6641 v: And tlaai a copy of so much of the said plans, pulsion or agreement, and to hold the same for the sections, and books of reference as relates to each purposes aforesaid, and to levy rates or rents. in of the" several parishes in or through which the respect of such supply of water as aforesaid, and to said railway and works are intended to pass, or grant certain exemptions from such rates and rents, The made, or maintained, will be deposited for and to vary, alter, or extinguish all existing rights public inspection, on or before the thirty-first day or privileges in any manner connected with the of December next, with the parish clerk of each lands, buildings, reservoirs, springs, streams, waters, of the said several parishes, at their respective and other hereditaments proposed to be purchased residences or taken for the purposes of the said undertaking, Dated this tenth day of November, 1845. or any of them, which would in any manner im- Westmacolt, 28, John-street, Bedford- pede, prevent, or interfere with any of the powers row, London, ServelL and Netvmarch, or purposes aforesaid, and to grant other and Cirencester, Solicitors. further rights and privileges. And it is also intended, by such Act or Acts, to take power to stop up, alter, or divert, whether temporarily or permanently, all turnpike and other roads, and. highways, railways, tramways, Lancashire Waterworks. aqueducts, canals, streams, and rivers within the OTICE is hereby given, that application is in- aforesaid parishes, townships, and extra-parochial tended to be made to Parliament in the ensu- or other places, or any of them, which it may be inNg session, for an Act or Acts for better supplying necessary to stop up, alter or divert, by reason of .Tvith water the several parishes', townships, and the construction of the said intended works, or any ..extra-parochial or other places of Turtoii, Entwisle, of them. ;Edgeworth, Quarlton, Bradshaw, Harwood, Breight- And it is'also intended by such Act or Acts to -met, Tonge with Haulgh, Little Bolton, Great obtain power and authority to take, impound, use, "Bolton, Bolton in the Moors, Great Lever, Middle- and apply the waters, now flowing to, through, or rton, Deane, Farnworth, Kearsley, Darcy Lever, Clif- into the several brooks or streams called the Cad- .'•ton, Prestwich, Pendlebury, Worsley, Eccles, Pen- shaw Brook, the Wayoh Brook otherwise the . dleton, Salford, Manchester, Broughton, Hulme, Broadhead Brook, the Wbittlestone Brook, the Chorlton upon Medlock, Ardwick, Clayton, Gorton, Edgefold Brook, Hob. Lane Brook, Bradshaw Openshaw, Bradford, Beswick, Newton, Crumpsall, Brook, Litherman's Brook, Hazlehurst Brook, .Moss-side, and Rusholme, all in the county of Lan- Quarlton Brook, Wawve's Brook, Welshfold Brook, rcaster, or some of them; and for the purpose of Raikes Brook, and Hardy Mill Brook, or some of .affording such supply of water as aforesaid, it is them, all in the parish of Bolton in the Moors afore- proposed by the said intended Act or Acts to autho- said, and their respective tributaries or feeders, or rize the construction, enlargement, and maintenance some of them, all which said brooks or streams of a reservoir or reservoirs, with all proper embank- flow to, or into, or unite with the River Tonge, in "inents, sluices, drains, and other works in connex- the said parish of Bolton in the Moors, and after- ion therewith, at or within the several townships wards flow to, or into, or unite with the River of Turton, Entwisle, Edgeworth, Quarlton, Brad- Irwell, at or near a certain place called Prestolee, in shaw, Harwood, and Tonge with Haulgh, all in the the same parish of Bolton in the Moors. parish of Bolton in the Moors, in the county of And it is further intended by such Act or Acts to Lancaster, or some of them ; and also the construc- enable the said company to be thereby incorporated to tion, enlargement and maintenance of such cuts, enter into and carry into effect such arrangements and ' canals, aqueducts, dams, weirs, main-pipes, and all agreements as may be necessary or proper for accom- ' other, works in connexion therewith, from such re- plishing the several objects and purposes, or any of ^servoir or reservoirs, in, into, through, or near the them, of the said intended Act or Acts with the several parishes, townships, and extra-parochial or commissioners of the Turton and Entwisle Reser- other placeg of Over Darwen, Blackburn, Turton, voir, the Bolton Water Works Company, the Man- ' Entwisle, Edgeworth, Quarltou, Bradshaw, Harwood, chester and Salford Water Works Company, the •Breightmet, Tonge with Haulgh, Little Bolton, Blackburn, Darwen, and Bolton Railway Company, . Great Bolton, Bolton in the Moors, Great Lever, and the Manchester, Bolton, and Bury Canal Navi- Farnworth, Middleton Deane, Bury, Kearsley, gation and Railway Company, or any of them; and Darcy Lever, Little Lever, Outward Pilkington, for the purposes last aforesaid, it is intended to ' Clifton, Prestwich, Pendlebury, Worsley, Pendleton, alter, amend, and enlarge some of the powers and 'Salford, Manchester, Broughton, Hulme, Chorlton provisions of the several Acts of Parliament, upon Medlock, Ardwick, Clayton, Gorton, Eccles, whereby the said commissioners of the Turton and * Openshaw, Bradford, Beswick, Newton, Crumpsall, Entwisle Reservoir, the Bolton Water Works ; Moss-side and Rusholme, all in the county of Lan- Company, the Manchester and Salford Water Works caster aforesaid, or some of them, as may be neces- Company, the Blackburn, Darwen, and Bolton sary for affording such supply of water as aforesaid. Railway Company, and the Manchester, Bolton, And it is also proposed, by such Act or Acts, to and Bury Canal Navigation and Railway Com- incorporate a company for the purpose of carrying pany respectively, have been incorporated, or the said undertaking into effect, and to enable the under which they now respectively act, or some of *' company to be thereby incorporated to purchase them. I and take lands, buildings, reservoirs, springs, And notice is hereby further given, that maps or ~ streams, waters, and other hereditaments, by com- plans and sections of the said intended works, and.
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