NtB-PnSI O r ^i^aKi PALI. I>. S t U H K l l i K l i IIKiH S( H(K)I. lion 1 p i mn tfc. m The Schreiber Times Port Washington. New York. February 15.1989 Volume XXIX No. 6 Mystic Rhythms Plays to Full House by Dan Juceam Myatic Rhythms, in their second public performance, G. O. Nets Profit in Winter Concert packed the Schreiber audito- rium on Friday, February 10 in an unprecedented winter con- cert. Nearly the entire gamut of rock and roll mudc was played before an audience of over 450, mainly Schreiber students. A t 8:00 P.M., a crowd consist- ing of students, graduates, and parents began to fill the audito- rium. Administrator Alphonse Campbell, armed with G.O. representatives, Jon Schoen and Steve Schneiderman, ad- dressed the audience and intro- duced the bend. Observing the boisterous audience, Mr. Campbell admonished students against "excessive screaming* and detailed several rules, in- cluding forced expulsion from the proceedings (followed by school suspension) for any drinking or drug uam. Sohoan and Schneiderman followed with an introduction of the band. TTie Mystic Rhythms, con- sisting of vocalist Craig Giants, percussionist Rob Bordsn, bas- sist Mark Overend, guitar-key- boardist Rick Viesta, and gui- tarist Adam Zimmon, played a two hour, 20-pi u s song perform- ance. As this was Schreiber's first winter c o n c e r t , the admini- stration had fielded no definite policies regarding certain as- pects of the show. This became apparent from the onset. When Mystic Rhythms opened with Rnk Floyd's, "Run Like Hell," a few students at the front of the auditorium began to stand up and dance. One of the crowd controllers immediately toldthe studentstositdown. As the song continued, however, fans once again jumped out of their seats in deference to tha music. A controller forced them to return to their seats, but toward the e n d rfthe concert the administrators ceased their ef- forts and let the crowd have its continued an page 3 Gvdtarista Rick Vieata and Mark Overend r o c k the crowd in Friday nl^t concert. ENTERTAINMENT FEATURES Mystic Rythms China Day pages 9-11 Concert Review Photo Feature page page 13 Valentines Personals NEWS Students Don Pajamas at Human Relations Party by Heather Oatennmn followed, as students relaxed i n The Human Reladona Com- front of the television while pies mittee kicked off the second from Domino's arrived. semester with a p^ama party The following activity was a held on January 30. Over fifty story chain. Everyone sat in a students attended, decked o u t in circle, each person adding to the a variety of pajamas ranging storyaaitwentalong. Thestory from plaid flannels to oriental grew more and more fantastic, silks, carrying teddy bears, from sex-change operations, to stuffed rabbits, and lions. Dani talking trees with argyle socks, Super was awarded for wearing and to love relationships. No the best p^amaa. one quite understood the story, Journeying even further into everyone seemed to enjoy it. childhood, students plopped Everyone's stuffed animals in down on the floor in front of the wereenteredinacontest. Prank television, plates, and bowls Bigelow's homespun teddy bear < piled high with food of every type (Damien OHourke) took first g and watched Bugs Bunny car- prize. 03 toons. After watching Bugs This contest officially fin- chase after cardboard rabbits, ished up the evening, but every- get shot at, and knock-out a one lingered in the gym until 10,000 lb wrestler in one round, forced out by custodians, who i students lined up to participate were waiting to lock up the in the sleeping bag race. Four school. People collected their teams competed, with the win- sleeping bags, slippers, pillows, ning team receiving gift certifi- and animals and shuffled out Craig Johnson, Karen Graser, and Christina Mauro relax for some bedtime stories cates to Ben & Jerry's. The the door. winners were Jeremy Wein- When asked if he had a good traub, Ole Oberman, Arash Sa- time, one student commented. Club Shorts lemi, and Craig Johnson. I t was really great! A lot of Next came limbo, with stu- people showed up and everyone dents cheering on the sidelines seemed to have a really good Speech Society partment and were organized by volunteer, and was attended by as others limboed under the pole time!" Another student inter- Mr. AI Pollakusky and Mr. Mi- a few dozen American bom and as it got lower and lower. After- jected, "We should have this by Jeff Pinaky chael Koenig. Since they a dozen foreign bom students. wards another round of cartoons every month, i f s great!" The Speech Society will hold haven't been sol d for a few years, The party began with Mrs. a public speaking contest to be HRC and Safe-Rides joined to- Ann Mingorance cooking attended by English classes on gether to continue the tradition. waffles in the kitchen, while Committee Assesses March 16. Contestants must According to Sondy Youdelman, students drove around Port provide a copy of their original Safe-Rides fund-raising chair- Washington trying to find speech i n advance. There will be man, This fund-raiser hasnt houses of International Club- Food Service a first place prize of fifty dollars been done in several years, so I members and transporting ev- have no conception of how much by Robert Weiu proved to be too expensive. The and a second place prize of eryone to Mrs. Marantz'shome. wel! make.* Sondy said that the A meeting intended to im- main reason far the expense was twenty-five dollars awarded to Bucky Tomizawa and Masa- clubs hope to have raised ap- prove service in the students' the cost of fresh produce. Vend- the two best speakers. nobu Izui^ provided music. proximately $500. Port Wash- cafeteria was held in the guid- ing machines were also rejected The Speech Society was ington Florists is supplying the Between bites of wafiles, every- ance resource center on Januaiy because they would compete started earlier this year under carnations, and gave t h e clubs a one had the opportuni^ to 26, and as a result several with the food service. the guidance of Mrs. Olga discounted price. The money speak w i t h those last year's club changes in food service have Dufour, an English teacher at Several suggestions were raised will be divided between members who had come to the Schreiber. According to Mrs. been implemented or are under taken under consideration. One the two clubs. Safe-Rides will breakfast. The waffles were Dufour, the emphasis of the consideration. suggestion was to display the use the earnings for the Drug topped with ice-cream, fresh club is on formal and informal At the start of the meeting daily menu more prominently Awareness Day planned for strawberries, and Hershey's speaking skills that students the students present were asked and possibly to display items April. HRC will use the money chocolate syrup—which Alex- need for school, work, and in all to identify any concerns or make that could be purchased- This to sponsor spring activities such andre insisted was de rigueur. life situations. When asked any suggestions they had. Ac- would give students a better as Family Feud, Intergenera- There were also piles of sau- about the importance of these cording to Dr. Barish, some idea of what is available, espe- tion Conferences, and the St. skills, Mrs. Dufour replied, sages, English muffins, and questions were easily handled, cially less known items such as Patrick's Day party. "Most careers that will be open fruit. but others required more discus- soup, which is available daily. to young people in the near fu- The recent efforts of the I n - sion. The sale of kosher deli sand- ture will require the highest Other students involved in ternational Club include assist- One the ideas that has wiches and a system of request- level of creative thinking and publicity and organization far ing the Social Studies Depart- become a reality is an express ing specific foods e a r l y and pick- communication skills. Colleges the sale were Emily Portney, ment with the Chinese New line. This was suggested be- ing them up later are also under are looking for students who can President of Safe-Rides, Year's celebration by gathering cause students with only one consideration. express themselves well," Any Amanda Sacher, Eliza Comer, posters and Chinese art objects. mod in which to eat lunch found The meeting was attended student interested i n competing and Nana Obermann, When Many members of the club as- that they sometimes did not by Schreiber principal Dr. Sid- in the contest must attend at asked why the clubs decided to sisted in the celebration by dem- have enough time to eat afler ney Barish; Port Washington least one Wednesday meeting of hold the fundraiser, Sondy re- onstrating their Chineae tal- waiting on long lines. This line Schools Food Manager, Agnes the organization or see Mrs. plied. This kind of activity ents. makes the school aware that will allow students to get aquick Tiberia; Regional Director of Olga Dufour in the English re- The International Club is these clubs exist and also to fi- snack or a beverage without Educational Food Management source room. currently planning a Second nance upcoming events.* having to wait on the line for full Services, Marlin Schrager; and International Festival at lunches. Bagela, which have eight students: Maria Bartini, Schreiber.
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