PHILIPPINE CONSTRUCTION HIGHLIGHTS TODAY Philippine Constructors Association, Inc. April 2011 Volume II, Issue 1 PCA and EDC launch Industry Coffee Table Book Manila- The proposed Philippine Con- short listing all construction projects that struction Industry coffee table book, a are laudable enough to be included in the joint operation of the PCA and the Phil- play-up project roll. ippine Overseas Construction Board This coffee table book will include all the (POCB) with funding coming from the notable accomplishments of the local con- PCA President Levi Espiritu Export development Council (EDC) and struction industry and primarily aims to and EDC Member Bobby Cas- the PCA was officially launched during showcase the significant contributions of tillo unveiling the giant fac- the Construction Industry Night at the Filipino developers, architects, engineers, simile of the planned Philip- 2010 PHILCONSTRUCT held last No- contractors and subcontractors in both pine Construction Industry vember 2010 at SMX Exhibition Cen- local and international scenes. Coffee Table Book . ter, Pasay City, providing a sneak peek of the book that will come in actual This 4-million-peso-worth project will be print this 2011 in the form of the giant circulated to all Philippine embassies and version of the coffee table book . consulates abroad, all foreign embassies and consulates in the country, interna- PCA FVP Ronaldo Elepaño works with tional institutions such as World Bank and the renowned creative director & photo- ADB and to various chambers of com- artists Philip and Suzanne Escudero in merce & industry of targeted countries. Intl Execs hail PH PPP at NYC 4th Global Infrastructure Leadership Forum New York City- The PPP Coalition of project delivery through forward- was invited to attend the 4th Annual looking technological breakthroughs; Global Infrastructure Leadership Fo- the facilitation of infrastructure in- rum in Grand Hyatt Hotel, New vestments in Latin America; and the York City, USA last January 19-21 role of communication in the success with this year’s theme “The Global of infrastructure projects. Infrastructure Build: Strategic Pro- Likewise, the top 100 infrastructure jects in Global Hotspots” with more projects around the globe were pre- than 500 financial executives from selected with representatives of each Several international firms based both public and private sectors project asked to give concise presen- in the USA and Europe voiced keen interest in all the presented worldwide in attendance. tations of their individual projects. projects. Tackled in the said forum were The PPP Coalition represented by the global infrastructure market de- PCA Executive Director Manolito Notable of which was an Israeli mands in 2011 to 2030; the emer- Madrasto and REID Foundation government institution, having gence of the green model in private President Professor Henry Basilio successfully initiated and com- investments in infrastructure pro- presented the three (3) PPP identified pleted several PPP projects since jects; the global PPP model manag- as ready-to-go projects for the Phil- the early 50s, expressed its eager- ing risks and opportunities; the next ippine government to bid out for ness to shore up the Philippines’ infrastructure trends in Africa, key up and coming PPP program. countries and sectors; the reinvention 2011. PHILIPPINE CONSTRUCTION HIGHLIGHTS TODAY PCA delegates visit ACF-member countries Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Bang- The chairman expressed his interest to One of the plans of action kok, Ho Chi Minh, Singapore– organize a technical working group presented was the signing of Past PCA President and new that will continue to work on the har- ASEAN Constructors Federation monization of manpower skills. This a Memorandum of Under- (ACF) Chairman Jorge Consunji team will be headed by Mr. Elepaño standing (MOU) between made a successful visitation to five with representatives from both private the Philippine Constructors ACF member countries last March 6- and government sectors of all ACF- member countries. Association, Inc. (PCA) and 12, 2011. China International Con- With him were ACF Council Mem- In line with this, all ACF member tractors Association countries are expected to submit cop- ber & PCA President Levi Espiritu, (CHINCA). ACF Secretary General & PCA 2nd ies of their skills and training stan- dards, specifically steel reinforcement Vice President Ronaldo R. Elepaño, CHINCA has invited all ACF mem- Jr., ACF Past Secretary General & and metal formworks. ber countries to attend an infrastruc- PCA Executive Director Manolito P. ture forum on May 28-29 to witness Madrasto, and REID Foundation the signing of an MOC between the Deputy Team Leader Raffy Hernan- two associations which shall lay out dez. the ground rules in operating in each The visitation intended to acquaint country. the newly-appointed ACF Chairman In the interim, PCA is holding dis- Consunji with the nuts and bolts of cussions with the Thai Contractors the federation as well as to formally Association (TCA) and the Singa- introduce the new leadership to his pore Contractors Association Ltd. constituencies. Likewise, Consunji (SCAL) to arrive at a mutually bene- presented his proposed plans of ac- ACF Delegation hosted by TCA at the Royal Amari, Bangkok ficial MOC for all.. tion for years 2011- 2012. DTI invites PCA to the India-ASEAN Business Fair and Conclave New Delhi, India– Philippine Con- A powerful vehicle for the growth of structors Association (PCA) Presi- international business, partakers dent Levy Espiritu was invited by were sure to leap at the opportunity Department of Trade and Industry of driving bargains with their fellow (DTI) Undersecretary Adrian Cristo- exhibitors and participants, market- bal to attend the India-ASEAN Busi- ing their products and services, and ness Fair and Conclave held last working out possible tie-ups. March 2-6. Spearheaded by the Indian govern- This international conference and ment through the Ministry of Com- exhibition was participated in by in- merce and Industry under the India- ternational business leaders and prac- PCA President Levy Espiritu with DTI ASEAN Free Trade Agreement titioners from the ASEAN aiming to Secretary Gregory Domingo at the India- (FTA), the event was attended by the foster their knowledge in propping ASEAN Business Forum, New Delhi biggest players of India’s construc- up international business trades and tion industry and delegations from furthering the two-pronged trade be- headed by DTI Secretary Gregory L. ten ASEAN countries including tween India and its neighboring Domingo with PCA President Espiritu Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao ASEAN countries. as a member of a high-level business PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singa- delegation with the intent to improve pore, Thailand, Vietnam and the The Philippine delegation was trade with India. Philippines. April 2011 Volume II, Issue 1 Buildup projects in DMCI bags Trans-Asia’s PCA to promote Guam currently up for 135-MW coal plant in safety in all grabs Batangas construction projects Guam- $1 billion worth of buildup Manila—DMCI has done it again, di- Pasig City – In light of recent projects bound for the relocation of versification into industrial plant con- construction site accidents, over- Marines from Okinawa to Guam were struction. It was recently tapped by emphasized by the ETON acci- finally detailed by the Naval Facilities the Trans-Asia Oil and Energy Devel- dents in Makati and QC last Janu- Marianas last March 24 and are cur- opment Corporation for the erection ary, PCA Executive Director rently up for grabs. of a proposed 135 megawatt (MW) Manolito P. Madrasto reported coal-fired power plant in Calaca, that the PCA plans to organize a Last March 9, the document was fi- Batangas. construction safety forum among nally signed by Lynda Aguon, State the decision makers of the various Historic Preservation Officer, after the The implementation of an Engineer- ing Procurement Construction (EPC) stakeholders of the construction military had made concessions pro- industry to tackle the undertones. tecting Pagat Village and caves from contract with DMCI was approved by the Surface Danger Zone of the firing the Executive Committee of Trans A total of ten construction work- range that will be built in Route 15. Asia, as divulged in the local bourse ers were killed after they rode a in the Philippine Stock Exchange last work platform gondola as an ele- The signing of the agreement heralded April 1. vator. the initial construction of about a bil- According to the oil firm, the formal lion dollar worth of complexes and What the forum plans to address agreement for the erection of the com- facilities for the Finegayan Marine is the gravity of current industry pany’s first base-load plant was Base ($630 million), Andersen Air malpractices which tend to pre- signed by Trans-Asia and DM Con- Force Aviation Training Complex clude mandatory safety principles sunji Inc. last March 31. ($111 million) and the Apra Harbor to forestall accidents in the future. Waterfront Training Complex ($213 Trans Asia is to spend P8.5 billion for In a meeting with various safety million) . the project. It is expected to emit practitioners, Mr. Madrasto laid lower levels of carbon through adopt- emphasis on safety not as a matter For the taking this April and May ing the clean coal technology in com- of cost but an imperative concern 2011 are the Marine Aviation Com- pliance with the mandated standards that should never be discounted. plex North Ramp Utilities, Marine of the Department of Environment Aviation Complex North Ramp Air- and Natural Resources (DENR). The thrust of the craft Parking, Apra Harbor Medical The coal-fired plant is aimed at ex- Clinic, and the Marine Base Utilities PCA is to make panding the company’s revenue and Site Improvements. Correspond- sources. A significant decline in reve- ingly, to be awarded this December is everyone aware of their nues has been demonstrated by Trans- the Apra Harbor waterfront headquar- Asia in the past two years.
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