No. 36 991 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 8 JUNE 1967 Land Taken for an Aerodrome in Block 1, Clyde Survey Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ District, Wairoo County General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 5th day of May 1967. BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General [L.s.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. A PROCLAMATION GOD SAVE TIlE QUEEN! PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Brigadier Sir (P.W. 51/3408; D.O. 9/599/0) Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New Zealand hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for an aerodrome and Land Taken for the Auckland-Hamilton Motorway in the City shall vest in the Chairman, Councillors, and Inhabitants of of Auckland the County of Wairoa; and I aso declare that this Proclama­ tion shall take effect on and after the 12th day of June BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General 1967. A PROCLAMATION PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928 and section 4 of the SCHEDULE Public Works Amendment Act 1947, I, Brigadier Sir Bernard HAWKE'S BAY LAND DISTRIcr Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New Zealand, ALL those pieces of land situated in. Block I, Clyde Survey hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the District, Wairoa County, Hawke's Bay R.D., described as Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the Auckland-Hamilton. follows: motorway. A. R. P. Being SCHEDULE NORlH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ~ g i~.6Iparts Lot 3, D.P. 5390, being also parts Paeroa 1 2 5.2 IE 2 and IE 6. ALL that piece of land containing 12 perches situated in Block 7 3 29 XVI, Waitemata Survey District, City of Auckland, North 12 1 7 Auckland R.D., and being Lot 4, .of Allotments 7, 8, and 9 of 4 0 37 Parts Paeroa Block IE 6. Section 54, City of Auckland. All certificate of title, No. As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan 80/877, North Auckland Land Registry. marked M.O.W. 21213 (S.O. 5561) deposited in the office Given under the hand of His Excellency the Govern or­ of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this orange. 30th day of May 1967. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ [L.s.] JOHN RAE, for the Minister of Works. General, and issued under the Seal .of New Zealand, this GOD SAVE 1HE QUEEN! 19th day of May 1967. (P.W. 71/2/8/0; D.O. 71/2/8/0) [L.S.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. Goo SAVE lHE QUEEN! (P.W. 23/381/77/1; D.O. 16/80/4) Allocating Land Taken for a Railway to the Purposes of Street at Lyttelton BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION PURSUANT to section 226 of the Public Works Act 1928, I, Land Taken for Street Extension in the City of Lower Hutt Brigadier Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, the G overn or­ General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto shall, upon the BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General pUblication hereof in the Gazette, become street, and that the By his Deputy said s,treet shall be under the control of the Lyttelton Borough RICHARD WILD Council and shall be maintained by the said council in like manner as other public highways are controlled and main­ A PROCLAMATION tained by the said council. PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Brigadier Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New SCHEDULE Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for street extension and shall vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the ApPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land allocated to street: City of Lower Hutt as from the date hereinafter mentioned; A. R. P. Being and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect o 0 1.2 Part railway land being part Reserve 33. on and after the 12th day of June 1967. o 0 1.5 Part railway land in. Proclamation No. 15. Both situated in the Borough of Lyttelton. SCHEDULE o 0 1.3 Part railway land bein.g part Reserve 1242. WELLINGTON LAND DISTRlcr All situated in Block IV, Halswell Survey District (S.O. ALL that piece of land containing 33.4 perches situated in the 10469) . City of Lower Hutt, Wellington R.D., and being Lot 16, As .the same are more particularly delineated on the plan Block IV, D.P. 1306. All ·certificate of title, Volume 142, folio marked L.O. 20125 deposited in the office of the Minister of 177, Wellington Land Registry. Railways at Wellington, and thereon coloured sepia. 992 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 36 Given under the band of His Excellency the Governor­ the Westland Catchment District, as constituted by Order General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, in Council dated the 13th day of December 1944, published this 6th day of June 1967. in Gazette, 14 December 1944, Volume III, page 1504, as [L.s.] J. B. GORDON, Minister of Railways. amended by Order in Council dated the 9th day of September 1953, published in Gazette, 10 September 1953, Volume III, GOD SAVE lHE QUEEN! page 1472, and amended by Order in Council dated the (N.Z.R. L.O. 6938/69) 31st day of August 1960, published in Gazette, 1 September 1960, No. 56, page l306, and amended by Order in Council dated the 18th day of August 1965, and published in Gazette, 19 August 1965, No. 45, page 1323, and further amended by Consenting to Stopping Road in Block II, Piopiotea Survey Order in Council dated the 10th day of August 1966, and District, Taumarunui County published in Gazette, 18 August 1966, No. 49, page 1302, and hereby redefines the boundaries of the Westland Catch­ BERNARD FERGUSSON. Governor-General ment District by declaring ,the area of the District to be the ORDER IN COUNCIL land described in the Schedule hereto. At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 15th day of May 1967 SCHEDULE Present: ALL that area in the Westland and Nelson Land Districts, being all the Boroughs of Westport, Greymouth, Brunner, THE RIGHT HON. KEIlH HOLYOAKE, C.H., PRESIDING IN CoUNCIL Kumara, Hokitika, Runanga, and Ross, and all the Counties PURSUANT to section 149 of the Public Works Act 1928, His of Inangahua, Buller, Grey, and Westland, and par: ~f the Excellency the Governor-General, aoting by and with the County of Waimea bounded by a line commencing at the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby consents mouth of the Kahurangi River in Block V, Kahurangi to the Taumarunui County Council stopping the portions of Survey Uistrict, Nelson Land District, and proceeding gener­ road described in the Schedule hereto. ally south-easterly and southerly up the middle of that river to its source on the summit of the north-eastern watershed SCHEDULE of the Heaphy River in Block X, Kahurangi Survey District; SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICf thence generally south-easterly along the summit of that watershed to Mt. Gouland, again generally south-easterly ALL those pieces of road situated in Block II, Piopiotea along the summits of the Tasman Mountains and Peel Range Survey District, South Auckland R.D., described as follows: passing through Flanagan, Aorere Peak, Mt. Peel, Tableland, 'A. R. P. AdJoining or passing through and Gordons Pyramid to Mt. Arthur; thence generally south­ wes'terly along the summits of the Arthur and Lyell Ranges o 0 6:8941 Lot 4, D.P. 17392. passing through the Twins, Mt. Star, Trig. Y (Mt. Gomorrah), Mi. Luna, and Nugget Knob to the south-western corner of g5 ~:~ Lot 4, D.P. 17392, and Lot 6, D.P. S. 6004. Block VIII, Lyell Survey District; thence leaving the Buller 1 27.4 Lot 4, D.P. 17392, and Lots 6 and 7, D.P. S. 6004. County boundary and proceeding south-westerly along a o right line to the south-western corner of Block XII, Lyell g ~ j:U Lots 5 and 6, D.P. S. 6004. Survey District; thence s'outherly and easterly along the western and southern boundaries of Block XVI, Lyell As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan Survey District, to the northernmost corner of Section 14, marked M.O.W. 20991 (S.O. 43218) deposited in the office Block I'V, Maruia Survey District; thence southerly along of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured the eastern boundaries of Sections 14, 4, and 5, Block IV, green. aforesaid, to the northern boundary of Block VIII, Maruia T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk of the Executive Council. Survey District; thence generally easterly and southerly along the northern and eastern boundaries of Block VIII, and (P.W. 37/22; D.O. 18/15/0) the eastern boundaries of Blocks XII and XVI, Maruia Survey Distfi.ct, to the summit of the watershed between the Mataldtaki, Glenroy, and Maruia Rivers; thence generally Consenting to Stopping Road in Block I, Clyde Survey southerly along the summit of that watershed passing District, WairO'a CO'unty through Mt. Mantell, Trig. C, Maruia Saddle, Trig. E and Trig. IZ, to a point on the southern boundary of Block BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General XIII, Matakitaki Survey District, one mile west of Mt. Cann, and being also a point on the common boundary between ORDER IN 'COUNCIL the Waimea and Inangahua Counties; thence easterly along At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 15th day of the southern boundary of the said Block XIII, to the southern May 1967 side of the public road forming the southern boundary 'Of Present: Section 10, Block XIII aforesaid; thence generally easterly along the southern side 'of that road to a point in line with THE RIGHT HaN.
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