclear waste in bYSwapo. In the 'Ibwnship ofAimablaagte out­ Namibia. , There was, he said, a serious and siqe Mariental, residents signed a peti­ The allegation had been recorded in dangerous possibility of nuclear waste tion which they sent to the Municipali­ the UN Council's Luanda Declaration being dumped in Namibia, and this ty. As in Keetanshoop, their main com­ and programme of action, from its had to be prevented. He informed the plaint was about the steep rise in rates. plenary meeting in Angola in May. Council that only recently members of Rates had risen by much as 120%, they In his letter of August 31 to the the Greens Party of West Germany had said. representative of West Germany, the researched the very same issue. Fur­ The reason given by the Mariental President of the Council for Namibia ther, it was clear that there was col­ Council was that there was a R50 00 invited him to address the Council on laboration going on between West Ger­ deficit in the budget·. the Luanda Declaration. many and South Africa, as reflected in Spokesmen for the Aimablaagte In his reply, the Permanent the issue of development aid. residents said they could not unders­ Representative of West Germany, Mr In recent years, he said, the interna­ tand how this deficit had come about Hans Werner Lautenschlager, said tional community had witnessed in­ because the Municipality had spent that his Government would like to ex­ creased collaboration between West absolutely nothing on improvements plain its position before the Council in Germany and the Pretoria regime. Mr for the township. a detailed and well-founded manner. Asheeke made clear to the Council The only work that had been done Mr Luatenschalger said he had was a new sewerage system for certain made it clear to Swapo President Sam that Namibians were facing a war parts ofthe township. But this project N ujoma the Federal Government had situation and Germany's socalled development aid or other assistance had been funded by the central govern­ no plans to establish the nuclear waste aggravated the situation.
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