THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DI ARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE 'IHE WHITE HOUSE OC'IOOER 1, 1981 WASHIN3'ION, D.C. TIME DAY 7: 55 a.m: 'Il!URSDll) PHONE i :!> .._ ...... ~ ~ ~ _____ Q. a: 7:55 'lhe President and the First Lady had breakfast. 9:00 'lhe President went to the Oval Office. 'lhe President met with: 9 :02 9 :32 James A. Baker III, Chief of Staff 9 :02 9 :32 Edvin Meese III, Counsellor 9 :02 9 :32 Michael K . D:aver, D:puty Chief of Staff 9 :02 9 :20 Richard V. Allen, Assistant for National Security Affairs 9:40 9 :50 'lhe President met with: Mr. Baker David R. Gergen, Assistant for Carrnunications 9:50 12:20? '!he President met with: Mr. M:!ese Mr· D:aver Mr . Allen Richard G. Darman, Assistant and D:puty to the Chief of Staff 10 :17 10 : 23 p 'lhe President talked with Reginald H. Jones, 01airman of the Board and Chief E:xecutive Officer, General Electric canpany, Fairfield, Connecticut. 12:18 12:20 R 'lhe President talked with Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig, Jr. 12:25 'lhe President went to the cabinet Roan. 12: 25 1 : 23 'lhe President participated in a pre-news =nference briefing and hmcheon with: Mr. Baker Mr . Meese Mr. D:aver Mr. Darman Mr . Gergen Mr. Allen Craig L . Fuller, Assistant for cabinet Affairs Larry M. Speakes, Acting Press Secretary Martin C. Anderson, Assistant for Policy D:velop­ ment 1:23 'lhe President returned to the Oval Office. 1:52 'Ihe President vient to the East Roan. Pago_l_ ot_ 3_ Pagos THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE OC100ER 1, 1981 'lliE 1-IHI'IE HOUSE TIME DAY 1'111.SHING'KN, D. C . 2 :00 p.m. 'IJ!URS[}'IY PHONE J ~ t-~~"""T~~--t ~ ~ .. 0: 2:00 2 :37 'll'le President participated in his 4th Press Conference. 'Ihe President's remarks were broadcast live over nation­ wide radio and television. 2: 37 '!he President returned to the Oval Office. 2:42 2 :49 p '!he President talked with the First Lady. 2:55 3:00 'lhe President met with Mr. o=aver. 3:06 '!he President returned to the cabinet R:x:rn . 3:06 3:41 'lhe President participated in a cabinet Comcil ~ting on E<X:ncrni.c Affairs. For a list of attendees, see APPENCIX -"A. u 3:30 R 'lhe President was telej:honed by Secretary Haig. 'lhe call was not canpleted. 3: 41 'lhe President returned to the Oval Office. 3:54 4:qo p '!he President talked with Secretary Haig. 4:06 4:09 'lhe President met with: Mr. Daonan David C. Fisdler, Special Assistant 'lhe President net with: 4 :15 4:23 J . R. ~is Toarey , fomer actor 4:20 4 :23 Deborah Shon , god-daughter ,of Mr. Tocrrey and lawyer with the National Educatic:n ASsociatic:n (NEA) 4:37 5:08 'lhe President net to discuss the proposed sale of the air defense enhanoeirent package (l\WJ\CS) to Saudi Arabia with: Senator R'Jbert c. Byrd (lrWest Virginia) Mr. Allen Max L. Friedersdorf, Assistant for Legislative Affai.rs 5:09 5: 26 'lhe President net to discuss the proposed sale of the air defense enhanoerrent package (AWJICS) to Saudi Arabia with Senator Gor<X:n J . HurPu"ey (R-New Harrpshire) Mr. Allen Mr. Friedersd:lrf Page_ 2_ ot_3_Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE OC'IOBER 1, 1981 'lHE WHITE HOl..SE TIME DAY WASHING!OO, D. C. 5 : 27 p.m. ·'IHlJR5[lllY PHONE I ~ t-~~"""T~~--t ~ ~ .. a: 5:27 5: 49 'lhe President rret to discuss the proposed sale of the air defense enfihancerrent package (AWACS) to SaOO.i Arabia with: Senator D3n Quayle (R--Indiana) Mr • .1\llen Mr. Friedersdorf 5:50 6:07 'lhe President rret to discuss the proposed sale of the air defense en<:hancerrent package (AWACS) to Saudi Arabia with: Senator Harry F . Byrd, Jr. (I-Virginia) Mr . Allen Mr. Friedersdorf 6:09 6:26 'lhe President rret to discuss the proposed sale of the air defense enChanCErre11t package (AWACS) to Saudi Arabia with: Senator Sam Nunn (rrGeorgia) Mr. Allen Mr. Friedersdorf 6 :27 6: 47 '!he President rret to discuss the proposed sale of the air defense eI}dlancerrent package (AWACS) to Sau.ii Arabia with: Senator J . James Exon (Do-Nebraska) Mr. Allen Mr . Friedersdorf 6 :53 'lhe President returned to the second floor llesidence. 7:35 '!he President and the First Lady had dinner. 10 :45 '!he President retired. EJ Page__3._of-3._Pages TH E WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE OCTOBER 2, 1981 '1HE WHI'IE HOU>E TIME DAY WASHINGION , D. C. 7:45 a.m: FRIDAY PHONE ~ ~ !! g 1---...,.------t ~ '; Q. a: 7:45 'Ihe Presieent and the First Lady had breakfast. 8:55 'Ihe Presieent Went to the doctor' s offioe. 9 :05 'Ihe Presieent went to the Oval Of fioe . 9 :05 9 :28 'Ihe Presieent rret with: Jarres A. Baker III, Otl.ef of Staff Edtlin M;!ese III, Counsellor Michael K . D:aver, D:puty Otl.ef of Staff 10:02 10:05 'Ihe Presi eent rret with: · Mr. Baker Larry M. Speakes, .l\cting Press Secretary 10:58 11:05 'Ihe Presieent rret with: William J . Casey, Director of the Central Intelligenoe Agency (CIA) Mr. Maese 11:06 11:15 'Ihe Presieent rret with: J:X.Tight Ink, Director of the o:mnunity Servioes Administration (CSA) Sam Cornelius, D:puty Director, CSA Lawrenoe Goldberg, Assistant Director, CSA Clarenoe Hodges , Assistant Di rector, CSA Mr. M;!ese Ec:'Win L. Harper, D:puty Di rector of the Offioe of Managerrent and Budget (<M3) 'lhe purpose of the rreeting was to congrat ulate officials for closing ro.in CSA on October 1 , 1981. Merrbers of the press 11 : 25 12:08 'lhe Presieent participated in an interview with: Saul Pett, senior writer for Associated Press (AP) Scot t Stewart, photographer for AP Mr. D:aver Mr. Speakes 12: ll 12:14 'Ihe Presieent rret with: Dr. David Paton, forrrer college roamate of Mr . Baker, Baylor University, Waco , Texas Mr. Baker 12:14 1:24 'Ihe Presieent participated in a luncheon rreeting to discuss results fran a reoent survey with: Richard B. Wirthlin, President, D:cision Making Infonnation, Washington, D.C. continued Page_l _ot_3_ Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE '!HE WHI'IE HOlSE OCIDBER 2, 19 81 Wl\.SHIOOICN , D. C • TIME DAY 12:14 p.in. FIUJ:ll'U: PHONE 8 )::> .!! ¥ i--~~...... ~~...... ~ ~ .. a: rontinued Mr. Baker Mr. r-Eese Ed R::>llins , D:puty Assistant for Political Affairs 1:40 1: 50 '!he Presi dent rret with: ca.spar W. Weinberger, Secretary of D:fense Mr. Baker Mr . D:aver 1 :52 '!he President went to the East R:X:rn. He was aca:inpanied by Secretary Weinberger. 2:00 2:10 '!he President made an announcerrent regarding strategic weapons , MX, B- 1 and other system; to a group of out-of­ tc:Mn editors and broadcasters. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A." ~rs of the press 2 :15 '!he President returned to the Oval Office. 2: 35 3:02 '!he President rret with Vice President of the Arab Repd:>lic of Elgypt Maj. Gen . M'.lharred Hosni M'.:>ubarek . For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B. " 3:06 3: 10 '!he President taped a rressage for the Justin Dart Awards Dinner on Octcber 6, 1981 in Beverly Hills, California. 3:12 '!he Presirent went to the Map Roan. 3:12 3:28 '!he President participated in a taped interview with Sam A. D::>naldson,. rorre5pondent for :l\BC News, for a special ABC Wide World of Sports on the President's forrrer football coach at Eureka College Ralfh Mci<enzi e . 3: 28 '.!he Presirent returned to the seoond floor Residence. 3:59 4 :00 R '!he President talked with Mr. Baker. 4 :03 R '!he President was telei;honed by Governor Frank White (R-Arkansas) . 'llle call was not rompleted. 4 :16 '!he President and the First Lady went to the South Grounds . Page_2_ of_ 3_ Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE OC'IOBER 2 - 1981 'IHE 1-lHI TE HOUSE TIME DAY WA.SHING'IW, D. C . 4 : 18 p .m. FRr!l".Y PHONE p !• g ;;: a: t-~~--~~--.1 I I "- a: 4 :18 4:57 '.!he President and the First Lady f lew by Marine helicopter fran the South Grom.ds to Carrp David, Maryland. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "C." 5:14 p '.!he President telephoned Governor White. '.!he call was not o:::rnpleted. 5:21 5: 24 p 'lhe President talked with Governor White. 5:25 p 'lhe President telephoned Senator Mark 0 . Hatfield (R-Oregon). 'lhe call was not a::rnpleted. 5 :26 5:28 R 'lhe President talked with Senator Hatfield. 5 : 32 p '.!he President telephoned C. William Verity, Jr. , Chainnan of the Board, Arnoo, Inc., Middletown, Ohio. '.!he call was not cx:rnpleted. 10:22 10:32 p '.!he Presirent talked on a cx:nference line with: 'lhe First Lady Pat D. Miller, attorney with Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher lawyers, Los Angeles , california Page~of_3_ Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE CAMP DAVID, Ml\RYL1\ND OCIOBER 3, 1981 TIME DAY 9 : 46 a.m.
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