,.. .•, ' ' ... ~· • . UNITED ST.•. TES P' CIFIC FLEET • AIR FO!lCE • CVG-19/Al6-lJ(l) CARRIER AIR GROUP NINETEEN Serial: 023 2C April 1951 From: C omm11nrter Carrier Air Group NIN""'f!'.TEEN To: Commandin.e- Officer, U.S.S~ PIUNCETON (CV-37) Subj: Acti0!1 Re9ort for period 26 February 1951 through 2 April 1951 Ref: (a) CNO restricted letter Op 345, ser 1197P34 of 3 Aug 50 Encl: ( 1) Chart of Close Air Support A-ction (2) Ch~rt of DAS, Night Heckler, and Fighter Action (3) Chart of Jet Recon;_,aissance Action (4) Chart of Bridges Damaged 1. The follo~ing action report of Carrier Air Group NINETEEN for the period 26 Februnry~951 through 2 April 1951, as required by reference (a), is fo~arded for inclusion in the report of the U.s.s. PRINCETON (CV-37), I Mission and Composition of Own Forces. 1. During the above specified period Carrier Air Group NINE~ operated aboard the u.s.s. PRINCETON (CV-37), having as its primacy mission the close air support of ~he United Nations Forces in Korea and as ita second­ ary mission the interdiction of enamy supply lines throu~hout the eastern half of North Korea • .2. The Air Group commenced \his ph.qse of ope~ration with the following air­ craft and pilots assigned: No. aboard No .. Available Pilots aboard (a) F9F -21J - Panther 17 16 28 (b) F9F-2P -Panther Photo 3 3 3 (c) FW~·olf • Corsair 30 30 44 (d) F4U-5N - Corsair Nipht 4 3 6 (e) AD-4 - Skyroider 17 15 . 26• (f) AD-J.N - Skyraider Nipht 2 2 5 (p) \D-4'< - Skyraider Queen 2 2 2 (h) \D-4W - Skyraider William 2 2 5 ( i) H03...S - Pinwheel 1 1 2 II SumJn.cy. · During the first eight days of oper&tion (26 Feb to 5 Mar) after returning to the Task Force the F4U-4 and F4U-5Ns of VF-193, VF-192, and VC-3 ranged over the peninsula of Korea attacking rail and highway bridges, houses, supply dumps 1 wareho-uses, vehicles, ox carts, tunnels, railroad cars and locomotives and sidings,. tanks, gun emplacements, and troops in close air support missions. Durin€' this period these squadrons flew one hundred thirty nine sorties com;;rised of NGF" CAS, Liaison, Rec.eo, Pre...da1rn and COI!FlDENTIAI ENCLOSURE).. ' '"'-/ ·-' .• ·' f • . CVG-19/A l&.lJ( l) •·Serial: 023 ZC April 1951 night hecklers and pre-briefed tunnel and bridf!'e st~ikes. The loads were varied from ATARs• HVARs• 100/1 GP, 26ril Frags, 5rxil GP 1 lGrxi/.GP and Napalm to .suit the mission.· • Also during this eight day period the ADs of VA-195 .and VC-35 flew ninety thre6 combat miSsions agAirist enemy forces.- They destroyed bridges, big~ wa.ys 1 .. railroads,._ tunnels, entrenched troops,. gun positions, banks, and supnly art?as. The pl.:!.nes were flown on armed recco flights covering the supply lines in NE Korea with excellent results achieved; close air support fll~hts all along the battle line; and on a large number of "bridp:e and tunnel buSting'' missions.- · While the F4Us and ADs were wrecldnp- hl"tvoe on the bridges and troops of the enemy the F9F-2s of VF-191 flew forty seven sorties comprised of armed recco nnd nhoto escorts fli,11hts covering most of NE Korea •. During- these fli?hts the F<JFs attacked any and all supply c~rrin~ vehicles and troops si~hted as well as critical bridpes And tunnels alon, the routes recording excellent results an the vehicles ~nd troops and fair-results against bridpes and tunnels. Durinp the nine day period of 6 March to.l4 March the F9F Panthers of VF-191 flew twenty four· sorties on armed recco attacking houses, warehouses. barracks, railroad cars, locomotives, ox carts~- and troops with excellent results. The jets carried ATARs and; HVARs over the NE supply routes to seek out targets to dest'r~. • The AD-411 and F4U-~s of VC-35 and VC-3 were launched on 36 pre-dawn and night heckler missions tha.t carried them over the suppJy routes of North Korea•. They carried their varied bomb loads to· numerous targets including tanks,,troops, trucks 1 supply'dumps1 w~rehouses, trains,_ ox carts, bridges, and turinels with outstanding success. The ADs of VA-195 continued their very successful 11 bridge and tunnel busting'' campaign as well as ~ttacking troops in close air support missions. Other targets attacked in their eightysix sorties for the period were-. marshalling yards and supplies. The ADs reoorded excellent hits on all tar~ets attacked ~md their activities should be consi"dered highly success- ful. ' F4U-4s from VF-192 and VF-193 flew one hundred sixty two sorties. during this period Md corried napalm, lOOri/ GP, 40ri/ GP; lOri/ GP end HVIIRs on their CAS, NGF, Recco, brid_ge and tunnel strikes. The F4Us inflicted heavy dam~pe and casualties on the enemy troops on the battle front in the C~S missions. They also took a heavy toll of bridpes, vehicles, tanks and supplies on the reeco and NGF .fliE?hts and contributed a g-reat deal to the success of the interdiction pro,Q'ram by destro:ying several bridges and tunnels with their lCOO/I GP bombs. Durin_g the period between 15 March and 22 March the F4Us flew a total of one hundred seventy one sorties. This includes F4Us assigned to VF-192, VF-193 and VC-3. Assi!'Tled missions included naval !'lllltire spot, rail.raid .I>.._. z . ?f. ,-_~ff_·:~ ·' , ' . , ' • • .•• . CVG-19/Al6-lJ( l) • • Serials 023 20 Aprll 1951 and highWay bridges, turmels, traoks, supply dumps, marsholling ysrds, close air support, ~d lumber concentrations, The ordnance crews loaded the planes with varied types of rockets and bombs depending upon the rrdssion, The use of napalm a~aitist lumber concentrations .further impeded the repair of bridges ?enera~ly the tar@ets for the F4Us, located all along the East Coast of Korea or inland up to .fifty miles. The prima.ry mission of the F9F jet aircraft during this· period was recon.t naissanee. Forty sorties were flown during thi's period, six being escort assipnments for VC-61 photo pl~nes• Covering the major routes which extend­ od on some nights to the Yalu Riv.ir to the NW and also to the Yalu River to the North, the F9Fs augmented the interdiction pi-ogrn.m by supplying !ntor­ mtion on· enemy activity, Roe_kets and 20 MM Ordnance were expended on roll­ ing stock, buildings, trees, ox. carts, ~nd troops along all routes. This same period saw the ADs of VA-195 and VC-.35 flying a total of one hundred twenty missions. For the most part the ADs- concentrated on pre­ briefed bridge strikes. Other assignments were CAS# reconnaissance routes. lumber strikes, and the seeding of railroad tracks. Flying inland and along the length of the Korean Coast the ADs effectively disrupted communi• cation lines at all key points cluring this period, Hecklers proved their ·versatility by accomplishing many difficult as~ignments successful~~ During the period 23 Morch through 25 llarch 1951 the F9F-2B aircraft. of. VF-191 carrying ATIIRs and HVARs went on armed reconnais-sance on the NE coaat of Korea. Four sorties were flown. Four railroad cars were damagcr-d and ', three tracks were destroyed. Buildings, ox carts, a railroad station" and a sawmill were also hit.~ith undetermined damage. ' The FIJ]s of VF-192 and VF-193 flew six NGF spot, fifteen railroad breaker, eight bridge destruction, .1nd eleven close air st\pport sorties. Napalm,; bonbs, and rockets were carried• The NGF spot aircraft struck ta:rgets in the tlrin~ area. All F4U fliphts were considered successful and good destruction was ztecorded. The AD-4 nircraft of VA-195 carried napalm- .Mld bombs and flew four railroad bre~ker, eleven buidge destruction Rnd tWelve CAS aOrties with reported good results at all points. The AD-<.11 and F4U·5N night planes carryinp bombs, rockets, and flares flell four heckler sorties in the l~te evenin~ against trains, trucks, supplies• etc. in NE Korea. Dama~e reports were excellent and included two tre.ins 1 One AD-M>J and one F4U-5N were seven tracks 1 and troops and supplies. dama~d over enemy territory. Cause of damage was unknown and light and the planes were repairabie aboard ship. Durinp the two day period of 27-28 M"'eh. 1951 the AD..l, aircraft flew nine C4.S sorties -and one special CAS sortie in conjunction with·the Air Group from the USS BOXER (CV-21), Napalm and bombs were Mrried, and excellent coverage reported althC~Ugh actual dam.-"lge was unobserved. The F'4U-4 air- \ c.rafti carrying rockets, Mpalm, and bombs, flew nine CAS sorties and one (CV-.21), $ix buildings specia CAS sortie with a flight fran the USS BOXER '30 ---""""' •-,·· --- ':f·:,"~F"'!~If!fJM!';~::.<-.'"' ---·, ""N-"-\'·: \- -~--\')) . ' ,_, •' ;. • • ! • CVG-19/.\16-13( 1} . ' • • Serialt 023 ~ 20 April 1951 were burned a.nd good coverap-e of the ~rea was reported. One AD-4 was llE!'htly damaged by bomb blast and -was repaired aboard ship. Durinp the period 30 March throlll'h 2 April 1951 the'F4U-5N and AD-J,N night pla.nes flew eighteen heckler sorties c·fl.rrying bombs, rockets, and flares. · Excellent results were reported. Trucks, troops, railroad tracks and Cars, buildines· And ':lridges "Were rtttaoked and· moderAte t-o complete destruction W1l.S reported.
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